Manage Disruption has been set up because we see that fewcompanies arepreparedfor the massive changes brought about by current rapid shifts in society brought about by technology.
2. Manage Disruption has been set up
because we see that few companies
are prepared for the massive changes
brought about by current rapid shifts in
society brought about by technology.
3. Having worked for the last
decade at the intersection of
technology, people and
commerce we have witnessed
the fact that successful
companies have most of the
pieces of the puzzle while many
are slipping behind because
they dont understand the
fundamental shifts that are
happening now.
4. About Us
We offer consulting,
assessment and
development programs as well
as other services including early
warning of opportunities and
Our business model is based on disrupting
competitors by being completely client
focused; we aim to do what you need when
you need it.
Our offerings are always delivered by our
Managing Partners who have at least 10
years experience of advising in this area.
5. Disruption is more likely to happen to your
company now than ever before
Disruption, or explosive change to the
status quo, is today characterized by
some very rapid shifts in society.
The changes brought about by the Internet,
Mobile Phones and Moors Law are mostly
understood; the breaking wave of change
brought to us by Context, Data and Metcalfs
Law are not.
What they all do is change the way we
do things at a speed never seen
6. What disruption means to your company
New business models can
undermine the way you do
Competitive advantage is
becoming transitory for many
Your customers
have the control and
are going to use it.
7. React Manage Disruption
You must create alternative
business models.
You can embrace an agile strategy.
You should innovate disruptive market offerings.
8. Manage Disruption
Once understood, the threat of disruptive technological
or business model change can be turned into a huge
competitive advantage.
Let us help you. Together, we can help you future-proof
your success.
Manage Disruption Limited
71-75 Shelton Street
Covent Garden
Twitter: @ManageDisrupt