This document describes a proposed space drone racing game. It discusses allowing players to:
1) Place gates on different space-themed arenas and save/share custom maps.
2) Select from different drone configurations and tune their power, weight, and fuel.
3) Have an "edit mode" where gates can be placed and reordered by connecting to them freely without physics.
4) Save, export, import maps and play in free flight or timed race modes against other players.
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1. "Mario" space drone racing game description
well,,,Ithinkthisgame shouldexist::: Space Drone Racing FPV simulator.,,,soif youwere itchingto
builda game here'swhatit needstodo,and my example.Playersare able toplace gateson a numberof
scenes(maybe ahandful of differentarenas likewithasteroidsorspace stationsorcargo shipsetc.) ,,
theyare able tosave theirmaps,flyaroundthemfreeflightorinrace mode (where theytraverse in
orderand it's timed) ,the gatescan be solid(soyouhit them) orholographic,,,thenplayersare able to
exportandshare the maps,downloadthe mapsof others,,theyare able toselecta numberof drone
setupstoinclude all of the variousthrusterconfigurations,theyare able totune the powerandweight
of the drones,aswell asthe fuel quantity,,andthe entire goal of the game isto justget betterat flying
tightobstacle filledcourses.
Here'showI thinkat leastONE of themshouldwork,,asfor the map editor:
---- Insteadof a normal mapeditorwithall of the toolsto place and rotate and resize objects,,instead,
the playerhas a game mode callededit.Whentheygointoa map ineditmode,theirdrone/shipdoes
not have physics,andinsteadmoveslike Overload,full 6dof,butnoinertia.It'slike amariogame or
somethingwithhoweverythinglooksclowny.Theyhave aninventory(likeminecraftorsomething)of
gatesand objects,andsome toolsforsettinggate orderIF it'sdifferentfromhow theyplace them.(to
setgate order,justflythroughtheminthe new order,basically, whilethe setordertoggle ison) .
Theywouldchoose the gate fromtheirinventory(there wouldbe afew differentshapesof gate),they
can thenchange the color,drag the size,andwhentheyplace it,itis "connected"tothe ships
orientation,andthe playercandrive the gate arounduntil theyhitplace.Or,theycan move intothe
middle of agate and "connect"toit to move it,resize it,recolorit,etc.Normallythe gateswill justbe in
the order placed,andif theyneedtochange the order besides flyingfromstartto finishin"reorder"
mode,,theycanjustgo to the gate before,hitatoggle,thengoto the gate to be assignedasnext,and
hita toggle.
Then,theyare able to save the map, exportit,importit,playitin freeflightmode,playit inrace mode,
multiplayitinbothmodes,playitinrace mode butinfinitely,,Inrace mode the game wouldalways
highlightthe nextgate tobe traversed,butinfreeflightmode the gateswouldall justbe there.