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Gladiator Word of the Day
Week 27
March 2-6, 2015
Language Arts/Reading
Monday, March 2, 2015
Root of the Week: fac/fic/fig/fait/feit/fy
(to do, to make)
Word of the Day: figurative
[fig-yer-uh-tiv] adjective
Of the nature of or involving a figure of speech,
especially a metaphor; metaphorical and not literal.
Tuesday, March 3, 2015
Root of the Week:
(to do, to make)
Word of the Day: Factorize
[fak-tuh-rahyz] verb
To resolve into factors, elements
contributing to a particular result or
Social Studies
Wednesday, March 4, 2015
Root of the Week: fac/fic/fig/fait/feit/fy
(to do, to make)
Word of the Day: Forfeiture
[fawr-fi-cher] noun
An act of forfeiting, (to lose or become liable to lose, as
in consequence of crime, fault, or breach of
Thursday, March 5, 2015
Root of the Week: fac/fic/fig/fait/feit/fy
(to do, to make)
Word of the Day: transfiguration
[trans-fig-yuh-rey-shuh n] noun
1. a change in outward form or appearance;
2. a change so as to glorify or exalt.
Root of the Week: fac/fic/fig/fait/feit/fy
(to do, to make)
Word of the Day: Fictitious
[fik-tish-uh s] adjective
1. created, taken, or assumed for the sake of concealment; not genuine;
2. of, relating to, or consisting of fiction; imaginatively produced or set
forth; created by the imagination
Academy of Arts and
Friday, March 6, 2015
Gladiator Word of the Day
Week 28
March 9-13, 2015
Language Arts/Reading
Monday, March 9, 2015
Root of the Week: gn/gno (know)
Word of the Day: Cognate
[kog-neyt] adjective
1. related by birth; of the same parentage, descent, etc.
2. Linguistics: descended from the same language or form
3. allied or similar in nature or quality.
Tuesday, March 10, 2015
Root of the Week: gn/gno (know)
Word of the Day: Alignment
[uh-lahyn-muh nt] noun
1. an adjustment to a line; arrangement in a straight line.
2. the proper adjustment of the components of an electronic
circuit, machine, etc., for coordinated functioning
3. a state of agreement or cooperation among persons, groups,
nations, etc., with a common cause or viewpoint.
Social Studies
March 11, 2015
Root of the Week: gn/gno (know)
Word of the Day: Agnosticism
[ag-nos-tuh-siz-uh m] noun
An intellectual doctrine or attitude affirming the uncertainty
of all claims to ultimate knowledge.
Thursday, March 12, 2015
Root of the Week: gn/gno (know)
Word of the Day: Cognitive
[kog-ni-tiv] Adjective
Of or relating to the mental processes of perception, memory,
judgment, and reasoning, as contrasted with emotional and
volitional processes.
Academy of Informational
Friday, March 13, 2015
Root of the Week: gn/gno (know)
Word of the Day: Magneton
[mag-ni-ton] noun
Physics: a unit of magnetic moment, used in measuring the
magnetic moment of atomic and subatomic particles.
Gladiator Word of the Day
Week 29
March 16-19, 2015
Language Arts/Reading
Monday, March 16, 2015
Root of the Week: hypo
(under, beneath, less than)
Word of the Day: Hypocritical
[hip-uh-krit-i-kuh l] adjective
Of the nature of hypocrisy, or
pretense of having virtues,
beliefs, principles, etc., that one
does not actually possess
Tuesday, March 17, 2015
Root of the Week: hypo
(under, beneath, less than)
Word of the Day: Hypotenuse
[hahy-pot-n-oos, -yoos] noun
Geometry: The side of a right
triangle opposite the right angle.
Social Studies
Wednesday, March 18, 2015
Root of the Week: hypo
(under, beneath, less than)
Word of the Day: Hypochondria
[hahy-puh-kon-dree-uh] noun
Psychiatry: an excessive preoccupation
with one's health, usually focusing on
some particular symptom, as cardiac or
gastric problems.
Thursday, March 19, 2015
Root of the Week: hypo
(under, beneath, less than)
Word of the Day: Hypoplasia
[hahy-puh-pley-zhuh] noun
1. Pathology. abnormal deficiency of cells or structural elements.
2. (in plants) inability to mature properly owing to a disease or
inadequate supply of nutrients.

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  • 2. Language Arts/Reading Monday, March 2, 2015 Root of the Week: fac/fic/fig/fait/feit/fy (to do, to make) Word of the Day: figurative [fig-yer-uh-tiv] adjective Of the nature of or involving a figure of speech, especially a metaphor; metaphorical and not literal.
  • 3. Math Tuesday, March 3, 2015 Root of the Week: fac/fic/fig/fait/feit/fy (to do, to make) Word of the Day: Factorize [fak-tuh-rahyz] verb To resolve into factors, elements contributing to a particular result or situation
  • 4. Social Studies Wednesday, March 4, 2015 Root of the Week: fac/fic/fig/fait/feit/fy (to do, to make) Word of the Day: Forfeiture [fawr-fi-cher] noun An act of forfeiting, (to lose or become liable to lose, as in consequence of crime, fault, or breach of engagement).
  • 5. Science Thursday, March 5, 2015 Root of the Week: fac/fic/fig/fait/feit/fy (to do, to make) Word of the Day: transfiguration [trans-fig-yuh-rey-shuh n] noun 1. a change in outward form or appearance; transform. 2. a change so as to glorify or exalt.
  • 6. Root of the Week: fac/fic/fig/fait/feit/fy (to do, to make) Word of the Day: Fictitious [fik-tish-uh s] adjective 1. created, taken, or assumed for the sake of concealment; not genuine; false 2. of, relating to, or consisting of fiction; imaginatively produced or set forth; created by the imagination Academy of Arts and Entertainment Friday, March 6, 2015
  • 7. Gladiator Word of the Day Week 28 March 9-13, 2015
  • 8. Language Arts/Reading Monday, March 9, 2015 Root of the Week: gn/gno (know) Word of the Day: Cognate [kog-neyt] adjective 1. related by birth; of the same parentage, descent, etc. 2. Linguistics: descended from the same language or form 3. allied or similar in nature or quality.
  • 9. Math Tuesday, March 10, 2015 Root of the Week: gn/gno (know) Word of the Day: Alignment [uh-lahyn-muh nt] noun 1. an adjustment to a line; arrangement in a straight line. 2. the proper adjustment of the components of an electronic circuit, machine, etc., for coordinated functioning 3. a state of agreement or cooperation among persons, groups, nations, etc., with a common cause or viewpoint.
  • 10. Social Studies Wednesday, March 11, 2015 Root of the Week: gn/gno (know) Word of the Day: Agnosticism [ag-nos-tuh-siz-uh m] noun An intellectual doctrine or attitude affirming the uncertainty of all claims to ultimate knowledge.
  • 11. Science Thursday, March 12, 2015 Root of the Week: gn/gno (know) Word of the Day: Cognitive [kog-ni-tiv] Adjective Of or relating to the mental processes of perception, memory, judgment, and reasoning, as contrasted with emotional and volitional processes.
  • 12. Academy of Informational Technology Friday, March 13, 2015 Root of the Week: gn/gno (know) Word of the Day: Magneton [mag-ni-ton] noun Physics: a unit of magnetic moment, used in measuring the magnetic moment of atomic and subatomic particles.
  • 13. Gladiator Word of the Day Week 29 March 16-19, 2015
  • 14. Language Arts/Reading Monday, March 16, 2015 Root of the Week: hypo (under, beneath, less than) Word of the Day: Hypocritical [hip-uh-krit-i-kuh l] adjective Of the nature of hypocrisy, or pretense of having virtues, beliefs, principles, etc., that one does not actually possess
  • 15. Math Tuesday, March 17, 2015 Root of the Week: hypo (under, beneath, less than) Word of the Day: Hypotenuse [hahy-pot-n-oos, -yoos] noun Geometry: The side of a right triangle opposite the right angle.
  • 16. Social Studies Wednesday, March 18, 2015 Root of the Week: hypo (under, beneath, less than) Word of the Day: Hypochondria [hahy-puh-kon-dree-uh] noun Psychiatry: an excessive preoccupation with one's health, usually focusing on some particular symptom, as cardiac or gastric problems.
  • 17. Science Thursday, March 19, 2015 Root of the Week: hypo (under, beneath, less than) Word of the Day: Hypoplasia [hahy-puh-pley-zhuh] noun 1. Pathology. abnormal deficiency of cells or structural elements. 2. (in plants) inability to mature properly owing to a disease or inadequate supply of nutrients.