The document discusses various strategies for marketing goats directly from farms to consumers, ranging from the customer selecting and purchasing a live goat on the farm to the farmer conducting slaughter and processing to sell cuts and prepared goat meat products. Some key strategies mentioned are the farmer conducting on-farm slaughter and further processing meat to sell, arranging for custom slaughter and fabrication to then sell the meat, and selling cuts and dishes at public venues and through mailings.
2. Direct Marketing to Consumer
? Customer comes to the farm
? Makes a selection
? Negotiates a price
? Money changes hands
? Goat is loaded and departs; all is well
? Seller avoids commission and shrinkage
? Buyer meets his needs
3. More Direct Marketing
? Customer comes to the farm
? Makes a selection, haggles, pays the price
? Seller hauls goat to nearby custom slaughter
? Buyer instructs processor on slaughter,
fabrication, and packaging procedures
? Buyer pays, hauls, stores, eats; all is well
4. Even More Direct Marketing
? Customer selects, pays, and is permitted to kill
the goat on-premises
? This may or may not be legal; if legal, there
are additional issues to be resolved: slaughter
technique, disposal of offal, cleanup, fee
? Off-farm sales: farmers markets, flea markets,
¡®informal¡¯ roadside sales
5. Direct Selling of Goat Meat
? Producer does slaughter on-farm, fabrication
of cuts, further processing, and merchandizing
? Producer has goats custom-slaughtered and
does all else
? Producer has goats custom-slaughtered and
fabricated and/or deboned and does the rest
? Producer ¡®arranges¡¯ custom products and
does merchandizing only
6. Unique Goat Meat Merchandizing Strategies
? Producer sell cuts and products on-farm and
via ¡®mailings¡¯
? Producer cooks and sells goat meat dishes
(quarter-pounders, kebobs/veggies, and
curries, etc.) at public venues such as Fairs
and Shows
? (Introduction of speaker associates)