The document discusses how Magento's multi-store capabilities can help businesses grow. It outlines some of the operational challenges of managing multiple storefronts, such as catalog management, user interfaces, and order integration. It then describes how Magento provides solutions like a virtual catalog model, theme system, and integration APIs to help address these challenges and reduce overhead when operating multiple stores from a single Magento installation.
2. Introduction
Derek Jacobson Vice President of Ecommerce Solutions
at Levementum
Levementum 2011 Magento Emerging Partner of the
Year Award Winner
Levementum is a leading implementer of Magento
Enterprise Edition and the leading implementer of Open
Source and Cloud Based Applications
We specialize in solutions that feature
Cloud based technology
Multiple Store Fronts
Call Center, Inside Sales, Customer Service Solutions
System Integration to CRM, ERP, Telephony and Order
Management Solutions
B2B solutions including reseller, distribution and channel support
3. With Me Today From Magento
Tony Guerrero Territory Sales
Manager, Southeast United States,
4. About Magento Enterprise
The Product
A robust, enterprise class E-Commerce Solution that is easy to implement and
get your online store up and ready for business
Ultimate flexibility and control
Magento is an Open Source platform that allows control over store operations,
database configuration, marketing messaging, integration and fulfillment
Magento is the fastest growing and evolving platform available
Magento Adheres to industry standards and PCI (CC processing) compliance
Magento grows with your business allowing you to expand your catalog,
customer base and order volume
Backed (and owned) by Ebay, Magento is an application that will be supported
and invested in for years to come
Magento is at the center of Ebays X.commerce initiative
5. The Magento Top 10
Once you have installed Magento, you will have access to a host of features, such as:
1.Dynamic Merchandising, Multi Store Front Support
2.Customer Group Pricing Models and Discount Rules Engine
3.Multiple Checkout Options
4.Reports and Analytics
6.Marketing / Newsletter / Loyalty Program
7.Gift Certificates / Customer Store Credits
8.Private Sales
9.Layered Navigation and Smart Search
10.Dynamic Content Management
11.The largest, most complete, fastest growing community of solutions you will
12.A strong, stable integration framework that allows Magento to fit into your
overall organization
13.Many, many more
6. Why Levementum Chose
Magento Enterprise, Why You
Should Too
Ecommerce is no longer a luxury, its expected by your customers
Ecommerce has changed consider the impact of social media
Capital funding is too precious to waste
Stop spending $ to build what should be present from the beginning
We wanted a mature platform that would be enhanced intelligently
We wanted to find a partner that let us focus on our business
We wanted the same things as you
A roadmap that was real
A stable, but expanding architecture
Value for the investment and a sensible way to grow our business
7. With Us From Peer 1, Our
Premier Hosting Partner
Craig Hendrickson Ecommerce Solutions Consultant, 866.244.4026
Peer 1 is a global, Enterprise class hosting and
infrastructure provider that can support customers of all
Peer 1 provides fully managed services including server,
firewall, intrusion detection / prevention, PCI compliance,
and pre-configured / pre-tuned Magento systems
Levementum exclusively recommends Peer 1 based on its
superior delivery capabilities, industry best support and SLA
models, with competitive pricing in every scenario
8. With Us From Listrak
Derek Neff Channel and Sales Manager, 717.625.7877
Listrak is the leading value added industry partner
that allows you to expand both top line revenue
growth and margin per customer
Listrak is a key partner of both Magento and
Levementum and is our #1 recommendation for
customers who are concerned about how to
reduce shopping cart abandonment and increase
overall conversion rates
This is a unique solution that can provide clear,
quantitative ROI for your Ecommerce instance
9. About Listrak
Cart abandonment
remarketing to
registered and guest
Email newsletter
Post purchase
Repurchase prompting
Conversion tracking
Order history analysis
Catalog synchronization
10. Listrak: Email Evolved
Acquire More New Customers
Shopping Cart Abandonment
Sweepstakes & Modal
Welcome Series
Sell More to Existing Customers
Post Purchase
Loyalty Programs
Bundle Analysis / Cross-
12. Agenda
Why leverage multiple store fronts?
Discuss key areas to plan around to
support multiple store fronts
Magentos solutions to areas that cause
operational overhead and increased
Additional reference material and case
studies for future use
13. Why Should You Create Multiple
Store Fronts?
Market and brand your company to
different demographic groups
Highlight subsets of your catalog in sites
that cater to niche markets
Provide multiple price points to different
groups without eroding your core margin
Set up cobranded or partner affiliated sites
Enable different levels of customer service
and support programs to different
audiences (B2B)
14. What are the Risks?
Operational impacts
Multiple locations for inventory management
Branding, marketing, and content management
activities can increase faster than sales
Customer service and support may have to learn
and manage multiple tools or sites
Traditionally, time to setup, brand and
configure each store front takes as long as the
original base store
Total setup costs exceeded expected value from
each additional store
15. What Drives Operational
Catalog management
User Interface (theme, skin, layout)
Managing order intake and integration
to your order management system
Customer service and customer
management for support, sales, and
responding to inquiries
16. Catalog Management
Challenges: Solution: Magentos
Maintaining the
addition of products in virtual catalog model
multiple sites Establish one base catalog
Keeping inventory and and inherit all or portions to
pricing up to date in each site you setup
each site Overrides are available site
Managing images, by site
attributes, and other
marketing content by Changes to the base can
manually coding replicate automatically
changes on each sites Inventory can be synced and
pages maintained from your back
office tools for all sites at
18. User Interface and Design
Challenge Solution: Magentos
How to take a base theme model
Allows you to extract the user
design and modify it interface and
to create a new site Apply to each additional site like
with a new look and a plug-in
feel without going Within each site you can then
change color, font, logos, banner
through the entire adds, etc.
process from Magentos CMS tool allows
scratch? you to add and manage
content in all or select sites
without writing code
20. Order Management and
Challenge Solution: Magento
If youve managed provides out of the box
multiple stores on integration APIs (along with
Volusion, Yahoo many prebuilt extensions)
Carts or other to take order activity from
platforms, you all your sites and sync with
appreciate the your ERP or Order
challenge of getting
Management Solution
orders into your
You can also integrate and
Order Management
automate shipping
notifications from ERP to
21. A Note on Infrastructure
Magentos architecture provides a platform
approach to scale multiple store fronts functionally
Peer 1s infrastructure approach and model lets
you scale effectively, and in a cost effective
manner without having to dedicate and hire full
time system administration tasks
We have instances of customers running 15 sites,
for high volumes of activity on each site, off of one
and two server footprints
Peer 1s model provides stability not just for visitor
traffic, but for the processes and workflows
(integration) which add over head to your system
22. Process Standardization and Control
Challenge Solution: One Application
Multiple tools means Base in Magento
multiple training
requirements for customer Enterprise
service By default, your sites will act
Multiple cycles of and behave the same
maintenance, upgrades
and revisions Logic and integration changes
Adding new functionality are made available to all sites
means programmatic Customer Service manages
changes to each tool or return inquiries and support
site separately requests in one place for all
Creating promotional sites
campaigns requires
repeated steps and Customer notifications for
intense manual effort shipments, change orders, and
inventory notifications are all
triggered automatically and in a
consistent method
24. About Promotional Activities and
Cart Abandonment
Process Control is most critical when it comes to price
management, promotions and customer interaction
The more successful you are here, the more you want to do
The more stratified your store fronts are, the more effort you
have to spend to keep these campaigns in sync
Customer relationship management and retention activities
can completely overwhelm a small marketing team
supporting multiple store fronts
This is a key area where the automated, controlled and
targeted activities of Listrak make a difference
Revenue is increased
Customer retention is increased
Operational impact stays flat (or decreases in some cases)
25. What Can You Expect?
We have seen secondary sites go live in as
little as 7days following the release of the
primary site
Magento is about reuse and standardization
Magento provides you a greater set of tools to be
self sufficient and reduce programming
Designing your primary site with the
expectation of potential reuse is a key factor to
achieving great results
We are all here to help
26. Additional Resources
Be sure to visit our site:
Here youll find
Solution summaries
Packaged offerings
White papers
Well be sending you a full copy of this presentation to keep as well as
materials from each of our partners
You can contact us at 480-320-2500 or sales at
anytime to discuss your site(s) and needs or to see a live
demonstration of a multi-store front Magento instance
Be sure to visit our blog for discussions on many ecommerce, sales
and marketing topics: