Session was introduced in CAT Scope 9, one of the most successful events held by CAT (Computer Assistance Team). It discussed the Mind Mapping technique basics and how to create your own Mind Maps.
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Map your Mind, Your mind on a paper
1. MapyourMind
Your mind on a paper..
Ibrahim Abdel Fattah Mohamed
4th Computer & Systems Engineering Department
depiak Coordinator
CATReloded Founder
2. SessionGoals
To give you a simple overview of how your mind actually
¡ñDifference between old and new note Making/Taking
¡ñTo introduce you the ¡°Mind Mapping¡± Technique. We code .. we design .. and we get everything done ..
3. Quote
¡° Whoever, wherever, you are, you are using ¨C to
understand these words -, the most beautiful, intricate,
complex, mysterious, and powerful object in the known
universe: your brain. ¡°
--Tony Buzan We code .. we design .. and we get everything done ..
4. History( 1)
The story starts with Tony standing in the university library
astonished.. We code .. we design .. and we get everything done ..
5. History( 2)
Tony asked himself:
¡ñ How do I learn how to learn?
¡ñ What is the nature of my thinking?
¡ñ What are the best techniques of memorizing?
¡ñ What are the best techniques of creative thinking?
¡ñ What are the best current techniques for reading?
¡ñ What are the best current...
.. then he started to study again. We code .. we design .. and we get everything done ..
6. OurBrain
Let's state some facts about our brains.. We code .. we design .. and we get everything done ..
7. Neurons( 1) We code .. we design .. and we get everything done ..
8. Neurons( 2) We code .. we design .. and we get everything done ..
10. TwoHemispheres
All our brains has two parts..
uses logic uses feeling
detail oriented quot;big picturequot; oriented
facts rule imagination rules
words and language symbols and images
present and past present and future
math and science philosophy & religion
can comprehend can quot;get itquot; (i.e. meaning)
knowing believes
acknowledges appreciates
order/pattern perception spatial perception
knows object name knows object function
reality based fantasy based
forms strategies presents possibilities
practical impetuous
safe risk taking We code .. we design .. and we get everything done ..
11. Brained?
None of us is left/right brained. We code .. we design .. and we get everything done ..
12. Test
The color test. We code .. we design .. and we get everything done ..
13. Intelligence
When did the Human Intelligence appeared? We code .. we design .. and we get everything done ..
They are difficult to remember.
¡ñYou have to read all your boring notes to find the main
point behind taking them.
¡ñWasting time.
¡ñLinear. We code .. we design .. and we get everything done ..
16. SoWhy
Why do some of us have some troubles in memorizing
what is written in books? We code .. we design .. and we get everything done ..
17. Information
Actually, how do your brain receive new data?
¡ñFor the next 100 years, if you receive 10 new items of data
shaped as words or images every second, you will be filling
only 1/10 OR LESS of your brain! We code .. we design .. and we get everything done ..
18. BrainLikes
The very first received information.
¡ñThe last received information
¡ñPatterns, shapes and images.
¡ñEmphasized, Colored
¡ñAnything related to 5 senses.
¡ñAnything that you are interested in. We code .. we design .. and we get everything done ..
19. TheNewTrend
Mind maps provides all what your brain loves.
¡ñLanguage, Numbers, Pictures, Rhythm, Colors,
Imagination, Spatial awareness. We code .. we design .. and we get everything done ..
20. MindMap
What is a Mind Map?
¡ñ We code .. we design .. and we get everything done ..
21. HowTO
Get a white sheet and some colored pens.
¡ñStart with a central word/image.
¡ñColored branches with only one key word/branch.
¡ñImages at the end of branches will be better.
¡ñEmphasizing important key words.
¡ñDevelop your personal style.
Mind Map We code .. we design .. and we get everything done ..
23. HowTO
Get a white sheet and some colored pens.
¡ñStart with a central word/image.
¡ñColored branches with only one key word/branch.
¡ñImages at the end of branches will be better.
¡ñEmphasizing important key words.
Mind Map We code .. we design .. and we get everything done ..