Your marketing plan must have a clearly defined aim, such as growing your YouTube channel to include 3+ Let's Play videos by July. This will help grow your audience, revenue, awareness and reputation. Your targets to achieve this aim must be SMART - specific, measurable, assignable, realistic and timely. For example, targets could include 500 in-app purchases in the first month or 500 retweets in the first month from a new game release. Establishing appropriate SMART targets is important for successfully achieving the overall aim of your marketing plan.
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Marketing plan
1. 3+ YouTube Lets Play
videos by July
growing audience
growing revenue
growing awareness
growing reputation
Your Marketing Plan must have a clearly defined
aim :
500 in-app purchases
in the 1st month
500 ReTweets in the
1st month
1 game-dev podcast
interview prior to
Your targets must be SMART, i.e. Specific,
Measurable, Assignable, Realistic and Timely:
Specific target a particular area for improvement.
Measurable quantify an indicator of progress.
Assignable specify who will do it.
Realistic state what can be achieved with your
Timely specify when the result(s) can be achieved.
Once you have identified the aim of your Plan you
must establish a set of appropriate targets to
help you successfully achieve it :