This document provides an overview of management concepts including:
- Definitions of management, managers, and the four main functions of management.
- Three levels of management in organizations and the roles of different managers.
- Key skills required of managers including conceptual, human, and technical skills.
- The evolution of management theories from early approaches like scientific management to contemporary approaches like systems theory.
- External constraints on management from the external environment and internal constraints from an organization's culture.
This document provides an overview of management concepts, types, principles, techniques, theories and models. It begins with defining management and discussing important terms. It then covers the characteristics of management and lists various types of management. Principles of management and techniques used by managers are outlined. Several important management theories are also summarized, including scientific management theory, administrative management theory, bureaucratic management theory, and human relations theory. The document aims to present foundational information on the topic of management.
The document defines management as planning, organizing, commanding, coordinating, and controlling work. It discusses the key functions of management including planning, organizing, leading, controlling, staffing, and motivating. Finally, it explains the basic forms of organizational structure as line organizations with a clear chain of command, and line-and-staff organizations that combine line departments with supporting staff functions.
This document discusses organizational culture and provides definitions and concepts related to culture. It defines culture as shared beliefs, values, and norms of a group. It discusses Edgar Schein's definition of organizational culture as basic assumptions learned by a group to solve problems. There are three main levels of culture - artifacts and behaviors, values, and underlying assumptions. Understanding organizational culture is useful for managers to predict responses and assess challenges. Strategic and culture change may be needed when the future arrives. Culture can be a powerful tool for managers to achieve goals and ensure consistent decision making. Subcultures can form within larger organizations. Evaluating culture is important for mergers and acquisitions when acquiring intangible assets like processes and business models.
This document provides an overview of the first module of a health system management diploma program. It includes 5 units that will be covered: leadership and management, organization of health services, human resource management, communication and networking, and commodity and supplies management. The learning outcomes are also outlined. The first topic within the leadership and management unit is an introduction to management, which defines management, discusses management concepts and theories, and explains the importance of studying management. It provides details on scientific management, administrative management theory, and the bureaucratic theory of management.
This document provides an overview of different schools of management thought and theories. It discusses scientific management and theorists like Taylor who emphasized efficiency. It also covers the human relations movement sparked by the Hawthorne Studies, which focused on social and psychological factors. Additionally, it summarizes quality management theorists like Deming who pioneered statistical analysis and Juran who taught total quality control. Finally, it briefly introduces the systems school of thought and defines a system.
Introduction to Organisational BehaviourISAAC Jayant
Organisational behavior is a field of study that investigates the impact that Individuals, Groups and Structure have on behavior within organization for the purpose of applying such knowledge towards improving an organisations effectiveness. (Stephen. P. Robbins).
The document provides an overview of the CS8591 COMPUTER NETWORKS course, including its instructor, outcomes, and details on the first unit - Introduction and Physical Layer. Specifically, it outlines the topics that will be covered in the first unit, such as definitions of management, the evolution of management approaches, types of business organizations, and organizational culture and environment.
Management can be defined in several ways including as a discipline, group of people, and process. As a discipline, it refers to a field of study with defined concepts and principles. As a group of people, it includes personnel who perform managerial functions. As a process, it refers to the systematic method of handling management activities. Management involves planning, organizing, staffing, directing, coordinating, reporting and budgeting. It aims to achieve objectives efficiently and effectively through the efforts of other people. While it has elements of both a science and an art, management requires both technical skills and creative problem-solving abilities.
The document provides an overview of organizational behavior. It discusses that OB is the study of how individuals and groups act within organizations. It examines topics like human behavior in organizations, the goals of OB which include describing, understanding, predicting, and controlling human behavior at work. The document also discusses the contributing disciplines to OB like psychology, sociology, and the key elements that influence OB such as people, structure, technology, and the external environment. It provides definitions of OB and outlines the importance, nature, framework, and scope of studying organizational behavior.
Human resource management involves developing and managing an organization's workforce. It includes activities like recruitment, training, compensation, and addressing conflicts between employees and management. The objectives of HRM are to achieve organizational goals by utilizing human resources effectively, meet employee needs and expectations, and act in a socially responsible manner. HRM has evolved from treating workers as commodities to recognizing the importance of employee well-being, motivation, and participation in decision making.
Hello Everyone!
This is a ppt on management concepts. It covers most of the topics related to management. By reading this you will get a brief idea about the concepts of management. It will also be very helpful from university exam point of view. Students can also makes notes of it. This topic is very important for opting any management course. Hope you will like the ppt and make a good learning of it.
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Hello Everyone!
This is a ppt on management concepts. It covers most of the topics related to management. By reading this you will get a brief idea about the concepts of management. It will also be very helpful from university exam point of view. Students can also makes notes of it. This topic is very important for opting any management course. Hope you will like the ppt and make a good learning of it.
Read and Enjoy!
Thank You!
This document provides an overview of management concepts. It defines management as the process of planning, organizing, staffing, leading and controlling work. The document outlines different management approaches including scientific management. It also discusses the external environment that influences organizations and different management functions such as planning, organizing and controlling. Finally, the document explores global, innovative and entrepreneurial perspectives in management.
This document defines organizational culture and describes several models of organizational culture. It discusses Schein's model which views culture as consisting of artifacts, values, and basic assumptions. Hofstede's model of national culture is also analyzed, focusing on dimensions like power distance, uncertainty avoidance, and individualism vs collectivism. Pascale's model of organizational socialization is presented, outlining how new employees are inducted and assimilated into a company's culture through selection, training, role models, and reward systems.
This document summarizes several theories and models of management, including classical, neoclassical, and modern approaches. The classical approach includes scientific management theories by Taylor and Gilbreth, as well as bureaucracy/organizational theories from Weber. Neoclassical theories incorporate human relations perspectives from Mayo and Barnard. Content theories of motivation are discussed, including those from Maslow, Herzberg, and McGregor.
The document summarizes various management theories and models. It discusses the classical, neoclassical, and modern approaches to management. Under the classical approach, it describes scientific management theories by Taylor and Gilbreth, as well as bureaucracy theories by Weber. The neoclassical approach discusses human relations theories by Mayo and Barnard and various content and process motivation theories. Finally, the modern approach outlines leadership and decision-making theories and models, including system theory.
This document provides an introduction and overview of a course on managing consultancy and change.
It introduces the course leader and outlines the course syllabus which covers topics like organizational change theories, consultancy approaches, and skills like presentation, interviewing, negotiation and facilitation. It also provides reading materials and key texts.
The document discusses what organizational change and change management involve, how our understanding of it has developed, and links it has with other management areas. It explores why organizations want change and challenges of implementing change initiatives.
Finally, it provides guidance on the role of change agents, emphasizing skills like listening, reflecting, building relationships and taking an iterative approach to change.
This document provides an overview of management concepts including:
- The meaning, characteristics, and functions of management.
- Types of managers and managerial hierarchy in organizations.
- Key managerial skills including technical, human, and conceptual skills.
- Managerial roles and the essence of management in achieving organizational goals.
- Factors of the business environment and concepts like corporate social responsibility, ethics, and governance.
- Emerging challenges for modern management like globalization, environmentalism, and technological development.
The document discusses organizational theory and organizational climate. It defines organization as people working together towards common goals. Three theories of organization are described: classical, neo-classical, and modern. Classical theory views the organization as a machine, while neo-classical and modern theories consider human and social factors. Organizational climate refers to the internal environment experienced by members. Factors like leadership, structure, and communication influence the climate. An effective climate has open communication, participative decision-making, concern for employees, and manages change well.
Management thought has evolved since ancient times as societies developed. Classical management theory from the 1800s focused on physical and monetary incentives to motivate employees. The key contributors were Max Weber's bureaucracy theory, Henri Fayol's administrative theory, and Frederick Taylor's scientific management. Later, the behavioral management theory addressed human motivation and dynamics. Abraham Maslow's hierarchy of needs revolutionized this approach. Current management incorporates planning, organizing, leading, staffing, controlling and addresses external and internal factors to achieve organizational goals.
This document provides an overview of management concepts. It defines management as the process of achieving organizational goals efficiently and effectively through planning, organizing, staffing, directing, and controlling resources. The key functions of management are discussed in detail, including planning, organizing, staffing, directing, and controlling. Planning involves setting objectives and determining courses of action. Organizing is establishing an organizational structure and assigning duties. Staffing is selecting and training employees. Directing includes communicating goals and motivating employees. Controlling checks performance against standards and makes corrections. Management has aspects of both an art and a science, involving theoretical knowledge and practical application. It is also considered a profession when certain criteria are met.
Introduction to Organisational BehaviourISAAC Jayant
Organisational behavior is a field of study that investigates the impact that Individuals, Groups and Structure have on behavior within organization for the purpose of applying such knowledge towards improving an organisations effectiveness. (Stephen. P. Robbins).
The document provides an overview of the CS8591 COMPUTER NETWORKS course, including its instructor, outcomes, and details on the first unit - Introduction and Physical Layer. Specifically, it outlines the topics that will be covered in the first unit, such as definitions of management, the evolution of management approaches, types of business organizations, and organizational culture and environment.
Management can be defined in several ways including as a discipline, group of people, and process. As a discipline, it refers to a field of study with defined concepts and principles. As a group of people, it includes personnel who perform managerial functions. As a process, it refers to the systematic method of handling management activities. Management involves planning, organizing, staffing, directing, coordinating, reporting and budgeting. It aims to achieve objectives efficiently and effectively through the efforts of other people. While it has elements of both a science and an art, management requires both technical skills and creative problem-solving abilities.
The document provides an overview of organizational behavior. It discusses that OB is the study of how individuals and groups act within organizations. It examines topics like human behavior in organizations, the goals of OB which include describing, understanding, predicting, and controlling human behavior at work. The document also discusses the contributing disciplines to OB like psychology, sociology, and the key elements that influence OB such as people, structure, technology, and the external environment. It provides definitions of OB and outlines the importance, nature, framework, and scope of studying organizational behavior.
Human resource management involves developing and managing an organization's workforce. It includes activities like recruitment, training, compensation, and addressing conflicts between employees and management. The objectives of HRM are to achieve organizational goals by utilizing human resources effectively, meet employee needs and expectations, and act in a socially responsible manner. HRM has evolved from treating workers as commodities to recognizing the importance of employee well-being, motivation, and participation in decision making.
Hello Everyone!
This is a ppt on management concepts. It covers most of the topics related to management. By reading this you will get a brief idea about the concepts of management. It will also be very helpful from university exam point of view. Students can also makes notes of it. This topic is very important for opting any management course. Hope you will like the ppt and make a good learning of it.
Read and Enjoy!
Thank You!
Hello Everyone!
This is a ppt on management concepts. It covers most of the topics related to management. By reading this you will get a brief idea about the concepts of management. It will also be very helpful from university exam point of view. Students can also makes notes of it. This topic is very important for opting any management course. Hope you will like the ppt and make a good learning of it.
Read and Enjoy!
Thank You!
This document provides an overview of management concepts. It defines management as the process of planning, organizing, staffing, leading and controlling work. The document outlines different management approaches including scientific management. It also discusses the external environment that influences organizations and different management functions such as planning, organizing and controlling. Finally, the document explores global, innovative and entrepreneurial perspectives in management.
This document defines organizational culture and describes several models of organizational culture. It discusses Schein's model which views culture as consisting of artifacts, values, and basic assumptions. Hofstede's model of national culture is also analyzed, focusing on dimensions like power distance, uncertainty avoidance, and individualism vs collectivism. Pascale's model of organizational socialization is presented, outlining how new employees are inducted and assimilated into a company's culture through selection, training, role models, and reward systems.
This document summarizes several theories and models of management, including classical, neoclassical, and modern approaches. The classical approach includes scientific management theories by Taylor and Gilbreth, as well as bureaucracy/organizational theories from Weber. Neoclassical theories incorporate human relations perspectives from Mayo and Barnard. Content theories of motivation are discussed, including those from Maslow, Herzberg, and McGregor.
The document summarizes various management theories and models. It discusses the classical, neoclassical, and modern approaches to management. Under the classical approach, it describes scientific management theories by Taylor and Gilbreth, as well as bureaucracy theories by Weber. The neoclassical approach discusses human relations theories by Mayo and Barnard and various content and process motivation theories. Finally, the modern approach outlines leadership and decision-making theories and models, including system theory.
This document provides an introduction and overview of a course on managing consultancy and change.
It introduces the course leader and outlines the course syllabus which covers topics like organizational change theories, consultancy approaches, and skills like presentation, interviewing, negotiation and facilitation. It also provides reading materials and key texts.
The document discusses what organizational change and change management involve, how our understanding of it has developed, and links it has with other management areas. It explores why organizations want change and challenges of implementing change initiatives.
Finally, it provides guidance on the role of change agents, emphasizing skills like listening, reflecting, building relationships and taking an iterative approach to change.
This document provides an overview of management concepts including:
- The meaning, characteristics, and functions of management.
- Types of managers and managerial hierarchy in organizations.
- Key managerial skills including technical, human, and conceptual skills.
- Managerial roles and the essence of management in achieving organizational goals.
- Factors of the business environment and concepts like corporate social responsibility, ethics, and governance.
- Emerging challenges for modern management like globalization, environmentalism, and technological development.
The document discusses organizational theory and organizational climate. It defines organization as people working together towards common goals. Three theories of organization are described: classical, neo-classical, and modern. Classical theory views the organization as a machine, while neo-classical and modern theories consider human and social factors. Organizational climate refers to the internal environment experienced by members. Factors like leadership, structure, and communication influence the climate. An effective climate has open communication, participative decision-making, concern for employees, and manages change well.
Management thought has evolved since ancient times as societies developed. Classical management theory from the 1800s focused on physical and monetary incentives to motivate employees. The key contributors were Max Weber's bureaucracy theory, Henri Fayol's administrative theory, and Frederick Taylor's scientific management. Later, the behavioral management theory addressed human motivation and dynamics. Abraham Maslow's hierarchy of needs revolutionized this approach. Current management incorporates planning, organizing, leading, staffing, controlling and addresses external and internal factors to achieve organizational goals.
This document provides an overview of management concepts. It defines management as the process of achieving organizational goals efficiently and effectively through planning, organizing, staffing, directing, and controlling resources. The key functions of management are discussed in detail, including planning, organizing, staffing, directing, and controlling. Planning involves setting objectives and determining courses of action. Organizing is establishing an organizational structure and assigning duties. Staffing is selecting and training employees. Directing includes communicating goals and motivating employees. Controlling checks performance against standards and makes corrections. Management has aspects of both an art and a science, involving theoretical knowledge and practical application. It is also considered a profession when certain criteria are met.
EEAT your way to the top of Google - Enhance your SEOQuibble
If you're looking to enhance your SEO and conversions, consider EEAT. Showcasing your experience, expertise, authority and trust is vital in helping your stand out against your competitors. During this session we take a look at the steps you can take to ensure you cover all of these elements and maximise your results.
2025 March - High Performing Landing Pages - Greeville HUG.pptxBoundify
Learn how to create stunning, high-converting landing pages with HubSpots intuitive drag-and-drop editor!
Join us for our next Greenville HUG event where well explore proven strategies and practical tips for designing landing pages that drive action. From layout design to optimizing for mobile and incorporating smart content, youll discover how to make the most of HubSpots tools to elevate your marketing efforts.
Whether youre new to HubSpot or a seasoned user, this event will provide actionable insights to improve your landing pages and boost your conversions!
Why Landing Pages Matter
Key Elements of a High-Converting Landing Page
HubSpots Drag-and-Drop Editor Overview & Best Practices
Advanced Techniques for High-Converting Pages
Common Mistakes to Avoid
Who Should Attend:
Marketing professionals
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Business owners
Anyone interested in learning more about HubSpot Landing Pages!
SEO TRENDS 2025 - Presentation - Matej otar - Digimedia.pdfDIGIMEDIA
SEO TRENDS 2025: Adapt or Get Left Behind
What really matters in 2025 SEO?
The SEO landscape is evolvingfast. If youre stuck in old playbooks, youre already behind.
¥ Swipe also through the carousel below for more detailed tips about each trend.
1. E-E-A-T: The Non-Negotiable Core
Google prioritizes Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, Trustworthiness (critical for YMYL topics).
鏝 Share case studies, customer journeys, etc.
鏝 Add credentials to bios.
鏝 Earn niche-related backlinks; update content regularly.
2. AI Tools: Speed vs. Substance
Help yourself with AI, but have in mind that purely AI content lack uniqueness and expertise; Googles AI Overviews reward expertise.
鏝 Inject original data, your expertise, testimonials.
鏝 Use headers & bullets for AI parsing.
3. Search Intent
65% of searches trigger SERP features (Ahrefs).
鏝 Analyze top-ranking pages content type.
鏝 Use SEO tools keyword intent filter.
4. Firsthand Experience: Your Unfair Advantage
Googles OriginalContentScore is a ranking factor.
鏝 Publish original research (surveys, A/B tests, etc.).
鏝 Add Meet the Team pages.
5. User-Centric SEO: Solve, Dont Sell
Algorithms prioritize content that solves problems, not just
keyword matches.
鏝 Turn support logs into guides.
鏝 Use simple language.
6. Hyper-Focused Keywords: Win Niches, Not Battles
Long-tail keywords convert 3x higher (Backlinko).
鏝 Use Answer The Public & Semrush Keyword Gap.
鏝 Target micro-niches.
7. SERP Features: Steal the Spotlight
Featured snippets/image packs eat 65% clicks.
鏝 Answer questions in 4060 words.
鏝 SEO-optimize images with descriptive alt text.
8. Cross-Platform SEO
40% of Gen Z uses TikTok/Instagram for search. Google prioritizes its platforms like YouTube.
鏝 Repurpose blogs into posts, reels, and videos.
鏝 Use hashtags.
9. UX: Googles Secret Metric
Dwell time / bounce rates impact rankings.
鏝 Ditch autoplay videos, unnecessary & intrusive pop-ups.
鏝 Use subheadings, visuals & short paragraphs.
10. Technical SEO: Silent Rank Killer
53% abandon slow sites (>3s load).
鏝 Fix slow pages.
鏝 Compress images.
鏝 Improve Core Web Vitals.
鏝 Minify JS & CSS.
11. Video SEO
YouTube drives 10% global traffic. Google shows videos in SERPs.
鏝 Optimize titles & descriptions.
鏝 Add tags, timestamps & transcripts.
12. Local SEO
46% seek local info (BrightLocal).
鏝 Target near me + service keywords.
鏝 Encourage reviews.
13. Voice Search
20% of searches are voice-based.
鏝 Target question-based keywords.
鏝 Use FAQ schema.
14. SEO Basics
Core SEO principles remain critical.
鏝 Clean URLs.
鏝 Compelling meta titles & descriptions.
鏝 Quality content + internal linking.
Pro Tip: SEO Audit your site regularly. Monitor Google Search Console.
Whats your #1 focus for 2025 SEO? Would you add any additional important SEO trend?
Comment below 皙鏝
Turn client websites into revenue enginesAnton Shulke
Discover how interactive features elevate websites, transforming them into lead generators and revenue creators.
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Digital Marketing Workshop Florence Fashion Society.pdfNicoleJaroscak
This slideshow explores the fundamentals of digital marketing in fashion, covering its purpose, key elements, and what makes a campaign successful. It includes case studies of standout fashion campaigns from the past year and a hands-on assignment where members created their own digital marketing strategies for their favorite brands.
Presented at Florence Fashion Society, this workshop was designed to help students understand branding, visual storytelling, and consumer engagement in the digital space.
Check it out to gain insights into how fashion brands craft compelling marketing campaigns!
This document, "WhatsApp Marketing Strategies for Business Success," explores how to use WhatsApp, a powerful communication tool, to improve your company's marketing effectiveness. It covers effective customer communication techniques, personalized marketing plans, and how to expand brand influence through group and broadcast functions. By implementing these strategies, companies can enhance customer loyalty, increase sales conversion rates, and achieve sustainable business growth.
Top Electronic and Electrical Components Manufacturers and Suppliers in Indiaworkmintmedia
India's electronics and electrical industry is growing rapidly with a strong supply chain. With government incentives and increasing demand, the country is set to become a global leader.
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12 E commerce Marketplaces: Online marketplaces for products and services are experiencing significant growth, in line with the old proverb, Go where your customers are. Major players in this sector, such as Rakuten, Amazon, Alibaba, Walmart, and eBay, are witnessing a surge in popularity. According to research from Be | Shaping the Future (Be STF), global marketplace sales are expected to reach USD $8.8 trillion by 2025, reflecting an impressive compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 20%.[1] Furthermore, online marketplace sales are poised to enhance the overall growth of online sales, with their share of total online sales projected to increase from 19% in 2020 to 24% by 2025. This trend highlights the vital role that online marketplaces will play in the future of retail. By selling on these marketplaces, brands can enhance visibility, improve the shopping experience for customers, and potentially increase earnings. However, despite the wealth of opportunities available, entering foreign markets remains a considerable challenge for many businesses. The article below provides a detailed overview of top e commerce marketplaces with their pros and cons, making it easier for you to initiate your online selling via these platforms.
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1. Definition of management and its
2. History of management evolution
and management theory
3. Management levels, skills and roles of
Managers are defined as individuals who are
owners, founders or employees in an
Managers are powerful individuals in an
organization as they possess authority.
They have the power to make decisions and
power to utilize organizational resources in
the best way possible in order to achieve
organizational goals and objectives.
Certo(1997) process to accomplish
organizational goals by working with humans
& other organizational resources
Management Institute of Malaysia (MIM)
process of completing task through & with
other people
A set of activities designed to manage certain
tasks in order to achieve organizational goals
and objectives efficiently & effectively through
4 basic functions of management
7. Top Line
Highest level
objectives, &
President, VP
Between top
& first line
HOD, Branch
Manager, GM
First Line
Lowest level
for duties of
support staff
The process of forming organizational goals
and objectives based on logical plan
The management will set the goals and
procedures to achieve the goals based on the
available resources in the organization
Managers ability and capability to think about
methods and coordinate activities or different
Who needs MOST????
Ability to understand and motivate others
Emphasize on social and individual
relationship within organization
Who needs MOST????
Ability to use tools, rules, procedures and
techniques in a job
Who needs MOST????
Interpersonal relationship
Disseminating information
Decision making
Robert Owen (1771-1858) Emphasis on health,
education and working
Charles Babbage (1792-1871) Father of Modern
Promotes job specialization,
profit sharing ie Bonuses
Henry R. Towne (1844-1924) Importance of management
Importance of conducting
scientific studies on
working methods to
improve employee
Setting guidelines &
methods to manage a
complex organization
-Frederick W. Taylor
-Frank & Lillian Gilbreth
-Henry Fayol
-Max Weber
Father of Scientific Management
Studied relationship between employees &
the job designed
Frederick Taylors Basic Principles
Conduct scientific studies
Select suitable employee
Allocate task & responsibilities
Fair remuneration
Conducted research on time and motion
study emphasized reducing workflow to the
most basic work movement
Objective of TIME & MOTION STUDY
Analyze each work movement
Identify better methods to perform it
Known as Father of Modern Management
The pioneer to discuss management as a
Planning Organizing commanding
Coordinating Controlling
Introduce bureaucratic structure
All organizational goals and activities are
carefully & rationally viewed
Bureaucracy is a formal system that is
formed in the administration of an
organization in order to create efficiency and
effectiveness in organizational operations
A study on human aspects in the production
process. There are two theories:-
HR means how manager
interacts with employee
Emphasize on scientific
research as the
foundation for understand
human behavior
Hawthorne Studies Maslow Hierarchy Of
Needs Theory
Emphasizes the use of mathematical methods,
statistics and other information tools to aid
decision making in order to increase
organizational effectiveness.
This approach produce three(3) theories:
a. Management theory
b. Operations management Theory
c. Management Information Systems
Organization is a system that comprises of
various divisions related to one another but
have one common goal
Emphasized the need of the organization to
interact with the organizations internal and
external elements in order to ensure the
organizations success
Every action taken by manager must suit the
For example, a leadership style may not
appropriate for all situations.
38. The External Environment
Economic conditions
Include interest rates, inflation rates, changes in disposable income,
stock market fluctuations, and the general business cycle, among
other things
Political/legal conditions
Include the general political stability of countries in which an
organization does business and the specific attitudes that elected
officials have toward business
Federal and provincial governments can influence what organizations
can and cannot do. Some examples of legislation include:
Canadian Human Rights Act
Canadas Employment Equity Act
Competition Act
Marketing boards
39. The External Environment (contd)
Socio-cultural conditions
Include the changing expectations of society
Demographic conditions
Include physical characteristics of a population (gender, age,
level of education, geographic location, income and family
Technological conditions
Include the changes that are occurring in technology
Global conditions
Include global competitors and global consumer markets
40. The Organizations Culture
What Is Organizational Culture?
A system of shared meanings and common beliefs held by
organizational members that determine, to a large degree,
how they act toward each other
The way we do things around here
Values, symbols, rituals, myths, and practices
Culture is a perception
Culture is shared
Culture is a descriptive term
41. Benefits of a Strong Culture
Creates a stronger employee commitment to the
Aids in the recruitment and socialization of new
Fosters higher organizational
performance by instilling and
promoting employee initiative
42. Sources and Continuance of Organizational
Sources of Organizational Culture
Past practices of the organization
The organizations founder
Continuation of the Organizational Culture
Recruitment of employees who fit
Behaviour of top management
Socialization of new employees to help them
adapt to the culture
43. How Employees Learn Culture
Narratives of significant events or actions of people that
convey the spirit of the organization
Repetitive sequences of activities that express and reinforce
the values of the organization (urutan aktiviti secara
berulang- mengukuhkan nilai/amalan)
Material Symbols
Physical assets distinguishing the organization
Acronyms and jargon of terms, phrases, and word meanings
specific to an organization
44. How Culture Affects Managers
Cultural Constraints on Managers
Whatever managerial actions the organization recognizes as
proper or improper on its behalf
Whatever organizational activities the organization values and
The overall strength or weakness of the organizational culture