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Strategize Then Localize:
Executing a Successful Enterprise Strategy for
Global Nurtures
April 2015
Sara Marino
Sr. Analyst
CA Technologies
Colin Ryder
Sr. Automation
CA Technologies
Frank Carpenter
Sr. Automation
CA Technologies
Page 2
CA Technologies
 CA Technologies (NASDAQ: CA) creates software
that fuels transformation for companies and
enables them to seize the opportunities of the
application economy. Software is at the heart of
every business, in every industry.
 Roughly $5B in Revenue, with 15,000 global
 11 Global Business Units supporting 45+ Products
 Launched demand gen transformation in April 2012
with 13 Nurtures in North America
 Currently consolidating 100+ Nurtures in each
region into master Global Nurtures
Page 3
Nurture Best Practices Learned the Hard Way
 Defining your content strategy
 Structure of a best in class global nurture
 Leveraging segmentation and dynamic
 Optimizing the localization process with
translations tools like Cloudwords
 Global Nurture reporting
Page 4
Local CA Security Nurture
 Lengthy engagement streams to pull in stale
database leads
 Launched in NA only
 Only Current Inferred Interest = Security +
score entry points, not by product interest
 Email topic response dictates further content
 7 products covered
 MQL score set aggressively at 60 points
Page 6
Global CA Security Nurture
 Rely on other inbound tactics to fill the funnel
 Built in shared Global workspace, leveraging dynamic
 Launched globally in English-speaking regions, then
 7 products covered
 Pre-nurture lead activity dictates content delivery
 Various entry points by CII, score and demonstrated
product interest
 MQL score increased to 100 points based on sales
Page 8
Key Benefit and Results
 Deliver more relevant content sooner
 Nurture more global leads
 Create 1 architecture that all regions can leverage
 Easier to update with new content
 Increased MQL scores provide sales with more
qualified leads
 Accounts for 70% of aggregate MQL target in 4
months since launch
Page 9
Global CEM Architecture
 Architect stream flow, select assets and write
 Localize key assets
 Deliver as package to regions to determine
languages needed
 Build in global workspace leveraging dynamic
content snippets
CA Global Nurtures
 EMEA vs. Global
 Dynamic Content
Page 11
EMEA vs North America Nurtures
 NA  1 language - English
 EMEA - 5 Core Languages
English, French, German, Italian and Spanish
 6 Business Units with different Solutions underneath
 Between 10-15 nurtures in total with assets.
Multiply that by 5 or maybe more (Footers/legal entities
per country)
 Potentially 20 versions of a nurture for 1 area
Page 12
What is Dynamic Content?
 Serves us content based on prospects
language preference
 Allows us to have asset with all language
segments vs one email per language
 Snippets applied to email
Page 13
Dynamic Content -
 Segmentation is like an Orange. Each piece
contains individual smart lists
 We used Country/SFDC Country Field to
determine rules.
 Specific language rules for some countries
Page 14
EMEA Segmentation
Page 15
United Kingdom Segmentation
Page 16
Segments and Dynamic Content
 One segment per country/mini-region.
 Enables us to have one email in total not a
separate one per language/country.
 Variable content based on country
(footer/legal/language) is dragged into the
dynamic part.
 Also created a dynamic footer snippet based on
the same segmentation  drag and drop it in.
Page 17
Email Content Example  Default (English)
Page 18
Email Content  Germany (German)
Page 19
 We now only require one
email/landing page per asset
 We use English as the default
language which covers 75% of the
 Any update to the default segment
automatically gets applied to others
that are not edited.
 Speeds up the time to build and
launch in many languages
 Requires a lot of content to be pasted
into the other segments that are non-
English speaking (approximately
seven segments  French, German,
Italian, and Spanish speaking
Page 20
Success in EMEA
 Despite the amount of time, we
needed to copy content in for the
local languages this process still
speeded up the Nurture build.
Page 21
Next Step  Global Nurtures
 Global Nurtures  roll out the same
process across NA, EMEA and LATAM,
combining all these regions into one
nurture for all solution areas
 15 of the segments use English as default
 Used same criteria based on country /
language preferences
Build a Global Segmentation
 16 Segments for EMEA
 8 for APJ
 2 for LATAM
 1 for NA
 1 for Default
Page 22
Email Content  Global Nurture (Default)
Page 23
Email Content  Global Nurture (German)
Page 24
Same Results / Issues
 English language segments were fine but we
still faced the same issues with other
languages, in that we needed the copy to be
pasted in
 Needed a solution to help speed up the
translation process
Page 25
 Easy integration
(setup is 5 minutes)
 Pick what Marketo assets (landing
pages, forms, emails, snippets we
want to send out for translation
 Route those assets to the translation
vendor of our choice
 Review the translated content
directly in Marketo once our
translation vendor has delivered the
content into Cloudwords
 We were already using Cloudwords
to translate our standard campaigns.
However, Cloudwords translation
process created an additional email
per language.
 This sped up the process, but still
required a manual copy and paste
from the additionally Cloudwords
created emails into the correct
segment in the dynamic version.
Page 26
 We worked with Cloudwords to
help produce a solution.
 Cloudwords developed a change
to their process enabling their
system to place the translation
directly into the correct segment
within the dynamic nurture.
 This was defined within their tool
at the translation request level.
 This now enabled us to save a lot
more time when building and
executing nurtures as we now
had no need to copy and paste
the localized content into each
Page 28
Making Reporting Easy for End Users
Page 29
Build Smart Lists
Page 30
Be Sure All of Your Leads Are Added
Page 31
Remove Unwanted Data
Page 32
Send Success Results
Page 33
Send Success Alerts
Page 34
Key Takeaways
 Define your Nurture blueprint before building
 Honor your prospects preferences with
segmentation and dynamic snippets
 Leverage translation tools such as Cloudwords to
speed up time to build
 Less nurture dashboards to monitor the better
 Make the key metrics of the nurture available as
self-service as possible
Thank You!

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  • 1. Strategize Then Localize: Executing a Successful Enterprise Strategy for Global Nurtures April 2015 Sara Marino Sr. Analyst @_SaraMarino CA Technologies Colin Ryder Sr. Automation Specialist CA Technologies Frank Carpenter Sr. Automation Specialist CA Technologies
  • 2. Page 2 CA Technologies CA Technologies (NASDAQ: CA) creates software that fuels transformation for companies and enables them to seize the opportunities of the application economy. Software is at the heart of every business, in every industry. Roughly $5B in Revenue, with 15,000 global employees 11 Global Business Units supporting 45+ Products Launched demand gen transformation in April 2012 with 13 Nurtures in North America Currently consolidating 100+ Nurtures in each region into master Global Nurtures
  • 3. Page 3 Nurture Best Practices Learned the Hard Way Defining your content strategy Structure of a best in class global nurture program Leveraging segmentation and dynamic content Optimizing the localization process with translations tools like Cloudwords Global Nurture reporting
  • 4. Page 4 Local CA Security Nurture Lengthy engagement streams to pull in stale database leads Launched in NA only Only Current Inferred Interest = Security + score entry points, not by product interest Email topic response dictates further content delivery 7 products covered MQL score set aggressively at 60 points
  • 6. Page 6 Global CA Security Nurture Rely on other inbound tactics to fill the funnel Built in shared Global workspace, leveraging dynamic content Launched globally in English-speaking regions, then localized 7 products covered Pre-nurture lead activity dictates content delivery Various entry points by CII, score and demonstrated product interest MQL score increased to 100 points based on sales feedback
  • 8. Page 8 Key Benefit and Results Deliver more relevant content sooner Nurture more global leads Create 1 architecture that all regions can leverage Easier to update with new content Increased MQL scores provide sales with more qualified leads Accounts for 70% of aggregate MQL target in 4 months since launch
  • 9. Page 9 Global CEM Architecture Architect stream flow, select assets and write emails Localize key assets Deliver as package to regions to determine languages needed Build in global workspace leveraging dynamic content snippets
  • 10. CA Global Nurtures EMEA vs. Global Dynamic Content Segmentations Cloudwords
  • 11. Page 11 EMEA vs North America Nurtures NA 1 language - English EMEA - 5 Core Languages English, French, German, Italian and Spanish 6 Business Units with different Solutions underneath Between 10-15 nurtures in total with assets. Multiply that by 5 or maybe more (Footers/legal entities per country) Potentially 20 versions of a nurture for 1 area
  • 12. Page 12 What is Dynamic Content? Serves us content based on prospects language preference Allows us to have asset with all language segments vs one email per language Snippets applied to email
  • 13. Page 13 Dynamic Content - Segmentations Segmentation is like an Orange. Each piece contains individual smart lists We used Country/SFDC Country Field to determine rules. Specific language rules for some countries
  • 15. Page 15 United Kingdom Segmentation
  • 16. Page 16 Segments and Dynamic Content One segment per country/mini-region. Enables us to have one email in total not a separate one per language/country. Variable content based on country (footer/legal/language) is dragged into the dynamic part. Also created a dynamic footer snippet based on the same segmentation drag and drop it in.
  • 17. Page 17 Email Content Example Default (English)
  • 18. Page 18 Email Content Germany (German)
  • 19. Page 19 Pros We now only require one email/landing page per asset We use English as the default language which covers 75% of the segments Any update to the default segment automatically gets applied to others that are not edited. Speeds up the time to build and launch in many languages Cons Requires a lot of content to be pasted into the other segments that are non- English speaking (approximately seven segments French, German, Italian, and Spanish speaking countries
  • 20. Page 20 Success in EMEA Despite the amount of time, we needed to copy content in for the local languages this process still speeded up the Nurture build.
  • 21. Page 21 Next Step Global Nurtures Global Nurtures roll out the same process across NA, EMEA and LATAM, combining all these regions into one nurture for all solution areas 15 of the segments use English as default Used same criteria based on country / language preferences Build a Global Segmentation featuring: 16 Segments for EMEA 8 for APJ 2 for LATAM 1 for NA 1 for Default (unknown)
  • 22. Page 22 Email Content Global Nurture (Default)
  • 23. Page 23 Email Content Global Nurture (German)
  • 24. Page 24 Same Results / Issues English language segments were fine but we still faced the same issues with other languages, in that we needed the copy to be pasted in Needed a solution to help speed up the translation process
  • 25. Page 25 Cloudwords Benefits Easy integration (setup is 5 minutes) Pick what Marketo assets (landing pages, forms, emails, snippets we want to send out for translation Route those assets to the translation vendor of our choice Review the translated content directly in Marketo once our translation vendor has delivered the content into Cloudwords Challenges We were already using Cloudwords to translate our standard campaigns. However, Cloudwords translation process created an additional email per language. This sped up the process, but still required a manual copy and paste from the additionally Cloudwords created emails into the correct segment in the dynamic version.
  • 26. Page 26 Cloudwords Solutions We worked with Cloudwords to help produce a solution. Cloudwords developed a change to their process enabling their system to place the translation directly into the correct segment within the dynamic nurture. This was defined within their tool at the translation request level. Success This now enabled us to save a lot more time when building and executing nurtures as we now had no need to copy and paste the localized content into each segment.
  • 28. Page 28 Making Reporting Easy for End Users
  • 30. Page 30 Be Sure All of Your Leads Are Added
  • 34. Page 34 Key Takeaways Define your Nurture blueprint before building Honor your prospects preferences with segmentation and dynamic snippets Leverage translation tools such as Cloudwords to speed up time to build Less nurture dashboards to monitor the better Make the key metrics of the nurture available as self-service as possible