This document provides an introduction to using the debugging tools in Google Chrome, including the Elements panel to inspect and modify DOM elements, the Console panel for running JavaScript and viewing errors and output, the Network panel to monitor network activity, and the Sources panel to debug JavaScript code. It also lists additional Chrome extensions and resources for debugging AngularJS and React applications. The overall goal is to help users master their debugger to more effectively debug web applications.
10. Thanks
Learning is hard work, but everything you
learn is yours and will make subsequent
learning easier.-- Marijn Haverbeke, Eloquent JavaScript: A Modern Introduction to Programming
Editor's Notes
#6: - use
- edit/delete/add element
- drag & drop
- color picker
-- palets
-- color format (check style, it is updated)
#7: - use
- $0 ... $4
- $_
- write function with new line (SHIFT + ENTER)
function salute(str) {
return `${str} Codecamp CJ`;
- reference element by writing id, readme
function saluteDbg(str) {
return `${str} Codecamp CJ with debugger;`;
- monitor(saluteDbg)
- saluteDbg('some');
- unmonitor(saluteDbg);
- debug(salute);
- undebug(salute);
#8: - use
-- for general
-- for XHR stack trace
- use
- show Filmstrip (capture screens)
- check network performance
performance.getEntriesByType('resource').filter(item =>"ActualDeCluj.png"))
more info
- DOMReady & Load
- new XHR
fetch('').then(r=> {
r.blob().then(a => {console.log(a)})
#9: - use
- check subtabs (source/content source/snippets)
- check async, very useful when debugging
- breakpoints
- conditional breakpoints
- stacktrace
- inline edit