JEVS Human Services awarded Steve with a Strictly Business Award for his hard work supporting his daughters as a single dad.
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Making Hope Happen for Steve
1. S
teves job is mostly time to
make the doughnuts, says
bakery manager Eileen
Klingberg. Steve Arlan works
the 11 to 7 a.m. shift at a
ShopRite bakery and can tell
you anything you want to
know about making doughnuts. Almost two
years ago, single dad Steve was unemployed
and living in a motel with his daughters Ariel
(age 18) and Hannah (age 12). Thanks to
Steves determination and help from JEVS,
he again is employed and able to provide a
home for his family.
Steve worked as a letter carrier for eight
yearsat theU.S.PostalService butresigned in
2007 because a knee injury made it difficult
to keep up with his daily route. A friend
referred him to JEVS Human Services,
where he enrolled in the helpinghands
program, qualifying for free services.
Helpinghands helps the unemployed and
underemployed in the Jewish community
through job placement, counseling and
financial assistance. They helped me in so
many ways, not just financially, said Steve.
The people who have helped me are the
real heroes.
After helping him locate, pay for and furnish
a small apartment, the helpinghands staff
helped him get the job at ShopRite. What
Steve lacked in bakery skills, he more than
made up for in persistence and hard work.
After starting out
as a part-time
employee, Steve
was promoted to
full-time pay and
benefits. His
manager and
coworkers all
agree that Steve
always has a smile
on his face and
doesnt complain,
often sharing
stories about his
girls and how
proud he is of them.
Though Steve has a tough schedule, he is
always sure to spend time with his daughters,
even taking them to the last Harry Potter
midnight book release. The oldest, Ariel,
admits, I dont think Id be able to pass
high school without his help in history
and science.
Its very important to Steve that his daughters
are happy and get a good education, and he
works an upside down and backwards
schedule in order to be the best father he
can be.
Steve has never given up
even in the most difficult
and depressing of times,
and he is an amazing role model
for his daughters.
JEVS Human Services
Making Hope Happen for
Steve Arlan humbly
accepted the 2008
JEVS Inspiration
Award,presented at
the Strictly Business
awards and fund-
raising event last
fall.JEVS helped
Steve to find an
apartment and
steady employment
after a bumpy start
as a single father
with custody of
two school-aged
PICTURED (top inset):
Samara Fritzsche of the
helpinghands program
I N S I D E J E V S PG.6
helpinghands PROGRAM
SteveNight-Shift Baker Whips Up Recipe for Achievement
Job assessment,readiness and placement
assistance is available to unemployed and
underemployed Jews under the age of 65
by contacting the helpinghands program at
215.854.1874. This program is free to
those who are eligible and offers one-on-
one contact and support from a team of
dedicated professionals.