Welcome to our weekly installment of the MARS A-Z of Digital Shopper Marketing. This week we feature terms beginning with G and H. Let us know what you think.
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Your Digital Dictionary: G-H
1. Welcome, one and all, to the MARS A-Z of Digital Shopper Marketing.Now, the world of
digital is always brimming with new and confusing terminology, and it can be difficult to stay
up-to-date.Our weeklyglossary will keep you right on top of the key terms that you need to
know, and this week we cover the big, bad digi-buzzwords beginning with G-H
2. Geo-targeting
Also known as
geo-locating. It is
used to allow you
to see where your
visitors come from
and to give them
specific information
that is relevant to
them based on
their location.
GIS Image
Graphics Interchange
Format. A GIF is an
8-bit-per-pixel bitmap
image format using
a palette of up to
256 distinct colors.
GIFs allow images to
be reduced without
degrading their quality.
A Geographic
Information Systems
image. An information
type that bridges the
gap between physical
terrain and a fully
integrated digital
map of the chosen
area - a digital overlay
to a satellite image.
The compatibility of
a website with newer
browsers and older
browsers. It also
applies to ensuring
that if one small part
of the site doesnt
work on a browser,
the whole site
doesnt crash, too.
4. Hard Bounce
The term hard bounce
describesan e-mail
communication failure
orbouncedue to an
undeviating reason like
a non-existent address,
for example.
Heat Mapping
Hidden Text
A data visualization
tool that shows levels
of activity on a web
page in different
colors. Reds and
yellows show the areas
of the most activity,
and blues and violets
show the least.
Keywordsare the
same color as the
pages background,
so they are invisible.
Search enginesarent
fooled by this sneaky
technique, though,
and sites are
penalized for it.
A hit (digital, not
physical)is often
mistaken for a
measure ofpopularity,
but it is a request
from a users
view a certain page,
file or image.
5. Host
An Internet hosting
service or host,is a
service that runs Internet
servers, allowing usto
offer our content to
the Internet. There are
various levels of service
and various kinds of
services offered.
Hypertext Markup
Language. This is the
language read by web
browsers. Certain HTML
tagsare used to
structure information
and features within a
web page.HTML e-mails
usually contain graphics.
Hypertext Transfer
Protocol is a
protocol for
the transfer of
information on the
Internet. Itprovides a
way for us to publish
and retrieve URLs or
hypertextpages over
the Internet.
A hyperlink is a
reference or
navigation element in
a document, usually
like this,to another
section of the same
document or to
another document
that may be on or
part of a (different)
domain, i.e., a URL
for a website.