This document summarizes a presentation by Little SDO and Camilla SDO about using social media to educate the public about science. It discusses the NASA Solar Dynamics Observatory mission and its goals of understanding the Sun's influence. It introduces Camilla Corona SDO, the NASA mission mascot who uses social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube to get people excited about science and space weather. Examples are given of how Camilla and Little SDO use educational and fun content on social media to start dialogues and inspire people about NASA's work.
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Making Science Fun & Approachable - Stanford University
1. Little SDO & Camilla SDO
Science Fun &
Stanford University
October 12, 2011
Credit: NASA SDO
2. Sit Tight!
1. NASA Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO)
2. The Sun & Space Weather
3. Who is Camilla Corona SDO?
4. Why Social Media?
5. Examples of how much Fun science can be!
5. NASA Solar Dynamics Observatory
Designed to help us understand the Suns
influence on Earth and Near-Earth Space
How the Suns magnetic field is generated
and structured
How the stored magnetic energy is
converted and released
6. Why do we observe the Sun?
Credit: J. Bower, R. Durscher
11. So, what does SDO do?
Instruments take many different measurements of the Sun including how bright
the Sun is and how fast and much the surface and corona are changing.
The high-resolution cameras capture specific features of the Sun in much
greater detail than before. And all of that in different wavelengths (different
temperatures and layers of the Sun)
12. Camilla Corona SDO
DOB: February 9, 1980
Occupation: NASA Mission Mascot
- STEM (Science Technology
Engineering & Math)
- Getting girls & boys excited about
science, engineering and Space
- Helping with education about the Sun
and Space Weather.
- Training to fly to Space to visit Little SDO
15. U.S. Social Media - 2010
- 266 million Internet users in North America
- 77% of US home have Internet access
- 29% have super-fast 8MB+ and 41% have 2-8 MB
- 600 million people on Facebook worldwide; 110 million in
North America
- 25 billion tweets sent on Twitter
- 186 average number of online videos watched per month in
the US
Source: Internet and Connection from Nielsen. Facebook stats from Facebook and Business Insider. Twitter stats from Twitter TwitterCounter and TechCrunch.
YouTube video numbers from Google. Facebook video numbers from GigaOM. US online video stats from Comscore and the Pew Research Center.
16. U.S. Social Media - May 2011
- 140 million Facebook visitors - (62% female)
- 50 million Blogger visitors
- 24 million Twitter users - (most African American
demographic of all social media networks)
- 12 million Tumblr visitors - (most female teens demographic
of all social media networks)
Source: Nielsen Social Media Report
17. Video Streams (May 2011)
31 million people
157 million videos
- 18 million Female
- 13 million Male
Source: Nielsen Social Media Report
18. Class of 2011
- Grew up in the Age of Social Media; Make up just 7.4% of
those using SM; 78.7% of 12-17 year olds use SM.
- Talk Less on Phone, Watch Less TV & Spend Less Time
on their Computers
Phone: 18-24 year olds: 750 min/month 12-17 year olds: 515 min/m
TV: Average 34 hrs/month 12-17 year olds: 23 hrs/m
Computer: 12-17 year olds: 40 hours online per month on computer,
of which 5.5 hours are steaming video
- Heaviest Mobile Video Viewers
General Population: 4 hrs 20 min 12-17 year olds: 7 hrs 13
min per month of mobile video
Source: Nielsen Kids Today
19. Social Media
Reaching 25 million Users
4 weeks
1 year 8 months
2 years 6 months
3 years
Source: Internet
20. Why do Social Media?
Share your story/information in more & different
Connect to & reach people where they are instead
of requiring them to come to you.
When used well, you can use social media to build
The conversation is already taking place; you might
as well be part of it.
Source: NASA Schierholz
21. Learning through Social Media
Class Rooms, Lectures, Text Books, Lots of Content
Traditional 2.0:
Virtual Environments, Learn via Experiencing the Content
Traditional 2.5:
Learn by Active Involvement = Self-Directed Learner
Social Media does not replace the Traditional Learning Concept.
Social Media adds a new tool to enhance the work we do.
Source: Edutopia
22. NASA & Social Media
By engaging with the public NASA
reinforces the idea that this is THEIR
(the publics) space program.
It builds technological evangelists who
can spread the word of NASAs work
and mission
NASA is expanding transparency,
participation, collaboration, and
creating a new level of openness
and accountability
Open Government Initiative
Source: NASA Schierholz and NASA OpenGov
33. The Edge of Space
Goal: 100,000 feet
Approx. 3 times higher than a
commercial aircraft
Approx. 13 times lower than
International Space Station
You can see the blackness of Space
Source: MediaTheek
#6: Designed to help us understand the Suns influence on Earth and Near-Earth SpaceHow the Suns magnetic field is generated and structuredHow the stored magnetic energy is converted and released
#10: Coronal mass ejections release huge quantities of plasma and electromagnetic radiation into space. The ejected material is aplasmaconsisting primarily ofelectronsandprotons.When the ejection is directed towards theEarthand reaches it, theshock waveof the traveling mass causes ageomagnetic stormthat may disrupt the Earth'smagnetosphere, compressing it on the day side and extending the night-sidemagnetic tail.When the magnetospherereconnectson the nightside, it releasespowerwhich is directed back toward the Earth'supper atmosphere.This process can cause particularly strongauroraein large regions around Earth's magnetic poles.