Marketing Social Definition, Marketing AMA Definition & Kotler Definition of Marketing Management. Plus Marketing demand states, Marketing Concepts, Company Orientation & Marketing Task.
2. Marketing is a societal process by which individuals and groups
obtain what they need and want through creating, offering and
freely exchanging products and services of value with others
Social Definition
Marketing is the process of planning and executing the
conception, pricing, promotion and distribution of ideas, goods
and services to create exchanges that satisfy individual and
organizational goals.
AMA Definition
3. Marketing Management is the Art and Science of choosing target
markets and getting, keeping and growing customers through
creating, delivering and communicating superior customer value.
Kotler Definition
7. Needs, Wants and Demands
Needs Basic Human Requirements
Wants Directed at specific objects
Demands Backed by ability to pay
Target Markets, Positioning & Segmentation
Offerings and Brands
Offering Value Proposition made Tangible
Brand Offering from a known source
Value & Satisfaction
Value Benefits / Cost
Customer Value Triad Quality, Service and Price
Satisfaction Products perceived performance
Marketing Channel
Communication Channel Deliver & Receive message
Distribution Channel Display, sell & Deliver
Service Channel Carry out transactions
8. Oldest Concept
Consumers will prefer products that are widely available &
Concentrate on achieving high production efficiency, low
costs and mass distribution
Eg: - Lenovo and Haier in China
The Production Concept
Consumers favor products that offer most quality,
performance and innovative features.
Make superior products and improve them over time.
Caught in a love-affair with their product.
The Product Concept
9. Consumers, if left alone, wont buy enough of the
organizations products.
Must undertake an aggressive selling and promotion effort.
Practiced most aggressively with unsought goods.
Eg:- Insurance & Encyclopedias.
Aim is to sell what they make rather than make what the
market wants.
The Selling Concept
Customer Centered instead of Product Centered.
Not to find right customers for your products, but to find
right products for your customers.
Eg:- Dell
Reactive Market Orientation Understanding and meeting
customers expressed needs
Proactive Market Orientation - Understanding and meeting
customers latent needs
Total Market Orientation
The Marketing Concept
11. Developing Marketing Strategies & Plan
Capturing Marketing Insights
Connecting with Customers
Building strong brands
Shaping the market offering
Delivering Value
Communicating Value
Creating Long-Term Growth
#6: Demand States
Negative Demand Dislike Product
No Demand Unaware or uninterested in the product
Latent Demand Strong need which cannot be satisfied by existing products
Declining Demand Experiences by all organizations.
Irregular Demand Season demand
Full Demand Firms are pleased with the volume of business
Overfull Demand Demand higher than what can be handled
De Marketing Reducing demand temporarily or permanently
- Can be reduced by increasing prices, or reducing promotion and services.
Unwholesome Demand Products that attract organized effort to discourage consumption
#7: MetaMarket-
- Cluster of complementary products which are closely related in the minds of the consumer but spread across industries.