here in this presentation i write about some systems that follows in the world in deferent countries and the short definitions of Marxism, socialism and communism.
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1. 1. The subject of philosophy of science: The philosophy of science exists in two forms:
as a set of different trends and schools within this section philosophy
as a section phenomenology, Marxism, analytical philosophy
Lecture_ 1
The subject of the modern philosophy of science.
Purpose: the formation of undergraduates understanding of the history of science as a special
historical and philosophical discipline.
2. as a section phenomenology, Marxism, analytical philosophy, etc. which wide enough.
This is
the identification of the ideals, premises and foundations of science,
clarification of concepts and principles,
the specifics of various forms of activity and knowledge,
clarification of the difference between science and other forms of activity,
features mechanisms for the development and growth of scientific knowledge.
3. Phenomenology
is a philosophy of experience. For phenomenology the ultimate source of all
meaning and value is the lived experience of human beings. All philosophical
systems, scientific theories, or aesthetic judgments have the status of
abstractions from the ebb and flow of the lived world.
4. Marxism, Socialism and
The three terms often cause confusions among people, though they are similar in
some of their views. Marxism, along with socialism and Communism were formulated
to put an end to the Capitalist ideologies
5. Marxism
Marxism is a social, economic and political philosophy that analyses the impact of
the ruling class on the laborers, leading to uneven distribution of wealth and
privileges in the society. It stimulates the workers to protest the injustice. The theory
was formulated by Karl Marx and Fredrich Engels in their work.
6. Socialism
Insists on common ownership of wealth and land while still allowing individuals to
own assets privately.
The main idea of this philosophy is to ensure equal distribution of wealth and reward
people based on the level of contribution an individual extends to the economy of the
the most Socialist countries are Norway, Sweden and Denmark.
7. Communism
means the absence of private property. It insists the control of such assets be only in the
hands of the Government.
The government shall provide the people with all the necessities like education, medical
aids and housing.
Some of the countries that follow Communism are China, Cuba and North Korea.