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Check  out  our  update  of  upcoming  events  to  get  more  involved  in  our  efforts  to  keep  Durham  progressive!
Durham  People's  Alliance
March  Activist  Alert
Friend  on  Facebook
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You  Can  Vote
Please  join  us  in  support  of  You
Can  Vote  by  donating  to  the
People's  Alliance  Fund  team  in
the  Great  Human  Race.  The
People's  Alliance  Fund  will
donate  all  proceeds  of  our
runners/walkers  to  the  You  Can
Vote  project!
You  Can  Vote  is  a  non-­partisan
special  project  of  the  People's
Alliance  Fund  in  conjunction  with
allied  community  organizations
educating  the  public  on  2014
changes  to  election  law.  Please
click  the  link  below  for  more
information  about  how  you  can
make  a  tax-­deductible  gift  to  this
important  work!
Great  Human  Race
Saturday  March  29,  2014
Northgate  Mall
1058  Club  Blvd.
2014  PA-­PAC  Candidate  Mixer
One  week  from  today  we  will  be  holding  our  2014  candidate
mixer.  There  are  over  100  candidates  running  in  Durham
county  this  year,  and  this  is  a  great  opportunity  to  meet  a  good
portion  of  the  candidates  before  our  endorsement  meeting
later  this  spring.
2014  Candidate  Mixer
Tuesday,  March  18  2014
Motorco  Music  Hall
Come  to  the  2014  PA  PAC  Candidates  Mixer  on  March
18!  We  have  invited  all  of  the  candidates  running  here  in
Durham  to  come  and  mix  with  you,  our  membership.    This  is
where  you  get  to  talk  to  them  and  they  get  to  hear  from  you.  
No  speeches  –  but  real  conversations  with  PA  members.    Mark
your  calendar  today!
Don't  forget  to  renew  your  membership  today!  Your
membership  allows  you  to  vote  in  our  upcoming  endorsement
meeting,  and  your  membership  dues  don’t  go  to  the  PAC,  they
go  to  the  Durham  people’s  Alliance,  to  pay  for  rent,  to  pay  staff,
to  buy  equipment,  etc.    Your  membership  is  much  more  than
money,  however;;  it’s  your  declaration  that  you  are  officially  a
part  of  PA.
Thanks  we  will  see  you  on  the  18th,
Milo  Pyne,  Lorisa  Seibel,  James  Hill,  Tom  Miller                                    PA-­
PAC  Coordinators
Subscribe Share Past Issues Translate
Durham,  NC  27701
We  also  need  volunteers  to
help  educate  the  community
on  the  new  voter  laws.  
Sign-­up  here  to  volunteer!
Coffees  With
Durham  City  Council  is
hosting  Coffee  with  Council  and
PA  members  should  be  out  in
force  to  let  our  elected  leaders
hear  about  the  issues  important
to  us.  Make  your  voice  heard  in
support  of  a  range  of
progressive  policies  on
affordable  housing,  education,
funding  for  new  parks,
maintenance  for  existing  parks,
and  programs  that  will  increase
economic  opportunity  in  Durham.
5:30PM  -­  7:30PM
City  Hall
Council  Committee  Room
Durham,  NC
Saturday,  March  15  
Holton  Career  and  Resource
Center,  Child  Care  Center,  2nd
401  North  Driver  Street,
Durham,  NC
Water  Quality
The  Headwaters  group  of  the  NC  Sierra
Club  has  rescheduled  their  water  quality
panel  entitled  'Is  the  State  Doing  Enough
to  Protect  Your  Water?'  for  Thursday,
March  13.  The  Sierra  Club  Headwaters
groups  will  feature  a  panel  of  experts  and
former  Department  of  Environment  and
Natural  Resources  employees  to
address  concerns  about  the  DENR.  This
panel  will  provide  a  pertinent  discussion
of  the  current  problems  with  DENR,  and
should  provide  valuable  insight  into  the
current  Dan  River  coal  ash  spill.  Please
click  the  image  above  to  RSVP  to  this
Did  you  know  that  there
will  be  nearly  100
candidates  on  Durham
ballots  between  now  and
election  day  in
November?  If
progressives  are  to  take
back  the  government,
this  is  where  it  starts  –
with  PA  PAC
endorsements,  your
endorsements.    Of
Durham’s  major  political
organizations,  PA  PAC  is
the  only  one  in  which
members  decide  who  to
endorse.    This  is  where
PA  shines.    And  the
candidates  know  it.  
They  are  already  calling.
  Attend  the  meeting.
Thursday,  April  3,
Thursday,  March  13
St.  Luke’s  Church
1737  Hillandale  Road
Durham,  NC
Please  click  here  to
  follow  on  Twitter  |  friend  on  Facebook  |  forward  to  a  friend  
Our  mailing  address  is:
Durham  People's  Alliance
1821  Green  Street  #102,  Durham,  NC,  United  States
Durham,  NC  27705
Add  us  to  your  address  book
  unsubscribe  from  this  list  |  update  subscription  preferences  

More Related Content

March activist alert

  • 1. Check  out  our  update  of  upcoming  events  to  get  more  involved  in  our  efforts  to  keep  Durham  progressive! Durham  People's  Alliance March  Activist  Alert Friend  on  Facebook Follow  on  Twitter Forward  to  a  Friend You  Can  Vote Please  join  us  in  support  of  You Can  Vote  by  donating  to  the People's  Alliance  Fund  team  in the  Great  Human  Race.  The People's  Alliance  Fund  will donate  all  proceeds  of  our runners/walkers  to  the  You  Can Vote  project! You  Can  Vote  is  a  non-­partisan special  project  of  the  People's Alliance  Fund  in  conjunction  with allied  community  organizations educating  the  public  on  2014 changes  to  election  law.  Please click  the  link  below  for  more information  about  how  you  can make  a  tax-­deductible  gift  to  this important  work! Great  Human  Race Fundraiser Saturday  March  29,  2014 7:45am-­10:45am Northgate  Mall 1058  Club  Blvd. 2014  PA-­PAC  Candidate  Mixer One  week  from  today  we  will  be  holding  our  2014  candidate mixer.  There  are  over  100  candidates  running  in  Durham county  this  year,  and  this  is  a  great  opportunity  to  meet  a  good portion  of  the  candidates  before  our  endorsement  meeting later  this  spring. 2014  Candidate  Mixer Tuesday,  March  18  2014 6:00PM-­8:30PM Motorco  Music  Hall Come  to  the  2014  PA  PAC  Candidates  Mixer  on  March 18!  We  have  invited  all  of  the  candidates  running  here  in Durham  to  come  and  mix  with  you,  our  membership.    This  is where  you  get  to  talk  to  them  and  they  get  to  hear  from  you.   No  speeches  –  but  real  conversations  with  PA  members.    Mark your  calendar  today! Don't  forget  to  renew  your  membership  today!  Your membership  allows  you  to  vote  in  our  upcoming  endorsement meeting,  and  your  membership  dues  don’t  go  to  the  PAC,  they go  to  the  Durham  people’s  Alliance,  to  pay  for  rent,  to  pay  staff, to  buy  equipment,  etc.    Your  membership  is  much  more  than money,  however;;  it’s  your  declaration  that  you  are  officially  a part  of  PA. Thanks  we  will  see  you  on  the  18th, Milo  Pyne,  Lorisa  Seibel,  James  Hill,  Tom  Miller                                    PA-­ PAC  Coordinators   Subscribe Share Past Issues Translate
  • 2. Durham,  NC  27701 We  also  need  volunteers  to help  educate  the  community on  the  new  voter  laws.   Sign-­up  here  to  volunteer! Coffees  With Council Durham  City  Council  is hosting  Coffee  with  Council  and PA  members  should  be  out  in force  to  let  our  elected  leaders hear  about  the  issues  important to  us.  Make  your  voice  heard  in support  of  a  range  of progressive  policies  on affordable  housing,  education, funding  for  new  parks, maintenance  for  existing  parks, and  programs  that  will  increase economic  opportunity  in  Durham. 5:30PM  -­  7:30PM City  Hall Council  Committee  Room Durham,  NC Saturday,  March  15   9:30AM-­11:30AM Holton  Career  and  Resource Center,  Child  Care  Center,  2nd Floor 401  North  Driver  Street, Durham,  NC Water  Quality Panel The  Headwaters  group  of  the  NC  Sierra Club  has  rescheduled  their  water  quality panel  entitled  'Is  the  State  Doing  Enough to  Protect  Your  Water?'  for  Thursday, March  13.  The  Sierra  Club  Headwaters groups  will  feature  a  panel  of  experts  and former  Department  of  Environment  and Natural  Resources  employees  to address  concerns  about  the  DENR.  This panel  will  provide  a  pertinent  discussion of  the  current  problems  with  DENR,  and should  provide  valuable  insight  into  the current  Dan  River  coal  ash  spill.  Please click  the  image  above  to  RSVP  to  this event. PA-­PAC Endorsement Meeting Did  you  know  that  there will  be  nearly  100 candidates  on  Durham ballots  between  now  and election  day  in November?  If progressives  are  to  take back  the  government, this  is  where  it  starts  – with  PA  PAC endorsements,  your endorsements.    Of Durham’s  major  political organizations,  PA  PAC  is the  only  one  in  which members  decide  who  to endorse.    This  is  where PA  shines.    And  the candidates  know  it.   They  are  already  calling.  Attend  the  meeting. Thursday,  April  3, 2014   Thursday,  March  13
  • 3. St.  Luke’s  Church 1737  Hillandale  Road Durham,  NC 6:30PM-­9:00PM Please  click  here  to RSVP    follow  on  Twitter  |  friend  on  Facebook  |  forward  to  a  friend   Our  mailing  address  is: Durham  People's  Alliance 1821  Green  Street  #102,  Durham,  NC,  United  States Durham,  NC  27705 Add  us  to  your  address  book  unsubscribe  from  this  list  |  update  subscription  preferences Â