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Theory of Computation  Lecture 16
MARCH 25 2021
- PSPACE Completeness (Sipser 8.3)
- L and NL (Sipser 8.4, 8.5)
Some material from slides by M. Sipser
 UPE Announcement
 No class on Thursday, April 1.
Exam 2
 Monday, March 29, 2021
 Will be given through Gradescope.
 Available 12pm  8pm NY Time. You will have 2 hours.
 Exam is open book and open notes. No collaboration. No posting questions or searching for
solutions online.
 Exam is not cumulative, but will use concepts from pre-Exam 1 (e.g., DFAs, NFAs, TMs, Regular
Expressions, Turing recognizability, decidability)
 Similar to the way we have used these topics in class and on homework problems.
Exam 2 Topics
 Chapter 4: Undecidability (Section 4.2)
 Chapter 5: Reducibility, Mapping Reducibility
 No questions on the Post Correspondence Problem
 Chapter 6: The Recursion Theorem (Section 6.1)
 Both the proof and applications of the theorem
 Chapter 7: The classes TIME(t(n)), NTIME(t(n)), P, NP, polynomial time reductions, NP-completeness, the
Cook-Levin Theorem
 Also refresh your memory on problems: SAT, 3SAT, CLIQUE, PATH, HAMPATH
 Chapter 8: Savitchs Theorem, PSPACE, NPSPACE, PSPACE-completeness
 No questions on Sections 8.4  8.6.
Review  Space Complexity Classes
 Deterministic TM
 The space complexity of M is a function :  with ()ヰ, where () is the maximum number of
tape cells M accesses on any input of length .
 基駒(()) is the set of languages that are are decidable in (()) space.
 基駒 =  基駒 
 Nondeterministic TM
 The space complexity of N is a function :  with ()ヰ, where () is the maximum number of
tape cells N accesses on a single computation path on any input of length .
 基駒(()) is the set of languages that are decidable in (()) space.
 基駒 =  基駒 
Review 1  Relationship Between Space and Time Complexity
1) 腫(())  基駒(())
2) 基駒(())  腫(2   ) =  腫 (  )
Review 2  Relationship Between Space and Time Complexity
 Theorem:     基駒
Review Savitchs Theorem
 Theorem: For any function   :   +
where    , 基駒    基駒(2
 Proof idea: : Convert NTM  to equivalent TM , only squaring the space used.
 : On input (, , )
 1. If  = 1, check if  can be reached from  using s transition function in 0 or 1 steps. Accept if yes; otherwise,
 2. If  > 1, repeat for all configurations  that use () space.
 3. Recursively test (, , /2) and (, ,

 4. If both accept, then accept. If not, continue.
 5. Reject if havent yet accepted.
 Test if  accepts  by testing  on input $, ,  where  = number of configurations
Review 3  Relationship Between Space and Time Complexity
 As a result of Savitchs theorem: 基駒 = 基駒
 What weve learned so far:     基駒 = 基駒  乞腫
PSPACE Completeness
 A language  is PSPACE-complete if:
 1.   基駒
 2. For all   基駒,  ゐ 
 We will show that TQBF is PSPACE-Complete
Think of complete problems as the hardest
in their associated class.
TQBF is PSPACE-Complete
 Recall: 巨 =   is a QBF that is TRUE}
 Last lecture  we showed TQBF is in PSPACE.
 Gave a recursive algorithm that peels off one quantifier at each level of recursion.
 Each level uses (1) space; the recursion depth is  .
 Now  we will give a polynomial time reduction from arbitrary language   基駒 to 巨.
Constructing  - First Attempt
 Use approach like in proof of Cook-Levin theorem.
 Construct formula  that matches an accepting tableau.
0 1 2 3  ゐ
a 7 2 
Constructing  - Second Attempt
 Use an approach like in Proof of Savitchs Theorem  divide and conquer
 Encode contents of configuration cells (from tableau) as Boolean expression like in Cook-Levin theorem
 Recursively construct $,, like in Savitchs theorem
Constructing  - Third Attempt
 Use an approach like in proof of Savitchs Theorem  divide and conquer
 Encode contents of configuration cells (from tableau) as Boolean expression like in Cook-Levin theorem
 Recursively construct $,, like in Savitchs theorem
Summary  So Far
The Classes L and NL
Sublinear Space Complexity
 So far, we have studied space complexity bounds that are at least linear:    .
 Are there problems that can be solved in sublinear space,   <  ?
 To study sublinear space algorithms, we need a different model.
 Two-tape TM with read-only input tape and read/write work tape.
read-only input tape does not count towards space used
read/write work tape
count cells used here
Log Space Complexity
 We focus on algorithms with space complexity in O log 
 L is the class of languages that are decidable in logarithmic space on a deterministic TM:
 = 基駒(log )
 N is the class of languages that are decidable in logarithmic space on a nondeterministic TM:
 = 基駒(log )
Example in Class L
  = 01   0 }
Example in Class NL
 基 = , ,   is a directed graph that has a directed path from  to  }
Relationship to Other Complexity Classes
 Theorem: NL  SPACE log2


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  • 1. Theory of Computation Lecture 16 MARCH 25 2021 1 - PSPACE Completeness (Sipser 8.3) - L and NL (Sipser 8.4, 8.5) Some material from slides by M. Sipser
  • 2. Announcements UPE Announcement No class on Thursday, April 1. 2
  • 3. Exam 2 Monday, March 29, 2021 Will be given through Gradescope. Available 12pm 8pm NY Time. You will have 2 hours. Exam is open book and open notes. No collaboration. No posting questions or searching for solutions online. Exam is not cumulative, but will use concepts from pre-Exam 1 (e.g., DFAs, NFAs, TMs, Regular Expressions, Turing recognizability, decidability) Similar to the way we have used these topics in class and on homework problems. 3
  • 4. Exam 2 Topics Chapter 4: Undecidability (Section 4.2) Chapter 5: Reducibility, Mapping Reducibility No questions on the Post Correspondence Problem Chapter 6: The Recursion Theorem (Section 6.1) Both the proof and applications of the theorem Chapter 7: The classes TIME(t(n)), NTIME(t(n)), P, NP, polynomial time reductions, NP-completeness, the Cook-Levin Theorem Also refresh your memory on problems: SAT, 3SAT, CLIQUE, PATH, HAMPATH Chapter 8: Savitchs Theorem, PSPACE, NPSPACE, PSPACE-completeness No questions on Sections 8.4 8.6. 4
  • 5. Review Space Complexity Classes Deterministic TM The space complexity of M is a function : with ()ヰ, where () is the maximum number of tape cells M accesses on any input of length . 基駒(()) is the set of languages that are are decidable in (()) space. 基駒 = 基駒 Nondeterministic TM The space complexity of N is a function : with ()ヰ, where () is the maximum number of tape cells N accesses on a single computation path on any input of length . 基駒(()) is the set of languages that are decidable in (()) space. 基駒 = 基駒 5
  • 6. Review 1 Relationship Between Space and Time Complexity Theorem: 1) 腫(()) 基駒(()) 2) 基駒(()) 腫(2 ) = 腫 ( ) 6
  • 7. Review 2 Relationship Between Space and Time Complexity Theorem: 基駒 7
  • 8. Review Savitchs Theorem Theorem: For any function : + where , 基駒 基駒(2 ). Proof idea: : Convert NTM to equivalent TM , only squaring the space used. : On input (, , ) 1. If = 1, check if can be reached from using s transition function in 0 or 1 steps. Accept if yes; otherwise, reject. 2. If > 1, repeat for all configurations that use () space. 3. Recursively test (, , /2) and (, , 2 ) 4. If both accept, then accept. If not, continue. 5. Reject if havent yet accepted. Test if accepts by testing on input $, , where = number of configurations 8
  • 9. 9
  • 10. Review 3 Relationship Between Space and Time Complexity As a result of Savitchs theorem: 基駒 = 基駒 What weve learned so far: 基駒 = 基駒 乞腫 10
  • 11. PSPACE Completeness A language is PSPACE-complete if: 1. 基駒 2. For all 基駒, ゐ We will show that TQBF is PSPACE-Complete 11 Think of complete problems as the hardest in their associated class. NP P PSPACE = NPSPACE NP-complete PSPACE-complete
  • 12. TQBF is PSPACE-Complete Recall: 巨 = is a QBF that is TRUE} Last lecture we showed TQBF is in PSPACE. Gave a recursive algorithm that peels off one quantifier at each level of recursion. Each level uses (1) space; the recursion depth is . Now we will give a polynomial time reduction from arbitrary language 基駒 to 巨. 12
  • 13. 13 CONSTRUCTING - FIRST ATTEMPT Constructing - First Attempt Use approach like in proof of Cook-Levin theorem. Construct formula that matches an accepting tableau. 0 1 2 3 ゐ a 7 2 accept
  • 14. 14 CONSTRUCTING - SECOND ATTEMPT Constructing - Second Attempt Use an approach like in Proof of Savitchs Theorem divide and conquer Encode contents of configuration cells (from tableau) as Boolean expression like in Cook-Levin theorem Recursively construct $,, like in Savitchs theorem
  • 15. 15 CONSTRUCTING - SECOND ATTEMPT Constructing - Third Attempt Use an approach like in proof of Savitchs Theorem divide and conquer Encode contents of configuration cells (from tableau) as Boolean expression like in Cook-Levin theorem Recursively construct $,, like in Savitchs theorem
  • 16. Summary So Far 16 NP P PSPACE = NPSPACE NP-complete PSPACE-complete
  • 17. The Classes L and NL 17
  • 18. Sublinear Space Complexity So far, we have studied space complexity bounds that are at least linear: . Are there problems that can be solved in sublinear space, < ? To study sublinear space algorithms, we need a different model. Two-tape TM with read-only input tape and read/write work tape. 18 read-only input tape does not count towards space used read/write work tape count cells used here
  • 19. Log Space Complexity We focus on algorithms with space complexity in O log L is the class of languages that are decidable in logarithmic space on a deterministic TM: = 基駒(log ) N is the class of languages that are decidable in logarithmic space on a nondeterministic TM: = 基駒(log ) 19
  • 20. Example in Class L = 01 0 } 20
  • 21. Example in Class NL 基 = , , is a directed graph that has a directed path from to } 21
  • 22. Relationship to Other Complexity Classes Theorem: Theorem: NL SPACE log2 22