We are all different physiologically, intellectually, culturally, etc . Yet we are all one family through grace - A South west London Ghana SDA Church Family Ministries presentantion
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Many yet one family through grace
1. Many, Yet One Family Through Grace !By Elder Fred Adu-Darko
3. Why are we many?Because we are created differently from one another. These characteristics and differences are;Cultural EthnicBiological SocialPhysicalPsychologicalIntellectual
4. Human Behaviour from the Developmental PsychologistBorn: April 29th 1917- 2005UrieBronfen Brenner Ecological Theory 1979
10. 2.Mesosystem- how different parts of the micro system works positive growth of the child through the active roles of the primary care givers
11. 3.Exosystem- external factors that the child has no role to play but influences the childs development e.g. extended family, neighbours, legal & social services
12. 4.Macrosystem - Culture in which an individual lives e.g. western world, youth culture, social status
13. 5.Chronic system - Patterns of environmental events and transition e.g. divorce and how one can turn the situation around
14. Aspects of a familyFamily: Is a Primary Social Group consisting of parents and their offspring[s].[Collins Concise Dictionary]Example- Nuclear and Blended Families etcImportance of a Family gives us Unity and Togetherness Biblical exampleGenesis 27,18,19-24 Adam and Eve union symbiotic relationship
16. Purpose of oneness/ unityJesus Christ Prayed for unity and oneness on the Cross John 17;20-23Benefits to the church Benefits to the WorldOneness of Believers as Evangelistic it testifies of Gods LoveOneness of believes bears testimony to validity of the GospelAs a living Demonstration which confirms that Jesus is the Christ, Emissary sent by God to redeem the worldGenesis 27,18,19-24 Adam and Eve union symbiotic relationship
17. How can oneness be achieved if we are different/many?Paul tells us how with His analogy of the Body and the Church The Church is the visible presence of Christ on earth. Those who believe in Jesus constitute the Church; they make visible His invisible body. It is interesting that in the Bible people are not asked to "join the Church" per se. In biblical terms, the Church is not something one joins. The Church is the body of Christ, and people are called to accept Jesus as Savior and Lord and to accept our placement in that body.(4) The different Characteristics / Functions of a church and the human body All have different functions but work together to become one
21. 3 key principles of GraceGrace is something which is God given Its possible through and ONLY JESUS CHRISTIt is GODS Gift of salvation granted to Sinners for their Salvation
22. Physiological Benefits of GracePeace Joy HappinessRelease of Stress & AnxietyDepression (Matt 26;26-43 especially vs. 37,38 about Christ Jesus in Gethsemane)Release of Boredom and Loneliness
23. Grace Accentuates the PositivesEph 4:1-3Grace leads us to choose to focus on the Positive and not the negative. Paul mentions 4 personal values that will help, keep the unity of the spirit through the bond of the bond of peace (vs. 3)
25. Grace destroys all barriersEphesians 2:14-19Galatians 3:38SO IT BANISHES ALL LAWS AND DISCRIMINATION
26. 4 Key Personal Values 1.Humility 2.Gentleness 3.Patience 4.Forbearance
27. 1. Humility Luke 18:9-15 (Jew & Gentile Prayers) Abigail & husband Nebhan& Davids Issue.Also 1 Peter 5;5-6 Youth Submission to Elders & to themselves, for God Resist Proud, but gives Grace to the HumbleLuke 18; 18-27- The ruler who came to Jesus to ask for Eternal Life. Called Jesus Good Man
28. 2. GentlenessBeing gentle and respectful, showing that we care and are unwilling to take each other for granted (vs.2)
30. 4. ForbearanceForbearance bearing with one another in love: Mutual tolerance enables two human beings to live together in peace Luke 18; 35-43, Blind mans restoration of Sight.
31. Remember to.Communicate in Love Eph 4:15,29Be committed to loving one another Eph 5:1&2Deal constructively with anger and conflictForgive one another- objective reconciliation Romans 12:9-21Be mutually submissive Eph5:21
32. The cause of division and discord in families and in the church is separation from Christ. To come near to Christ is to come near to one another. The secret of true unity in the church and in the family is not diplomacy, not management, not a superhuman effort to overcome difficulties-though there will be much of this to do-but union with Christ. The closer we come to Christ, the nearer we shall be to one another. ( Adventist Home , p. 179) Conclusion