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Living Life to the Fullest:
   Strategies to Optimize Thinking and Coping Skills
                                          Sarah K. Lageman, PhD, ABPP-CN
                                           Assistant Professor of Neurology
                                          Virginia Commonwealth University

Dr. Lageman will share an overview of current research regarding thinking and coping
strategies designed to help people manage everyday challenges in these areas. Memory
compensation and problem solving techniques will be discussed in detail. Her
presentation will emphasize day-to-day strategies that individuals and their family
members and friends can use to improve their ability to engage in enjoyable activities to
their fullest potential.
Date: March 30, 2011                    Light refreshments will be served.
                                                                                                      Dr. Lageman is a board-certified
Time: 5:30  6:30 PM                    There is no cost to attend this event,                          neuropsychologist at the VCU
                                        however reservations are required                             Parkinsons Disease Center. She
Location:                               before March 21, 2011.                                        specializes in neuropsychological
Education and Library Complex           RSVP:                                                                  assessment and
Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden                                                                              neurorehabilitation for
                                        Andrea Perseghin
1800 Lakeside Avenue                                                                                    individuals with neurological
Richmond, VA 23228                                                                                                 disorders.
                                        (804) 828-3747

                        Event sponsored by the VCU Parkinsons Disease Center
                                        For special accommodations, please contact Andrea Perseghin

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March 30 Flyer Lageman

  • 1. Living Life to the Fullest: Strategies to Optimize Thinking and Coping Skills Sarah K. Lageman, PhD, ABPP-CN Neuropsychologist Assistant Professor of Neurology Virginia Commonwealth University Dr. Lageman will share an overview of current research regarding thinking and coping strategies designed to help people manage everyday challenges in these areas. Memory compensation and problem solving techniques will be discussed in detail. Her presentation will emphasize day-to-day strategies that individuals and their family members and friends can use to improve their ability to engage in enjoyable activities to their fullest potential. Date: March 30, 2011 Light refreshments will be served. Dr. Lageman is a board-certified Time: 5:30 6:30 PM There is no cost to attend this event, neuropsychologist at the VCU however reservations are required Parkinsons Disease Center. She Location: before March 21, 2011. specializes in neuropsychological Education and Library Complex RSVP: assessment and Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden neurorehabilitation for Andrea Perseghin 1800 Lakeside Avenue individuals with neurological pdcenter@vcu.edu Richmond, VA 23228 disorders. (804) 828-3747 Event sponsored by the VCU Parkinsons Disease Center For special accommodations, please contact Andrea Perseghin