The document provides tips for organizations on generating news coverage of their events through press releases. It discusses what constitutes news, criteria for newsworthy stories, how to define the key message and make it concise. Guidelines are offered for determining the best media outlets, writing effective press releases that answer the essential questions (who, what, when, where, why), and including key details like quotes and contact information. The importance of photos to complement news stories is also covered.
2. Times Have Changed
Communications has
come a long ways
since the old days.
We have a more
instant, intimate
communication 24/7.
By using a varied
media of contact,
your group can reach
multiple audiences
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3. What Is News?
Merriam Webster says:
1 a : a report of recent events
b : previously unknown information
<I've got news for you>
c : something having a specified
influence or effect <the rain was good
news for lawns and gardens
Garrison Keillor> <the virus was bad
2 a : material reported in a
newspaper or news periodical or on a
b : matter that is newsworthy
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4. Criteria Of News
The criteria by which news is
judged are:
Is it new?
Is it unusual
Is it interesting or significant?
Is it about people?
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5. What Is News?
We focus on good news and
specifically local news.
Murders, fires, scandals usually come
from official sources.
You are generating news about your
events, those things that are closest
to home.
You make local news.
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6. Making Your News
Programs that are new and different.
Solutions to problems.
A success story about a club member or
outcome of a project
A new happening in your club
Sponsoring an event
A fundraiser
Program in a school
Participation in an International program
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7. Defining Your Message
What do you want the public to know about
your event, about your organization, about
your work in the community?
One concrete example of the work of the
organization. Why in the context of your
organization is this a success story?
Include your address, phone number or e-
mail address. Dont assume the reporter
will pick it up from the stationary.
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8. Get To The Point
The nut paragraph: The one sentence or
paragraph in your release (perhaps the last
paragraph) that answers the question, what
is your organization?
Not the mission statement, not the history.
Keep it short.
If they dont read anything else, this is
what they will need to know about you.
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9. A Sample Nut Graf
The Rotary Club of Metro City is a part of District
6900, comprised of 70 Rotary Clubs in Georgia
with close to 5,000 members. Rotary
International is a volunteer organization of
business and professional leaders who provide
humanitarian service, and help to build
goodwill and peace in the world. There are
approximately 1.2 million Rotary club members
belonging to nearly 33,000 Rotary clubs in
more than 200 countries and geographical
areas. Membership in Rotary is by
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10. Which Media Is Best?
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11. Questions To Answer
Who do we want to reach with the
What is the time frame for the story?
Some media lend themselves to a more immediate
message, others require a longer window to place the
What news outlet would be interested
in this type story?
Is it photogenic? (TV vs. radio)
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12. Social Media
A means of communicating with those
who are already following you.
Dont send press
release via website.
Dont send
competitors stories.
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13. News vs. Advertising
Advertising & Editorial
are separate departments
at most media outlets.
There is no charge for
news, but space is at a
Advertising costs money.
Advertising is the reason
newspapers exist to
publish news.
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14. The Media List - Print
Atlanta Journal Constitution
Marietta Daily Journal
The Bright Side
Neighbor Newspapers
The Powder Springs Messenger
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15. The Media List - Broadcast
Google your station
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16. Writing The Press Release
Create a letterhead with your club/church name and a
Include contact information
Keep it short and simple
Include basic facts: who, what, when, where, how,
and why
Make sure everything is spelled correctly
Include a quote from your club President or another
spokesperson if appropriate
Know the deadlines for the medial outlets you choose
The Nut Paragraph
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17. Writing The Press Release
Remember the five Ws:
Answer these in the first one or two sentences
and youve hooked the attention of the
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18. The 5 Ws
Who Thats you. Also its a good
idea to have a local name involved in
the release.
What The essence of your event,
your news?
When Give the date and time. The
full date, not just Friday.
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19. The Rest Of The 5
Where Give the location, including the full address.
If its off the beaten path or you are hoping a
photographer will be there, include directions from a
known location. The directions can be in a separate
note from the press release proper.
Why Heres a chance to get your message out. Say
you are holding the event to raise funds for your
project and tell what the project is about; or you have
opened a new branch of your business because you
are expanding your services.
The Nut Paragraph
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20. Additional Tips
The 5 Ws should be short and to the point. Past the
first or second paragraph expand on your messages.
Putting a quote from your spokesperson as the second
or third paragraph is also a good idea. Reporters like
quotes and the message can be delivered through a
The Metro Rotary Clubs golf tournament will benefit
the children of Metro County, President Bill Smith
Do not try for cute or fluffy stick to the facts but
keep the facts interesting
Keep it short. One page is good, two may be
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21. Name A Spokesperson
Who is the spokesperson for your
The president, committee chairman
or program chairman.
The contact person may change from
story to story, but designate a
contact person in the release.
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22. Sample Press Release
For immediate release
Contact: President name
Phone number/email address
Date: March 28, 2014
Rotary Club of Metro President-elect John Doe attended the annual District
6900Assembly in preparation of his/her upcoming year as head of the local organization. In
addition to Doe, current President Jane Smith and 16 other club members attended the
The Assembly was held on March 28 at the Georgia Convention and Trade Center in
Columbus. During the break-out sessions, Rotarian Bob Jones participated on a panel on the
Rotary Foundation.
I am looking forward to my year as head of this outstanding Rotary Club, said Doe. It
is an honor to follow Ms. Smith in leading this club. We will be continuing to serve our
community, following the Rotary motto of Service above Self, he said.
Rotary International is a volunteer organization of business and professional leaders who
provide humanitarian service, and help to build goodwill and peace in the world. There are
approximately 1.2 million Rotary club members belonging to nearly 33,000 Rotary clubs in
more than 200 countries and geographical areas. Membership in Rotary is by invitation.
District 6900 is comprised of 70 Rotary Clubs in Georgia with close to 5,000 members.
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23. Sample E-mail Release
Mary Perdue to Speak at Rotary Meeting
Marietta, Georgia March 09, 2009 The Rotary Club of Marietta,
will meet Wednesday, March 11, 2009 at 12:15 p.m.
EDT. Georgia First Lady, Mary Perdue will address an audience
of approximately 150 members of the Marietta Rotary Club. The
meeting will be held at the Hilton Atlanta/Marietta Conference
Center located at 500 Powder Springs Street Marietta, GA.
Members of the media are welcome (Please call if you wish to
Media Contact:
Jason Waters
The Rotary Club of Marietta
(404) 555-8787
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24. Photos Make News
A Photo has value of news story
Have a club photographer document the events of the
For a special speaker or project, arrange for a photo
with the editor and do so several days in advance of
the event.
Take your own photo. (email .jpg separately)
No more than five or six people in the photo
Be natural
Get as close-up as possible
Write a cutline that tells what is happening and
identify the people left to right
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25. Some Photo Tips
From Good to Better
Speaker Alone ho-
Speaker with local
members, sure to be
Keep backgrounds
Use a recognizable
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26. Internal Communications
Web Page
Your club Public Relations Chairman works with all club
committee chairmen to keep abreast of projects and
programs. The public relations chair should keep members
Through the club bulletin
Through e-mails
Through a face book group page
Through announcements at meetings
It is important for clubs to communicate at the local club
level, the district level and the international level about
your activities, programs and achievements
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27. How to Make News
Write a letter to the editor
Position yourself as an expert
Offer something free testing, coaching,
meals, entertainment
Finish this sentence: My experience in this
area has taught me that.
New products or services; new programs
Publicize your awards
Highlight your milestones.
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28. Where to Get Help
Google Public Relations Tips
Your club web page Rotary, Lions,
Key Club, Toastmasters has a guide
to PR on its web page
Organizations have guidelines on how
to use the name and symbols (logos).
Have releases reviewed up the chain
of command
Call or e-mail outlet
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29. Examples
The Good, The Bad and The Better
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30. Q&A
We welcome your questions
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