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F U N D       F O R       O U R
                               E C O N O M I C            F U T U R E
                               March 2010 Members Newsletter

                               Members Approve $7.8 Million
                               Grant Budget For 2010
                                      At the March 3 Funders Committee meeting, members of the Fund for Our
Northeast Ohio by              Economic Future approved a 2010 grantmaking budget of $7,810,000 to continue
  the Numbers                  support of regional efforts that strengthen Northeast Ohios economic competitiveness.
                                      The Fund is scheduled to consider awarding grants in June to the following six
                               regional economic development initiatives:

    Vote Yes on Issue 1
and renew the Third Frontier

      General Motors

   recently added 1,200
   workers in Lordstown

155    Ford Motor Co.
will invest $155 million at
   its Brook Park facility
                                       The regions philanthropic organizations, individually and through the Fund for
                               Our Economic Future, are committed to supporting efforts that grow companies, attract
                               investments and create jobs, said David Abbott, chairman of the Fund and executive
                               director of The George Gund Foundation. Since 2004, the Fund has been a strong
                               advocate for developing a collaborative, regional approach to the economic challenges
                               and opportunities in Northeast Ohio, and we will continue in that role in 2010 and
                                       The Funds third, three-year phase began on March 1. Over the next three
                               years, the Fund anticipates having a grantmaking budget of approximately $20.5 million,
                               which is 12% smaller than the $23.2 million in grants the Fund awarded in the
                               previous three-year phase.

ffef                              March 2010 Members Newsletter
GAR, Burton D. Morgan Foundations
                                                Commit to Phase 3

                                                        GAR Foundation and The Burton D. Morgan Foundation have pledged
                                                $1.5 million and $150,000, respectively, for the continued support of the Fund for
                                                Our Economic Future. Both grants, which will be paid over three years, reflect the
                                                foundations longstanding commitment to regional economic development.
                                                        The Burton D. Morgan Foundation has played an important role in helping
                                                to shape the Funds entrepreneurship agenda over the last six years, said Deborah
                                                Hoover, president of The Burton D. Morgan Foundation. Through our commitment
  Northeast Ohio by
                                                to Phase 3 of this vital initiative, we look forward to contributing not only financial
    the Numbers                                 resources, but also leadership and expertise to advance the Funds work.
                                                        Both foundations have devoted substantial time and effort to the leadership

                                                of the Fund, including GAR Foundation President Robert Briggs tenure as the first
       JumpStart invested
                                                chairman of the collaboration.
$250,000 in Melody Management,                          The Funds focus on truly strategic objectives with a strong collaborative
   a software firm serving the                  approach to economic development is unprecedented locally, and rare on a national
         music industry                         scale, said Briggs. Recognition of the Funds success has grown, and plays an
                                                increasingly important role in bringing national foundation attention and resources to

                                                the region, as evidenced by recent interest in the Fund by the Joyce and Surdna
                                                foundations. We at GAR really value the leverage our support provides for the region.
                                                The Fund aims to attract at least $15 million for the new three-year phase of guiding
     The North Coast Angel
                                                and spurring the regions economic growth. While significant progress has been
      Fund plans to finance
                                                made, much transformative work remains to be accomplished, Hoover said.
 three more companies over the
                                                        For Phase 3, which formally began March 1, the Fund has raised $9,781,500
       next three months
                                                from 32 members and five participants.

   For the fourth straight year,
    Ohio is the winner of Site
 Selection magazines Governors
 Cup for being the busiest state
   for economic development

  Pg.   2

  1 4 2 2 E u c l i d A v e n u e , S u i t e 1 5 1 0 , C l e v e l a n d , O h i o 44115  2 1 6 . 9 2 5 . 4 9 0 0  w w w . f u t u r e f u n d n e o . o r g
EfficientGovNow Round 2 Attracts
                                       Widespread Interest

                                               The Fund for Our Economic Futures continuing effort to encourage government
                                       collaboration, EfficientGovNow, has received a strong response from Northeast Ohio
                                       governments. Ideas for collaborative projects between at least two Northeast
                                       Ohio government entities were due on February 26 to be eligible for round 2 of
                                       EfficientGovNow. The Fund, which will award as much as $330,000 total to as many as
                                       four projects, received 50 abstracts.
                                               With local governments across 15 counties participating, we are tremendously
   Northeast Ohio by
                                       encouraged by the number of leaders who are ready to step forward to find a better,
     the Numbers                       more collaborative way to provide public services, said Brad Whitehead, president of
                                       the Fund.

                                               Over the past few months, the Fund staff and partners at Kent State
                                       University have traveled around the region talking about the program and encouraging
  OneCommunity received $18.7          governments to apply. The response has been overwhelmingly positive.
 million in stimulus money to help
                                               The government collaboration ideas submitted in the second round of
  poor residents in Ohio and four
                                       EfficientGovNow cover an array of collaboration and efficiency opportunities ranging
other states get high-speed Internet
                                       from regional information technology systems and green energy to shared facilities
     access and learn to use it
                                       and storm water systems.
                                               The response to EfficientGovNow continues to tell us that the opportunity for

                                       collaboration and cooperation is everywhere, said Whitehead.
    The first occupant secured
                                               A committee is examining the abstracts to ensure that they meet the requirements
  for the Mills Business Park in
                                       of focusing on implementation (not planning) and demonstrating how some or all cost
Canton, Medline Industries, plans
           to construct a
                                       savings will be used to further increase economic competitiveness. After reviewing all
      300,000 sq. ft. facility         qualified project ideas and inviting full proposals, the Fund will announce the round
                                       two finalists on April 30 and public voting will take place from May 1 through May 31.

                                       The Fund will announce the award recipients in early June. For more information, visit
    Wayne County ranked as the
second-most active micropolitan in
   the country for 2009, matching
 its highest-ever ranking in Site
         Selection magazine

                                                                 With the support of a grant from the
                                                     John S. and James L. Knight Foundation, EfficientGovNow is
                                                producing news stories and other material to increase public awareness
                                             of the government collaboration proposals. To add to existing efforts, award-
                                              winning journalist Bob Paynter has been retained to cover the progress of
                                                  the program. Find his stories and more at www.efficientgovnow.org.

                                                The Fund plans to further expand journalism and citizen engagement

                                                     efforts beyond the EfficientGovNow program later this year.

                                                                                                                             Pg.   3

                                          March 2010 Members Newsletter
MBA 2.5+ Portfolio Company Closes
                                              $3.7 Million Subcontract

                                                      Price Builders & Developers, a Minority Business Accelerator 2.5+ portfolio
                                              company, has landed a $3.7 million subcontract for a 2,080-car parking garage to be
 Northeast Ohio by
                                              built near the Louis Stokes Cleveland VA Medical Center. Price Builders, which provides
   the Numbers
                                              general contracting and construction management services, as well as self-performing

                                              interior finishes, will perform rebar installations for the project.
 The Stark-Tuscarawas-Wayne                           In business since 1999, Price Builders President David Price credits the MBA
Joint Solid Waste Management
                                              2.5+ with helping to improve management practices, as well as increase access to
 District has asked the federal
                                              valuable contacts and tools.
  government for $2 million
                                                      Recently, Price Builders completed iron work for the new University of Akron
   to develop a small-scale
fuel cell to use methane gas to
                                              football stadium and major projects at the Cleveland Clinic, University Hospitals and
       generate electricity                   University Circle.

                                              Fund Welcomes New Members to
                                              Steering Committee
                                                      At the quarterly Funders Committee meeting, three new members were elected
                                              to the Funds Steering Committee as at-large members:

                                                       Stuart Cordell
                                                     As a partner at Warren and Young PLL, Stuart practices in the areas of business
          Stuart Cordell
          Partner,                            law, corporate law, real estate law, probate and estate planning. He is a member of
          Warren and Young PLL                the Cleveland Bar Association, trustee of the Ohio State Bar Foundation, member of
                                              the Council of Delegates of the Ohio State Bar Association, president of the Civic
                                              Development Corporation of Ashtabula County, and trustee of the Growth Partnership
                                              for Ashtabula County.

                                                       Sandra Hodge
                                                       As special assistant for community & government relations at Oberlin College,
                                              Sandra plays an important role in the colleges work with the city of Oberlin, the
                                              Oberlin Public Schools, community organizations, the state of Ohio, and the federal
          Sandra Hodge                        government on education, environmental, economic development and partnership
          Special Assistant Community &       initiatives. She has a long history of civic engagement and currently serves as vice
          Government Relations,
          Oberlin College                     chair of the Allen Community Hospital Board of Directors. Sandra has also served as
                                              a member and vice chair of the Oberlin City Council.

                                                       John Sherwin Jr.
                                                     The president of the Sherwick Fund of the Cleveland Foundation, Jack has
                                              been active with the Fund from the beginning. He is president of Mid-Continent
                                              Ventures and has served Northeast Ohio on many nonprofit boards, including the
                                              Cleveland Clinic, Holden Arboretum and John Carroll University. He also helped
                                              establish the Lake-Geauga Fund of the Cleveland Foundation.

          John Sherwin Jr.                          A fourth at-large member of the Steering Committee will be elected at a future
          Sherwick Fund of the Cleveland      Funders Committee meeting.
Pg.   4

1 4 2 2 E u c l i d A v e n u e , S u i t e 1 5 1 0 , C l e v e l a n d , O h i o 44115  2 1 6 . 9 2 5 . 4 9 0 0  w w w . f u t u r e f u n d n e o . o r g

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March 2010 Newsletter

  • 1. F U N D F O R O U R E C O N O M I C F U T U R E March 2010 Members Newsletter Members Approve $7.8 Million Grant Budget For 2010 At the March 3 Funders Committee meeting, members of the Fund for Our Northeast Ohio by Economic Future approved a 2010 grantmaking budget of $7,810,000 to continue the Numbers support of regional efforts that strengthen Northeast Ohios economic competitiveness. The Fund is scheduled to consider awarding grants in June to the following six regional economic development initiatives: 1 Vote Yes on Issue 1 and renew the Third Frontier initiative 1,200 General Motors ffef recently added 1,200 workers in Lordstown 155 Ford Motor Co. will invest $155 million at its Brook Park facility The regions philanthropic organizations, individually and through the Fund for Our Economic Future, are committed to supporting efforts that grow companies, attract investments and create jobs, said David Abbott, chairman of the Fund and executive director of The George Gund Foundation. Since 2004, the Fund has been a strong advocate for developing a collaborative, regional approach to the economic challenges and opportunities in Northeast Ohio, and we will continue in that role in 2010 and beyond. The Funds third, three-year phase began on March 1. Over the next three years, the Fund anticipates having a grantmaking budget of approximately $20.5 million, which is 12% smaller than the $23.2 million in grants the Fund awarded in the previous three-year phase. ffef March 2010 Members Newsletter
  • 2. GAR, Burton D. Morgan Foundations Commit to Phase 3 GAR Foundation and The Burton D. Morgan Foundation have pledged $1.5 million and $150,000, respectively, for the continued support of the Fund for Our Economic Future. Both grants, which will be paid over three years, reflect the foundations longstanding commitment to regional economic development. The Burton D. Morgan Foundation has played an important role in helping to shape the Funds entrepreneurship agenda over the last six years, said Deborah Hoover, president of The Burton D. Morgan Foundation. Through our commitment Northeast Ohio by to Phase 3 of this vital initiative, we look forward to contributing not only financial the Numbers resources, but also leadership and expertise to advance the Funds work. Both foundations have devoted substantial time and effort to the leadership 250,000 of the Fund, including GAR Foundation President Robert Briggs tenure as the first JumpStart invested chairman of the collaboration. $250,000 in Melody Management, The Funds focus on truly strategic objectives with a strong collaborative a software firm serving the approach to economic development is unprecedented locally, and rare on a national music industry scale, said Briggs. Recognition of the Funds success has grown, and plays an increasingly important role in bringing national foundation attention and resources to 3 the region, as evidenced by recent interest in the Fund by the Joyce and Surdna foundations. We at GAR really value the leverage our support provides for the region. The Fund aims to attract at least $15 million for the new three-year phase of guiding The North Coast Angel and spurring the regions economic growth. While significant progress has been Fund plans to finance made, much transformative work remains to be accomplished, Hoover said. three more companies over the For Phase 3, which formally began March 1, the Fund has raised $9,781,500 next three months from 32 members and five participants. 4 For the fourth straight year, Ohio is the winner of Site Selection magazines Governors Cup for being the busiest state for economic development Pg. 2 1 4 2 2 E u c l i d A v e n u e , S u i t e 1 5 1 0 , C l e v e l a n d , O h i o 44115 2 1 6 . 9 2 5 . 4 9 0 0 w w w . f u t u r e f u n d n e o . o r g
  • 3. EfficientGovNow Round 2 Attracts Widespread Interest The Fund for Our Economic Futures continuing effort to encourage government collaboration, EfficientGovNow, has received a strong response from Northeast Ohio governments. Ideas for collaborative projects between at least two Northeast Ohio government entities were due on February 26 to be eligible for round 2 of EfficientGovNow. The Fund, which will award as much as $330,000 total to as many as four projects, received 50 abstracts. With local governments across 15 counties participating, we are tremendously Northeast Ohio by encouraged by the number of leaders who are ready to step forward to find a better, the Numbers more collaborative way to provide public services, said Brad Whitehead, president of the Fund. 18.7 Over the past few months, the Fund staff and partners at Kent State University have traveled around the region talking about the program and encouraging OneCommunity received $18.7 governments to apply. The response has been overwhelmingly positive. million in stimulus money to help The government collaboration ideas submitted in the second round of poor residents in Ohio and four EfficientGovNow cover an array of collaboration and efficiency opportunities ranging other states get high-speed Internet from regional information technology systems and green energy to shared facilities access and learn to use it and storm water systems. The response to EfficientGovNow continues to tell us that the opportunity for 300,000 collaboration and cooperation is everywhere, said Whitehead. The first occupant secured A committee is examining the abstracts to ensure that they meet the requirements for the Mills Business Park in of focusing on implementation (not planning) and demonstrating how some or all cost Canton, Medline Industries, plans to construct a savings will be used to further increase economic competitiveness. After reviewing all 300,000 sq. ft. facility qualified project ideas and inviting full proposals, the Fund will announce the round two finalists on April 30 and public voting will take place from May 1 through May 31. 2 The Fund will announce the award recipients in early June. For more information, visit www.efficientgovnow.org. Wayne County ranked as the second-most active micropolitan in the country for 2009, matching its highest-ever ranking in Site Selection magazine With the support of a grant from the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation, EfficientGovNow is producing news stories and other material to increase public awareness of the government collaboration proposals. To add to existing efforts, award- winning journalist Bob Paynter has been retained to cover the progress of the program. Find his stories and more at www.efficientgovnow.org. The Fund plans to further expand journalism and citizen engagement ffef efforts beyond the EfficientGovNow program later this year. Pg. 3 March 2010 Members Newsletter
  • 4. MBA 2.5+ Portfolio Company Closes $3.7 Million Subcontract Price Builders & Developers, a Minority Business Accelerator 2.5+ portfolio company, has landed a $3.7 million subcontract for a 2,080-car parking garage to be Northeast Ohio by built near the Louis Stokes Cleveland VA Medical Center. Price Builders, which provides the Numbers general contracting and construction management services, as well as self-performing 2 interior finishes, will perform rebar installations for the project. The Stark-Tuscarawas-Wayne In business since 1999, Price Builders President David Price credits the MBA Joint Solid Waste Management 2.5+ with helping to improve management practices, as well as increase access to District has asked the federal valuable contacts and tools. government for $2 million Recently, Price Builders completed iron work for the new University of Akron to develop a small-scale fuel cell to use methane gas to football stadium and major projects at the Cleveland Clinic, University Hospitals and generate electricity University Circle. Fund Welcomes New Members to Steering Committee At the quarterly Funders Committee meeting, three new members were elected to the Funds Steering Committee as at-large members: Stuart Cordell As a partner at Warren and Young PLL, Stuart practices in the areas of business Stuart Cordell Partner, law, corporate law, real estate law, probate and estate planning. He is a member of Warren and Young PLL the Cleveland Bar Association, trustee of the Ohio State Bar Foundation, member of the Council of Delegates of the Ohio State Bar Association, president of the Civic Development Corporation of Ashtabula County, and trustee of the Growth Partnership for Ashtabula County. Sandra Hodge As special assistant for community & government relations at Oberlin College, Sandra plays an important role in the colleges work with the city of Oberlin, the Oberlin Public Schools, community organizations, the state of Ohio, and the federal Sandra Hodge government on education, environmental, economic development and partnership Special Assistant Community & initiatives. She has a long history of civic engagement and currently serves as vice Government Relations, Oberlin College chair of the Allen Community Hospital Board of Directors. Sandra has also served as a member and vice chair of the Oberlin City Council. John Sherwin Jr. The president of the Sherwick Fund of the Cleveland Foundation, Jack has been active with the Fund from the beginning. He is president of Mid-Continent Ventures and has served Northeast Ohio on many nonprofit boards, including the Cleveland Clinic, Holden Arboretum and John Carroll University. He also helped establish the Lake-Geauga Fund of the Cleveland Foundation. John Sherwin Jr. A fourth at-large member of the Steering Committee will be elected at a future President, Sherwick Fund of the Cleveland Funders Committee meeting. Foundation Pg. 4 1 4 2 2 E u c l i d A v e n u e , S u i t e 1 5 1 0 , C l e v e l a n d , O h i o 44115 2 1 6 . 9 2 5 . 4 9 0 0 w w w . f u t u r e f u n d n e o . o r g