- There is a tendency for price and quantity to change (price and quantity are not stable) in a free market.
- A market is in equilibrium when the demand curve and the supply curve intersect.
- The point of equilibrium is where quantity demanded (Qd) equals quantity supplied (Qs) and price is at the equilibrium price.
- When Qd does not equal Qs, the market will not be in equilibrium and there may be two circumstances: excess supply (surplus) or excess demand (shortage).
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Market equilibrium
1. Definition
- here is no t
T endencyforpr @ qtyt cha (pr &qtya
ice t o nge ice t re
st bl )
- A r is in equil ium w t maketDD cur e a t
maket ibr hen he r v nd he
maketSScur e int sect
r v er
2. Market Equilibrium
- R t t int a ion bet een DD a SSin t maket(Qd = Qs )
efer o he er ct w nd he r
- Pr a t pointofequil ium (equilibrium price)
ice t he ibr
- Qtya t pointofequil ium (equilibrium qtty)
t t he ibr
* the point of equilibrium is not s table or permanent*
3. Condition F or Market Equilibrium
Qd = Qs
W Qd = Qs (maketw lnotbe in equil ium)t
hen, r il ibr his
ma ha in 2 cir a :-
y ppen cumst nces
a E SS(Sur us )
) xcess pl
b)E DD (Shora )
xcess t ge
4. Exces s S S @ S urplus
Qs > Qd
- T ee impora effect
hr t nt s:-
b)Qs w lcont a (Qs )
il r ct
c)Qd w lexpa (Qd )
il nd
5. Exces s DD @ S hortag e
Qd > Qs
- T ee impora effect
hr t nt s:-
b)Qd w lcont a (Qd )
il r ct
c)Qs w lexpa (Qs )
il nd
6. Determination Of market Equilibrium
- T ee met
hr hods
i)Numer lA l
ica naysis
ii)Ga lA l
r phica naysis
iii)M t t l a l
ahemaica naysis
Qd = Qs
a- bP = c + dP
7. Effects of chang es in DD on ME
Increas e DD
DD ; F SS; equil ium P&Qty
ixed ibr t
Decreas e DD
DD ; F SS; equil ium P&Qty
ixed ibr t
8. Effects of chang es in S S on ME
Increas e S S
SS; F DD ; eP; eQ
Decreas e DD
SS; F DD ; eP; eQ
9. Effects of chang es in DD & S S on Equal
Mag nitudes on Market Equilibrium
- F sit t :-
our uaions
a DD &SSin equa ma udes
) l gnit
b) DD &SSin equa ma udes
l gnit
c) DD & SSin equa ma udes
l gnit
d ) DD & SSin equa ma udes
l gnit
10. a DD &SSin equa ma udes
) l gnit
DD & S S ; eQ ; c ons tant eP
b) DD &SSin equa ma udes
l gnit
DD & S S ; eQ ; c ons tant eP
11. c) DD & SSin equa ma udes
l gnit
DD & SS ; eP ; c ons tant eQ
d ) DD & SSin equa ma udes
l gnit
DD & SS ; eP ; c ons tant