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JasonB. Orleans
822 N. 25th
Street Milwaukee, WI53233
Email: orleansjasonb@yahoo.com Phone: 414-430-3505
Event Coordinator
1. 7 + years of customer service experience in a variety of environments in both the retail,
healthcare and airline industries.
2. An unwavering commitment to customer service with the ability to build productive
relationships, resolve customer complaints issues and win customer loyalty.
3. Leadership and time management skills learned through the military and civilian jobs
4. Firm believe in honesty, integrity, leadership, and a sense of urgency as instilled in me
through the army values
Automated Logistical Specialist, Army Reserves April 2005 until July 2009
Responsible for maintaining parts and supply inventory and ordering parts and supplies as needed
for maintaining vehicle records and ensuring that each vehicle was in operable condition and
reviewing and verifying orders received against bills of contract, invoices and billing records.
Health Care Specialist, ArmyReserves July 2009 to Present
In a field setting provide emergency medical care such as pre-hospital care to sustain a patient for
transport to a medical facility. In a hospital setting assistant the nurse with assessing the patient condition,
taking vitals
Key Accomplishments:
 Promoted to Specialist in 2007
 Trained as an Automated Logistical Specialist and in my current position as a Healthcare Specialist
 Awarded my Overseas training ribbon for my involvement in the mission in Panama in 2007
Emergency Room Technician March 2016 to present St. Francis Hospital
Responsible for patient primary care such as toileting, bathing as needed. Assisted the nurses in
taking blood pressure, temperatures and other vital signs. Trained in placing intravenous lines.
Assisted nurses and doctors in emergency situations and responded to medical emergencies in the
Certified Nursing Assistant March 2015 to March 2016, St Francis, Cardiac Floor
As a personal care assistant I was responsible for patient primary care such as activities to include bathing,
assisting in getting patients out of bed and feeding. Also, assisted the nurses in taking blood pressures,
checking blood sugar and documenting the results on a computer charting system. I was also responsible
for engaging the patients and creating a positive healing environment.
As a health unit coordinator, I was responsible for maintaining the patient charts, entering doctors orders
and needed, calling specialists for consults. I also was responsible for organizing the communication
between the medical staff and patients as well as communicating essential information betweenthe
different departments within the hospital. Performed clerical duties such as assembling and disassembling
patient chart and itemized charges for different services.
Certified Nursing Assistant, Pool February 2014 until February 2015, Wheaton Franciscan Healthcare
Responsible for patient primary care such as activities to include bathing, assisting in getting patients out
of bed and feeding. Responsible for taking blood pressures, checking blood sugars per protocolduring my
shift, and documenting the results on a computerized charting system.
Certified Nursing Assistant October 2010 to 2013to Present, Kindred Hospital
Responsible for patient primary care such as activities to include bathing, assisting in getting patients out
of bed and feeding. Responsible for taking blood pressure and other vital signs per hospital protocol
during my shift and documenting the results on a computerized chart system.
Key Accomplishments:
 Assisted staff in care for difficult and uncooperative patients
Bachelor of Arts, Hospitality Management 2016 to Present
Concordia University St. Paul, Minnesota
Customer service, complaint resolution, MS Word, Spanish

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  • 1. JasonB. Orleans 822 N. 25th Street Milwaukee, WI53233 Email: orleansjasonb@yahoo.com Phone: 414-430-3505 linkedin.com/in/jason-orleans-38035b126 Event Coordinator 1. 7 + years of customer service experience in a variety of environments in both the retail, healthcare and airline industries. 2. An unwavering commitment to customer service with the ability to build productive relationships, resolve customer complaints issues and win customer loyalty. 3. Leadership and time management skills learned through the military and civilian jobs 4. Firm believe in honesty, integrity, leadership, and a sense of urgency as instilled in me through the army values ProfessionalExperience Automated Logistical Specialist, Army Reserves April 2005 until July 2009 Responsible for maintaining parts and supply inventory and ordering parts and supplies as needed for maintaining vehicle records and ensuring that each vehicle was in operable condition and reviewing and verifying orders received against bills of contract, invoices and billing records. Health Care Specialist, ArmyReserves July 2009 to Present In a field setting provide emergency medical care such as pre-hospital care to sustain a patient for transport to a medical facility. In a hospital setting assistant the nurse with assessing the patient condition, taking vitals Key Accomplishments: Promoted to Specialist in 2007 Trained as an Automated Logistical Specialist and in my current position as a Healthcare Specialist
  • 2. Awarded my Overseas training ribbon for my involvement in the mission in Panama in 2007 Emergency Room Technician March 2016 to present St. Francis Hospital Responsible for patient primary care such as toileting, bathing as needed. Assisted the nurses in taking blood pressure, temperatures and other vital signs. Trained in placing intravenous lines. Assisted nurses and doctors in emergency situations and responded to medical emergencies in the hospital. Certified Nursing Assistant March 2015 to March 2016, St Francis, Cardiac Floor As a personal care assistant I was responsible for patient primary care such as activities to include bathing, assisting in getting patients out of bed and feeding. Also, assisted the nurses in taking blood pressures, checking blood sugar and documenting the results on a computer charting system. I was also responsible for engaging the patients and creating a positive healing environment. As a health unit coordinator, I was responsible for maintaining the patient charts, entering doctors orders and needed, calling specialists for consults. I also was responsible for organizing the communication between the medical staff and patients as well as communicating essential information betweenthe different departments within the hospital. Performed clerical duties such as assembling and disassembling patient chart and itemized charges for different services. Certified Nursing Assistant, Pool February 2014 until February 2015, Wheaton Franciscan Healthcare Responsible for patient primary care such as activities to include bathing, assisting in getting patients out of bed and feeding. Responsible for taking blood pressures, checking blood sugars per protocolduring my shift, and documenting the results on a computerized charting system. Certified Nursing Assistant October 2010 to 2013to Present, Kindred Hospital Responsible for patient primary care such as activities to include bathing, assisting in getting patients out of bed and feeding. Responsible for taking blood pressure and other vital signs per hospital protocol during my shift and documenting the results on a computerized chart system. Key Accomplishments: Assisted staff in care for difficult and uncooperative patients Education/Skills Bachelor of Arts, Hospitality Management 2016 to Present Concordia University St. Paul, Minnesota Customer service, complaint resolution, MS Word, Spanish