The marketing team envisions their dream workplace as one that is diverse, socially active, and empowers them to be creative and break the rules while leading in their category. Their nightmare would be a workplace with micromanagement, a lack of recognition for high performance, interruptions, isolation, being taken advantage of, no communication, and team members not pulling their weight. In the future, they aspire to be recognized for their creativity and culture, be externally recognized as a high performing team with slick branding and systems, and be award winning as a leading and trusted advisory team to the executive team.
3. Our nightmare
Not recognised for high
Isolated &lonely
Takenadvantage of
No communication
Team not pulling their weight
or underperforming
Having to justify whyto
stakeholders all the time
4. Our future
Recognised for creativity &
Externally recognised as a
high performing team
Slickset upof brands and
Award winning
Leading high performing
Cold applicants for careers in
Growth in marketing,design
and content knowledge
Trusted advisors to exec team