I think this is my favorite success stories of those I've written. Armindelis is an amazing woman who found fulfilling work while raising her children, one with severe disabilities.
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Making Hope Happen for Armindelis
1. I N S I D E J E V S PG.6
ts important for single mothers to know you can
have a career and be successful. We can all get
up from that couch and turn that TV off and get
a job, no matter the age. Thats what Armindelis
Toledo says about being a working mom to six
children, the oldest of whom is age 12 and living
with severe disabilities.
Armindelis Toledo came to JEVS Maximizing Participation
Project (MPP) in July 2006. She wanted to work, but finding services
for her oldest son was difficult. Alex is tube-fed and in a wheelchair,
and she was skeptical about leaving her children every day.
MPP helps Philadelphians receiving TANF (Temporary Assistance for
Needy Families) to find work. MPP clients have a medical exemption
and do not have the same work requirement that other welfare-to-
work clients have. In this case, Armindelis main barrier to finding
steady employment
particularly forAlex.
Thanks to help from
the staff at MPP,
Armindelis was
hired as the bilingual
intake coordinator
on the Special
Education Help
Line at Philadelphia
HUNE (Hispanos
Unidos Para Ni単os
HUNE is an organization providing free bilingual training, technical
assistance and individual assistance to parents of infants, toddlers,
children and youth with disabilities. The position is a great fit with
Armindelis skills and experience.
Armindelis established the help line, but she does more than just
answer questions. She finds resources for callers, posts information
about HUNE on the Internet, and speaks in public about HUNEs
services. I know its hard to get what I need, and I speak English.
Many of our parents only speak Spanish. I want to help them; thats
why Im here, she said.
Two years after MPP case coordinator Carmen Cruz helped
Armindelis find her job at HUNE, she still visits Armindelis to see
if she can be of assistance. Cruz says, For her to get out there, find a
job and hold it down while dealing with a severely disabled
child is huge. Other people use their kids as an excuse not to work,
but not her.
Thanks to MPP, Armindelis no longer feels trapped in the welfare
cycle. She recently won the JEVS Inspiration Award for her
JEVS Human Services
Making Hope Happen for
Family is very important to Armindelis,both hers and that of her clients.If I have
to work and spend time away from my family,it should be doing something that
benefits families,and my job does,she said.
PICTURED: Armindelis with her son Jay.
ArmindelisSetting a Strong Example for Parents of Children with Disabilities
I dont want
my kids to look
back and say,
My mom never did
anything, so I dont
have to.
For more information
Maximizing Participation Project / 267.238.3100
persistence in reaching her goals, and is looking forward to her kids
going to school. I would change some choices Ive made, but never
my kids. They all have their own character and bring something
different to my family.