This document provides guidance on assessing the implementation of a marketing plan. It contains an implementation matrix that evaluates ideas based on their impact and ease of execution, with categories of high, low, don't bother, and low priority. The guidance suggests that 75% of the final approved plan should have high impact ideas, and approximately 50% of tactics should be both short-term efforts with immediate impact and longer-term efforts that are difficult for competitors to match.
2. Marketing Plan
Implementation Assessment Tool
What is the right mix of Impact ideas?
Implementation Matrix
Longer Term Immediate
Dont Bother Low Priority
Low Ease of High
75% of the final approved plan effort should have a high impact. If there is less than 75%, then
this is a danger zone. Marketing plans with an adequate level of brainstorming and new idea
generation result in more great ideas than can be implemented.
3. Marketing Plan
Implementation Assessment Tool
What is the right mix of Long-term vs. Immediate ideas?
Implementation Matrix
50% 50%
Longer Term Immediate
Dont Bother Low Priority
Low Ease of High
Guidance Execution
Approximately 50% of your tactics should consist of short-term efforts that make immediate
impact. To maintain a competitive advantage, at least 50% of the tactics should longer term
efforts that are difficult for competitors to easily match.