MapStudy is an integrated framework for creating survey applications to test cartographic design and interactions in a web map environment. It allows researchers to design map-based surveys with different map libraries, layers, interactions and question types. The framework includes modular components for maps, questions and server functionality. Researchers can use MapStudy to set up customized online surveys and collect data on user interactions to inform map design. Future work will expand its map libraries, interactions and question flexibility to support more complex user studies.
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MapStudy talk
1. Introducing
a survey design framework for 21st Century Cartography
Carl M. Sack
Kristen Vincent
Robert E. Roth
University of Wisconsin-Madison
2. MapStudy NACIS 2016
The Skinny
What is MapStudy?
Why MapStudy?
Dance Break
Case Study
3. MapStudy NACIS 2016
MapStudy: What is it?
MapStudy is an integrated, modularized framework for the
creation of survey applications designed to test cartographic
design and interaction hypotheses in a modern web map
4. MapStudy NACIS 2016
MapStudy: What is it?
MapStudy is an integrated, modularized framework for the
creation of survey applications designed to test cartographic
design and interaction hypotheses in a modern web map
5. MapStudy NACIS 2016
MapStudy: What is it?
MapStudy is an integrated, modularized framework for the
creation of survey applications designed to test cartographic
design and interaction hypotheses in a modern web map
6. MapStudy NACIS 2016
Why MapStudy?
Do the same design principles apply to online maps?
What about UI/UX design for interactive web maps?
7. MapStudy NACIS 2016
(yep, this figure is too large)
27. MapStudy NACIS 2016
Each user assigned a condition
Each condition defines a page order
Pages can be grouped and randomized
Condition weights determine frequency of assignment
28. MapStudy NACIS 2016
Data Tables:
Table Rows Columns
Master Participants Participant ID, time last updated, question block/item labels,
submission point timestamps
Page Participants Participant ID, time last updated, question block/item labels,
submission point timestamps
Participant Question block/item Question label, question text, input answer
29. MapStudy NACIS 2016
Interaction Tables:
Table Rows Columns
Master Participants Participant ID, interaction hit counts, interaction string
Page Participants Participant ID, interaction hit counts, interaction string
Participant Timestamps Interaction, page, set
33. MapStudy NACIS 2016
Configuration Files
GitHub Docs describe config files
and list all config file options
Also includes links to setup and
demo apps
35. MapStudy NACIS 2016
Case Study: MapStudy 1
Designed to test different map techniques at two scales using
fake Twitter data
Feedback so far:
Relatively easy to set up using setup app and docs
Picky about data formatting, attribute names
Requires some trial and error
Needs more documentation of possible hacks
36. MapStudy NACIS 2016
Future Goals
Add and continue to update map libraries
Add additional interactions
Expand flexibility of questions
Build developer and user communities to give it
37. MapStudy NACIS 2016
Thank you.
Carl M. Sack
Kristen Vincent
Robert E. Roth
University of Wisconsin-Madison
A portion of this research was
funded by NSF Grant #1555267
Editor's Notes
#5: Framework: think of it as a set of interchangeable templates for creating customized survey instruments. You download the framework onto a web server and simply configure it to create an experimental apparatus that can be distributed online. Sort of like a fish tankyou buy the tank with filter pump, light, etc., then have to decide what rocks, plants, decorations, water type, and species of fish you put into it. In this analogy, MapStudy gives you the fish tank and lets you pick out its contents.
#6: Modularized: broken down into building blocks that can be mixed in for unique and highly controlled user experiences
Survey: Format is questions about a map presented to study participants online
Design and interaction: two components of modern cartography that need more research in the context of maps presented online
Web map: Can be static or interactive; either way, framework is designed to enable testing of research questions about online maps specifically
#8: Diagram to help visualize the frameworks modular components
#9: Four parts to the application web page. Note currently only styled for Desktop.
#10: Four parts to the application web page. Note currently only styled for Desktop.
#14: Each interaction may be added or not, logged or not
Interactions can be set to be added automatically or with switches accessible to user
Each interaction has widget or window it can display, or not
#16: Makes it possible to add many layers at once
Technique: composed of type of data visualization plus classification method if choropleth or symbol
Map has 2 data layers; optional resymbolize interaction makes it possible for user to adjust layer variables
#18: A question page mirrors a map page; contains all questions for one map
#19: Question sets contain all questions viewable on a page at once
#20: Each set contains one or more question blocks, which are comprised of the question text plus optional input
#21: Each question block may or may not contain an input for the participants answer.
#22: There are a number of types of inputs to choose from. An answer may be required, and the input may also be set to auto-advance to the next set or page.
#23: There are a number of types of inputs to choose from. An answer may be required, and the input may also be set to auto-advance to the next set or page.
#24: Some inputs require options and/or items. Only one option can be selected by the participant for each question, while items represent parts of a question that may be selected at the same time.
#25: Buttons control the flow of the application. They may be added or not. If no buttons are added, need to enable auto-advance on the last question to advance to next set or page.
#26: Timers can be for set or page. Can count up or down; countdown will trigger next set or page at 0.
#27: Timers can be for set or page. Can count up or down; countdown will trigger next set or page at 0.
#30: All tables can be stored in a database. Participant tables only can be e-mailed.
#33: Rather than require scripting, all configuration options are stored in a set of JSON files, plus one PHP file for server credentials
We created a form-based setup app to enable the user-friendly creation of config files.
#34: This is what you end up with after going through the form-based setup app