Lacoste event of photography and fashion carried out in 2011, at the brazilian cities of S達o Paulo, Rio de Janeiro an Bras鱈lia.
Photos by Bob Wolfenson and Ludovic Careme, styling by Paulo Martinez and copy by Ign叩cio de Loyola Brand達o and a cast of beatiful celebrities.
Building Your Personal Brand on Social MediaMandy Jenkins
The document discusses building a personal brand on social media for journalists. It provides tips for using platforms like Twitter, Facebook, Google+, LinkedIn and others to establish an online presence. The tips include using your real name and photo, responding to comments, being transparent, correcting mistakes, and engaging with followers by sharing articles and crowdsourcing stories. The goal is to establish credibility and drive traffic to your work.
This document provides useful tips for doing business in China. It discusses building relationships, cultural differences between East Asia and the West, and the importance of understanding concepts like guanxi and saving face. The document emphasizes that to succeed in China, businesses need to be flexible, think long-term, and understand differences from Western business practices. It also includes contact information for the author to provide further guidance on doing business in China.
Este documento define los recursos naturales y distingue entre recursos renovables y no renovables. Explica que los recursos naturales son aquellos bienes y servicios proporcionados por la naturaleza que son valiosos para las sociedades humanas. Adem叩s, resume el marco legal que rige los principales recursos naturales en Venezuela, incluyendo la Constituci坦n y leyes sobre petr坦leo, agua, bosques y medio ambiente. Finalmente, presenta diferentes teor鱈as sobre la renta de la tierra como la de los fisi坦cratas, Ricardo
Martin Luther King Jr. was a prominent civil rights leader born in 1929 who advocated for racial equality and justice through nonviolent civil disobedience. He believed that injustice anywhere threatened justice everywhere and that love was necessary to overcome the hate, so he led peaceful protests to end segregation and racism despite facing opposition, imprisonment, and ultimately being assassinated in 1968 at age 39 while supporting sanitation workers' strike in Memphis, Tennessee.
The document discusses IT reform in the public sector. It notes that the recession has reduced ICT investment in the public sector. Countries are looking for new ways to continue started projects, with a focus on e-administration and e-services through short-term ROI projects. Access to the internet, especially in rural areas, is a key focus. EU funding is crucial for success but utilizing these funds requires significant effort. Political instability delays progress in some countries.
This document discusses Paul Goebbels' admiration for Adolf Hitler. It contains excerpts from Goebbels praising Hitler for greeting him like an old friend and speaking in a way that breaks down all resistance. Goebbels says they will go down in history as the greatest statesmen or criminals. The document portrays Goebbels as a devoted disciple of Hitler.
1) Peter wrote his letter to encourage Christians experiencing persecution who were questioning if their faith was worth dying for.
2) Peter reminds them of the great wealth God has given believers - including a second birth, an undying hope through Christ's resurrection, and a guaranteed heavenly inheritance.
3) Peter emphasizes that through faith in Christ, believers have been rescued from sin and death through God's plan of salvation, which was a great mystery that even prophets did not fully understand.
This document provides an overview of the Kingdom of God based on biblical passages. It defines the Kingdom of God as the sovereign rule and influence of God over His people and domain. It discusses how and why the Kingdom of God came through Jesus reconciling all things to God and placing all things under His authority. It states that the Kingdom of God is present wherever God's will is being done on Earth as it is in Heaven. The document outlines the Kingdom mandate for Christians to reach, restore, and reproduce, engaging in God's work until Jesus returns. It presents the Kingdom of God as a compelling narrative and grand vision that should be the central focus of a Christian's life.
The document discusses the myth that Oracle databases are often hacked from external sources. It argues that in reality, the majority of attacks come from internal sources such as employees with access privileges, through passive means like exploiting known vulnerabilities, misconfigurations or errors rather than active hacking. Over 80% of attacks are done internally and over 90% exploit standard configuration issues, outdated software or publicized vulnerabilities rather than sophisticated hacking techniques. Insider threats from employees with access are among the most common and damaging attack methods.
The document discusses challenges with traditional approaches to matching job candidates and jobs, such as using job titles, Boolean search strings, and structured filters. It then introduces an alternative approach using latent semantic indexing (LSI)-based machine learning, which learns relationships between terms from document content without needing human-defined rules or dictionaries. An example demonstrates how this approach finds a highly relevant candidate for a marketing manager job from a pool of 96,000 resumes by identifying related terms not captured by traditional searches.
The document provides information about the Coretta Scott King Book Award, which honors books that demonstrate an appreciation of African American culture and universal human values. It lists the year 2000 as a reference point and includes links to additional resources about the award and its namesake, Coretta Scott King, who received recognition for her work promoting peace and equality.
V辰lkommen till en sp辰nnande vinter och v奪r, d奪 vi g奪r mot ljusare tider. Hoppas att du f奪r m旦jlighet att stanna upp d奪 och d奪 f旦r att njuta av konst, musik, idrott, teater och mycket mer.
Vi har ett rikt utbud i Kung辰lv. Mitt Mimers och Familjel旦rdag gjorde succ辿 i h旦stas och forts辰tter p奪 samma lyckade s辰tt under v奪ren. H辰r hittar du ett axplock av allt som h辰nder i v奪r kommun. H奪ll ocks奪 utkik p奪 n辰tet efter mer.
Varmt v辰lkommen!
Robert Hallman
Chef f旦r Kultur och Fritid
Este documento define los recursos naturales y distingue entre recursos renovables y no renovables. Explica que los recursos naturales son aquellos bienes y servicios proporcionados por la naturaleza que son valiosos para las sociedades humanas. Adem叩s, resume el marco legal que rige los principales recursos naturales en Venezuela, incluyendo la Constituci坦n y leyes sobre petr坦leo, agua, bosques y medio ambiente. Finalmente, presenta diferentes teor鱈as sobre la renta de la tierra como la de los fisi坦cratas, Ricardo
Martin Luther King Jr. was a prominent civil rights leader born in 1929 who advocated for racial equality and justice through nonviolent civil disobedience. He believed that injustice anywhere threatened justice everywhere and that love was necessary to overcome the hate, so he led peaceful protests to end segregation and racism despite facing opposition, imprisonment, and ultimately being assassinated in 1968 at age 39 while supporting sanitation workers' strike in Memphis, Tennessee.
The document discusses IT reform in the public sector. It notes that the recession has reduced ICT investment in the public sector. Countries are looking for new ways to continue started projects, with a focus on e-administration and e-services through short-term ROI projects. Access to the internet, especially in rural areas, is a key focus. EU funding is crucial for success but utilizing these funds requires significant effort. Political instability delays progress in some countries.
This document discusses Paul Goebbels' admiration for Adolf Hitler. It contains excerpts from Goebbels praising Hitler for greeting him like an old friend and speaking in a way that breaks down all resistance. Goebbels says they will go down in history as the greatest statesmen or criminals. The document portrays Goebbels as a devoted disciple of Hitler.
1) Peter wrote his letter to encourage Christians experiencing persecution who were questioning if their faith was worth dying for.
2) Peter reminds them of the great wealth God has given believers - including a second birth, an undying hope through Christ's resurrection, and a guaranteed heavenly inheritance.
3) Peter emphasizes that through faith in Christ, believers have been rescued from sin and death through God's plan of salvation, which was a great mystery that even prophets did not fully understand.
This document provides an overview of the Kingdom of God based on biblical passages. It defines the Kingdom of God as the sovereign rule and influence of God over His people and domain. It discusses how and why the Kingdom of God came through Jesus reconciling all things to God and placing all things under His authority. It states that the Kingdom of God is present wherever God's will is being done on Earth as it is in Heaven. The document outlines the Kingdom mandate for Christians to reach, restore, and reproduce, engaging in God's work until Jesus returns. It presents the Kingdom of God as a compelling narrative and grand vision that should be the central focus of a Christian's life.
The document discusses the myth that Oracle databases are often hacked from external sources. It argues that in reality, the majority of attacks come from internal sources such as employees with access privileges, through passive means like exploiting known vulnerabilities, misconfigurations or errors rather than active hacking. Over 80% of attacks are done internally and over 90% exploit standard configuration issues, outdated software or publicized vulnerabilities rather than sophisticated hacking techniques. Insider threats from employees with access are among the most common and damaging attack methods.
The document discusses challenges with traditional approaches to matching job candidates and jobs, such as using job titles, Boolean search strings, and structured filters. It then introduces an alternative approach using latent semantic indexing (LSI)-based machine learning, which learns relationships between terms from document content without needing human-defined rules or dictionaries. An example demonstrates how this approach finds a highly relevant candidate for a marketing manager job from a pool of 96,000 resumes by identifying related terms not captured by traditional searches.
The document provides information about the Coretta Scott King Book Award, which honors books that demonstrate an appreciation of African American culture and universal human values. It lists the year 2000 as a reference point and includes links to additional resources about the award and its namesake, Coretta Scott King, who received recognition for her work promoting peace and equality.
V辰lkommen till en sp辰nnande vinter och v奪r, d奪 vi g奪r mot ljusare tider. Hoppas att du f奪r m旦jlighet att stanna upp d奪 och d奪 f旦r att njuta av konst, musik, idrott, teater och mycket mer.
Vi har ett rikt utbud i Kung辰lv. Mitt Mimers och Familjel旦rdag gjorde succ辿 i h旦stas och forts辰tter p奪 samma lyckade s辰tt under v奪ren. H辰r hittar du ett axplock av allt som h辰nder i v奪r kommun. H奪ll ocks奪 utkik p奪 n辰tet efter mer.
Varmt v辰lkommen!
Robert Hallman
Chef f旦r Kultur och Fritid
Naturnatten arrangeras av 鰻温岳顎姻壊一霞糸糸壊韓旦姻艶稼庄稼乙艶稼s lokalkretsar p奪 olika platser runtom i landet. Det brukar bli ett roligt och intressant natt辰ventyr och en annorlunda naturupplevelse.
KL 13
V辰lkomnande med Kerstin
Wennergren, Folkets hus och Gilbert
Ohlson HAM-SAM.
Invigningstalare Anna Sibinska,
engagerad i kultur- och milj旦fr奪gor,
ledamot i V辰stra G旦talandsregionen
Kulturn辰mnden och ordf旦rande i
G旦teborgs stads
Var: Hammarsalen - Folkets hus
Guidade bes旦k
till konstutst辰llningar
och atelj辿er
kl. 12.15 och 14.00
(45 till 60 min).
Samlingspunkt Foaj辿n
i Folkets hus.
Infopunkt - Folkets hus
Atelj辿er och konstutst辰llningar har 旦ppet fr奪n
kl. 11 till 17.
Kulturvandring i Hammarkullen arrangeras i
奪r f旦r tredje g奪ngen.
avslutas med
musikupptr辰dande kl 17
i Folkets hus Hammarsalen.
st奪r f旦r musiken.
Det lever, sv辰nger och
har en oemotst奪ndlig
dansbarhet n辰r
LecheBurre rullar
ig奪ng sin show.
3. 1. Folket hus Hammarkulletorget 62 B......................
Alfons salen
Hendrik Zeitler - Fotoutst辰llning
kl. 11 - 17
kl. 13.30 - G旦teborgs Naturhistoriska
Museum. Kennet Lundin presenterar
tema Natur, myt och kultur Vad 辰r
fantasi och vad 辰r verklighet?
kl. 13. 50 - kulturhuset Bl奪 St辰llet - Dan
Greider, marknadsf旦rings ansvarig
presenterar husets program och
aktiviteter med ord, foto och film.
kl.14.10- Konstn辰ren Birgitta Lorentzon
ber辰ttar med ord och bild om sitt
arbete med mural konstverket "Steg logaritmer - spiraler" som finns vid
trappan vid Hammarkullens Torg,
skapad 1985-86. Efter det ges
m旦jligheter till guidad visning med
kl. 14.30 - Paus
VISTIMME - Bell, Helle och Torbj旦rn
sjunger egna visor och andras.
kl. 15 - 16
Nya Konsthallen
Daniel B辰vern辰s - Fotoutst辰llning
Konstn辰ren vill inte p奪verka
betraktarens upplevelse av bilderna
och n奪gon beskrivning av dem beh旦vs
d辰rf旦r inte.
kl. 11 - 17
Mirna Ticona- aymara konstn辰r.
Utst辰llning med akvarellm奪lningar och
kl. 11 - 17
Astrid salen
KANG LE HUA REN f旦rening (kinesiska
f旦reningen) Prova-p奪 kalligrafi med
pensel, minif旦rel辰sning om Kinas
kulturarv med Billy Tran och visning av
dr辰kter fr奪n Tang dynastin.
kl. 12 - 16
Ronja salen
Hur mycket kan du om
Barnkonventionen? Prova p奪 att skapa
en Radiojingel om barnens r辰ttigheter
med barnen av projektet UPPDRAG 54.
kl. 12 - 14
Utst辰llning med Emmaskolan - Id辿n att
bygga en groddamm invid Emmaskolan
kom fr奪n barnen. I v奪ras kl辰cktes de
f旦rsta grod辰ggen och den vackra
platsen invid dammen anv辰nds flitigt f旦r
utomhuslektioner. Barn och personal
fr奪n Emmaskolan finns vid utst辰llningen.
I samarbete med Chalmers/CUS.
kl. 13 - 15
Kom och testa animerad film med
Gunilla Gr辰nsbo.
kl. 11 - 15
G旦teborgs Naturhistoriska Museum
presenterar tema Natur, myt och
Vad 辰r fantasi och vad 辰r verklighet?
Hajar, vargar, vampyrfladderm旦ss,
ugglor alla 辰r de omh旦ljda av myter
som 辰r djupt f旦rankrade i kulturer
v辰rlden 旦ver. Vill du veta sanningen s奪
kom till oss och tr辰ffa de mytiska
djuren. Med Carola Azurduy H旦gstr旦m
och Kennet Lundin.
kl. 12 - 17
Kulturhuset Bl奪 St辰llet - deltar i
kulturvandringen med informationsbord
om det nya huset som invigs under
kl. 12 - 15
2. Hammarkulletorget..........................
Vi v辰lkomnar v奪ra bes旦kare med
trumrytmer fr奪n Montevideo- Uruguay.
Framf旦rs av gruppen Candombe
kl. 12
Alla barnens konst - Med regnb奪gens
f辰rger v辰lkomnar vi alla barn att skapa
stora m奪lningar med kritor p奪 torget.
Aktivitet med st旦d fr奪n G旦teborgs
kl. 12 - 14
Deltagande konst med m奪leri och
skulptur - deltagare i kursen Konsten i
samh辰llet bjuder p奪 workshop med
konst p奪 torget.
I samarbete med Folkh旦gskolan i
kl. 12 - 17
Kulturhuset Bl奪 St辰llet - visar och
bjuder p奪 Drakflygning (om v辰dret
kl. 12 - 15
3. CD Libertad.......................................
ppet hus i klubbstugan d辰r man
kommer att visa video fr奪n olika
evenemang, visa upp dr辰kter och
informera om deras verksamhet.
Bes旦kare kan 辰ven f奪 m旦jlighet att
prova dr辰kter.
I 奪r visas mer av Bolivia med videoklipp
p奪 karneval, turism och historia.
Salte単as eller andra bolivianska piroger
kommer att s辰ljas.
Var: Lilla R旦da Stugan vid
Hammarkulltorget kl. 13 - 15.
4. Mixg奪rden, fritidsg奪rden i
ppet hus- G奪rdens personal och
Hammarkullens b辰sta ungdomar bjuder
Romsk kulturafton kl. 12.30 - Romska gatumusikanter i
Mix caf辿et
kl. 14.00 - Bagir Kwir - aktuell med
utst辰llningen "Vi 辰r Romer" med
information om Romer i Mix
kl. 15 - Musikupptr辰dande
Hela dagen serveras Romsk mat:
Burek, romska tapas och gryta.
kl. 11 - 17
Hantverksmarknad - med hantverk fr奪n
v辰st och 旦st, lokalt och globalt. D辰r
tr辰ffar du bl.a.
Hennatatuering med Qudsia,
professionell henna/mehndi maker.
Traditionella Bakelser fr奪n Chile empolvados, chilenitos, cachitos,
Hantverk fr奪n Bolivia.
Var: Hammarkulletorget 63
kl. 12 - 17
5 - Hammarkullsskolan gymnastiksal
Los Copihues- dansgrupp och
sambaskola. Kom och ta del av deras
historia med bild och ber辰ttelser. F奪 en
inblick i arbete med karnevalsdr辰kterna.
Passa p奪 om du 辰r intresserad av dans
f旦r det blir dansuppvisning och prova p奪
samba f旦r alla 奪ldrar.
kl. 13 - 15
6 - Mariakyrkan en kyrka n辰ra dig...
V辰lkommen att se Mariakyrkan i
Hammarkullen och h旦ra lite om v奪rt
arbete. ppen kyrka med r辰ttvisem辰rkt
caf辿 och f旦rs辰ljning av r辰ttvisem辰rkta
varor, hantverk och choklad.
Var: Mariakyrkan, Bredfj辰llsgatan 1
(tidigare Tomaskyrkan)
kl. 11 -14
Andakt med musik
kl. 12.
7. F旦reningen Salvador Allende Radio 19 april........................................
ppet hus kl. 12 - 17
Utst辰llning - Visas verk av David
Vargas - konstn辰r fr奪n Bolivia.
Tema: Den textila traditionen i Anderna
- fokus Bolivia. Utst辰llning med
v辰vnader fr奪n organisationen ASUR,
(Antrop坦logos del Surandino).
12.15 - 12.45 - Boliviagruppen ber辰ttar
om sitt verksamhet i Sverige och sitt
engagemang i Bolivia.
4. Hammarkullsskolan
15.15 - 16.30 Workshop - Erika Tikona
visar grundteknik i andiska textilier Testa att v辰va sj辰lv.
13.30 - 14.15 - Erika Tikona ber辰ttar
om textilerna fr奪n omr奪dena Tarabuco
och Jalq'a i Bolivias h旦gland med bilder
och video.
Caf辿 med servering av latinsk mat
Ett samarbete mellan F旦reningen
Salvador Allende och Boliviagruppen.
Var: Bredfj辰llsgatan 28
8. M旦tesplatsen....................................
Mario Kristan, Kristin Allwood, Aram
Azizi,Saber Alipanah, Rezgar Amedi.
kl 11 - 17
ppet caf辿 fr奪n kl 12:00
M奪ngfaldens poesi
Jose Romero - Poesil辰sning och Musik
upptr辰dande av Johan Paradis.
kl 14.00 - 14.45
Folkdr辰kter fr奪n Mexiko - Levande
uppvisning av exklusiva folkdr辰kter fr奪n
olika mexikanska delstater med musik
och ber辰ttande kring dr辰kternas
symbolik och anv辰ndande med Carina
kl. 15.00 - 16.00
M奪ngfaldens poesi- Poesil辰sning med
Kristin Allwood och Saber Alipanah,
musik med Saber Alipanah.
Presentation av den nya flerspr奪kiga
tidskriften CULTUR & FRED. Arr.
f旦reningen Cultur & Fred.
kl. 16.00 - 16.45
9. Hammarparken.................................
Plantering av p奪skliljor med barnen. I
samarbete med Park och natur och
Stadslandet G旦teborg /Utveckling
Nordost. kl. 14
10. Atelj辿 Inspiration............................
Med konstn辰rerna Saber Alipanah m奪leri, Aram Azizi -m奪leri, Rezgar
Amedi - m奪leri.
Var: Sandesl辰tt 43 ( en trappa ner)
kl 11 - 17
11. Atelj辿 M奪ngfald.............................
Med konstn辰rerna Kristin Allwood fotografi, m奪leri - Mario Kristan - m奪leri.
Var: Sandesl辰tt 43
kl. 11 - 17
Vill du 辰ta kan du v辰lja f旦ljande
Mixg奪rden (nr 4 p奪 kartan)
F旦rening Salvador Allende (nr 7)
F旦rening CD LIbertad (nr 3)
Andra platser i Hammarkullen:
Jenin grill och Gloria pizzeria p奪 Bredfj辰llsgatan
Marias pizzeria p奪 torget
Med reservation f旦r ev. 辰ndringar.
Med st旦d av:
Grafisk design: Izit.
Kaffeservering kommer att finnas i Mariakyrkan
och M旦tesplatsen- Hammarparken