Man-made disasters are caused by technological or human-induced hazards such as fires, transport accidents, industrial incidents, terrorism, and nuclear explosions. Examples of specific man-made disasters include nuclear disasters, biological disasters, chemical disasters, fires, road accidents, terrorism, and epidemics. Nuclear disasters involve nuclear reactions that power atomic and hydrogen bombs. Chemical disasters result from the irresponsible handling and misuse of powerful chemicals in industries. Terrorism aims to terrorize people using violence and weapons without warning.
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3. Man-made disasters are the consequence of
technological or human hazards. Examples include
stampedes, fires, transport accidents, industrial
accidents, oil spills and nuclear explosions/radiation. War
and deliberate attacks may also be put in this category.
As with natural hazards, man-made hazards are events
that have not happened, for instance terrorism. Man-made
disasters are examples of specific cases where
man-made hazards have become reality in an event.
4. Nuclear disasters
Biological disasters
Chemical disasters
Fire accidents
Road accidents
5. It is a type of explosion deriving its force from nuclear
reactions of fission and fusion . It is of two types fission
and fusion . Egs. Of fission are atomic bombs , A-bombs ,
fission bombs . Egs. Of fusion bombs are hydrogen
bombs , H-bombs , fusion bombs etc.
6. These are referred as poor mans nuclear bomb as these
are easy to manufacture , transport and have the ability
to kill hundreds and thousands of people. They are
delivered using dusting airplanes or small perfumes
atomizers . They have ability to generate immediate
7. Disasters that are caused by the excessive use and
misuse of chemicals in industries are called chemical
disasters . The irresponsible handling of powerful
chemicals can cause widespread devastation.
8. Accidents that are caused due to fire are quite common .
Fire results in heavy damage both in terms of life and
property . Loss of life is high in a crowded building.
9. Travel accidents are quite common. An accident which
involves a no. of people becomes a disaster. E.g. of
these disasters are air crashes , train or vehicles
collisions , capsizing of boats etc.
10. This is another type of disaster that results in loss of life
and property. Terrorists use violence and strike without
warning. They use bombs , guns etc. to terrorize people
11. Epidemic occurs when a disease attacks a large no of
people at one time. It spreads at rapid rate among human
population . Most of diseases are spread after natural
disaster like tsunami , flood etc.