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Master of Science in Civil Engineering
(Environmental Engineering)
Environmental engineering deals with environmental issues from the local scale to the global scale.
Contamination caused by the activities and waste products of our modern society affect the water, air, soil,
and ecosystems around us in complex ways that must be clearly understood if we are to successfully address
these problems. In recognition of the interdisciplinary nature of these issues, this program incorporates
course work and research in environmental science, mathematics, and engineering application and provides
students a broad foundation in the fundamentals of physical, chemical, and biological processes related to
environmental issues, environmental impact and risk assessment, in addition student will be able to plan,
design, construct and operate water and wastewater treatment facilities for municipalities and industries,
model and analyze surface water and groundwater quality, plan for the disposal and reuse of wastewaters
and sludge, plan for the collection, transport, processing, recovery and disposal of solid and hazardous
wastes and control air pollution. Academic staff of the Program carries out research; supervise graduate
students, and offer expert advice to industry and government.
Program Mission
The Mission of the graduate program in Environmental Engineering is to provide the high quality
environmental engineering education as required by the industry and the public through a combination of
academics, professionalism, public speaking, teamwork and ethics; improve the understanding and
application of the principles of environmental science and engineering; provide technically competent,
socially aware and culturally rooted environmental practitioners who are capable of making decisions and
directing projects towards solutions of complex environmental problems and lead in government, industry
and civil society. This mission is consistent with the broader mission of the University.
Program Description
The graduate program of Environmental Engineering at the University Of Balamand is designed as a
multidisciplinary approach to assess, control and treat the pollution in the environment. The Master of
Science in Environmental Engineering is best suited for both practicing engineers who are seeking career
prospects in environmental engineering, and for undergraduate civil engineers who are seeking a life-long
career in environmental engineering.
Program Objectives
The main objectives of the program are to:
1. Provide engineering students with needed environmental engineering skills,
2. Assist students in gaining the ability to work on multidisciplinary (water, wastewater, solid waste, air
pollution, etc.) tasks,
3. Equip students with tools and techniques for proper environmental risk assessment, control and
Program Outcomes
The graduate from the Environmental Engineering Program is an engineer who can:
 Apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering to environmental engineering problems
 Have the broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global,
economic, environmental and societal context
 Collect and prepare environmental samples (groundwater, surface water, soil, sediment, air) for
analysis in accordance with accepted protocols
 Interpret the results of environmental sampling programs and studies relative to environmental
regulations and impacts to the environment
 Design and conduct experiments as well as to analyze and interpret experimental data
 Identify, implement and manage measures to protect and restore the natural environment from the
effects of human activity
 Identify, and address the complexities of real life environmental engineering problems and be able to
formulate solutions that are technically sound, economically feasible, and sustainable
 Evaluate the potential environmental impact that new engineering or construction projects may have,
and suggest ways in which the impact can be minimized and/or rehabilitated at the end of the project
 Design and operate a system, component, or process (water, wastewater, solid waste, etc.) to meet
desired needs with realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical,
health and safety, manufacturability testing techniques, and sustainability;
 Function as a member of a multi-disciplinary team and to assume a leadership role in engineering
 Succeed in positions in environmental engineering practice or research at the local, national, or
global levels
 Understand of professional and ethical responsibility
 Communicate effectively in both written and oral forms especially in technical subject matters
Program Requirements
In order to be eligible for the Master in Environmental Engineering Program, a student must have had a
bachelors degree (BS) in civil engineering, and must satisfy the requirements of the University Of
Balamand for admission into engineering graduate studies.
All students pursuing a Master's degree in Environmental Engineering must complete 43 credits. The
program is divided as follows:
 Seven Core courses in environmental engineering 21 credits
 Five Elective courses in environmental engineering 15 credits
 Masters graduate project 3 credits
 Field training 4 credits
Total: 43 credits
Total of 7 core courses and 5 elective courses. The Masters graduate project can be substituted by a
Masters Thesis of 6 credits.
Course Distribution
Course Descriptions
Where Do Environmental Engineers Work?
 Engineering consulting firms that design and construct water pollution-control systems,
 Industries including chemical, pharmaceutical, water/wastewater treatment, mining, and
manufacturing that need to treat their air or wastewater discharges,
 Private and municipal agencies that supply drinking water,
 Companies that treat and dispose of hazardous chemicals,
 Companies that operate treatment facilities for municipalities or industries,
 Companies that involve in hazardous waste remediation, air pollution control, and facilities planning
 Government agencies that monitor and regulate waste discharges,
 Universities that teach and conduct research on environmental control,
 Private and government laboratories that develop the new generations of pollution-control systems,
 International agencies that transfer knowledge and technology to the developing world, and
 Public-interest groups that advocate environmental protection.
For more information, Contact Us:
Mervat El-Hoz, PhD
Environmental Engineer
Associate Professor, Faculty of Engineering
Chairperson, Environmental Engineering Program
University of Balamand,
P.O.Box: 33, Amioun, Al-Koura, Lebanon
W: + 961 6 930250 ext.: 3227
Fax: + 961 6 930278
Mobile: + 961 3 327209
E-mail: mervat.elhoz@balamand.edu.lb;
University of Balamand
Office of Admissions & Registration
P.O.Box 100 Tripoli  Lebanon /or/
P.O.Box 33 Amioun, Al-Kurah-Lebanon
Tel: 06-930250

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Master of Science in Civil Engineering

  • 1. Master of Science in Civil Engineering (Environmental Engineering) Introduction Environmental engineering deals with environmental issues from the local scale to the global scale. Contamination caused by the activities and waste products of our modern society affect the water, air, soil, and ecosystems around us in complex ways that must be clearly understood if we are to successfully address these problems. In recognition of the interdisciplinary nature of these issues, this program incorporates course work and research in environmental science, mathematics, and engineering application and provides students a broad foundation in the fundamentals of physical, chemical, and biological processes related to environmental issues, environmental impact and risk assessment, in addition student will be able to plan, design, construct and operate water and wastewater treatment facilities for municipalities and industries, model and analyze surface water and groundwater quality, plan for the disposal and reuse of wastewaters and sludge, plan for the collection, transport, processing, recovery and disposal of solid and hazardous wastes and control air pollution. Academic staff of the Program carries out research; supervise graduate students, and offer expert advice to industry and government. Program Mission The Mission of the graduate program in Environmental Engineering is to provide the high quality environmental engineering education as required by the industry and the public through a combination of academics, professionalism, public speaking, teamwork and ethics; improve the understanding and application of the principles of environmental science and engineering; provide technically competent, socially aware and culturally rooted environmental practitioners who are capable of making decisions and directing projects towards solutions of complex environmental problems and lead in government, industry and civil society. This mission is consistent with the broader mission of the University. Program Description The graduate program of Environmental Engineering at the University Of Balamand is designed as a multidisciplinary approach to assess, control and treat the pollution in the environment. The Master of Science in Environmental Engineering is best suited for both practicing engineers who are seeking career prospects in environmental engineering, and for undergraduate civil engineers who are seeking a life-long career in environmental engineering. Program Objectives The main objectives of the program are to: 1. Provide engineering students with needed environmental engineering skills, 2. Assist students in gaining the ability to work on multidisciplinary (water, wastewater, solid waste, air pollution, etc.) tasks, 3. Equip students with tools and techniques for proper environmental risk assessment, control and treatment.
  • 2. Program Outcomes The graduate from the Environmental Engineering Program is an engineer who can: Apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering to environmental engineering problems Have the broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global, economic, environmental and societal context Collect and prepare environmental samples (groundwater, surface water, soil, sediment, air) for analysis in accordance with accepted protocols Interpret the results of environmental sampling programs and studies relative to environmental regulations and impacts to the environment Design and conduct experiments as well as to analyze and interpret experimental data Identify, implement and manage measures to protect and restore the natural environment from the effects of human activity Identify, and address the complexities of real life environmental engineering problems and be able to formulate solutions that are technically sound, economically feasible, and sustainable Evaluate the potential environmental impact that new engineering or construction projects may have, and suggest ways in which the impact can be minimized and/or rehabilitated at the end of the project Design and operate a system, component, or process (water, wastewater, solid waste, etc.) to meet desired needs with realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety, manufacturability testing techniques, and sustainability; Function as a member of a multi-disciplinary team and to assume a leadership role in engineering activities Succeed in positions in environmental engineering practice or research at the local, national, or global levels Understand of professional and ethical responsibility Communicate effectively in both written and oral forms especially in technical subject matters Program Requirements In order to be eligible for the Master in Environmental Engineering Program, a student must have had a bachelors degree (BS) in civil engineering, and must satisfy the requirements of the University Of Balamand for admission into engineering graduate studies. All students pursuing a Master's degree in Environmental Engineering must complete 43 credits. The program is divided as follows: Seven Core courses in environmental engineering 21 credits Five Elective courses in environmental engineering 15 credits Masters graduate project 3 credits Field training 4 credits Total: 43 credits Total of 7 core courses and 5 elective courses. The Masters graduate project can be substituted by a Masters Thesis of 6 credits. Course Distribution Course Descriptions
  • 3. Where Do Environmental Engineers Work? Engineering consulting firms that design and construct water pollution-control systems, Industries including chemical, pharmaceutical, water/wastewater treatment, mining, and manufacturing that need to treat their air or wastewater discharges, Private and municipal agencies that supply drinking water, Companies that treat and dispose of hazardous chemicals, Companies that operate treatment facilities for municipalities or industries, Companies that involve in hazardous waste remediation, air pollution control, and facilities planning Government agencies that monitor and regulate waste discharges, Universities that teach and conduct research on environmental control, Private and government laboratories that develop the new generations of pollution-control systems, International agencies that transfer knowledge and technology to the developing world, and Public-interest groups that advocate environmental protection. For more information, Contact Us: Mervat El-Hoz, PhD Environmental Engineer Associate Professor, Faculty of Engineering Chairperson, Environmental Engineering Program University of Balamand, P.O.Box: 33, Amioun, Al-Koura, Lebanon W: + 961 6 930250 ext.: 3227 Fax: + 961 6 930278 Mobile: + 961 3 327209 E-mail: mervat.elhoz@balamand.edu.lb; Or University of Balamand Office of Admissions & Registration P.O.Box 100 Tripoli Lebanon /or/ P.O.Box 33 Amioun, Al-Kurah-Lebanon Tel: 06-930250