This document provides information about mammals. It discusses that mammals are endothermic vertebrates that dominated during the Cenozoic era. It describes some key mammalian characteristics like hair, sweat glands, mammary glands, teeth structure and more. It then classifies mammals into two subclasses - Prototheria and Theria. Prototheria are described as egg-laying mammals found in Australia, while Theria are viviparous and divided further into Metatheria and Eutheria. Examples of orders within these groups are also provided.
2. ï‚ž Endothermic terrestrial Vertebrates that dominated
during Cenozoic era
ï‚ž Originated from theropsid reptiles in Triassic period
ï‚ž Occupy the top of evolutionary ladder due to their
superiorly organized brain
ï‚ž Largest mammal- Balanoptera musculus- 35 meters
long and 120 tones weight
ï‚ž Largest land dwelling mammal- African Elephant-
Elephus maximus
ï‚ž Longest Mammal-Giraffe-16 feet- Giraffa
ï‚ž Smallest mammal- Etruscan Pygmy Shrew
ï‚ž Bumble bee bat
3. ï‚ž Endothermic/Homeothermic/Warm blooded
ï‚ž Epidermal hair, spines, horns, hooves, antlers,
nails, claws
ï‚ž Integumentary gland- Sudorific/Sweat glands-
Regulates temperature, Sebaceous glands-keeping
the skin and hair soft
ï‚ž Mammae- modified sudorific glands- helps to nourish
the young one with nipples/ teats
 Diaphragm- muscular partition – separates thoracic
and abdominal cavities-helps in breathing
ï‚ž Dentition is- heterodont( Inscisors, canines,
premolars and molars), diphyodont( teeth forms
twice in the life-Milk teeth/deciduous teeth
replaced by permanent teeth) and thecodont( teeth
lodged in the deep sockets of the jaw bone)
4. ï‚ž Salivary glands in the buccal cavity are four
pairs-parotid, Sub maxillary/Sub mandibular,
Sub lingual and infra orbitals(absent in Man)
ï‚ž Skull is dicondylic, Each half of the jaw bone is
composed of a single bone, the dentary,
articulating with the sqamosal of the skull, A
bony secondary palate formed by the union of
premaxillae, maxillae and palatine bones,
separates nasal and oral passages. Vertebrae are
with flat centrum(Acoelous/ Amphiplatyan).
Ribs double headed, Cervical vertebrae are
seven except in three toed sloth(9), two toed
sloth(6) and manatee(6)
ï‚ž Respiration is by lungs, glottis is guarded by a
flap called epiglottis
5. ï‚ž RBC are enucleated, boconcave and circular
except in Camels and Llamas where they are
elliptical. SAN pacemaker, AVN- Ectopic
pacemaker-behaves as pacemaker when SAN fails,
Heart four chambered, double circulation, two
aortic arches, Renal portal system is absent
ï‚ž Kidneys are Metanephric. Excretes urea- ureotelic
ï‚ž Cerebral hemispheres-large and exhibit
convolutions. Carpus callosum- transverse band
that connects cerebral hemispheres. Corpora
quadrigemina- optic lobes four. Cerebellum is large,
cranial nerves are 12 pairs
ï‚ž Eyes are with lacrimal, harderian and meibomian
glands whose secretions moisten and lubricate the
conjunctival surface of the eye ball and its lids.
6. ï‚ž Ear is divided into three regions external ear/pinna-
contains ceruminous glands in the auditory meatus-
absent in monotremes, cetaceans and sirenians. Middle
ear has three ossicles extending between tympanum
and internal ear- Malleus, incus and stapes- stapes is
the smallest bone in mammals. Internal ear has three
semicircular canals and a watch spring like cochlea,
conatining organ of corti
 Testes –scrotal sacs except in whales, elephants and in
some insectivores and all prototherians
ï‚ž Eggs are microlecithal or alecithal except in
monotremates( Megalecithal)
ï‚ž Holoblastic unequal cleavages
ï‚ž Viviparous ( except in Prototherians- oviparous),
placenta- helps in protection , nutrition respiration and
excretion. Chorioallantic placenta in Eutherians and
chorioyolksac placenta in marsupials, Gestation
period- intrauterine period
7. ï‚ž It is classified into two sub classes
ï‚ž Prototheria
ï‚ž Theria
ï‚ž Theria is subdivided into
ï‚ž Metatheria and
ï‚ž Eutheria
8. ï‚ž Reptile like, oviparous egg laying mammals with a
variable temperature between 25-28 degrees Celsius
ï‚ž Found in Australia, Tasmania, New Guinea
ï‚ž No pinna on the ear
ï‚ž in the skull tympanic bulla and lacrimals are absent; the
jugal is reduced/ absent
ï‚ž Teeth are present only in young ones adults are edentate
and are with horny beak
ï‚ž The pectoral girdle possesses large coracoid bones and T-
shaped interclavicle.
ï‚ž The pelvic girdle possesses epipubic bones, vertebrae
without terminal epiphyses
9. ï‚ž The ribs are single headed
ï‚ž Cloaca into which ureters and urinogenital
sinus open
ï‚ž Mammary glands are without nipples
ï‚ž No corpus callosum
ï‚ž The cochlea is a simple process of the
sacculus and not coiled
ï‚ž Testes are abdominal
ï‚ž Females are oviparous
10. ï‚ž Modern viviparous marsupials and placental
ï‚ž Ear with pinna
ï‚ž Mammary glands with nipples/ teats
ï‚ž Dentate. Vertebrae with terminal epiphyses
ï‚ž Cloaca is absent
ï‚ž Testes are in scrotal sac. Vasa deferentia and air
bladder opening through a common urethra in
ï‚ž Ureters open into the base of bladder
ï‚ž Oviducts open into a vagina
ï‚ž It is divided into two infraclasses
ï‚ž Metatheria and Eutheria
11. ï‚ž Marsupium/ brood pouch
ï‚ž Mammary glands bearing nipples are sebaceous
ï‚ž Epipubic bones are present and attached with the
ï‚ž Separate coracoid and interclavicle are absent
ï‚ž Corpus callosum is feebly developed or absent
ï‚ž Vagina and uterus are double/Didelphic condition
ï‚ž Penis is bifid
ï‚ž Placenta is rudimentary yolksac type
ï‚ž Young ones are born extremely immature and
crawl into marsupium attached with nipples for
further development
ï‚ž Confined to Australian region-Land of Marsupials
13. ï‚ž Higher viviparous placental mammals
ï‚ž Marsupium is entirely absent
ï‚ž Epipubic bones are absent
ï‚ž Cloaca is absent
ï‚ž Corpus callosum is present
ï‚ž Testes are usually contained in scrotal sacs
ï‚ž Vagina is single
ï‚ž Young one always nourished for considerable
time in the uterus by means of chorio-allontoic
placenta and born in a relatively advanced state
ï‚ž Echolocation-emit ultrasounds to locate their
way- Bats and whales
14. ï‚ž Insectivora( hedgehogs Shrews mole)
ï‚ž Chiroptera (Bats and flying foxes)
ï‚ž Primates( Man and apes)
ï‚ž Edentata(sloth, Armadillos American ant
ï‚ž Rodentia( Rat)
ï‚ž Cetacea(Whales and Dolphins)
ï‚ž Carnivora(Dogs,Cats Tigers Lion and bears)
ï‚ž Sirenia(Manatees=Trichechus)
ï‚ž Logomorpha (Rabbit)
ï‚ž Pholidota(Manis(Pangolin/Scaly ant-eater))
15. ï‚ž Chordate Zoology E.L.Jordan and Dr.P.S.
Verma S.Chand Publications
ï‚ž Telugu Academy Zoology