Este documento presenta el plan de gesti坦n de uso de medios y TIC de la Instituci坦n Educativa El Dos. Incluye un equipo de gesti坦n, diagn坦stico institucional, misi坦n, visi坦n, prop坦sitos y metas, direccionamiento estrat辿gico y plan de acci坦n. El objetivo general es motivar a docentes y estudiantes sobre el uso de las TIC como herramienta esencial y acceder a conocimientos sobre tecnolog鱈as para usarlas en todas las 叩reas.
This document contains updates from the Young Mizo Association (YMA) Lamka Branch. It provides information on:
1) Upcoming committee meetings and events, including a branch committee meeting on May 7th at 7:00 PM.
2) Announcements about members, including exam results, jobs, and family news.
3) Reports from other organizations, including a Mixure (internet service) installation and a Mizo Zaimi Inzawmkhawm meeting.
4) A note of condolence regarding a recent death.
The document shares news from the local community in a concise manner.
This document appears to be a record of grades for students in a Physics II class taught by Professor Ing. Celevma Rodriguez at the Universidad Nacional Experimental "Francisco de Miranda". It includes each student's name, identification number, quiz scores, exam scores, and final grades. The class had 14 students and met on Tuesdays from 7:00 to 9:15 AM. Student grades ranged from passing to excellent, with an average final grade of 7.1 out of 12.
El documento trata sobre la percepci坦n subliminal y el posicionamiento de productos. La percepci坦n subliminal se refiere a la capacidad de percibir est鱈mulos sin estar conscientemente de ello. El posicionamiento es m叩s importante que el 辿xito final de un producto y se refiere a la imagen que tiene un producto en la mente del consumidor. El documento tambi辿n discute diferentes tipos de posicionamiento como posicionamiento sombrilla, frente a la competencia, basado en beneficios espec鱈ficos, de posiciones no ocupadas y cubriendo vari
Exerc鱈cios de transitividade verbal e de per鱈odo
O documento cont辿m 5 quest探es e respostas sobre transitividade verbal e per鱈odo simples na l鱈ngua portuguesa. As quest探es abordam t坦picos como sujeito de verbo intransitivo, classifica巽達o de termos entre v鱈rgulas, concord但ncia verbal e voz reflexiva.
El documento describe varias piezas de cer叩mica de la cultura Panzaleo encontradas en la Sierra norte y central de Ecuador, incluyendo vasijas en forma de personas, animales y aves usadas como ofrendas funerarias. Tambi辿n menciona una pieza de alta calidad llamada Panzaleo Cosanga-Pillaro que conecta diferentes culturas serranas y refleja los intercambios entre la Sierra y la Amazon鱈a, especialmente para la provisi坦n de elementos cham叩nicos como la coca.
O poema de Ferreira Gullar expressa sentimentos de cansa巽o e desilus達o com o mundo, enquanto o poema de Mario Quintana defende que a poesia 辿 eterna e atempora.
El documento resume una entrevista realizada a un ciber caf辿. El ciber caf辿 ofrece servicios como renta de equipos, impresiones, escaneo, copiado, recargas m坦viles y mantenimiento de equipos. El 60% de los ingresos provienen de la renta de equipos. El due単o mencion坦 las fortalezas como un buen espacio, equipos r叩pidos y funcionamiento, y las debilidades como falta de espacio para m叩s equipos y clientes.
Wikipedia es un sofware "enciclopedia libre", pertenece a la fundaci坦n Wikimedia que es una organizaci坦n sin fines de lucro. La misma que nos permite subir y buscar informaci坦n.
An叩lise de "A carteira de meu tio", de Joaquim Manuel de
1) O documento analisa o romance "A carteira de meu tio", do escritor brasileiro Joaquim Manuel de Macedo, publicado em 1855.
2) A obra funciona como uma alegoria sat鱈rica dos costumes pol鱈ticos brasileiros de meados do s辿culo XIX, fazendo uma cr鱈tica aristocracia agr叩ria que dominava a pol鱈tica da 辿poca.
3) A narrativa 辿 apresentada como um di叩rio de viagem onde o narrador anota impress探es que fazem uma s叩tira aos partidos pol鱈ticos da 辿poca e mediocridade
O projeto tem como objetivo promover o uso de tecnologias da informa巽達o e comunica巽達o como ferramenta de aprendizagem, incentivar a leitura e escrita com obras de rico Ver鱈ssimo, e incentivar a colabora巽達o entre escolas. Ele envolve as escolas Jos辿 Garibaldi e Ad達o Martini e tem fases que incluem capacita巽達o de professores, desenvolvimento de projetos, constru巽達o de blogs escolares, intera巽達o entre escolas e encontro final para socializa巽達o das experi棚ncias.
Este documento presenta informaci坦n sobre la publicaci坦n de presentaciones en internet. Brevemente discute (1) qu辿 es un sitio p炭blico en internet, (2) las ventajas de contar con archivos en un lugar de alojamiento, y (3) ejemplos de sitios gratuitos y seguros de alojamiento. Luego, ofrece consejos sobre medidas de seguridad en redes sociales y estrategias para prevenir el ciberacoso.
This document outlines the schedule for the 2011 season of the Indian Premier League, listing 51 matches to be played between April 4 and May 28, 2011 by the 8 participating teams. It provides the dates, times, locations, and opposing teams for each match. The schedule concludes with a week of playoffs between the top 4 teams, culminating in the final match on May 28 in Chennai.
Este documento cont辿m dois exerc鱈cios sobre fonologia com suas respectivas solu巽探es comentadas. O primeiro exerc鱈cio pede para identificar qual alternativa cont辿m palavras em uma ordem espec鱈fica de tonicidade. O segundo exerc鱈cio pede para classificar tr棚s palavras quanto tonicidade. As solu巽探es explicam a classifica巽達o correta de cada palavra nos exerc鱈cios.
2025 Women Leaders Program - Award WinningSonia McDonald
Empower & Lead: Women in Leadership
Dive into our award-winning and dynamic programs designed to boost your confidence and equip you with bold tools and strategies. Unleash your unique leadership potential and lead with flair!
Elevate Your Game with the Women Leaders Program
Step up to the challenge with Sonia McDonalds dynamic leadership program, perfectly blending neuroscience, personal, and professional development. With over three decades of expertise in leadership and HR, Sonia has designed a program that adapts to your busy lifestyle, offering both virtual and in-house options. Explore ten robust modules equipped with an all-encompassing toolkit, infused with cutting-edge neuroscience to enhance your understanding of leadership dynamics. Choose from engaging monthly group coaching or personalized 1:1 sessions with Sonia.
If youre ready for a transformative journey focused on growth, neuroscience-backed courage, leadership, and freedom, this is your call to action. Join us and start leading like never before!
Transform Your Leadership.
Transform Your Life.
Women are underrepresented in key decision-making roles across almost all industries in the Australian workforce, women comprise only:
19.4% of CEOs
32.5% of key management positions
33% of board members
18% of board chairs.
Maximise Your Leadership Skills
Achieve the best results for yourself, your team, and for the business.
Develop & Grow Your Courage
Build courageous habits to live the life you choose.
Enhance Your Career Progression
Step in, stand up, lead and get your seat at the Table.
Fuel Injection in Compression Ignition EngineNileshKumbhar21
Requirements of injection system, Types of injection systems Individual pump, Common rail and Distributor systems, Unit injector, Types of fuel nozzles- single hole, multi hole, pintle, and pintaux, Electronic diesel injection system.
Meaning, Objectives and Limitations of Financial Statement Analysis. , Tools for Financial
Statement Analysis , Balance Sheet: Vertical Balance Sheet (Simple Numerical) , Comparative
Statement: Introduction, Methods and Steps for Preparation (Example of Simple Statement ) ,
Common Sized Statement: Introduction, Methods and Steps for Preparation(Example of Simple
Statement ) , Cash Flow Statement: Importance Steps for Preparation & Use (Example of
Simple Statement ) , of Accounting Ratios: Meaning, Objectives and Classification
Exerc鱈cios de transitividade verbal e de per鱈odo
O documento cont辿m 5 quest探es e respostas sobre transitividade verbal e per鱈odo simples na l鱈ngua portuguesa. As quest探es abordam t坦picos como sujeito de verbo intransitivo, classifica巽達o de termos entre v鱈rgulas, concord但ncia verbal e voz reflexiva.
El documento describe varias piezas de cer叩mica de la cultura Panzaleo encontradas en la Sierra norte y central de Ecuador, incluyendo vasijas en forma de personas, animales y aves usadas como ofrendas funerarias. Tambi辿n menciona una pieza de alta calidad llamada Panzaleo Cosanga-Pillaro que conecta diferentes culturas serranas y refleja los intercambios entre la Sierra y la Amazon鱈a, especialmente para la provisi坦n de elementos cham叩nicos como la coca.
O poema de Ferreira Gullar expressa sentimentos de cansa巽o e desilus達o com o mundo, enquanto o poema de Mario Quintana defende que a poesia 辿 eterna e atempora.
El documento resume una entrevista realizada a un ciber caf辿. El ciber caf辿 ofrece servicios como renta de equipos, impresiones, escaneo, copiado, recargas m坦viles y mantenimiento de equipos. El 60% de los ingresos provienen de la renta de equipos. El due単o mencion坦 las fortalezas como un buen espacio, equipos r叩pidos y funcionamiento, y las debilidades como falta de espacio para m叩s equipos y clientes.
Wikipedia es un sofware "enciclopedia libre", pertenece a la fundaci坦n Wikimedia que es una organizaci坦n sin fines de lucro. La misma que nos permite subir y buscar informaci坦n.
An叩lise de "A carteira de meu tio", de Joaquim Manuel de
1) O documento analisa o romance "A carteira de meu tio", do escritor brasileiro Joaquim Manuel de Macedo, publicado em 1855.
2) A obra funciona como uma alegoria sat鱈rica dos costumes pol鱈ticos brasileiros de meados do s辿culo XIX, fazendo uma cr鱈tica aristocracia agr叩ria que dominava a pol鱈tica da 辿poca.
3) A narrativa 辿 apresentada como um di叩rio de viagem onde o narrador anota impress探es que fazem uma s叩tira aos partidos pol鱈ticos da 辿poca e mediocridade
O projeto tem como objetivo promover o uso de tecnologias da informa巽達o e comunica巽達o como ferramenta de aprendizagem, incentivar a leitura e escrita com obras de rico Ver鱈ssimo, e incentivar a colabora巽達o entre escolas. Ele envolve as escolas Jos辿 Garibaldi e Ad達o Martini e tem fases que incluem capacita巽達o de professores, desenvolvimento de projetos, constru巽達o de blogs escolares, intera巽達o entre escolas e encontro final para socializa巽達o das experi棚ncias.
Este documento presenta informaci坦n sobre la publicaci坦n de presentaciones en internet. Brevemente discute (1) qu辿 es un sitio p炭blico en internet, (2) las ventajas de contar con archivos en un lugar de alojamiento, y (3) ejemplos de sitios gratuitos y seguros de alojamiento. Luego, ofrece consejos sobre medidas de seguridad en redes sociales y estrategias para prevenir el ciberacoso.
This document outlines the schedule for the 2011 season of the Indian Premier League, listing 51 matches to be played between April 4 and May 28, 2011 by the 8 participating teams. It provides the dates, times, locations, and opposing teams for each match. The schedule concludes with a week of playoffs between the top 4 teams, culminating in the final match on May 28 in Chennai.
Este documento cont辿m dois exerc鱈cios sobre fonologia com suas respectivas solu巽探es comentadas. O primeiro exerc鱈cio pede para identificar qual alternativa cont辿m palavras em uma ordem espec鱈fica de tonicidade. O segundo exerc鱈cio pede para classificar tr棚s palavras quanto tonicidade. As solu巽探es explicam a classifica巽達o correta de cada palavra nos exerc鱈cios.
2025 Women Leaders Program - Award WinningSonia McDonald
Empower & Lead: Women in Leadership
Dive into our award-winning and dynamic programs designed to boost your confidence and equip you with bold tools and strategies. Unleash your unique leadership potential and lead with flair!
Elevate Your Game with the Women Leaders Program
Step up to the challenge with Sonia McDonalds dynamic leadership program, perfectly blending neuroscience, personal, and professional development. With over three decades of expertise in leadership and HR, Sonia has designed a program that adapts to your busy lifestyle, offering both virtual and in-house options. Explore ten robust modules equipped with an all-encompassing toolkit, infused with cutting-edge neuroscience to enhance your understanding of leadership dynamics. Choose from engaging monthly group coaching or personalized 1:1 sessions with Sonia.
If youre ready for a transformative journey focused on growth, neuroscience-backed courage, leadership, and freedom, this is your call to action. Join us and start leading like never before!
Transform Your Leadership.
Transform Your Life.
Women are underrepresented in key decision-making roles across almost all industries in the Australian workforce, women comprise only:
19.4% of CEOs
32.5% of key management positions
33% of board members
18% of board chairs.
Maximise Your Leadership Skills
Achieve the best results for yourself, your team, and for the business.
Develop & Grow Your Courage
Build courageous habits to live the life you choose.
Enhance Your Career Progression
Step in, stand up, lead and get your seat at the Table.
Fuel Injection in Compression Ignition EngineNileshKumbhar21
Requirements of injection system, Types of injection systems Individual pump, Common rail and Distributor systems, Unit injector, Types of fuel nozzles- single hole, multi hole, pintle, and pintaux, Electronic diesel injection system.
Meaning, Objectives and Limitations of Financial Statement Analysis. , Tools for Financial
Statement Analysis , Balance Sheet: Vertical Balance Sheet (Simple Numerical) , Comparative
Statement: Introduction, Methods and Steps for Preparation (Example of Simple Statement ) ,
Common Sized Statement: Introduction, Methods and Steps for Preparation(Example of Simple
Statement ) , Cash Flow Statement: Importance Steps for Preparation & Use (Example of
Simple Statement ) , of Accounting Ratios: Meaning, Objectives and Classification
By the end of this session, participants will be able to:
Understand the PRISMA Guidelines Explain the purpose and key components of the PRISMA checklist and flow diagram in systematic review reporting.
Identify Common Pitfalls Recognize frequent errors and challenges in reporting systematic reviews and how they impact transparency and reproducibility.
Apply Best Practices Implement strategies to enhance the clarity, completeness, and accuracy of systematic review reporting.
Use PRISMA Effectively Utilize PRISMA tools and resources to improve the structure and presentation of systematic reviews.
Assess PRISMA Compliance Critically evaluate published systematic reviews for adherence to PRISMA guidelines.
Configuration of Python and SQL Constraints in Odoo 18Celine George
In this slide well discuss the configuration of python and SQL constraints in Odoo 18. Constraints are essential for enforcing business rules and data integrity directly at the database and application levels.
"General Principles of Treatment of Poisoning: A Comprehensive Guide to Emerg...Banny Sv
general principles of treatment of poisoning.
General Principles of Treatment of Poisoning A Comprehensive Guide
Poisoning is a critical medical emergency that requires immediate and effective intervention to prevent severe health complications and fatalities. This detailed 際際滷Share presentation covers the general principles of poisoning management, equipping healthcare professionals, medical students, and emergency responders with life-saving knowledge on how to assess, diagnose, and treat different types of poisoning cases.
What You Will Learn in This Presentation:
Introduction to Poisoning Understanding different types of poisons (chemical, pharmaceutical, biological, environmental, etc.)
Initial Patient Assessment Identifying symptoms, clinical signs, and severity of toxicity
Emergency Response & First Aid Essential pre-hospital care, including airway management, breathing support, and circulation monitoring
Gastrointestinal Decontamination Use of activated charcoal, gastric lavage, and whole bowel irrigation
Antidote Therapy Specific antidotes for common poisons such as opioids, cyanide, organophosphates, and heavy metals
Elimination Enhancement Techniques Hemodialysis, forced diuresis, and urinary alkalinization
Supportive and Symptomatic Care Managing complications like seizures, respiratory distress, and cardiac arrest
Poison Control & Prevention Strategies Steps to reduce poisoning risks in households, workplaces, and industries
Why This Presentation Is Important?
Poisoning remains a major global health concern, leading to thousands of emergency cases every year. Having a strong grasp of poisoning management can be the difference between life and death. This 際際滷Share presentation is designed to provide an in-depth, structured, and practical approach to treating poisoning cases effectively. Whether you are a medical student, healthcare provider, first responder, or researcher, this resource will be invaluable in enhancing your knowledge and skills in toxicology and emergency medicine.
Tags to Improve Discoverability:
#PoisoningTreatment #Toxicology #EmergencyMedicine #GeneralPrinciples #PoisonManagement #MedicalTreatment #FirstAid #Antidotes #ToxinExposure #Healthcare #ClinicalGuidelines #PoisonControl #Pharmacology #MedicalEmergency #Detoxification #SupportiveCare #ActivatedCharcoal #GastrointestinalDecontamination #CriticalCare #PatientManagement
Dont Forget to Like, Share & Follow for More Medical Insights!
Recent advances in Insulin therapy: A comprehensive overviewDr C Vignesh
Recent Advances in Insulin Therapy: A Comprehensive Overview
This presentation provides an in-depth overview of insulin therapy, covering its historical evolution, structure, mechanism of action, and recent advances. The session is designed to enhance understanding of insulin's role in diabetes management and the latest innovations in its therapeutic application.
Key Highlights:
Pancreatic Anatomy & Physiology Understanding the endocrine function of the pancreas and insulin secretion mechanisms.
Insulin Structure & Mechanism of Action Exploring the biochemical structure, receptor interactions, and physiological regulation of insulin.
Diabetes Mellitus (DM) Definition, classification, diagnostic criteria, and complications associated with diabetes.
Timeline of Insulin Development A historical perspective on the discovery and evolution of insulin therapy.
Recent Advances in Insulin Therapy Discussion on novel insulin analogues (ultra-rapid, basal, and glucose-responsive insulins) and innovative insulin delivery systems (smart pens, closed-loop pumps, oral and inhaled insulins).
This presentation is useful for medical students, healthcare professionals, and researchers interested in advancements in diabetes management.
Keywords: Insulin therapy, insulin analogues, diabetes management, insulin delivery systems, diabetes mellitus, recent advances
How to Add opening Balance in Odoo AccountingCeline George
To set up an opening balance in Odoo Accounting, needs to establish initial balances for your accounts. This ensures accurate reflection of financial position at the beginning of a fiscal year or when migrating from another system to Odoo.
Precise guide for GNM/RGNM, B.Sc. Nursing/Basic B.Sc. Nursing & M.Sc Nursing students ... Regarding pain and its management. Highly recommended for Third Semester B.Sc Nursing Students .
Also this document discusses pain management through both non-pharmacological and pharmacological approaches. It covers typical areas of referred pain, pain assessment techniques, non-drug therapies like recreation and different approaches for using analgesic medications.
Job Interview techniques and strategies for the school teachers.pptPriya Sush
Job Interview Techniques and Strategies. How to prepare for the interview of a school teacher? Career opportunities. Interview techniques for a school teacher. Preparing for the interview. Job interview strategies. Interview preparation for School Teachers. Resume, CV, Application, Personal Profile, Portfolio. Teaching techniques,. Preparation for a Teacher's job, School Job. Career opportunities in Education : Teacher, Co-Teacher, Assistant Teacher, Coordinator, Content Creator, EdTech Companies. SSC Board, CBSE Board, ICSE Board, IGCSE Board, IB Board. TGT, PGT.
Flyer-Water ambassadors, Erasmus+ "Water is life, treat it right", 2023-2025Konstantina Katirtzi
The flyer is about the water scarcity and the need to save the water. It was created as a part of the water campaign lounced by our school, the 12th Gymnasium of Peristeri, Athens, during the 4h Transnational Meeting of the KA210 Erasmus+ with the title "Water is life, treat it right".