The document describes various opportunities for advertising in Dubai across different media types and locations. It notes advertising seen at the Dubai International Airport, in magazines, newspapers, on TV, buses, taxi cabs, building wraps, billboards, malls, cash counters, and more. It also proposes some untapped marketing opportunities like advertising on water bubbles commonly found in homes, on trees, and inside shopping trolleys.
2. Its getting boring out here
in Malgudi….can we go
some place for an holiday
I have some money saved
for this ….We can go
to..Goa, Bangkok,..or
Dubai….what’s there in
4. ….I have been hearing a lot
from my friends and on TV
& news papers about
Dubai…its shopping
Of course festivals..resorts...
Shyam has won free
tickets for Dubai….I think
from emirates
airlines….he was asking if
we wanted to go……
99. The water bubble is something we
1 see everyday…
It has penetrated in almost every
house hold….
There is a lot of scope to
advertise on the sides and
top of the bubble
The bubble gets changed every 3 /4
days…the new bubble can contain
new set of advertisement….
102. 3
There are a lot of round-
abouts in the city. Very good
spot for advertising!!
The trees have a very imp role in
life….sponsor the trees, take
care and advertise