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M aster Class
     DevelopMents in lnG

     A deeper insight into the LNG industry,
     the LNG developments and their impact on your business

Founding partners                             Associated partners
M aster Class
DevelopMents in lnG

Declining indigenous gas reserves, an increase in import dependency, security of supply concerns, liberalization of the gas and
electricity markets - these developments are all creating opportunities for LNG in Europe. The share of LNG in the EU gas supplies
- currently approx. 10% - is expected to nearly double by 2020. In anticipation thereof the number of LNG terminals in Europe has
been growing and further capacity increases are either under construction or planned.

the role of lnG is evolving from an                     Why this Master Class?                                     Your profile
attractive means of supply diversification              lnG is likely to be the driver of many changes             You are a manager in the gas industry with
 providing access to more remote sources              in the gas market  globalization, arbitrage,              an extensive knowledge of the gas value chain.
to a competitive and significant part of the            price convergence, and so forth. Your company              You aim for in-depth knowledge of lnG
european supply portfolio. Buyers as well               wants to play a (more) active role in the                  developments to enhance your decision-making
as sellers are interested in the arbitrage              growth of the lnG business and to sharpen                  capabilities. Furthermore, you want to develop
opportunities that the f lexibility of the lnG          its grasp of the impact of the developments in             an active understanding of the business by
chain may offer. in the light of a trend towards        lnG on the pipeline gas market. Furthermore,               participating in discussions and workshops.
globalization of the lnG-market, the duration,          your position requires that you have a thorough
pricing and structure of traditional long-term          understanding of lnG.                                      The programme structure
contracts are evolving.                                                                                            the 3-day course deals with the following main
                                                        More specifically                                         topics:
people in the gas business who are, or will             eDis top-of-the-bill lnG Master Class is the               the major sources and markets.
become, involved in decision making processes           perfect opportunity to enhance your knowledge               players, both upstream and downstream, and
with regard to lnG need to be on top of the             of the many aspects of lnG. international                    their major characteristics and strategies.
developments in this field. lnG developments            renown experts from the lnG industry will                   location, capacities and major features of the
will have an increasingly significant impact            share their experiences with you in lectures                 lnG infrastructure.
on the gas market in general, and are therefore         and group discussions. this will help you                   the technical and economic aspects of the
also touching those not directly involved in the        to strengthen your views on possible                         three stages of the lnG chain will be reviewed
lnG trade. this eDi Master Class will put you           developments on the european continent                       in detail: liquefaction, shipping and
on track.                                               and worldwide and on the implications for your               regasification terminalling.
                                                        business. above all, it will give you a solid               Major drivers for the demand and trade
                                                        base when making crucial decisions.                          of lnG.

               I took this Master Class at the recommendation of our CEO. We wanted to further expand the level of
               knowledge of LNG within our organization and this course seemed a good way to do so. The quality of the
               teaching staff certainly helped  they were all professionals with an impressive track record in the global LNG
               industry. In a intensive manner, the course covered many aspects of the LNG business  commercial and
               technical as well as operational. Personally, I felt that the exercises we did in groups provided me with strong
               learning opportunities. It gave us an opportunity for a hands-on experience with the complexity of the matter.
               In my daily work regarding LNG I still refer to the slides of the topics that were discussed during the course. I
               can honestly say that attending the LNG Master Class were three days well spent.

               Wouter de Klein, alumnus
               Account Manager - Gas Continental Europe, APX-ENDEX
Sharing the Energy of Knowledge.

                                                                                                                       ...this course
                                                                                                                        covers the entire
                                                                                                                        domain of lnG...
                                                                                                                         Jean Vermeire,
                                                                                                                         key lecturer

  operations and safety along the chain.
  lnG quality and quality management.
                                                          developments on the european continent and
                                                          the implications for your business, which will
                                                                                                                   the programme
 the use of lnG for peak shaving.                        support your decision making.                            in more detail
 pricing concepts and trends.
 Contracting for the supply, marine shipping             The educational partners
  and terminalling of lnG.                                Key lecturer of the Master Class Developments            PART 1 Overview
the lectures will be supported by an exercise on          in lnG is the prominent energy expert Jean                Introduction: developments to date in
the configuration of an lnG supply project.               vermeire, the former General Director of                   LNG markets
                                                          Distrigas and president of the international              Description of the LNG industry
The objectives                                            Group of lnG importers. to guarantee both                 Technical characteristics of the
Upon completion of the 3-day Master Class                 high quality and a broad programme, he is                  LNG chain
Developments in lnG, the participant will                 supported by a carefully selected group of                Economic characteristics of the
have acquired:                                            leading experts from the lnG industry.                     LNG chain
 Familiarisation with the components and
   characteristics of the lnG industry.                   Certification                                            PART 2 Commercialization
 Understanding and analysis of the processes             Upon successful completion of the course the                Project structure and business models
   and tools of the lnG business.                         participant will receive a certificate on behalf of         Commercial strategies and trade
 insight in new developments in technology,              the University of Groningen.                                LNG Supply contracts
   operations and contracting.                                                                                        LNG pricing and trends
 Understanding of the changing dynamics and              Master Class location                                       Regulation and the contracting of access
   strategies in lnG markets, in particular the           The Master Class will take place in a central                to LNG receiving terminals
   globalisation and growth of trading.                   location in the netherlands. please check our
at the end of this Master Class you will be able          website www.energydelta.org for specific details.        PART 3 Operations and shipping
to strengthen your views on the possible lnG                                                                        Review of operational aspects and safety
                                                                                                                    Scheduling and optimization of
                                                                                                                    LNG shipping and charter parties
                                                                                                                    Custody transfer methods
                                                                                                                    LNG storage and overland transport
                                                                                                                    Small-scale use of LNG
                                                                                                                    LNG risks and risk management
With an average annual growth more than twice that of natural gas commerce as a whole
and with rapidly changing dynamics , LNG trade is significantly impacting our industry                             PART 4 Site visit
 also in markets that are not directly supplied by LNG. Every gas professional therefore                           Visit to an LNG regasification terminal
needs to have a solid understanding of the technical, operational and commercial aspects                             with extensive technical guidance
of the LNG business. This is precisely the aim of this course, which covers the entire domain
of LNG. Uniquely, the three lecturers each have more than 20 years of management
experience in LNG activities with leading companies in the industry.

Jean Vermeire, key lecturer
former General Director of Distrigas
Sharing the Energy of Knowledge.

About Energy Delta Institute
energy Delta institute (eDi) is an international energy business school, with a primary focus on natural gas. eDi was founded
in 2003 by n.v. nederlandse Gasunie, Gasterra B.v., oao Gazprom and the University of Groningen, later joined by shell
and rWe. The energy community has come to appreciate eDi both as a platform of knowledge exchange between partners
and participants alike. The changing energy world is forcing energy companies to innovate in order to stay competitive.
also, the energy sector is confronting the possibility of a growing shortage of qualified personnel in the coming decades.
The sector has only one choice: to invest in knowledge.                                                                         T   +31 (0) 50 524 83 00
                                                                                                                                F   +31 (0) 50 524 83 01
eDis main objective is to contribute to the professional development of current and future energy managers. eDi coordinates
                                                                                                                                E   info@energydelta.nl
research projects and organizes training programmes with a focus on the economic, management, legal and geopolitical
aspects of the energy business.                                                                                                 I   www.energydelta.org

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Master Class Developments in LNG

  • 1. M aster Class DevelopMents in lnG A deeper insight into the LNG industry, the LNG developments and their impact on your business Founding partners Associated partners
  • 2. M aster Class DevelopMents in lnG Declining indigenous gas reserves, an increase in import dependency, security of supply concerns, liberalization of the gas and electricity markets - these developments are all creating opportunities for LNG in Europe. The share of LNG in the EU gas supplies - currently approx. 10% - is expected to nearly double by 2020. In anticipation thereof the number of LNG terminals in Europe has been growing and further capacity increases are either under construction or planned. the role of lnG is evolving from an Why this Master Class? Your profile attractive means of supply diversification lnG is likely to be the driver of many changes You are a manager in the gas industry with providing access to more remote sources in the gas market globalization, arbitrage, an extensive knowledge of the gas value chain. to a competitive and significant part of the price convergence, and so forth. Your company You aim for in-depth knowledge of lnG european supply portfolio. Buyers as well wants to play a (more) active role in the developments to enhance your decision-making as sellers are interested in the arbitrage growth of the lnG business and to sharpen capabilities. Furthermore, you want to develop opportunities that the f lexibility of the lnG its grasp of the impact of the developments in an active understanding of the business by chain may offer. in the light of a trend towards lnG on the pipeline gas market. Furthermore, participating in discussions and workshops. globalization of the lnG-market, the duration, your position requires that you have a thorough pricing and structure of traditional long-term understanding of lnG. The programme structure contracts are evolving. the 3-day course deals with the following main More specifically topics: people in the gas business who are, or will eDis top-of-the-bill lnG Master Class is the the major sources and markets. become, involved in decision making processes perfect opportunity to enhance your knowledge players, both upstream and downstream, and with regard to lnG need to be on top of the of the many aspects of lnG. international their major characteristics and strategies. developments in this field. lnG developments renown experts from the lnG industry will location, capacities and major features of the will have an increasingly significant impact share their experiences with you in lectures lnG infrastructure. on the gas market in general, and are therefore and group discussions. this will help you the technical and economic aspects of the also touching those not directly involved in the to strengthen your views on possible three stages of the lnG chain will be reviewed lnG trade. this eDi Master Class will put you developments on the european continent in detail: liquefaction, shipping and on track. and worldwide and on the implications for your regasification terminalling. business. above all, it will give you a solid Major drivers for the demand and trade base when making crucial decisions. of lnG. I took this Master Class at the recommendation of our CEO. We wanted to further expand the level of knowledge of LNG within our organization and this course seemed a good way to do so. The quality of the teaching staff certainly helped they were all professionals with an impressive track record in the global LNG industry. In a intensive manner, the course covered many aspects of the LNG business commercial and technical as well as operational. Personally, I felt that the exercises we did in groups provided me with strong learning opportunities. It gave us an opportunity for a hands-on experience with the complexity of the matter. In my daily work regarding LNG I still refer to the slides of the topics that were discussed during the course. I can honestly say that attending the LNG Master Class were three days well spent. Wouter de Klein, alumnus Account Manager - Gas Continental Europe, APX-ENDEX
  • 3. Sharing the Energy of Knowledge. ...this course covers the entire domain of lnG... Jean Vermeire, key lecturer operations and safety along the chain. lnG quality and quality management. developments on the european continent and the implications for your business, which will the programme the use of lnG for peak shaving. support your decision making. in more detail pricing concepts and trends. Contracting for the supply, marine shipping The educational partners and terminalling of lnG. Key lecturer of the Master Class Developments PART 1 Overview the lectures will be supported by an exercise on in lnG is the prominent energy expert Jean Introduction: developments to date in the configuration of an lnG supply project. vermeire, the former General Director of LNG markets Distrigas and president of the international Description of the LNG industry The objectives Group of lnG importers. to guarantee both Technical characteristics of the Upon completion of the 3-day Master Class high quality and a broad programme, he is LNG chain Developments in lnG, the participant will supported by a carefully selected group of Economic characteristics of the have acquired: leading experts from the lnG industry. LNG chain Familiarisation with the components and characteristics of the lnG industry. Certification PART 2 Commercialization Understanding and analysis of the processes Upon successful completion of the course the Project structure and business models and tools of the lnG business. participant will receive a certificate on behalf of Commercial strategies and trade insight in new developments in technology, the University of Groningen. LNG Supply contracts operations and contracting. LNG pricing and trends Understanding of the changing dynamics and Master Class location Regulation and the contracting of access strategies in lnG markets, in particular the The Master Class will take place in a central to LNG receiving terminals globalisation and growth of trading. location in the netherlands. please check our at the end of this Master Class you will be able website www.energydelta.org for specific details. PART 3 Operations and shipping to strengthen your views on the possible lnG Review of operational aspects and safety Scheduling and optimization of operations LNG shipping and charter parties Custody transfer methods LNG storage and overland transport Small-scale use of LNG LNG risks and risk management With an average annual growth more than twice that of natural gas commerce as a whole and with rapidly changing dynamics , LNG trade is significantly impacting our industry PART 4 Site visit also in markets that are not directly supplied by LNG. Every gas professional therefore Visit to an LNG regasification terminal needs to have a solid understanding of the technical, operational and commercial aspects with extensive technical guidance of the LNG business. This is precisely the aim of this course, which covers the entire domain of LNG. Uniquely, the three lecturers each have more than 20 years of management experience in LNG activities with leading companies in the industry. Jean Vermeire, key lecturer former General Director of Distrigas
  • 4. Sharing the Energy of Knowledge. About Energy Delta Institute energy Delta institute (eDi) is an international energy business school, with a primary focus on natural gas. eDi was founded in 2003 by n.v. nederlandse Gasunie, Gasterra B.v., oao Gazprom and the University of Groningen, later joined by shell and rWe. The energy community has come to appreciate eDi both as a platform of knowledge exchange between partners and participants alike. The changing energy world is forcing energy companies to innovate in order to stay competitive. also, the energy sector is confronting the possibility of a growing shortage of qualified personnel in the coming decades. The sector has only one choice: to invest in knowledge. T +31 (0) 50 524 83 00 F +31 (0) 50 524 83 01 eDis main objective is to contribute to the professional development of current and future energy managers. eDi coordinates E info@energydelta.nl research projects and organizes training programmes with a focus on the economic, management, legal and geopolitical aspects of the energy business. I www.energydelta.org