This short story focuses on one central character and their journey that is meant to guide readers towards Jesus. It takes place in a specific setting or time period and aims to teach a lesson through its narrative.
This document examines Jesus as the Passover Lamb through several passages in Mark 11-12. It discusses Jesus' presentation as the Lamb, the acclamation of him as Lamb, and an examination of his power, zeal, teaching, wisdom, and parables according to the gospel of Mark. The examination shows Jesus' fitness to be the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.
Genesis 1:28-31
Dominion means, a territory or sphere of influence, control or the exercise of control, sovereignty
God gave man authority over earth
Be fruitful, multiply, fill the earth and subdue it
Gen 2:4 The Generations of Heaven and Earth. The basis for the citizenships were born.
The psalmist gives testimony of his devotion to God, the dilemma he faced, and how he called out to God for help. God delivered him from his troubles and saved him. The psalmist expresses gratitude to God for His goodness and grace. He dedicates himself as God's servant and vows to offer sacrifices and call on God's name in the presence of His people.
God has a purpose to ACHIEVE in the earth. He has handed over responsibility to man, and always needs a human being to align with HIM so he can do His WILL.
When Human beings accept responsibility as Heaven’s Citizens and God’s representatives in the earth, HE makes himself strong on their behalf.
HIS WILL is clear, we must line up to do it, and everything about US will be God’s priority.
The document discusses nurturing the anointing of God. It describes how Jesus joined two disciples on the road and their hearts burned as they walked with Him. It encourages staying close to God to receive more of His anointing, virtue, and power. It provides scriptures about controlling thoughts and feelings, communicating one's faith, and believing God's promises. The overall message is about cultivating one's relationship with God to strengthen the anointing.
"What is your vision for this Summer? What is God's vision for you this Summer? We will take a look at some of the incredible visions God has for each of us and what we can do to see His visions become reality in our lives."
This is an elementary school assembly presentation that I gave at Tianjin International School (China). The theme is based on a expected school-wide learning result.
A House of Prayer for All Nations - Mark 11:15-18jemyao
Jesus cleanses the temple to call people back to prayer and intimacy with God. He disrupts the money-changing routine that was preventing people from encountering God, and teaches that the temple should be a house of prayer for all nations. However, religious leaders oppose Jesus because He threatens their power and priorities. Jesus continues teaching even amidst opposition, focusing on establishing God's name and salvation for others. Believers are called to similarly examine their hearts and motives for attending church, and seize opportunities to help others find God.
Mark 11, Jesus' Triumphal Entry Into Jerusalem, Jesus' Cursing of the Fig Tree, Jesus' Cleansing Of The Temple, Jesus' Lesson Of The Fig Tree, Jesus' Authority Challenged, Doubting, doubt, forgive, Bethphage and Bethany, Time Is Not Yet, Zechariah 9, Literal Split Fulfillment, Jesus Condemned Jerusalem, the time of your visitation, lone fig tree, Jesus drove out sellers, Psalm 69 applied to Jesus, thinking testing examining is good in the Bible, God Is Able
The document discusses Job's encounter with God and how we should respond to God. It analyzes chapters from the Book of Job where Job acknowledges God's omnipotence, confesses his lack of understanding, and repents of speaking foolishly. We should respond to God by acknowledging His power, being humble about what we don't know, and repenting of vain words.
The document discusses growing as a disciple of Christ. It emphasizes focusing on God's word, worship, fellowship, and outreach. It notes that growing as a disciple involves filling up through abiding in God, and emptying out through doing for others. The pursuit should be on being faithful with what is known about God, rather than seeking more knowledge, as the Spirit will guide believers into truth. It encourages influencing others through how one lives, so that when worldly things fail, people may look to one's witness about Jesus for answers.
What is a spiritual discerner and how can I be spiritually discerning? This was a middle school assembly presentation I gave at Tianjin International School (China).
A formatting issue takes place during the upload which slightly affects slide five.
Prayer is communication with God where believers talk to God and listen for His response. The document provides reasons why people should pray, such as because God commands it, it improves the relationship with God, and allows God's will to be done on Earth. It also gives instructions on how to pray, such as coming before God in Jesus' name and focusing on His attributes. Common mistakes in prayer are identified, like not praying consistently or with the right motives. The power of prayer is emphasized, especially when prayed in faith according to God's will.
This document discusses attitudes of love and hatred that should be embodied in action. It addresses:
1. Love for the word of God, citing passages where Jesus quotes scripture and urging readers to meditate on God's word daily like a firmly planted tree.
2. Love for prayer, with biblical examples of Jesus praying and reasons given like God's willingness to hear prayers and give blessings. Readers are urged to pray without ceasing.
3. Hatred for false ways, explained by understanding God's precepts and avoiding deceit. Jesus is cited criticizing hypocrisy. Readers should love sinners but hate sin.
The document discusses how Jesus healed us of our transgressions and sins through his crucifixion. It explains that when Jesus was wounded and pierced, our transgressions died with him on the cross (Colossians 2:13-15). Jesus was also bruised and crushed for our iniquities, acting as our scapegoat and bearing the punishment for our sins (Leviticus 16:20-22). Additionally, Jesus was chastised for our peace so that we would never have to die, and through his stripes we are healed (1 Peter 2:24). The healing comes through the resurrection of Jesus Christ (1 Peter 3:21).
A verse by verse commentary on Psalm 116 dealing with the mercy of God. The author is going through great trouble and sorrow, but then he called on the name of the Lord and he was saved. The goodness of God is the theme of this Psalm.
This is a sermon I preached at Tianjin International Fellowship (China). In Psalm 8, King David speaks of God's glory and how man's glory and destiny reflects upon God.
This document discusses Jesus and wisdom. Several Bible verses are presented showing Jesus increasing in wisdom as a child and teaching with wisdom and authority. Jesus is described as becoming wisdom from God. Additional verses discuss how all treasures of wisdom and knowledge are found in Jesus. The document then presents a "Wisdom Audit" with several questions to evaluate one's wisdom based on behaviors and choices over the last 30 days. Scoring guidelines indicate that a score below 15 means one needs wisdom, around 24 means one is wise, and above 18 means one is on the right track. The document concludes with announcements about upcoming community meetings and a Sunday sermon series.
This document appears to be a presentation for a morning assembly. It includes slides with titles like "Mentor Teachers", "Group Members", "Scripture Reading", "Prayer", "Thought for the Day", "Moral Story", "Quiz", "News Headlines", and "Concluding Song". The presentation covers various typical elements of a school morning assembly, including an opening song, scripture reading, prayer, announcements, a thought or lesson for students, a quiz, and a concluding song. It was created by Prof. Nitin K. Vishwakarma for students.
This document discusses the importance of telling future generations about God's power and deeds from Psalm 78:4. It also analyzes Ephesians 6:5-9 about serving God with sincerity and reverence in daily work and responsibilities. The gospel transforms how Christians approach their daily tasks. The document closes by asking readers to pray for the church vacancy in Ballysillan and to pray for one another in their work and responsibilities.
The document appears to be a religious text that discusses salvation and reconciliation with God. It references biblical stories and verses about Jesus healing the sick and raising people from the dead. It also includes passages about sins being forgiven and people made alive in Christ through his sacrificial death on the cross. The text seems focused on God's saving power through Jesus and the reconciliation and new life believers can have as a result.
A House of Prayer for All Nations - Mark 11:15-18jemyao
Jesus cleanses the temple to call people back to prayer and intimacy with God. He disrupts the money-changing routine that was preventing people from encountering God, and teaches that the temple should be a house of prayer for all nations. However, religious leaders oppose Jesus because He threatens their power and priorities. Jesus continues teaching even amidst opposition, focusing on establishing God's name and salvation for others. Believers are called to similarly examine their hearts and motives for attending church, and seize opportunities to help others find God.
Mark 11, Jesus' Triumphal Entry Into Jerusalem, Jesus' Cursing of the Fig Tree, Jesus' Cleansing Of The Temple, Jesus' Lesson Of The Fig Tree, Jesus' Authority Challenged, Doubting, doubt, forgive, Bethphage and Bethany, Time Is Not Yet, Zechariah 9, Literal Split Fulfillment, Jesus Condemned Jerusalem, the time of your visitation, lone fig tree, Jesus drove out sellers, Psalm 69 applied to Jesus, thinking testing examining is good in the Bible, God Is Able
The document discusses Job's encounter with God and how we should respond to God. It analyzes chapters from the Book of Job where Job acknowledges God's omnipotence, confesses his lack of understanding, and repents of speaking foolishly. We should respond to God by acknowledging His power, being humble about what we don't know, and repenting of vain words.
The document discusses growing as a disciple of Christ. It emphasizes focusing on God's word, worship, fellowship, and outreach. It notes that growing as a disciple involves filling up through abiding in God, and emptying out through doing for others. The pursuit should be on being faithful with what is known about God, rather than seeking more knowledge, as the Spirit will guide believers into truth. It encourages influencing others through how one lives, so that when worldly things fail, people may look to one's witness about Jesus for answers.
What is a spiritual discerner and how can I be spiritually discerning? This was a middle school assembly presentation I gave at Tianjin International School (China).
A formatting issue takes place during the upload which slightly affects slide five.
Prayer is communication with God where believers talk to God and listen for His response. The document provides reasons why people should pray, such as because God commands it, it improves the relationship with God, and allows God's will to be done on Earth. It also gives instructions on how to pray, such as coming before God in Jesus' name and focusing on His attributes. Common mistakes in prayer are identified, like not praying consistently or with the right motives. The power of prayer is emphasized, especially when prayed in faith according to God's will.
This document discusses attitudes of love and hatred that should be embodied in action. It addresses:
1. Love for the word of God, citing passages where Jesus quotes scripture and urging readers to meditate on God's word daily like a firmly planted tree.
2. Love for prayer, with biblical examples of Jesus praying and reasons given like God's willingness to hear prayers and give blessings. Readers are urged to pray without ceasing.
3. Hatred for false ways, explained by understanding God's precepts and avoiding deceit. Jesus is cited criticizing hypocrisy. Readers should love sinners but hate sin.
The document discusses how Jesus healed us of our transgressions and sins through his crucifixion. It explains that when Jesus was wounded and pierced, our transgressions died with him on the cross (Colossians 2:13-15). Jesus was also bruised and crushed for our iniquities, acting as our scapegoat and bearing the punishment for our sins (Leviticus 16:20-22). Additionally, Jesus was chastised for our peace so that we would never have to die, and through his stripes we are healed (1 Peter 2:24). The healing comes through the resurrection of Jesus Christ (1 Peter 3:21).
A verse by verse commentary on Psalm 116 dealing with the mercy of God. The author is going through great trouble and sorrow, but then he called on the name of the Lord and he was saved. The goodness of God is the theme of this Psalm.
This is a sermon I preached at Tianjin International Fellowship (China). In Psalm 8, King David speaks of God's glory and how man's glory and destiny reflects upon God.
This document discusses Jesus and wisdom. Several Bible verses are presented showing Jesus increasing in wisdom as a child and teaching with wisdom and authority. Jesus is described as becoming wisdom from God. Additional verses discuss how all treasures of wisdom and knowledge are found in Jesus. The document then presents a "Wisdom Audit" with several questions to evaluate one's wisdom based on behaviors and choices over the last 30 days. Scoring guidelines indicate that a score below 15 means one needs wisdom, around 24 means one is wise, and above 18 means one is on the right track. The document concludes with announcements about upcoming community meetings and a Sunday sermon series.
This document appears to be a presentation for a morning assembly. It includes slides with titles like "Mentor Teachers", "Group Members", "Scripture Reading", "Prayer", "Thought for the Day", "Moral Story", "Quiz", "News Headlines", and "Concluding Song". The presentation covers various typical elements of a school morning assembly, including an opening song, scripture reading, prayer, announcements, a thought or lesson for students, a quiz, and a concluding song. It was created by Prof. Nitin K. Vishwakarma for students.
This document discusses the importance of telling future generations about God's power and deeds from Psalm 78:4. It also analyzes Ephesians 6:5-9 about serving God with sincerity and reverence in daily work and responsibilities. The gospel transforms how Christians approach their daily tasks. The document closes by asking readers to pray for the church vacancy in Ballysillan and to pray for one another in their work and responsibilities.
The document appears to be a religious text that discusses salvation and reconciliation with God. It references biblical stories and verses about Jesus healing the sick and raising people from the dead. It also includes passages about sins being forgiven and people made alive in Christ through his sacrificial death on the cross. The text seems focused on God's saving power through Jesus and the reconciliation and new life believers can have as a result.
The document contains the lyrics to multiple Christian worship songs that praise God and express a willingness to serve others in need as God does. The songs celebrate God's eternal love and faithfulness. They call believers to lift their hands and voices in praise, go out into the world with God's message of grace, and show compassion to the hungry, homeless, and oppressed as Jesus did.
Psalm 17 is a prayer by David with three parts: a personal cry for help against enemies, an expectant cry for God's protection and deliverance from those surrounding him, and an expression of confidence in God despite the difficulties. The document also calls for prayers for persecuted Christians in Iraq and for conversions of leaders of IS in Iraq, similar to the Apostle Paul's conversion.
The Gospel of Mark focuses on people who are on a journey and find themselves at a place of challenge and opportunity, where Jesus performs a miracle of perfect provision to help them.