1) The document examines passengers' lack of attentiveness during pre-flight safety briefings and finds aviation professionals are significantly more attentive than frequent flyers or leisure travelers.
2) A study analyzed passengers' self-reported attentiveness during briefings and found aviation professionals had a higher mean score, indicating greater attentiveness, compared to the other groups.
3) The study concludes airlines should find ways to better educate and engage all passengers on safety procedures to increase understanding and attentiveness before takeoff.
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Masters thesis defense jul 2009
1. The Pre-Flight Safety Briefing: What are the Reasons for some Passengers Lack of Attentiveness during Pre-Flight Safety Briefing?Presented in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree ofMaster in Aviation Science Everglades UniversityBy:Nabil S. DiabJuly, 2009
2. Introduction Air travel is so safe and you probably never have to use any of the advices given to you during the pre-flight safety briefing when you are on-board. But if you ever do need it, flight safety information could save your life. 2
3. The Problem Airline passengers usually take safety for granted when they board an airplane. They tune out the crew's pre-flight announcements or reach for a magazine instead of the cards that show how to open the emergency exit and what to do if the oxygen mask drops down. Because of this, passengers are needlessly hurt or killed in accidents they could have survived. Avoiding serious injury or surviving an air accident is not just a matter of luck; it's also a matter of being informed and thinking ahead.3
4. Statement of the HypothesisThere is asignificant difference in the level of understanding of pre-flight safety briefing between frequent fliers, leisure travelers, and aviation professionals 4
5. Results & AnalysisThe one-way ANOVA (one-way simply means that there is only one independent variable) was used and the following slides present the findings of this study. The main question of this study was: What are the reasons for some passengers lack of attentiveness during pre-flight safety briefing?5
7. AnalysisIt is observed that the mean (4.4398) of the Aviation Professionals group (group 3.00) is higher than the mean (3.7935) of the Frequent Flyers group and the mean (3.5710) of the Leisure Travelers group. Although the Aviation Professionals group mean is higher, this research study investigated if this mean was "significantly" higher.7Table 1. The Mean Value of the Groups
8. 8Table 2. Levene's Test of Equality of Error Variances (a)AnalysisThe Levene's Test was conducted to provide information about the variances of the three different groups of passengers. The Levene Test's value of .006 is less than the .05 p value that was chosen as the level of significance; therefore, equal variances is not assumed (there is no homogeneity in the variances).
9. 9Table 3. Tests of Between-Subjects EffectsAnalysisThe important columns of this table are first the "degrees of freedom" (df). The number of dffor the (Between) Groups is simply the number of groups the researcher is investigating minus one (i.e., 3-1=2). The number of the "Error" (Within Groups) 154 in this case, is the number of total passengers in the three groups (157) minus the total number of groups (3). The column titled "Sig." referred to the p value. Obviously, in this case the p value is .000; therefore, the null hypothesis was rejected (.000 < .05). Consequently, it was proved in this study that there was a significant difference between the groups. However, since there are more than two groups, it is not obvious where the significant difference lies. Which scores are significantly different from the other?
10. 10Table 4. Scheffe Results :Multiple ComparisonsAnalysisIn order to find out the significant differences between the three groups, the above table was observed. After comparing groups 1.00 and 2.00, the researcher observed a p value of .493, so the null hypothesis could not be rejected. The second comparison between groups 1.00 and 3.00 indicated a p value of .003; therefore, the researcher rejected the null hypothesis and stated that there was a "significant" difference between the two groups. Obviously, a third comparison between groups 2.00 and 3.00 indicated a p value of .000; therefore, the researcher rejected the null hypothesis and stated that there was a "significant" difference between these groups.
12. Ways to EngageHave influential figure endorse safety2. Make safety tests mandatory3. Minimize the cabin distraction4. Safety briefing should be demonstrated by different languages5. Interacting more with the passengers for example of a passenger is sitting in an exit row ask them to volunteer to see if they know the precautions needed if an emergency were to happen6. Update the videos and make the safety procedures more interesting somehow12
13. Conclusion Based on the above results, this study statistically proved that the Aviation Professionals group has better understanding of the pre-flight safety briefing than the Frequent Flyer and Leisure traveler group of passengers. Interestingly, the level of understanding of frequent flyers appears to be relatively equal to that of the leisure travelers in that the passengers in these two groups did not have mean scores in the Likert scale questions related to the understanding of the preflight safety briefing that were "significantly" different from each other. Apparently, the Aviation Professionals group is the most educated in aviation safety and takes the preflight safety briefing more seriously than the other groups of passengers; therefore, airlines should find means in educating and increasing the attention of all passengers before departure safety procedures.13