5. Millennials: 87 % ”Smartphone never
leaves my side”
Millennial Smartphone Behavior, USA, 2014
Lähde: KPCB the 2015 Internet Trends report
6. Millennials: 87 % ”Smartphone never
leaves my side”
Millennial Smartphone Behavior, USA, 2014
Lähde: KPCB the 2015 Internet Trends report
7. Time Spent with Digital Media
Time Spent per Adult User per Day (hours / day) with Digital Media, USA, 2008-2015YTD
Lähde: KPCB the 2015 Internet Trends report
8. Time Spent in Media Vs. Advertising
% of Time Spent in Media Vs. % of Advertising Spending, USA, 2014
Lähde: KPCB the 2015 Internet Trends report
9. Time Spent in Media Vs. Advertising
% of Time Spent in Media Vs. % of Advertising Spending, USA, 2014
Lähde: KPCB the 2015 Internet Trends report