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James Paul Markey, M.Ed
Detective Sergeant, Phoenix Police Department (Retired)
13235 N. Verde River Drive, Fountain Hills, AZ 85268
Owner, Investigative Lead, LLC
I served 30-years with the Phoenix Police Department retiring in January 2012. My formal education included
attending Arizona State University graduating with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Criminal Justice and
Northern Arizona University graduating with a Masters Degree in Educational Leadership. In 2011 I created my
own business, Investigative Lead, LLC (ILTC), a criminal justice training and consulting consortium. ILTC has
a mission to provide real world training and consulting to criminal justice systems on violence against women and
a variety of critical investigative and leadership issues.
During my time with the Phoenix Police Department I held a variety of positions to include patrol officer, housing
walking beat, and detective. In 1990 I was promoted to sergeant and held positions in patrol, neighborhood
response unit/walking beat, school resource and investigations. My supervisory job functions included but were
not limited to, employee performance reviews, development and implementation of policy, scheduling/work
assignments, budgeting, internal investigations, briefing of command staff, crisis management, taskforce
oversight, department and individual tactical training, safety and security planning for large or major events,
federaland state grant writing and review, and the quality assurance review of assignments and investigations. In
1998 until my retirement, I supervised and led the adult sex crimes unit. This was the first detective unit to work
in a multi-disciplinary team housed in the City of Phoenix Family Advocacy Center. During my time on this
team I managed, lead, and supervised 10 or more investigators and oversaw more than 7,000 sexual assault
investigations, including over 80 serial rape cases. Severalof these cases were high profile taskforces which
include the 10-month AM Rapist, "the Baseline Killer Taskforce,"the Central Phoenix Rapist," the Spiky Hair
Molester," "the Coffelt-Marcos Child Abduction Series," "the Southside Vacant House Rapist," and "the Red Car
Rapists." Additionally, I regularly met with my partners both internally and externally to develop policy, conduct
regular meetings and openly communicated on a variety of issues involving violence against women. For my
efforts on the job I received over 30 commendations including the Police Chief's Unit Award and the
Distinguished Service Award twice.
In 2000, I developed the Phoenix Police Sex Crimes Cold Case Team. During the past 12 years,this unit has
investigated over 2,500 cold case sexualassaults resulting in more than 800 cold DNA hits. During my
supervision I authored the cold case unit policy and procedure manual and a cold case MOU with the Maricopa
County Attorney Office. The CC team received the Arizona Attorney General Award in 2002 and was nationally
recognized in a documentary by the Alliance of Service Organizations (ALSO) in 2011 as a VAWA-STOP grant
success story. This film was awarded a coveted TELLY award in 2012. I have worked with and
consulted/trained numerous agencies engaged in the investigation of unsolved violent cold cases and evidence
issues to include sexual assault untested kits and evidence backlog issues. I have provided technical assistance to
the State of Michigan Attorney General's Office Cold Case Team as well as the City of Detroit Police
Department. Partnering together with the National Center for Victims of Crime we assisted the City of
Cleveland, Cuyahoga County Prosecutors Office,Jacksonville Florida, and City of Memphis TN, on addressing
their untested sexual assault kit project. I currently serve as a member of the SAFER Act Steering Committee
and the National Institute of Justice Cold Case Working Group.
During my years in the sex crimes unit, I coordinated the monthly Maricopa County Sex Crimes Investigators
Meetings and Cold Case meetings which brought together law enforcement and prosecutors from around Arizona,
this included urban, rural and tribal communities located in the greater Phoenix area as well as across the State of
As a certified Arizona Police Officers Training and Standards Board (AZPOST) instructor I worked extensively
both instructing and developing curriculum for local, state,rural, and national criminal justice agencies. I still
continue to deliver training and to date have instructed in over 75 trainings to over 1,000 participants from law
enforcement which includes first responders and investigators from urban, rural and tribal agencies in across the
United States. My training deliveries includes curriculum in the areas of sexual violence, crime scene
investigation and management, DNA,cold case investigations, multi-disciplinary teams, leadership, crimes
against women, and advocacy. I worked for the past 6 years on the SANE-SART National Conference. My
tasks with SANE/SART included curriculum development, lecturing and delivering training to multi-disciplinary
teams from across the United States. I am currently a contract instructor for the International Association for the
Chiefs of Police working in their Violence Against Women Initiative as well as a Trainer and Technical Assistant
for Office of Victims of Crime presenting training on sexual violence. This partnership is currently working on a
project to deliver a sexual assault Interactive Scenario for Criminal Justice Professionals. As of September 2012,
I am a contract instructor for The Southwest Center for Law and Policy, delivering training to Indian Country law
enforcement on violence against women issues. I am currently, or have provided, consulting, training, and
technical assistance for numerous Indian Country communities in the area of sexual violence and SART team
development, this has included, Tohono O'Odham Nation of Arizona, Mille Lacs Band of Minnesota, Comanche
Tribe of Oklahoma, Absentee Shawnee Tribe of Oklahoma, Northern Arapaho and Eastern Shoshoni Tribe of
I have worked extensively both instructing and developing curriculum with the National Institute of Justice (NIJ),
on special projects for The Harvard John F. Kennedy School of Government and the Dartmouth College
Interactive Media Lab. My educational and training resume includes an intense curriculum review for the
University of Tennessee NationalForensic Academy and as a committee member helped create and instruct
severaltraining modules as part of the National SANE/SART Conference. I participate as a peer review expert
for the Department of Justice grant solicitation program. I have reviewed, managed and co-written severalgrants
to include, Cold Case,DNA Backlog Reduction, Using DNA for Solving Violent Cold Cases,the 2009 Recovery
Act, Missing and Unidentified Persons. I assisted by working with NIJ and the Executive Office of the Vice
President of the United States on developing a pilot project addressing sex crime evidence backlog.
I have been invited by NIJ, OVW,and OVC to participate in numerous panels, taskforces and roundtables.
Beginning in 2006, I worked with the University of Tennessee Law Enforcement Innovation Center delivering
crime scene and DNA training to over 400 participants in rural communities across the United States.
Master of Education Educational Leadership, with Distinction, Northern Arizona University, December 2008.
Bachelor of Science Degree Criminal Justice, Arizona State University, December 1980.
2011 - Present Owner,Consultant/Trainer; Investigative Lead, LLC
1981 - 2012 City of Phoenix Police Department
Police Department Assignment History:
1998-12* Sergeant, Adult Sex Crimes Response Unit and Cold Case Sex Crime Investigative Team
*2006 Four-month temporary assignment to Homicide Unit reference Baseline Killer Taskforce
1998 Night Desk Sergeant, General Investigations Bureau
1998 Sergeant, School Resource Officer
1995-98 Sergeant, Tactical/Neighborhood Response Unit
1990-95 Sergeant, PatrolDivision, Cactus Park Precinct
1988-90 Detective, General Investigations: Assault/Missing Persons Detail
1986-88 Officer, Walking Beat Detail
1981-86 Officer, Sky Harbor Precinct
Professional Partnerships:
2015 to Present Joyful Heart Foundation, Consultant
2015 to Present State of Hawaii, Maui County Attorney General, Trainer
2014 to Present State of Kentucky Office of the Attorney General, Trainer
2014 to Present Ohio Alliance to End Sexual Violence, Trainer
2014 to Present Natasha's Justice Project - Consultant
2013 to Present International Association of Forensic Nurses - Instructor
2013 to Present National SANE-SART online SANE-A Trainer, Presenter IAS SexualAssault/Crime Scene Trainer
2013 to Present National Center for Victims of Crime, Consultant
2012 to Present Office of Justice Programs - Diagnostic Center - Consultant/Trainer
2012 to Present Kinetic On Line Learning - Consultant, Webinar host
2012 to Present National Criminal Justice Training Center - Fox Valley Technical College - Contract Instructor.
2012 to Present Southwest Center for Law and Policy - Contract Instructor.
2012 to Present National Center for Victims of Crime - Trainer/Presenter/Webinar Host.
2011 to Present Tohono O'odham Indian Nation - Contract Instructor.
2010 to Present International Chiefs of Police Violence Against Women Institute - Contract Instructor.
2010 to Present Office of Victims of Crime, Trainer and Technical Assistant.
2006 to Present University of Tennessee,Law Enforcement Innovation Center,National Forensic Academy, Contract
Instructor for Crime Scene Management and DNA courses.
2008 to Present Law Enforcement Training Consultants (LETC), Sex Crimes Instructor, developed course curriculum.
2008 to Present National Institute of Justice Grant Peer Reviewer,Solving Cold Cases with DNA.
2008-09 Miami-Dade Police Department,Contract Instructor for Advanced Sex Crimes Course.
2010 National Forensic Science Technology Center (NFSTC), Grant Program Assessor.
2009-10 Bureau of Justice Assistance Grant Peer Reviewer, Recovery Act 2009.
2005-06 Regional Community Policing Institute, DNA for Law Enforcement Training Program,
Presidents DNA Initiative - Contract Instructor/Facilitator.
Over my career I have been fortunate to have served on numerous panels, workshops, committees, and taskforces both
locally and nationally. These various opportunities have covered a range of topics from developing policy, utilizing best
practices, strengthening responses to various crimes, grant development, training assessments,grant peer review, and
identifying research needs within the criminal justice system. Below is a detailed list for the past six years.
2015Aug Workgroup member, SAFER Act Legislation Development, National Institute
of Justice, Kansas City, MO.
2015June National SANE Development Guide, committee member and section author.
2015May USDOJ,Bureau of Justice Assistance, untested sexual assault kit peer reviewer.
2015Apr Author/reviewer/contributor training book, Sexual Assault: Victimization Acrossa Life Span,
Published by G.W. Medical Publishing, STM Learning.
2015Mar Workgroup member, SAFER Act Legislation Development, National Institute
of Justice, New Orleans, LA.
2015Mar Workgroup member, Development of a National SANE Pediatric Protocol
International Association of Forensic Nurses,Washington DC
2014Aug Consultation on Cold Case Sexual Assault Sexual Assault Kit Backlog, Memphis Police Department
2014Apr Consultation on Cold Case Sexual Assault, National Center for Victim of Crime, Jacksonville FL
2014Mar Steering Committee member, Sexual Assault Forensic Evidence Registry, DOJ-National Institute of Justice,
Washington DC
2014Jan Assessment Team,WindRiver Wyoming, Office of Justice Programs-Diagnostic Center
2013Oct Consultant, Eastern Shoshoni and Northern Arapaho Indian Tribe SART Development
2013Sept Review committee, 2013 BJA/NIJ Crime Scene Investigations National Guide for Law Enforcement.
2013June Case Review Board Member, American Investigative Society of Cold Cases
2013June Curriculum Developer, Trauma Informed Sexual Assault Investigations,IACP,Alexandria, VA.
2013Feb Consultant, Delivered retreat for the Washington DCSART,Washington DC Office of Victim Services.
2013Jan Consultant, KineticLearning. On-Line SANE/SART Training, clinical and webinar support.
2012Dec Consultant, Office of Justice Programs - Diagnostic Center, Washington, DC.
2012Sept Consultant, Michigan State Attorney's Office Cold Case Project and Detroit Police Department
Untested Sexual Assault Kit Project
2012April Member, Arizona Superior Court, Committee of Crime Victims in the Courts,Phoenix, AZ.
2012March Invitee, Sexual Assault Forensic Medical Examination Research Roundtable,OVC/NIJ, Washington DC.
2011 Member, State of Arizona Forensic Advisory Committee,Phoenix, AZ .
2011Oct Speaker/Presenter, NIJ/BJA National Law Enforcement Forensic Summit,Clearwater, Florida
2011Sept Invitee, Sexual Violence Research Roundtable,2 day workshop,
Sponsored by Office of Violence Against Women, Washington, DC.
2011Aug Attendee/Curriculum Reviewer, Institute on Violence Against Women,International Association of
Chiefs of Police sponsored training, Seattle Washington, 40 hours.
2011June Attendee, Wrongful Conviction Roundtable,2 day NIJ sponsored event, Washington DC.
2011May Subject Matter Expert/Interviewee,National Institute of Justice (NIJ) SANE-DNA Training Grant,
Project Grantee: National Clearinghouse for Science, Technology and Law (NCSTL) at Stetson University
College of Law, Austin, TX.
2011May Focus Group Participant, National Institute of Justice (NIJ) Post-Conviction DNA
Testing Assistance Program,Washington DC.
2011May Investigative Team Leader, Southside Vacant House Investigative Taskforce,Phoenix Police.
2011May On-line training curriculum development team, International Association of Forensic Nurses,
Baltimore, MD.
2011Jan Attendee,Bureau of Justice Assistance Training and Technical Assistance Meeting,
National Forensic Science Training Center (NFSTC),Largo, Florida.
2011Jan Focus Group/Curriculum Development, Forensic Science Education forLaw Enforcement
Decision Makers, NationalForensic Science training Center (NFSTC), Largo Florida.
2010Dec Participant National Protocol Sexual Violence Webinar, sponsored by US Department of Justice.
2010Oct PanelMember, A Roundtable Discussion on Sexual Violence in America NCJFCJ Project,
Washington, DC.
2010Sept SME Peer/Document Review, Office of Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS)
report entitled Sexual Assault of Women by Strangers, federalgrant supported project.
2010Sept PanelMember, A Roundtable Discussion on Wrongful Convictions NIJ Project,Washington, DC.
2010May PanelMember, A Roundtable Discussion on the Sex Kit Backlog OVW/NIJ Project,Washington, DC.
2010May Grant Peer Review,Bureau of Justice Assistance Crime and Justice Grant Application Process.
2010April Office of Violence Against Women STOP Grant film project highlighting The Phoenix Police
Department Sex Crime - Cold Case Team.
2009May Grant Peer Review,Bureau of Justice Assistance - Recovery Act 2009 Grant Application Process.
2009March Grant Peer Reviewer,NIJ,Solving Cold Cases with DNA Grant Application Process.
2008Aug Working Group Expert, completed curriculum review for the National Forensic Academy,University of
Tennessee-Law Enforcement Innovation Center, Knoxville, Tennessee.
2008Aug Panelist on-line live internet broadcast topic: Sex Crime Investigation and Evidence Collection
sponsored by the John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University.
2008June Developed and Authored the protocol for Phoenix Police Department Operational Order and Plan
in the creation and administration of serial crime taskforces.
2008June Phoenix Police Department Taskforce Director for the Spiky-Hair Child Molester Serial Series
2008March Panelist NIJ/Dartmouth Virtual Practicum for Forensic Nurse Examiners, Presented at the
International Conference on Sexual Assault, Domestic Violence and Stalking, New Orleans,La.
2008March Grant Peer Reviewer,NIJ,Solving Cold Cases with DNA Grant Application Process.
2008March Guest law enforcement subject matter expert, FIDEX (Forensic Information Data Exchange) planning
workgroup, Sponsored by NIJ and NFSTC, Phoenix, Az.
Over my career I have developed and delivered over 100 training courses ranging from 2 hours to 40 hours in length on a
variety of topics including sexual violence, cold case,interviewing, DNA,crime scene,leadership, tactical response,
officer safety, and other law enforcement related topics. These training involved audiences from law enforcement,
prosecution, crime laboratories, victim advocacy,researchers,and forensic nurses both locally and nationally. Below is a
detailed list of the training I have both developed and delivered in the past six years.
2015Sept Investigating Cold Case Sexual Assault, CODAC BehavioralHealth Services, Tucson, AZ.
2015Aug Forensic Evidence in Sexual Assault, Investigating Cold Case Sexual Assaults,State of
Kentucky Office of Attorney General, Kentucky Dam, KY.
2015July Improving Ourresponse to Sexual Assault,ADANTAOrganization, Somerset, KY.
2015July Addressing the Untested Sexual Assault Kit Backlog,Oregon Attorney General's Sexual
Assault Taskforce,Salem, Oregon.
2015June Investigating Cold Case Sexual Assault,American Investigative Society of Cold Cases,
St Louis, MO.
2015June First Line Campus Supervisors: Violence Against Women Institute, InternationalAssociation
of Chief's of Police, University of Maryland, College Park MD, 40 hours.
2015May Stand Your Ground Against Sexual Assault: Investigating Rape, MauiCounty Police,
Maui, Hi, 16 hours.
2015Apr Sexual Assault Response Teams-Interactive Scenario,National SANE-SART, U.S Army;
Fort Buchannan, San Juan Puerto Rico. 8 hours.
2015Mar Creating a Multi- Disciplinary Team, Interviewing Sexual Offenders, The Impact of Evidence
on Sexual Assault, State of Kentucky Office of Attorney General, Victim Services Conference
Louisville Kentucky.
2015Feb Violence Against Women,Stalking, Domestic Violence,and Sexual Assault,International Association
of Chief's of Police Institute Training, Union County Ohio.
2015Feb Developing a SART,The SART Interactive Scenario, NationalSANE-SART/Japan Association of
Forensic Nursing/Japan National Police Force, Tokyo, Japan.
2014Dec Law Enforcement Role in the SART, Ohio Alliance to End Sexual Violence, Toledo and Dayton Ohio.
2014Dec Law Enforcement Role in the SART,Scottsdale Healthcare Forensic Nursing Unit, Scottsdale AZ.
2014Oct Trauma Informed Interviewing and Investigating Cold Cases,Kentucky Office of the Attorney General
Louisville Kentucky.
2014Oct Violence Against Women Institute for First Line Supervisors,Sponsored by International
Association of Chiefs of Police, Orlando Florida, 40 hours.
2014Sep Sexual Assault Response Teams-Interactive Scenario,National SANE-SART,San Juan Puerto Rico.
2014Aug Sexual Assault Response Teams-Interactive Scenario,National SANE-SART,El Paso TX.
2014Aug Investigating Sexual Assault,Arizona Police Officers Training and Standards (AZPOST),Flagstaff AZ
2014Jul Sexual Assault Response Teams-Interactive Scenario,National SANE-SART,Louisville KY
2014Jul Investigating Sexual Abuse of the Elderly,Pascua YacquiNation, Tucson AZ
2014Jul Sexual Assault Response Teams-Interactive Scenario,National SANE-SART, West Palm Beach FL
2014Jul Sexual Assault and DNA Evidence,DOJ-Office of Victims of Crime, Missoula MT
2014Jun Sexual Assault Response Teams-Interactive Scenario,National SANE-SART,Seattle WA
2014Jun DNA and Sexual Assault,Sexual Assault VictimInterviews,Interviewing the Sexual Assault Suspect,
Office of Attorney General State of New Hampshire Annual Conference,Manchester NH
2014May Sexual Assault Crime Scene Investigation and Interviewing Rapists Webinar,
The National SANE-SART Organization, On-Line Webinar
2014Apr Crimes Against Women Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault,ICAP/EVAW Conference,Seattle WA
2014Mar Sexual Assault and DNA Evidence,National Crimes Against Women Conference,Dallas TX
2014Mar Investigating Cold Case Sexual Assaults,Office of Attorney General of Ohio, Akron OH
2014Feb Investigating Sexual Assault in Indian Country,International Association of Forensic Nurses,Phoenix, AZ
2013Nov Violence Against Women Institute for First Line Supervisors,Sponsored by International
Association of Chiefs of Police, Savannah Georgia, 40 hours.
2013Nov Investigating Sexual Violence, Kentucky Bureau of Criminal Investigation and IACP,Lucas,KY.
2013Oct Sexual Assault Crime Scene Investigation and Interviewing Rapists Webinar,
The National SANE-SART Organization, On-Line.
2013Oct Cold Case Study: The Central Phoenix Rapist,Tennessee Valley Corridor and the National Forensic
Academy Symposium, Murfreesboro, TN.
2013Sept Investigating Sexual Violence,Mille Lacs Ojibwa Band, MilleLacs, MN. 16 hours
2013Aug Investigating Cold Case Sexual Assaults,National Center for Victims of Crime (NCVC) supported
Training, Cleveland Ohio.
2013Aug SART Response and Investigating Sexual Violence in Indian Country,Lakota Sioux Nation,
Rosebud, South Dakota. 16 hours.
2013July Law Enforcement and SANE,OnLine Webinar Training, SANE-SART Kinetic Learning. 3 hours.
2013July Investigating Sexual Violence,Arizona Advanced Investigator Training, Northern Arizona University
Flagstaff, Arizona. 4 hours.
2013July Law Enforcement and SANE,OnLine Webinar Training, SANE-SART Kinetic Learning. 3 hours.
2013June Combating the Challenges of Sexual Assault, Absentee Shawnee Tribe of Oklahoma, Shawnee OK,8 hours.
2013May Investigating Sexual Violence for Patrol Officers: Part II. Tohono O'odham Indian Nation,
Tucson Arizona, 8 hours.
2013May DNA in Sexual Assault Cases: The Role of Law Enforcement,SANE, and VictimAdvocates. OVC
Sponsored training, Chester County, Pennsylvania. 16 hours.
2013April Using DNA in Investigating Non-Stranger Rape,Cold Casesand the Sex Kit Backlog,NCVC Webinar
2013April The CSI Effect - DNA Evidence in Sexual Assault,Foundation for Rape Information and Services, Roanoke WV
2013Jan Investigating Sexual Assault in Indian Country, FBI/BIA/TribalJoint Training, Albuquerque, NM.
2012Oct Investigating Domestic Violence in Indian Country,Comanche Nation, Lawton, OK,8 hours.
2012Sept Sexual Violence Against Women, Michigan State Attorneys General Office for IACP,16 hours.
2012Aug Investigating Sexual Violence,Tohono O'odham Indian Nation First Responders, 24 hours.
2012May Violence Against Women Institute for First Line Supervisors,Sponsored by International
Association of Chiefs of Police, Philadelphia Pennsylvania, 40 hours.
2012May Investigating Non-Stranger Rape,Sponsored by Office of Victims of Crime.
Delivered to Hope Haven and local Law Enforcement, Beaufort South Carolina, 8 hours.
2012May Investigating Sexual Violence,Delivered to the Rosebud Sioux Indian Tribe, Rosebud,
South Dakota, 16 hours.
2012Feb Investigating Sexual Violence,Delivered to Tohono O'odham Indian Nation, Tucson, AZ. 16 hours.
2011Aug DNA for Law Enforcement,,Delivered by the University of Tennessee Law Enforcement
Innovation Center funded through a BJA grant, Faribault and Willmar, MN, 32 hours.
2011Aug Crime Scene Management-Field Techniques, Delivered by the University of Tennessee Law
Enforcement Innovation Center,Salina Kansas,40 hours.
2011July DNA for Law Enforcement,2,2-Day classes,Delivered by the University of Tennessee Law
Enforcement Innovation Center funded through a BJA grant, Key West Florida, 16 hours.
2011July DNA for Law Enforcement,2-Day class,Delivered by the University of Tennessee Law
Enforcement Innovation Center funded through a NIJ grant, Redlands and National City, CA,16 hours
2011May AZPOST Advanced Sex Crimes Investigations,Instructor/Program Manager, 30 hours,
Flagstaff, AZ.
2011May Investigating Non-Stranger Rapes, Overcoming Consent, Addressing the Sex Kit Backlog, Sexual Assault
Interactive Scenario,6th
National SANE-SART Conference,Workshops Austin TX.
2011May DNA in Sexual Assault Cases, Office for Victims of Crime, Missoula Montana, 16 hours.
2011Feb DNA for Law Enforcement,2-Day class,Delivered by the University of Tennessee Law
Enforcement Innovation Center funded through a NIJ grant, Seattle WA, and Portland OR.
2011Feb DNA for Law Enforcement,2-Day class,Delivered by the University of Tennessee Law
Enforcement Innovation Center funded through a NIJ grant, Monroe LA.
2010Nov DNA for Law Enforcement,2-Day class,Delivered by the University of Tennessee
Law Enforcement Innovation Center funded through a NIJ grant, El Paso TX, Hobbs
NM. 32 hours.
2010Nov Vaginal 際際滷 Staining and Its Significance in the Collaborative Investigation of Sexual Assaults.
Arizona Sexual Violence Training Conference,Glendale, AZ.
2010Oct AZPOST Advanced Sex Crimes Investigations,30 hours, Prescott Valley, Az.
2010Oct DNA for Law Enforcement,2-Day class,Delivered by the University of Tennessee Law
Enforcement Innovation Center funded through a NIJ grant, San Diego, California and Phoenix, Arizona
2010Sept 20 hour Advanced Sex Crimes Investigations,delivered to Miami-Dade Police Department,
Sunny Isles, Florida.
2010Aug DNA for Law Enforcement,2-Day class,Delivered by the University of Tennessee
Law Enforcement Innovation Center funded through a BJA grant, Pocatello,
Idaho and South Jordan, Utah.
2010Aug 40 hour Crime Scene Management Course,Delivered by the University of Tennessee Law
Enforcement Innovation Center funded through a BJA grant, Portland, Maine.
2010July DNA for Law Enforcement,2-Day class,Delivered by the University of Tennessee Law Enforcement
Innovation Center funded through a NIJ grant, Sioux Falls, South Dakota and Minneapolis,
2010June Panelist, Forensic Information Data Exchange,2010 NIJ Annual Conference,Washington DC.
2010May AZPOST Advanced Sex Crimes Investigations,Instructor/Program Manager, 30 hours, Tucson, Az.
2010April Major Case Leadership, Presenter,AZPOST Supervisor 1 School, Glendale, Az.
2009Oct AZPOST Advanced Sex Crimes Investigations,30 hours, Phoenix, Az.
2009Aug Investigative Taskforces: The AM and Baseline Rapist Case Studies,
Homicide Education and Training Seminar, Fort Worth, Texas.
2009July How to Work Effectively with Victims, Homicide Investigation Symposium,
Sponsored by the US DOJ,OJP,and NIJ,St. Petersburg,Florida.
2009June Operational IssuesInvestigating Cold Cases, Grant Opportunities for Cold Cases,
presented at DNA Trends and Issues: A High Impact Summit for Law Enforcement, Albany, NY
2009June Crime Scene Management, Phoenix Police Department Supervisor School.
2009June Making a Case, Wisconsin Coalition Against Sexual Assault Wisconsin Dells, WI.
2009May Evidence Collection,SART Toolkit, Sexual Assault Interactive Scenario, Lecturer,2009 SANE/SART National
Conference; Seattle, WA.
2009May Sex Crime InvestigatorTraining Class, Law Enforcement Training Council, Cherry Hill, NJ,16 hours.
2009April AZPOST Advanced Sex Crime InvestigatorClass,Tucson,AZ,30 hours.
2009Feb Solving Cold Cases with DNA, presented at the DNA Trends and Issues: A High Impact Summit
for Law Enforcement, Houston, Texas.
2009Jan Crime Scene Management, Phoenix Police Department Supervisor School.
2009Jan Making a Case: Investigation of Sexual Assault Arizona Sexual Assault Network
Conference on Stalking, Domestic Violence and Sexual Violence, Phoenix, Arizona.
2008Dec The Baseline Rapist Investigation,NationalForensic Symposium, Nashville, Tennessee.
2008Nov Rape VictimInterviewing and Crime Scene Investigation,Miami-Dade Police Institute, Miami, Florida.
2008Oct DNA for Law Enforcement New Jersey InternationalAssociation for Identification, Trenton, New Jersey.
2008Sept The Baseline Rapist Investigation,at the Colorado Association of Sex Crime Investigators Annual Conference,
2008Sept First Respondersto Sexual Assault,Multi agency 4 hour AZPOST Class, Prescott,Arizona.
2008July Crime Scene Management, Florida Sex Crimes Investigator Association, Ft. Myers, Florida, 8 hours.
2008April Cold Case Sex Crimes,NationalInstitute of Justice (NIJ) Advanced Regional Cold
Case Training, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
During my career I have been fortunate to have received training from many experts in the criminal justice system. This
has provided me with and allowed me to remain current and informed on the latest issues, technology and research in the
area of sexual violence, violence against women, cold case,DNA,leadership, interviewing, crime scene,and behavioral
analysis. The training listed below totals over 1200 hours of job related and specific education.
2015June AISOCC Annual Conference, Dr Werner Spitz, Dr. Henry Lee, et al, St Louis, Mo, 8 hours.
2015Apr Trauma, Brain, Memory, and Behavior implications for Law Enforcement, Dr Jim Hopper,
Department of Interior; Victims Rights Train the Trainer, Phoenix, AZ. 3 hours
2014Apr Deception Detection, Strategies for Conducting Recorded Interrogation in CAW Pt1&2,
Understanding the Offender, Investigating Sexual Abuse in Confinement, LE Officers
as Domestic Violence Victims and Suspects, 9th Annual Dallas Conference
on Crimes Against Women, Dallas, TX
2014Mar Enhancing Sexual Assault Investigations Through Culture Change: A Case Study, NCVC Webinar
2014Mar The Untested Rape Kit Crisis and Cold Case Sexual Assault Prosecutions, NCVC Webinar
2014Jan Serial Offending and the testing of Rape Kits, National Center for Victims of Crime (NCVC), Webinar
2013Nov Identifying & Understanding Sexual Offenders In Sexual Assault Investigations, Webinar, Lawrence Daly
2013Oct Tennessee Valley Corridor Forensic Symposium, Murfreesboro, TN
2013April Sexual Assault Forensic Exam: Role of the Forensic Examiner in Maximizing Recovery of Assailant DNA
Webinar sponsored by the California District Attorneys Association.
2013April DNA Analysis: CODIS, Familial Search, Alternative Approaches & The SAFER Act,
Webinar sponsored by the California District Attorneys Association.
2013Feb Investigating and Prosecuting Indian Country Sexual Assault Cases, Bureau of Indian Affairs
and FBI training seminar, Scottsdale Arizona, 16 hours.
2012Sept Colorado Association of Sex Crimes Investigators Conference, Snowmass CO., 20 hours
2011Oct Arizona Conference on Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault,Glendale, AZ, 8 hours.
2010Nov Arizona Sexual Violence Training Conference,Glendale, Arizona, 16 hours.
2010 Sept Colorado Association of Sex Crimes InvestigatorsConference,Snowmass Colorado, 20 hours.
2010June National Institute of Justice Annual Conference,Washington DC.,24 hours.
2009Sept Colorado Association of Sex Crimes Investigators Conference,Snowmass Colorado, 20 hours.
2009July Homicide Investigation Symposium,US DOJ,OJP and National Institute of Justice,
St Petersburg,Florida, 24 hours.
2009April Legal Forensic Evidence Symposium; DNA in the 21st
Century and Beyond,
Arizona State University School of Law, Tempe Az., 16 hours.
2009Feb Dr. Dale Anderson, Laws of Interrogation, Phoenix,Arizona, 8 hours.
2009Feb Dr. Park Dietz, Using Forensic Mental Health Experts in the Investigation and Prosecution of
Sex Crimes and Violent Crimes Phoenix Arizona, 8 hours.
2008Dec National Forensic Academy Symposium,Nashville, Tn. 16 hours.
2008June Crime Scene Management in Correctional Institutions,Delivered by the National Forensic Academy,
University of Tennessee in Forsythe, Georgia, 40 hours.
2008March International Conference on Sexual Assault,Domestic Violence and Stalking,presented by
EVAW International, New Orleans,La., 24 hours.
2008Jan Leading the Organizational Spirit, Presented by William Westfall and Public Agency Training
Council, Mesa Arizona, 8 hours.
2007Dec Inside the Mind of a Sexual Predator, presented by Dr. Lawrence J. Simon,
Phoenix, Arizona, 16 hours.
2007Aug 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Signature Program, presented by AZPOST under the
Stephen Covey training program, Tucson, Arizona, 24 hours.
2007March California Homicide Investigators Annual Conference,Reno Nevada,24 hours
2007Feb Mastering the Interview,presented by Specialized Training Services/Joe Navarro,
Las Vegas,Nevada,16 hours
2006Nov Regional Cold Case Training,Sponsored by The National Institute of Justice,
Scottsdale, Arizona 16 hours
2006Nov The BTK Investigation,FBI training sponsored by NAFTO,Scottsdale, AZ, 8 hours.
2005Oct Interviewing the Sexual Deviant, presented by PATC,Scottsdale,Arizona, 24 hours.
2005Aug DNA for Law Enforcement, Train the Trainer presented by RCPI and the Presidents DNA
Initiative, San Antonio, Texas, 16 hours.
2005June Cold Case Seminar,Presented by Arizona Homicide Investigators Association, Tucson, Arizona, 24 hrs.
2005March DNA Expansion Workshop,Sponsored by the National Institute of Justice, Arlington Virginia, 24 hrs.
2004Oct 11th
Annual Conference on Sex Crime Investigations,Sponsored by the Toronto Police Department,
Toronto, Canada,40 hours.
2004April Statement Analysis,Joell Fisher, Crime Analyst - National Drug Taskforce,Glendale AZ,8 hours.
2004Feb Naval Criminal Investigative Service - Cold Case Investigations,Glendale Arizona, 40 hours.
2003Dec Forensic Evidence Seminar,Presented by NDAA,San Diego California, 40 hours.
2003 Equivocal Death and Cold Case Investigation,Presented by David Rivers for PATC,Scottsdale Arizona 24 hrs.
2003Nov National DNA Justice Speaks Conference, Sponsored by APRI, Washington, DC.
2003Sept 10 Annual International Homicide Symposium, Las Vegas,Nevada,40 hours.
2003March Criminal Investigative Analysis training class, Dr. Phoebe Kelsoe, ALPHA Group, Phoenix, AZ, 40 hrs
2003Feb Current and Significant Aspects of Criminal Sexuality - Specialized Training Services,
Roy Hazelwood, Las Vegas,Nevada,16 hours
2003 International Homicide InvestigatorsAssociation AnnualConference,Las Vegas,40 hours
2002April Serial Crime and Analysis,Presented by Robert Keppel, Phoenix, Arizona, 8 hours
2002March Homicide: Behaviors and Motives, Presented by Specialized Training Services, Las Vegas,16 hours
2002Oct FBI VICAP training,Phoenix, Arizona.
2002June Advanced Reid and Associate Interview and Interrogation training, Tucson, Arizona, 40 hours.
2001Sept International Conference on Violent Crime,Toronto Canada,40 hours.
2001April National Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Conference,San Diego California, 24 hours.
2001March CrimeView/ArcView mapping and geographical crime analysis program,Phoenix Arizona, 24 hours.
2001-03 State of Arizona Statewide Conference on Sexual Assault,32 hours.
2000-02 Colorado Assoc. of Sex Crimes Inv. Annual Conf. Aspen,Colorado, 75 hours.
2000Sept International Homicide InvestigatorsAssociation Annual Conference, Quantico, Va. 40 hours.
2000June Rape and Sex Crime Investigations, Public Agency Training Council, Tucson, Arizona, 16 hours.
2000April Crime Scene Management,Presented By Sandra Mays, Wyoming State Crime Lab, 14 hrs.
2000April Rocky Mountain Information Network (RMIN) Annual Homicide Conference,Phoenix AZ., 24 hrs.
2000April Investigating Developmental Disabled Adults,presented by Arizona Adult Protective Services, 6 hrs.
2000March Shaken Baby Investigations,Childhelp USA, Phoenix, Arizona, 14 hrs.
1999May Investigation of Crime: Rape and Sexual Abuse, Center for Medicolegal Research and Consulting,
San Diego, Ca, 16 hours.
1999Sept Biological Evidence Collection Course,presented by the Phoenix Police Department Crime Lab 4 hrs.
1999 Sexual Offender Profiling/Assessment of Violence Potential,Instructor Roy Hazelwood, 24 hrs.
1997 N.A.S.R.O./ A.S.R.O.Certified School Resource Officer Training,Scottsdale,Arizona, 48 hours.
1996 California P.O.S.T. Certified Police Bicycle Officer Training, San Diego California, 24 hrs.
1990 Incident Command Systems (ICS), presented by the Phoenix Fire Department 8 hours.
1989 Blood Stain Pattern Interpretation,Instructor Rod Englert, Phoenix, Arizona, 16 hrs.
1989 Behavioral Oriented Interview,Presented by AZPOST,Phoenix, Arizona, 24 hours.
1988 Homicide Investigations - Phoenix,AZ, 16 hrs.
2015June "Sexual Assault: Victimization Acrossthe Life Span,A Clinical Guide and a
Color Atlas. Law Enforcement Issues (Chapter 29) Police as First Responders (Chapter 30)
STM Learning, G.W. Medical Publishing, 2015
2013June "Working for Justice:What the NIJ, DNA, and Police Investigations Have in Common" Violence
Against Women Journal, June 2013 edition.
2012April "Criminal Investigational Ethics",from the book, Ethics In Forensic Science,
Published by Academic Press,2012.
2010 Published article Phoenix Police Department Cold Case Team, OVW-STOP Grant
Administrators Corner March/April publication.
2007Oct Authored/published Article, After the Match, the New Era of DNA, FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin.
2003Sept Authored/Published Article, New Technology and Old Police Work Solve Cold Sex Crimes,
for the FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin on Cold Case Investigations.
2000-01 Authored/Published multiple articles for the City of Phoenix Family Advocacy Center Newsletter.
2001Oct Co-authored OVW Booklet titled, Patrol Response to Drug Facilitated Sexual Assault.
2013 to Present The American Investigative Society of Cold Case. Consulting member.
2012 to Present Arizona Forensic Advisory Committee.
2011 to Present Arizona Commission on Victims in the Courts.
2007 State of Arizona Cold Case Taskforce. Committee member.
2001 - 2012 State of Arizona revision of the statewide sexual assault examination kit, Committee member.
2000 Statewide development of Sexual Assault Investigative Standards and Guidelines, tasks included working
with the Arizona Attorney General and members of the State of Arizona Legislature Committee member.
1999 Governors Sexual Assault Task Force member, tasks included conducting research and analysis on
sexual assault investigations across the State of Arizona.
NIJ Certified trainer DNA for Law Enforcement Kastle-Meyer Certified
Arcview/Crimeview crime analysis trained AZPOST High Risk Vehicle Stops Instructor
FACES 4.0 Composite trained Certified AZPOST TacticalDriving Instructor
Arizona P.O.S.T. GeneralInstructor Instructor- Airport Specialty Vehicle Operator
Certified Detective City of Phoenix Police Department Identi-Kit System Certified
Level II Grenadier
Certified Phoenix Police Bicycle Instructor
2015 Arizona Victim Rights Award for Public Policy, Arizona Supreme Court Commission on Victims
in the Courts (COVIC).
2012 TELLY Award,National award for the 2010 Phoenix Police Cold Case documentary film.
2012 Maricopa County Attorney's Office, Distinguished Service Award,Baseline Killer/Rapist-
Mark Goudeau prosecution.
2010 Cold Case Sexual Assault Team, VAWA-STOP Grant success story presented by
Alliance for Service Organizations (ALSO). .
2010 City of Phoenix Police Department Crime Suppression Nominee, Home Invasion/Rape 815 N. 52 Street.
2009 City of Phoenix Police Department Crime Nominee, Quintel Rich Investigation.
2009 City of Phoenix Police Department Distinguished Service Award,Gomez-Gomez Investigation.
2008 City of Phoenix Police Department Distinguished Service Award,Baseline Rapist Investigation.
2007 United States Attorney's Office,Excellence in Cooperation, Baseline Rapist Taskforce.
2007 City of Phoenix Police Department Police Chief Certificate of Recognition, Spiky Hair Molester Investigation.
2006 State of Arizona Governors Office Nominee for Investigator of the Year.
2006 City of Phoenix Police Department Nominee Distinguished Service Award,Jesse Lomas Investigation
2005 Phoenix Police Department Police Chief's Unit Award,AM Rapist Taskforce.
2003 Phoenix Police Department Cold Case Team nominated for the IACP/Choicepoint Award for Excellence
in Criminal Investigations.
2002 Phoenix Police Department Adult Sex Crime Unit, Cold Case Team recipient of the Arizona Attorney General
Innovation in Law Enforcement Award,Flagstaff, Arizona.
1999 State of Arizona Office of the Governor, Jane Hull, Recognition for Sexual Assault Taskforce.
1996 State of Arizona Office of the Governor, Jane Hull, Recognition for "Zero Tolerance Taskforce."
1994 Phoenix Fire Department Medal of Lifesaving.
30 Various letters of commendations while with the Phoenix Police Department.

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Markey CV 2015

  • 1. James Paul Markey, M.Ed Detective Sergeant, Phoenix Police Department (Retired) 13235 N. Verde River Drive, Fountain Hills, AZ 85268 Owner, Investigative Lead, LLC www.investigativelead.com 602-616-5200 markey.iltc@gmail.com PROFESSIONALBIOGRAPHY I served 30-years with the Phoenix Police Department retiring in January 2012. My formal education included attending Arizona State University graduating with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Criminal Justice and Northern Arizona University graduating with a Masters Degree in Educational Leadership. In 2011 I created my own business, Investigative Lead, LLC (ILTC), a criminal justice training and consulting consortium. ILTC has a mission to provide real world training and consulting to criminal justice systems on violence against women and a variety of critical investigative and leadership issues. During my time with the Phoenix Police Department I held a variety of positions to include patrol officer, housing walking beat, and detective. In 1990 I was promoted to sergeant and held positions in patrol, neighborhood response unit/walking beat, school resource and investigations. My supervisory job functions included but were not limited to, employee performance reviews, development and implementation of policy, scheduling/work assignments, budgeting, internal investigations, briefing of command staff, crisis management, taskforce oversight, department and individual tactical training, safety and security planning for large or major events, federaland state grant writing and review, and the quality assurance review of assignments and investigations. In 1998 until my retirement, I supervised and led the adult sex crimes unit. This was the first detective unit to work in a multi-disciplinary team housed in the City of Phoenix Family Advocacy Center. During my time on this team I managed, lead, and supervised 10 or more investigators and oversaw more than 7,000 sexual assault investigations, including over 80 serial rape cases. Severalof these cases were high profile taskforces which include the 10-month AM Rapist, "the Baseline Killer Taskforce,"the Central Phoenix Rapist," the Spiky Hair Molester," "the Coffelt-Marcos Child Abduction Series," "the Southside Vacant House Rapist," and "the Red Car Rapists." Additionally, I regularly met with my partners both internally and externally to develop policy, conduct regular meetings and openly communicated on a variety of issues involving violence against women. For my efforts on the job I received over 30 commendations including the Police Chief's Unit Award and the Distinguished Service Award twice. In 2000, I developed the Phoenix Police Sex Crimes Cold Case Team. During the past 12 years,this unit has investigated over 2,500 cold case sexualassaults resulting in more than 800 cold DNA hits. During my supervision I authored the cold case unit policy and procedure manual and a cold case MOU with the Maricopa County Attorney Office. The CC team received the Arizona Attorney General Award in 2002 and was nationally recognized in a documentary by the Alliance of Service Organizations (ALSO) in 2011 as a VAWA-STOP grant success story. This film was awarded a coveted TELLY award in 2012. I have worked with and consulted/trained numerous agencies engaged in the investigation of unsolved violent cold cases and evidence issues to include sexual assault untested kits and evidence backlog issues. I have provided technical assistance to the State of Michigan Attorney General's Office Cold Case Team as well as the City of Detroit Police Department. Partnering together with the National Center for Victims of Crime we assisted the City of Cleveland, Cuyahoga County Prosecutors Office,Jacksonville Florida, and City of Memphis TN, on addressing their untested sexual assault kit project. I currently serve as a member of the SAFER Act Steering Committee and the National Institute of Justice Cold Case Working Group.
  • 2. During my years in the sex crimes unit, I coordinated the monthly Maricopa County Sex Crimes Investigators Meetings and Cold Case meetings which brought together law enforcement and prosecutors from around Arizona, this included urban, rural and tribal communities located in the greater Phoenix area as well as across the State of Arizona As a certified Arizona Police Officers Training and Standards Board (AZPOST) instructor I worked extensively both instructing and developing curriculum for local, state,rural, and national criminal justice agencies. I still continue to deliver training and to date have instructed in over 75 trainings to over 1,000 participants from law enforcement which includes first responders and investigators from urban, rural and tribal agencies in across the United States. My training deliveries includes curriculum in the areas of sexual violence, crime scene investigation and management, DNA,cold case investigations, multi-disciplinary teams, leadership, crimes against women, and advocacy. I worked for the past 6 years on the SANE-SART National Conference. My tasks with SANE/SART included curriculum development, lecturing and delivering training to multi-disciplinary teams from across the United States. I am currently a contract instructor for the International Association for the Chiefs of Police working in their Violence Against Women Initiative as well as a Trainer and Technical Assistant for Office of Victims of Crime presenting training on sexual violence. This partnership is currently working on a project to deliver a sexual assault Interactive Scenario for Criminal Justice Professionals. As of September 2012, I am a contract instructor for The Southwest Center for Law and Policy, delivering training to Indian Country law enforcement on violence against women issues. I am currently, or have provided, consulting, training, and technical assistance for numerous Indian Country communities in the area of sexual violence and SART team development, this has included, Tohono O'Odham Nation of Arizona, Mille Lacs Band of Minnesota, Comanche Tribe of Oklahoma, Absentee Shawnee Tribe of Oklahoma, Northern Arapaho and Eastern Shoshoni Tribe of Wyoming. I have worked extensively both instructing and developing curriculum with the National Institute of Justice (NIJ), on special projects for The Harvard John F. Kennedy School of Government and the Dartmouth College Interactive Media Lab. My educational and training resume includes an intense curriculum review for the University of Tennessee NationalForensic Academy and as a committee member helped create and instruct severaltraining modules as part of the National SANE/SART Conference. I participate as a peer review expert for the Department of Justice grant solicitation program. I have reviewed, managed and co-written severalgrants to include, Cold Case,DNA Backlog Reduction, Using DNA for Solving Violent Cold Cases,the 2009 Recovery Act, Missing and Unidentified Persons. I assisted by working with NIJ and the Executive Office of the Vice President of the United States on developing a pilot project addressing sex crime evidence backlog. I have been invited by NIJ, OVW,and OVC to participate in numerous panels, taskforces and roundtables. Beginning in 2006, I worked with the University of Tennessee Law Enforcement Innovation Center delivering crime scene and DNA training to over 400 participants in rural communities across the United States. EDUCATION Master of Education Educational Leadership, with Distinction, Northern Arizona University, December 2008. Bachelor of Science Degree Criminal Justice, Arizona State University, December 1980. EMPLOYMENT HISTORY 2011 - Present Owner,Consultant/Trainer; Investigative Lead, LLC 1981 - 2012 City of Phoenix Police Department Police Department Assignment History: 1998-12* Sergeant, Adult Sex Crimes Response Unit and Cold Case Sex Crime Investigative Team *2006 Four-month temporary assignment to Homicide Unit reference Baseline Killer Taskforce 1998 Night Desk Sergeant, General Investigations Bureau
  • 3. 1998 Sergeant, School Resource Officer 1995-98 Sergeant, Tactical/Neighborhood Response Unit 1990-95 Sergeant, PatrolDivision, Cactus Park Precinct 1988-90 Detective, General Investigations: Assault/Missing Persons Detail 1986-88 Officer, Walking Beat Detail 1981-86 Officer, Sky Harbor Precinct Professional Partnerships: 2015 to Present Joyful Heart Foundation, Consultant 2015 to Present State of Hawaii, Maui County Attorney General, Trainer 2014 to Present State of Kentucky Office of the Attorney General, Trainer 2014 to Present Ohio Alliance to End Sexual Violence, Trainer 2014 to Present Natasha's Justice Project - Consultant 2013 to Present International Association of Forensic Nurses - Instructor 2013 to Present National SANE-SART online SANE-A Trainer, Presenter IAS SexualAssault/Crime Scene Trainer 2013 to Present National Center for Victims of Crime, Consultant 2012 to Present Office of Justice Programs - Diagnostic Center - Consultant/Trainer 2012 to Present Kinetic On Line Learning - Consultant, Webinar host 2012 to Present National Criminal Justice Training Center - Fox Valley Technical College - Contract Instructor. 2012 to Present Southwest Center for Law and Policy - Contract Instructor. 2012 to Present National Center for Victims of Crime - Trainer/Presenter/Webinar Host. 2011 to Present Tohono O'odham Indian Nation - Contract Instructor. 2010 to Present International Chiefs of Police Violence Against Women Institute - Contract Instructor. 2010 to Present Office of Victims of Crime, Trainer and Technical Assistant. 2006 to Present University of Tennessee,Law Enforcement Innovation Center,National Forensic Academy, Contract Instructor for Crime Scene Management and DNA courses. 2008 to Present Law Enforcement Training Consultants (LETC), Sex Crimes Instructor, developed course curriculum. 2008 to Present National Institute of Justice Grant Peer Reviewer,Solving Cold Cases with DNA. 2008-09 Miami-Dade Police Department,Contract Instructor for Advanced Sex Crimes Course. 2010 National Forensic Science Technology Center (NFSTC), Grant Program Assessor. 2009-10 Bureau of Justice Assistance Grant Peer Reviewer, Recovery Act 2009. 2005-06 Regional Community Policing Institute, DNA for Law Enforcement Training Program, Presidents DNA Initiative - Contract Instructor/Facilitator. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND ACCOMPLISHMENTS Over my career I have been fortunate to have served on numerous panels, workshops, committees, and taskforces both locally and nationally. These various opportunities have covered a range of topics from developing policy, utilizing best practices, strengthening responses to various crimes, grant development, training assessments,grant peer review, and identifying research needs within the criminal justice system. Below is a detailed list for the past six years. 2015Aug Workgroup member, SAFER Act Legislation Development, National Institute of Justice, Kansas City, MO. 2015June National SANE Development Guide, committee member and section author. 2015May USDOJ,Bureau of Justice Assistance, untested sexual assault kit peer reviewer. 2015Apr Author/reviewer/contributor training book, Sexual Assault: Victimization Acrossa Life Span, Published by G.W. Medical Publishing, STM Learning. 2015Mar Workgroup member, SAFER Act Legislation Development, National Institute of Justice, New Orleans, LA. 2015Mar Workgroup member, Development of a National SANE Pediatric Protocol International Association of Forensic Nurses,Washington DC 2014Aug Consultation on Cold Case Sexual Assault Sexual Assault Kit Backlog, Memphis Police Department 2014Apr Consultation on Cold Case Sexual Assault, National Center for Victim of Crime, Jacksonville FL
  • 4. 2014Mar Steering Committee member, Sexual Assault Forensic Evidence Registry, DOJ-National Institute of Justice, Washington DC 2014Jan Assessment Team,WindRiver Wyoming, Office of Justice Programs-Diagnostic Center 2013Oct Consultant, Eastern Shoshoni and Northern Arapaho Indian Tribe SART Development 2013Sept Review committee, 2013 BJA/NIJ Crime Scene Investigations National Guide for Law Enforcement. 2013June Case Review Board Member, American Investigative Society of Cold Cases 2013June Curriculum Developer, Trauma Informed Sexual Assault Investigations,IACP,Alexandria, VA. 2013Feb Consultant, Delivered retreat for the Washington DCSART,Washington DC Office of Victim Services. 2013Jan Consultant, KineticLearning. On-Line SANE/SART Training, clinical and webinar support. 2012Dec Consultant, Office of Justice Programs - Diagnostic Center, Washington, DC. 2012Sept Consultant, Michigan State Attorney's Office Cold Case Project and Detroit Police Department Untested Sexual Assault Kit Project 2012April Member, Arizona Superior Court, Committee of Crime Victims in the Courts,Phoenix, AZ. 2012March Invitee, Sexual Assault Forensic Medical Examination Research Roundtable,OVC/NIJ, Washington DC. 2011 Member, State of Arizona Forensic Advisory Committee,Phoenix, AZ . 2011Oct Speaker/Presenter, NIJ/BJA National Law Enforcement Forensic Summit,Clearwater, Florida 2011Sept Invitee, Sexual Violence Research Roundtable,2 day workshop, Sponsored by Office of Violence Against Women, Washington, DC. 2011Aug Attendee/Curriculum Reviewer, Institute on Violence Against Women,International Association of Chiefs of Police sponsored training, Seattle Washington, 40 hours. 2011June Attendee, Wrongful Conviction Roundtable,2 day NIJ sponsored event, Washington DC. 2011May Subject Matter Expert/Interviewee,National Institute of Justice (NIJ) SANE-DNA Training Grant, Project Grantee: National Clearinghouse for Science, Technology and Law (NCSTL) at Stetson University College of Law, Austin, TX. 2011May Focus Group Participant, National Institute of Justice (NIJ) Post-Conviction DNA Testing Assistance Program,Washington DC. 2011May Investigative Team Leader, Southside Vacant House Investigative Taskforce,Phoenix Police. 2011May On-line training curriculum development team, International Association of Forensic Nurses, Baltimore, MD. 2011Jan Attendee,Bureau of Justice Assistance Training and Technical Assistance Meeting, National Forensic Science Training Center (NFSTC),Largo, Florida. 2011Jan Focus Group/Curriculum Development, Forensic Science Education forLaw Enforcement Decision Makers, NationalForensic Science training Center (NFSTC), Largo Florida. 2010Dec Participant National Protocol Sexual Violence Webinar, sponsored by US Department of Justice. 2010Oct PanelMember, A Roundtable Discussion on Sexual Violence in America NCJFCJ Project, Washington, DC. 2010Sept SME Peer/Document Review, Office of Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) report entitled Sexual Assault of Women by Strangers, federalgrant supported project. 2010Sept PanelMember, A Roundtable Discussion on Wrongful Convictions NIJ Project,Washington, DC. 2010May PanelMember, A Roundtable Discussion on the Sex Kit Backlog OVW/NIJ Project,Washington, DC. 2010May Grant Peer Review,Bureau of Justice Assistance Crime and Justice Grant Application Process. 2010April Office of Violence Against Women STOP Grant film project highlighting The Phoenix Police Department Sex Crime - Cold Case Team. 2009May Grant Peer Review,Bureau of Justice Assistance - Recovery Act 2009 Grant Application Process. 2009March Grant Peer Reviewer,NIJ,Solving Cold Cases with DNA Grant Application Process. 2008Aug Working Group Expert, completed curriculum review for the National Forensic Academy,University of Tennessee-Law Enforcement Innovation Center, Knoxville, Tennessee. 2008Aug Panelist on-line live internet broadcast topic: Sex Crime Investigation and Evidence Collection sponsored by the John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University. 2008June Developed and Authored the protocol for Phoenix Police Department Operational Order and Plan in the creation and administration of serial crime taskforces. 2008June Phoenix Police Department Taskforce Director for the Spiky-Hair Child Molester Serial Series 2008March Panelist NIJ/Dartmouth Virtual Practicum for Forensic Nurse Examiners, Presented at the International Conference on Sexual Assault, Domestic Violence and Stalking, New Orleans,La. 2008March Grant Peer Reviewer,NIJ,Solving Cold Cases with DNA Grant Application Process.
  • 5. 2008March Guest law enforcement subject matter expert, FIDEX (Forensic Information Data Exchange) planning workgroup, Sponsored by NIJ and NFSTC, Phoenix, Az. TRAINING COURSES/LECTURES DELIVERED Over my career I have developed and delivered over 100 training courses ranging from 2 hours to 40 hours in length on a variety of topics including sexual violence, cold case,interviewing, DNA,crime scene,leadership, tactical response, officer safety, and other law enforcement related topics. These training involved audiences from law enforcement, prosecution, crime laboratories, victim advocacy,researchers,and forensic nurses both locally and nationally. Below is a detailed list of the training I have both developed and delivered in the past six years. 2015Sept Investigating Cold Case Sexual Assault, CODAC BehavioralHealth Services, Tucson, AZ. 2015Aug Forensic Evidence in Sexual Assault, Investigating Cold Case Sexual Assaults,State of Kentucky Office of Attorney General, Kentucky Dam, KY. 2015July Improving Ourresponse to Sexual Assault,ADANTAOrganization, Somerset, KY. 2015July Addressing the Untested Sexual Assault Kit Backlog,Oregon Attorney General's Sexual Assault Taskforce,Salem, Oregon. 2015June Investigating Cold Case Sexual Assault,American Investigative Society of Cold Cases, St Louis, MO. 2015June First Line Campus Supervisors: Violence Against Women Institute, InternationalAssociation of Chief's of Police, University of Maryland, College Park MD, 40 hours. 2015May Stand Your Ground Against Sexual Assault: Investigating Rape, MauiCounty Police, Maui, Hi, 16 hours. 2015Apr Sexual Assault Response Teams-Interactive Scenario,National SANE-SART, U.S Army; Fort Buchannan, San Juan Puerto Rico. 8 hours. 2015Mar Creating a Multi- Disciplinary Team, Interviewing Sexual Offenders, The Impact of Evidence on Sexual Assault, State of Kentucky Office of Attorney General, Victim Services Conference Louisville Kentucky. 2015Feb Violence Against Women,Stalking, Domestic Violence,and Sexual Assault,International Association of Chief's of Police Institute Training, Union County Ohio. 2015Feb Developing a SART,The SART Interactive Scenario, NationalSANE-SART/Japan Association of Forensic Nursing/Japan National Police Force, Tokyo, Japan. 2014Dec Law Enforcement Role in the SART, Ohio Alliance to End Sexual Violence, Toledo and Dayton Ohio. 2014Dec Law Enforcement Role in the SART,Scottsdale Healthcare Forensic Nursing Unit, Scottsdale AZ. 2014Oct Trauma Informed Interviewing and Investigating Cold Cases,Kentucky Office of the Attorney General Louisville Kentucky. 2014Oct Violence Against Women Institute for First Line Supervisors,Sponsored by International Association of Chiefs of Police, Orlando Florida, 40 hours. 2014Sep Sexual Assault Response Teams-Interactive Scenario,National SANE-SART,San Juan Puerto Rico. 2014Aug Sexual Assault Response Teams-Interactive Scenario,National SANE-SART,El Paso TX. 2014Aug Investigating Sexual Assault,Arizona Police Officers Training and Standards (AZPOST),Flagstaff AZ 2014Jul Sexual Assault Response Teams-Interactive Scenario,National SANE-SART,Louisville KY 2014Jul Investigating Sexual Abuse of the Elderly,Pascua YacquiNation, Tucson AZ 2014Jul Sexual Assault Response Teams-Interactive Scenario,National SANE-SART, West Palm Beach FL 2014Jul Sexual Assault and DNA Evidence,DOJ-Office of Victims of Crime, Missoula MT 2014Jun Sexual Assault Response Teams-Interactive Scenario,National SANE-SART,Seattle WA 2014Jun DNA and Sexual Assault,Sexual Assault VictimInterviews,Interviewing the Sexual Assault Suspect, Office of Attorney General State of New Hampshire Annual Conference,Manchester NH 2014May Sexual Assault Crime Scene Investigation and Interviewing Rapists Webinar, The National SANE-SART Organization, On-Line Webinar 2014Apr Crimes Against Women Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault,ICAP/EVAW Conference,Seattle WA 2014Mar Sexual Assault and DNA Evidence,National Crimes Against Women Conference,Dallas TX
  • 6. 2014Mar Investigating Cold Case Sexual Assaults,Office of Attorney General of Ohio, Akron OH 2014Feb Investigating Sexual Assault in Indian Country,International Association of Forensic Nurses,Phoenix, AZ 2013Nov Violence Against Women Institute for First Line Supervisors,Sponsored by International Association of Chiefs of Police, Savannah Georgia, 40 hours. 2013Nov Investigating Sexual Violence, Kentucky Bureau of Criminal Investigation and IACP,Lucas,KY. 2013Oct Sexual Assault Crime Scene Investigation and Interviewing Rapists Webinar, The National SANE-SART Organization, On-Line. 2013Oct Cold Case Study: The Central Phoenix Rapist,Tennessee Valley Corridor and the National Forensic Academy Symposium, Murfreesboro, TN. 2013Sept Investigating Sexual Violence,Mille Lacs Ojibwa Band, MilleLacs, MN. 16 hours 2013Aug Investigating Cold Case Sexual Assaults,National Center for Victims of Crime (NCVC) supported Training, Cleveland Ohio. 2013Aug SART Response and Investigating Sexual Violence in Indian Country,Lakota Sioux Nation, Rosebud, South Dakota. 16 hours. 2013July Law Enforcement and SANE,OnLine Webinar Training, SANE-SART Kinetic Learning. 3 hours. 2013July Investigating Sexual Violence,Arizona Advanced Investigator Training, Northern Arizona University Flagstaff, Arizona. 4 hours. 2013July Law Enforcement and SANE,OnLine Webinar Training, SANE-SART Kinetic Learning. 3 hours. 2013June Combating the Challenges of Sexual Assault, Absentee Shawnee Tribe of Oklahoma, Shawnee OK,8 hours. 2013May Investigating Sexual Violence for Patrol Officers: Part II. Tohono O'odham Indian Nation, Tucson Arizona, 8 hours. 2013May DNA in Sexual Assault Cases: The Role of Law Enforcement,SANE, and VictimAdvocates. OVC Sponsored training, Chester County, Pennsylvania. 16 hours. 2013April Using DNA in Investigating Non-Stranger Rape,Cold Casesand the Sex Kit Backlog,NCVC Webinar 2013April The CSI Effect - DNA Evidence in Sexual Assault,Foundation for Rape Information and Services, Roanoke WV 2013Jan Investigating Sexual Assault in Indian Country, FBI/BIA/TribalJoint Training, Albuquerque, NM. 2012Oct Investigating Domestic Violence in Indian Country,Comanche Nation, Lawton, OK,8 hours. 2012Sept Sexual Violence Against Women, Michigan State Attorneys General Office for IACP,16 hours. 2012Aug Investigating Sexual Violence,Tohono O'odham Indian Nation First Responders, 24 hours. 2012May Violence Against Women Institute for First Line Supervisors,Sponsored by International Association of Chiefs of Police, Philadelphia Pennsylvania, 40 hours. 2012May Investigating Non-Stranger Rape,Sponsored by Office of Victims of Crime. Delivered to Hope Haven and local Law Enforcement, Beaufort South Carolina, 8 hours. 2012May Investigating Sexual Violence,Delivered to the Rosebud Sioux Indian Tribe, Rosebud, South Dakota, 16 hours. 2012Feb Investigating Sexual Violence,Delivered to Tohono O'odham Indian Nation, Tucson, AZ. 16 hours. 2011Aug DNA for Law Enforcement,,Delivered by the University of Tennessee Law Enforcement Innovation Center funded through a BJA grant, Faribault and Willmar, MN, 32 hours. 2011Aug Crime Scene Management-Field Techniques, Delivered by the University of Tennessee Law Enforcement Innovation Center,Salina Kansas,40 hours. 2011July DNA for Law Enforcement,2,2-Day classes,Delivered by the University of Tennessee Law Enforcement Innovation Center funded through a BJA grant, Key West Florida, 16 hours. 2011July DNA for Law Enforcement,2-Day class,Delivered by the University of Tennessee Law Enforcement Innovation Center funded through a NIJ grant, Redlands and National City, CA,16 hours 2011May AZPOST Advanced Sex Crimes Investigations,Instructor/Program Manager, 30 hours, Flagstaff, AZ. 2011May Investigating Non-Stranger Rapes, Overcoming Consent, Addressing the Sex Kit Backlog, Sexual Assault Interactive Scenario,6th National SANE-SART Conference,Workshops Austin TX. 2011May DNA in Sexual Assault Cases, Office for Victims of Crime, Missoula Montana, 16 hours. 2011Feb DNA for Law Enforcement,2-Day class,Delivered by the University of Tennessee Law Enforcement Innovation Center funded through a NIJ grant, Seattle WA, and Portland OR. 2011Feb DNA for Law Enforcement,2-Day class,Delivered by the University of Tennessee Law Enforcement Innovation Center funded through a NIJ grant, Monroe LA.
  • 7. 2010Nov DNA for Law Enforcement,2-Day class,Delivered by the University of Tennessee Law Enforcement Innovation Center funded through a NIJ grant, El Paso TX, Hobbs NM. 32 hours. 2010Nov Vaginal 際際滷 Staining and Its Significance in the Collaborative Investigation of Sexual Assaults. Arizona Sexual Violence Training Conference,Glendale, AZ. 2010Oct AZPOST Advanced Sex Crimes Investigations,30 hours, Prescott Valley, Az. 2010Oct DNA for Law Enforcement,2-Day class,Delivered by the University of Tennessee Law Enforcement Innovation Center funded through a NIJ grant, San Diego, California and Phoenix, Arizona 2010Sept 20 hour Advanced Sex Crimes Investigations,delivered to Miami-Dade Police Department, Sunny Isles, Florida. 2010Aug DNA for Law Enforcement,2-Day class,Delivered by the University of Tennessee Law Enforcement Innovation Center funded through a BJA grant, Pocatello, Idaho and South Jordan, Utah. 2010Aug 40 hour Crime Scene Management Course,Delivered by the University of Tennessee Law Enforcement Innovation Center funded through a BJA grant, Portland, Maine. 2010July DNA for Law Enforcement,2-Day class,Delivered by the University of Tennessee Law Enforcement Innovation Center funded through a NIJ grant, Sioux Falls, South Dakota and Minneapolis, Minnesota. 2010June Panelist, Forensic Information Data Exchange,2010 NIJ Annual Conference,Washington DC. 2010May AZPOST Advanced Sex Crimes Investigations,Instructor/Program Manager, 30 hours, Tucson, Az. 2010April Major Case Leadership, Presenter,AZPOST Supervisor 1 School, Glendale, Az. 2009Oct AZPOST Advanced Sex Crimes Investigations,30 hours, Phoenix, Az. 2009Aug Investigative Taskforces: The AM and Baseline Rapist Case Studies, Homicide Education and Training Seminar, Fort Worth, Texas. 2009July How to Work Effectively with Victims, Homicide Investigation Symposium, Sponsored by the US DOJ,OJP,and NIJ,St. Petersburg,Florida. 2009June Operational IssuesInvestigating Cold Cases, Grant Opportunities for Cold Cases, presented at DNA Trends and Issues: A High Impact Summit for Law Enforcement, Albany, NY 2009June Crime Scene Management, Phoenix Police Department Supervisor School. 2009June Making a Case, Wisconsin Coalition Against Sexual Assault Wisconsin Dells, WI. 2009May Evidence Collection,SART Toolkit, Sexual Assault Interactive Scenario, Lecturer,2009 SANE/SART National Conference; Seattle, WA. 2009May Sex Crime InvestigatorTraining Class, Law Enforcement Training Council, Cherry Hill, NJ,16 hours. 2009April AZPOST Advanced Sex Crime InvestigatorClass,Tucson,AZ,30 hours. 2009Feb Solving Cold Cases with DNA, presented at the DNA Trends and Issues: A High Impact Summit for Law Enforcement, Houston, Texas. 2009Jan Crime Scene Management, Phoenix Police Department Supervisor School. 2009Jan Making a Case: Investigation of Sexual Assault Arizona Sexual Assault Network Conference on Stalking, Domestic Violence and Sexual Violence, Phoenix, Arizona. 2008Dec The Baseline Rapist Investigation,NationalForensic Symposium, Nashville, Tennessee. 2008Nov Rape VictimInterviewing and Crime Scene Investigation,Miami-Dade Police Institute, Miami, Florida. 2008Oct DNA for Law Enforcement New Jersey InternationalAssociation for Identification, Trenton, New Jersey. 2008Sept The Baseline Rapist Investigation,at the Colorado Association of Sex Crime Investigators Annual Conference, Aspen,Colorado. 2008Sept First Respondersto Sexual Assault,Multi agency 4 hour AZPOST Class, Prescott,Arizona. 2008July Crime Scene Management, Florida Sex Crimes Investigator Association, Ft. Myers, Florida, 8 hours. 2008April Cold Case Sex Crimes,NationalInstitute of Justice (NIJ) Advanced Regional Cold Case Training, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. PROFESSIONAL TRAINING RECEIVED During my career I have been fortunate to have received training from many experts in the criminal justice system. This has provided me with and allowed me to remain current and informed on the latest issues, technology and research in the area of sexual violence, violence against women, cold case,DNA,leadership, interviewing, crime scene,and behavioral analysis. The training listed below totals over 1200 hours of job related and specific education.
  • 8. 2015June AISOCC Annual Conference, Dr Werner Spitz, Dr. Henry Lee, et al, St Louis, Mo, 8 hours. 2015Apr Trauma, Brain, Memory, and Behavior implications for Law Enforcement, Dr Jim Hopper, Department of Interior; Victims Rights Train the Trainer, Phoenix, AZ. 3 hours 2014Apr Deception Detection, Strategies for Conducting Recorded Interrogation in CAW Pt1&2, Understanding the Offender, Investigating Sexual Abuse in Confinement, LE Officers as Domestic Violence Victims and Suspects, 9th Annual Dallas Conference on Crimes Against Women, Dallas, TX 2014Mar Enhancing Sexual Assault Investigations Through Culture Change: A Case Study, NCVC Webinar 2014Mar The Untested Rape Kit Crisis and Cold Case Sexual Assault Prosecutions, NCVC Webinar 2014Jan Serial Offending and the testing of Rape Kits, National Center for Victims of Crime (NCVC), Webinar 2013Nov Identifying & Understanding Sexual Offenders In Sexual Assault Investigations, Webinar, Lawrence Daly 2013Oct Tennessee Valley Corridor Forensic Symposium, Murfreesboro, TN 2013April Sexual Assault Forensic Exam: Role of the Forensic Examiner in Maximizing Recovery of Assailant DNA Webinar sponsored by the California District Attorneys Association. 2013April DNA Analysis: CODIS, Familial Search, Alternative Approaches & The SAFER Act, Webinar sponsored by the California District Attorneys Association. 2013Feb Investigating and Prosecuting Indian Country Sexual Assault Cases, Bureau of Indian Affairs and FBI training seminar, Scottsdale Arizona, 16 hours. 2012Sept Colorado Association of Sex Crimes Investigators Conference, Snowmass CO., 20 hours 2011Oct Arizona Conference on Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault,Glendale, AZ, 8 hours. 2010Nov Arizona Sexual Violence Training Conference,Glendale, Arizona, 16 hours. 2010 Sept Colorado Association of Sex Crimes InvestigatorsConference,Snowmass Colorado, 20 hours. 2010June National Institute of Justice Annual Conference,Washington DC.,24 hours. 2009Sept Colorado Association of Sex Crimes Investigators Conference,Snowmass Colorado, 20 hours. 2009July Homicide Investigation Symposium,US DOJ,OJP and National Institute of Justice, St Petersburg,Florida, 24 hours. 2009April Legal Forensic Evidence Symposium; DNA in the 21st Century and Beyond, Arizona State University School of Law, Tempe Az., 16 hours. 2009Feb Dr. Dale Anderson, Laws of Interrogation, Phoenix,Arizona, 8 hours. 2009Feb Dr. Park Dietz, Using Forensic Mental Health Experts in the Investigation and Prosecution of Sex Crimes and Violent Crimes Phoenix Arizona, 8 hours. 2008Dec National Forensic Academy Symposium,Nashville, Tn. 16 hours. 2008June Crime Scene Management in Correctional Institutions,Delivered by the National Forensic Academy, University of Tennessee in Forsythe, Georgia, 40 hours. 2008March International Conference on Sexual Assault,Domestic Violence and Stalking,presented by EVAW International, New Orleans,La., 24 hours. 2008Jan Leading the Organizational Spirit, Presented by William Westfall and Public Agency Training Council, Mesa Arizona, 8 hours. 2007Dec Inside the Mind of a Sexual Predator, presented by Dr. Lawrence J. Simon, Phoenix, Arizona, 16 hours. 2007Aug 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Signature Program, presented by AZPOST under the Stephen Covey training program, Tucson, Arizona, 24 hours. 2007March California Homicide Investigators Annual Conference,Reno Nevada,24 hours 2007Feb Mastering the Interview,presented by Specialized Training Services/Joe Navarro, Las Vegas,Nevada,16 hours 2006Nov Regional Cold Case Training,Sponsored by The National Institute of Justice, Scottsdale, Arizona 16 hours 2006Nov The BTK Investigation,FBI training sponsored by NAFTO,Scottsdale, AZ, 8 hours. 2005Oct Interviewing the Sexual Deviant, presented by PATC,Scottsdale,Arizona, 24 hours. 2005Aug DNA for Law Enforcement, Train the Trainer presented by RCPI and the Presidents DNA Initiative, San Antonio, Texas, 16 hours. 2005June Cold Case Seminar,Presented by Arizona Homicide Investigators Association, Tucson, Arizona, 24 hrs. 2005March DNA Expansion Workshop,Sponsored by the National Institute of Justice, Arlington Virginia, 24 hrs.
  • 9. 2004Oct 11th Annual Conference on Sex Crime Investigations,Sponsored by the Toronto Police Department, Toronto, Canada,40 hours. 2004April Statement Analysis,Joell Fisher, Crime Analyst - National Drug Taskforce,Glendale AZ,8 hours. 2004Feb Naval Criminal Investigative Service - Cold Case Investigations,Glendale Arizona, 40 hours. 2003Dec Forensic Evidence Seminar,Presented by NDAA,San Diego California, 40 hours. 2003 Equivocal Death and Cold Case Investigation,Presented by David Rivers for PATC,Scottsdale Arizona 24 hrs. 2003Nov National DNA Justice Speaks Conference, Sponsored by APRI, Washington, DC. 2003Sept 10 Annual International Homicide Symposium, Las Vegas,Nevada,40 hours. 2003March Criminal Investigative Analysis training class, Dr. Phoebe Kelsoe, ALPHA Group, Phoenix, AZ, 40 hrs 2003Feb Current and Significant Aspects of Criminal Sexuality - Specialized Training Services, Roy Hazelwood, Las Vegas,Nevada,16 hours 2003 International Homicide InvestigatorsAssociation AnnualConference,Las Vegas,40 hours 2002April Serial Crime and Analysis,Presented by Robert Keppel, Phoenix, Arizona, 8 hours 2002March Homicide: Behaviors and Motives, Presented by Specialized Training Services, Las Vegas,16 hours 2002Oct FBI VICAP training,Phoenix, Arizona. 2002June Advanced Reid and Associate Interview and Interrogation training, Tucson, Arizona, 40 hours. 2001Sept International Conference on Violent Crime,Toronto Canada,40 hours. 2001April National Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Conference,San Diego California, 24 hours. 2001March CrimeView/ArcView mapping and geographical crime analysis program,Phoenix Arizona, 24 hours. 2001-03 State of Arizona Statewide Conference on Sexual Assault,32 hours. 2000-02 Colorado Assoc. of Sex Crimes Inv. Annual Conf. Aspen,Colorado, 75 hours. 2000Sept International Homicide InvestigatorsAssociation Annual Conference, Quantico, Va. 40 hours. 2000June Rape and Sex Crime Investigations, Public Agency Training Council, Tucson, Arizona, 16 hours. 2000April Crime Scene Management,Presented By Sandra Mays, Wyoming State Crime Lab, 14 hrs. 2000April Rocky Mountain Information Network (RMIN) Annual Homicide Conference,Phoenix AZ., 24 hrs. 2000April Investigating Developmental Disabled Adults,presented by Arizona Adult Protective Services, 6 hrs. 2000March Shaken Baby Investigations,Childhelp USA, Phoenix, Arizona, 14 hrs. 1999May Investigation of Crime: Rape and Sexual Abuse, Center for Medicolegal Research and Consulting, San Diego, Ca, 16 hours. 1999Sept Biological Evidence Collection Course,presented by the Phoenix Police Department Crime Lab 4 hrs. 1999 Sexual Offender Profiling/Assessment of Violence Potential,Instructor Roy Hazelwood, 24 hrs. 1997 N.A.S.R.O./ A.S.R.O.Certified School Resource Officer Training,Scottsdale,Arizona, 48 hours. 1996 California P.O.S.T. Certified Police Bicycle Officer Training, San Diego California, 24 hrs. 1990 Incident Command Systems (ICS), presented by the Phoenix Fire Department 8 hours. 1989 Blood Stain Pattern Interpretation,Instructor Rod Englert, Phoenix, Arizona, 16 hrs. 1989 Behavioral Oriented Interview,Presented by AZPOST,Phoenix, Arizona, 24 hours. 1988 Homicide Investigations - Phoenix,AZ, 16 hrs. PUBLISHED DOCUMENTS 2015June "Sexual Assault: Victimization Acrossthe Life Span,A Clinical Guide and a Color Atlas. Law Enforcement Issues (Chapter 29) Police as First Responders (Chapter 30) STM Learning, G.W. Medical Publishing, 2015 2013June "Working for Justice:What the NIJ, DNA, and Police Investigations Have in Common" Violence Against Women Journal, June 2013 edition. 2012April "Criminal Investigational Ethics",from the book, Ethics In Forensic Science, Published by Academic Press,2012. 2010 Published article Phoenix Police Department Cold Case Team, OVW-STOP Grant Administrators Corner March/April publication. 2007Oct Authored/published Article, After the Match, the New Era of DNA, FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin. 2003Sept Authored/Published Article, New Technology and Old Police Work Solve Cold Sex Crimes, for the FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin on Cold Case Investigations. 2000-01 Authored/Published multiple articles for the City of Phoenix Family Advocacy Center Newsletter. 2001Oct Co-authored OVW Booklet titled, Patrol Response to Drug Facilitated Sexual Assault.
  • 10. COMMITTEES AND ORGANIZATIONS 2013 to Present The American Investigative Society of Cold Case. Consulting member. 2012 to Present Arizona Forensic Advisory Committee. 2011 to Present Arizona Commission on Victims in the Courts. 2007 State of Arizona Cold Case Taskforce. Committee member. 2001 - 2012 State of Arizona revision of the statewide sexual assault examination kit, Committee member. 2000 Statewide development of Sexual Assault Investigative Standards and Guidelines, tasks included working with the Arizona Attorney General and members of the State of Arizona Legislature Committee member. 1999 Governors Sexual Assault Task Force member, tasks included conducting research and analysis on sexual assault investigations across the State of Arizona. CERTIFICATIONS OBTAINED NIJ Certified trainer DNA for Law Enforcement Kastle-Meyer Certified Arcview/Crimeview crime analysis trained AZPOST High Risk Vehicle Stops Instructor FACES 4.0 Composite trained Certified AZPOST TacticalDriving Instructor Arizona P.O.S.T. GeneralInstructor Instructor- Airport Specialty Vehicle Operator Certified Detective City of Phoenix Police Department Identi-Kit System Certified Level II Grenadier Certified Phoenix Police Bicycle Instructor AWARDS AND COMMENDATIONS 2015 Arizona Victim Rights Award for Public Policy, Arizona Supreme Court Commission on Victims in the Courts (COVIC). 2012 TELLY Award,National award for the 2010 Phoenix Police Cold Case documentary film. 2012 Maricopa County Attorney's Office, Distinguished Service Award,Baseline Killer/Rapist- Mark Goudeau prosecution. 2010 Cold Case Sexual Assault Team, VAWA-STOP Grant success story presented by Alliance for Service Organizations (ALSO). . 2010 City of Phoenix Police Department Crime Suppression Nominee, Home Invasion/Rape 815 N. 52 Street. 2009 City of Phoenix Police Department Crime Nominee, Quintel Rich Investigation. 2009 City of Phoenix Police Department Distinguished Service Award,Gomez-Gomez Investigation. 2008 City of Phoenix Police Department Distinguished Service Award,Baseline Rapist Investigation. 2007 United States Attorney's Office,Excellence in Cooperation, Baseline Rapist Taskforce. 2007 City of Phoenix Police Department Police Chief Certificate of Recognition, Spiky Hair Molester Investigation. 2006 State of Arizona Governors Office Nominee for Investigator of the Year. 2006 City of Phoenix Police Department Nominee Distinguished Service Award,Jesse Lomas Investigation 2005 Phoenix Police Department Police Chief's Unit Award,AM Rapist Taskforce. 2003 Phoenix Police Department Cold Case Team nominated for the IACP/Choicepoint Award for Excellence in Criminal Investigations. 2002 Phoenix Police Department Adult Sex Crime Unit, Cold Case Team recipient of the Arizona Attorney General Innovation in Law Enforcement Award,Flagstaff, Arizona. 1999 State of Arizona Office of the Governor, Jane Hull, Recognition for Sexual Assault Taskforce. 1996 State of Arizona Office of the Governor, Jane Hull, Recognition for "Zero Tolerance Taskforce." 1994 Phoenix Fire Department Medal of Lifesaving. 30 Various letters of commendations while with the Phoenix Police Department.