論文紹介 Markov chain monte carlo and variational inferences bridging the gap
1. Salimans, T., Kingma, D. P., & Welling, M.
Proceedings of The 32nd International Conference on Machine Learning,
pp. 1218–1226, 2015 (ICML 2015)
Markov Chain Monte Carlo and
Variational Inference: Bridging the Gap
Presenter : S5lab. Shuuji Mihara
2. Abstract in this paper
? 潜在変数モデルにおいて, 主流なパラメータのベイズ
推定の方法に, MCMCとVI (Variational Inference, 変分
? 本論文では, MCMCにSGVIを組み込んだ手法(MCVI,
HMCVI, SMCVI)とその理論的背景を示す.