It is for b.ed students sem 4 , An assignment on ict lesson plan on PC, 3rd semester students also can use it as a help guide for making file of lesson Plans subject mathematics and economics.
Grade 10 course selection parents night feb 2017hsguidance
This document provides information about course selection options for 10th grade students at the International School Manila. It outlines the three main pathways: the full IB diploma, a partial IB diploma, or the ISM high school diploma. The full IB diploma involves taking six subjects, completing an extended essay and theory of knowledge course. It provides the most rigorous option but also the most workload. The partial IB allows flexibility to take some IB courses and exams without all the requirements. The ISM diploma has the most flexibility but less academic rigor. The document discusses factors for students to consider in their choice such as subject interests, college and career goals, workload tolerance, and finding the right balance.
The document describes two mathematics courses: General Mathematics and Mathematics.
General Mathematics is a 2-unit non-ATAR course focusing on mathematical skills and techniques with direct application to everyday life. It covers five areas of study: financial mathematics, data analysis, measurement, probability, and algebra/modelling.
Mathematics is also a 2-unit non-ATAR course assuming a high level of competence in Stage 5.3 mathematics. It covers topics like algebra, functions, trigonometry, geometry, calculus, probability, and series.
This lesson plan uses tangrams to teach third grade geometry concepts. Students will work in groups to compose shapes with tangrams, identify lines, angles, and geometric shapes. The teacher will demonstrate making animals from a story using overhead tangrams. Students will then work in groups to make 3 animals and their own unique shape, labeling geometric parts. Finally, students will independently create and label their own tangram picture for assessment. The lesson satisfies 4 third grade geometry standards.
The document describes a math CLIL lesson plan on angles for 4th grade students. The 60-minute lesson includes brainstorming what students know about angles, completing manipulative activities to identify angles and classify them by type, looking for real-world examples of angles, and creating an artistic composition with angles. The goal is for students to learn angle vocabulary in English while reinforcing math concepts about angles. The teacher reflects that students showed great engagement and effort communicating in English, though not all activities could be completed in the time given.
The document outlines a 6-session unit on solid figures. In the unit, students will learn to identify and visualize three-dimensional shapes from two-dimensional drawings, understand properties of solids like faces and vertices, and determine if a net can form a given solid shape or vice versa. Sessions include learning solid shapes through models and examples, drawing solids, quizzes, creating riddles about shapes, and introducing nets of solids. The goal is for students to gain understanding and skills in visualizing and analyzing characteristics of two- and three-dimensional geometric shapes.
Standard A: Plans Curriculum and InstructionDiane Silveira
This document provides five lesson plans that were part of a unit on geometry that I planned and taught. There is also a reflective essay about my experience planning curriculum.
This document provides instructions and notes for an origami workshop. It discusses how origami can be used to teach mathematics concepts and aligns specific origami models and folding techniques with common core math standards. The workshop will demonstrate an origami box, leaping frog, and octagon star model. Participants are encouraged to think about the mathematical elements of each fold such as shapes, angles, symmetry and spatial relationships. Origami is presented as an engaging hands-on method to help students visualize and understand mathematics.
This lesson plan introduces 2nd grade students to plane and solid geometric shapes over two weeks. In week one, students will learn to identify and classify basic 2D shapes like triangles, squares, rectangles, circles through activities cutting out shapes from magazines and manipulating attribute blocks. They will also begin to learn about 3D shapes like spheres and cubes by comparing them to 2D shapes. In week two, students further explore solid shapes and learn new vocabulary like prisms and pyramids. Formative assessments include daily quizzes and homework. The performance task is a student-created "Math Museum" displaying real-world examples of shapes.
The document provides strategies for improving mathematics comprehension in secondary schools. It begins with an introduction to the author's educational philosophy of student-centered learning. Various literacy strategies are then described, including connection stems, pre-reading plans, juxtapositioning texts, writing and sketching, and being a math author. The strategies aim to activate prior knowledge, build on student experiences, and engage students in the learning process.
The document is a lesson transcript for a 10th standard mathematics class on tangents to circles. It outlines the learning objectives which are to understand what a tangent is and be able to identify tangents in geometric figures. It describes how the teacher will use examples of drawing various shapes around circles like squares and triangles to show how lines can touch the circle at single points, which defines a tangent. Students will participate by drawing the examples and responding to questions to demonstrate their understanding. They will be assigned homework to identify tangents in additional figures and practice drawing tangents to circles.
This three-lesson unit teaches middle school students about the coordinate plane. In the first lesson, students learn about the four quadrants, x-axis, y-axis, and origin. They practice identifying points in each quadrant. The second lesson focuses on plotting ordered pairs on the coordinate plane. Students locate points and connect them to form shapes. The final lesson has students translate points by moving them along the axes. Throughout, students apply their learning to real-world problems.
The document provides learning outcomes and lesson plans for teaching geometry concepts to early elementary students using a backwards design approach. It includes identifying outcomes like sorting 3D shapes by attributes, describing 2D and 3D shapes. It discusses assessing student understanding through sorting activities and their use of geometric language. The proposed lesson has students work in groups to sort shapes according to a given rule, then draw a shape that fits the rule and write the rule. Follow up activities reinforce the concepts through discussion, modeling shapes, and relating 2D and 3D shapes.
The document provides learning outcomes and lesson plans for teaching geometry concepts to early elementary students using a backwards design approach. It includes identifying outcomes like sorting 3D shapes by attributes, describing 2D and 3D shapes. It discusses assessing student understanding through sorting and classifying activities, using tools like recording sheets. The proposed lesson has students work in groups to sort shapes according to a target shape, then draw shapes that fit the sorting rule. Follow up activities reinforce describing attributes and connecting 2D and 3D shapes.
This document contains 14 activities related to quadrilaterals and parallelograms. The activities involve identifying, classifying, constructing, and proving properties of different types of quadrilaterals. Students are asked to draw and measure quadrilaterals, find midpoints and diagonals, and justify properties of parallelograms, rectangles, rhombuses, kites, trapezoids, and other shapes. Questions provided with each activity assess students' understanding of key definitions and theorems about quadrilaterals.
This lesson plan aims to teach students about finding the sum of angles in polygons. It includes 7 activities: 1) defining polygons and reviewing triangle angles; 2) calculating sums for quadrilaterals and pentagons; 3) dividing into groups to find sums for 6-, 7-, and 8-sided polygons; 4) deriving the formula for an n-sided polygon; 5) reviewing the formula; 6) concluding; and 7) following up with example problems. The teacher uses discussion, diagrams, and grouping to help students understand how to divide polygons into triangles and add the triangle angles to find the total sum.
This lesson plan is for a 9th grade mathematics class on trigonometric ratios of 45-45-90 triangles. The objectives are for students to identify trig ratios in this special triangle, connect the ratios to real life, and find the specific values of the six ratios. To teach this, the teacher will have students play a message relay game in groups, then analyze their observations about the triangle angles and side lengths. Finally, the teacher will discuss properties of 45-45-90 triangles and have students practice finding the six trigonometric ratios of the 45 degree angle. For homework, students must research the 30-60-90 triangle theorem.
The document provides descriptions of 18 differentiated instruction strategies teachers can use in the classroom, including choral response, clothesline, fist of five, and four corners. It also lists exit cards, entrance cards, index card summaries, one minute essays, jigsaws, three minute pauses, idea spinners, and think-pair-share among other strategies. The strategies are designed to engage students, assess understanding, and check for learning in a variety of formats.
This daily lesson plan outlines a mathematics lesson for a Year One class about 3-dimensional shapes. The lesson will last 90 minutes and involve 25 pupils. Students will learn to name, describe, classify, and recognize common 3D shapes like cubes, cylinders, spheres, cuboids, and cones. Activities include a puppet show introduction, exploring 3D models, working in groups to match shapes to objects, and completing a worksheet assessment. The goal is for students to be able to identify, describe, and relate 3D shapes to real-world objects by the end of the lesson.
This lesson plan introduces students to the angle sum of a triangle through three methods: measuring angles with protractors, cutting out triangles and rearranging the corners, and using GeoGebra software. Students will work in groups to measure angles, cut out triangles, and explore interactive worksheets. They will discover that regardless of the type of triangle, the interior angles always sum to 180 degrees. The lesson concludes with an assessment involving calculating unknown angles based on given measures.
This lesson plan introduces students to the angle sum of a triangle through three methods: measuring angles with protractors, cutting out triangles and rearranging the corners, and using GeoGebra software. Students will work in groups to measure angles, cut out triangles, and explore interactive worksheets. They will discover that regardless of the type of triangle, the interior angles always sum to 180 degrees. The lesson concludes with an assessment involving calculating missing angles in various triangles.
This lesson plan introduces 2nd grade students to plane and solid geometric shapes over two weeks. In week one, students will learn to identify and classify basic 2D shapes like triangles, squares, rectangles, circles through activities cutting out shapes from magazines and manipulating attribute blocks. They will also begin to learn about 3D shapes like spheres and cubes by comparing them to 2D shapes. In week two, students further explore solid shapes and learn new vocabulary like prisms and pyramids. Formative assessments include daily quizzes and homework. The performance task is a student-created "Math Museum" displaying real-world examples of shapes.
The document provides strategies for improving mathematics comprehension in secondary schools. It begins with an introduction to the author's educational philosophy of student-centered learning. Various literacy strategies are then described, including connection stems, pre-reading plans, juxtapositioning texts, writing and sketching, and being a math author. The strategies aim to activate prior knowledge, build on student experiences, and engage students in the learning process.
The document is a lesson transcript for a 10th standard mathematics class on tangents to circles. It outlines the learning objectives which are to understand what a tangent is and be able to identify tangents in geometric figures. It describes how the teacher will use examples of drawing various shapes around circles like squares and triangles to show how lines can touch the circle at single points, which defines a tangent. Students will participate by drawing the examples and responding to questions to demonstrate their understanding. They will be assigned homework to identify tangents in additional figures and practice drawing tangents to circles.
This three-lesson unit teaches middle school students about the coordinate plane. In the first lesson, students learn about the four quadrants, x-axis, y-axis, and origin. They practice identifying points in each quadrant. The second lesson focuses on plotting ordered pairs on the coordinate plane. Students locate points and connect them to form shapes. The final lesson has students translate points by moving them along the axes. Throughout, students apply their learning to real-world problems.
The document provides learning outcomes and lesson plans for teaching geometry concepts to early elementary students using a backwards design approach. It includes identifying outcomes like sorting 3D shapes by attributes, describing 2D and 3D shapes. It discusses assessing student understanding through sorting activities and their use of geometric language. The proposed lesson has students work in groups to sort shapes according to a given rule, then draw a shape that fits the rule and write the rule. Follow up activities reinforce the concepts through discussion, modeling shapes, and relating 2D and 3D shapes.
The document provides learning outcomes and lesson plans for teaching geometry concepts to early elementary students using a backwards design approach. It includes identifying outcomes like sorting 3D shapes by attributes, describing 2D and 3D shapes. It discusses assessing student understanding through sorting and classifying activities, using tools like recording sheets. The proposed lesson has students work in groups to sort shapes according to a target shape, then draw shapes that fit the sorting rule. Follow up activities reinforce describing attributes and connecting 2D and 3D shapes.
This document contains 14 activities related to quadrilaterals and parallelograms. The activities involve identifying, classifying, constructing, and proving properties of different types of quadrilaterals. Students are asked to draw and measure quadrilaterals, find midpoints and diagonals, and justify properties of parallelograms, rectangles, rhombuses, kites, trapezoids, and other shapes. Questions provided with each activity assess students' understanding of key definitions and theorems about quadrilaterals.
This lesson plan aims to teach students about finding the sum of angles in polygons. It includes 7 activities: 1) defining polygons and reviewing triangle angles; 2) calculating sums for quadrilaterals and pentagons; 3) dividing into groups to find sums for 6-, 7-, and 8-sided polygons; 4) deriving the formula for an n-sided polygon; 5) reviewing the formula; 6) concluding; and 7) following up with example problems. The teacher uses discussion, diagrams, and grouping to help students understand how to divide polygons into triangles and add the triangle angles to find the total sum.
This lesson plan is for a 9th grade mathematics class on trigonometric ratios of 45-45-90 triangles. The objectives are for students to identify trig ratios in this special triangle, connect the ratios to real life, and find the specific values of the six ratios. To teach this, the teacher will have students play a message relay game in groups, then analyze their observations about the triangle angles and side lengths. Finally, the teacher will discuss properties of 45-45-90 triangles and have students practice finding the six trigonometric ratios of the 45 degree angle. For homework, students must research the 30-60-90 triangle theorem.
The document provides descriptions of 18 differentiated instruction strategies teachers can use in the classroom, including choral response, clothesline, fist of five, and four corners. It also lists exit cards, entrance cards, index card summaries, one minute essays, jigsaws, three minute pauses, idea spinners, and think-pair-share among other strategies. The strategies are designed to engage students, assess understanding, and check for learning in a variety of formats.
This daily lesson plan outlines a mathematics lesson for a Year One class about 3-dimensional shapes. The lesson will last 90 minutes and involve 25 pupils. Students will learn to name, describe, classify, and recognize common 3D shapes like cubes, cylinders, spheres, cuboids, and cones. Activities include a puppet show introduction, exploring 3D models, working in groups to match shapes to objects, and completing a worksheet assessment. The goal is for students to be able to identify, describe, and relate 3D shapes to real-world objects by the end of the lesson.
This lesson plan introduces students to the angle sum of a triangle through three methods: measuring angles with protractors, cutting out triangles and rearranging the corners, and using GeoGebra software. Students will work in groups to measure angles, cut out triangles, and explore interactive worksheets. They will discover that regardless of the type of triangle, the interior angles always sum to 180 degrees. The lesson concludes with an assessment involving calculating unknown angles based on given measures.
This lesson plan introduces students to the angle sum of a triangle through three methods: measuring angles with protractors, cutting out triangles and rearranging the corners, and using GeoGebra software. Students will work in groups to measure angles, cut out triangles, and explore interactive worksheets. They will discover that regardless of the type of triangle, the interior angles always sum to 180 degrees. The lesson concludes with an assessment involving calculating missing angles in various triangles.
How to Modify Existing Web Pages in Odoo 18Celine George
In this slide, well discuss on how to modify existing web pages in Odoo 18. Web pages in Odoo 18 can also gather user data through user-friendly forms, encourage interaction through engaging features.
Computer Application in Business (commerce)Sudar Sudar
The main objectives
1. To introduce the concept of computer and its various parts. 2. To explain the concept of data base management system and Management information system.
3. To provide insight about networking and basics of internet
Recall various terms of computer and its part
Understand the meaning of software, operating system, programming language and its features
Comparing Data Vs Information and its management system Understanding about various concepts of management information system
Explain about networking and elements based on internet
1. Recall the various concepts relating to computer and its various parts
2 Understand the meaning of softwares, operating system etc
3 Understanding the meaning and utility of database management system
4 Evaluate the various aspects of management information system
5 Generating more ideas regarding the use of internet for business purpose
The Constitution, Government and Law making bodies .saanidhyapatel09
This PowerPoint presentation provides an insightful overview of the Constitution, covering its key principles, features, and significance. It explains the fundamental rights, duties, structure of government, and the importance of constitutional law in governance. Ideal for students, educators, and anyone interested in understanding the foundation of a nations legal framework.
Prelims of Rass MELAI : a Music, Entertainment, Literature, Arts and Internet Culture Quiz organized by Conquiztadors, the Quiz society of Sri Venkateswara College under their annual quizzing fest El Dorado 2025.
Finals of Kaun TALHA : a Travel, Architecture, Lifestyle, Heritage and Activism quiz, organized by Conquiztadors, the Quiz society of Sri Venkateswara College under their annual quizzing fest El Dorado 2025.
Mate, a short story by Kate Grenvile.pptxLiny Jenifer
A powerpoint presentation on the short story Mate by Kate Greenville. This presentation provides information on Kate Greenville, a character list, plot summary and critical analysis of the short story.
Digital Tools with AI for e-Content Development.pptxDr. Sarita Anand
This ppt is useful for not only for B.Ed., M.Ed., M.A. (Education) or any other PG level students or Ph.D. scholars but also for the school, college and university teachers who are interested to prepare an e-content with AI for their students and others.
How to Configure Flexible Working Schedule in Odoo 18 EmployeeCeline George
In this slide, well discuss on how to configure flexible working schedule in Odoo 18 Employee module. In Odoo 18, the Employee module offers powerful tools to configure and manage flexible working schedules tailored to your organization's needs.
Useful environment methods in Odoo 18 - Odoo 際際滷sCeline George
In this slide well discuss on the useful environment methods in Odoo 18. In Odoo 18, environment methods play a crucial role in simplifying model interactions and enhancing data processing within the ORM framework.
Information Technology for class X CBSE skill SubjectVEENAKSHI PATHAK
These questions are based on cbse booklet for 10th class information technology subject code 402. these questions are sufficient for exam for first lesion. This subject give benefit to students and good marks. if any student weak in one main subject it can replace with these marks.
The basics of sentences session 6pptx.pptxheathfieldcps1
Math and eco ict lessons
Subbmited To :
Asst.Prof. Suman Kumari
Name :- Jatinder Singh
Roll No :- 11081823423
Class :- B.Ed Sem. 4th
Session :- 2018-20. .
Subbmited By :-
Enhancing Learning through ICT
Assignment on :-
Developing five project based lesson plan on a PC
3. General Aids :- Chalk , chalkboard, pointer, duster etc.
Special Aids :- PPT
General Aims :- 1. To create interest of students in the subject mathematics.
2. To impart the knowledge about different methods to solve mathematical problems.
3. To train the pupils to apply mathematics in their daily lives.
Special Aim :- To impart the knowledge about Triangle andd its Types
P.K Assumed :- Pupils have knowledge about Lines , points and etc.
P.K Testing : - I will ask the following questions to check Previous Knowledge of students :---
Q1. (By making few points on chalkboard) What I have made on chalkboard ?
Q2. (By asking one student) when we join two points what is formed?
Q3. By joining three line segments, Which figure is formed?
Q4. If joining three lines segments are equal in length then this triangle is called ?
Q5. What are the other types of triangles?
Announcing the Topic :- Well students, today we are going to learn about Triangle & its Types.
Presentation :-
Lesson. 1
Date : 02/02/2020 Class : 8th Duration: 35min
Subject : Mathematics Period : 7th Supervisor : Suman Kumari
Topic : Triangle and Its Types. Illustrative Aids: PPT
4. Subject Matter
It is two dimensional figure formed by
joining three line segments.
Types of Triangles
(A) On the basis of sides ------
Equilateral Triangle :
A triangle which is formed by equal
length line segments. Each angle of this triangle
is 60属.
Isosceles Triangle :
A triangle whose two sides are equal in
length and two angles have same measures.
P T s Activities
I will define & explain the meaning
of Triangle and draw the rough
sketch on chalkboard.
I will explain there two basis for
types of Triangles sides and angles
I will explain about equilateral
Triangle, draw it and ask to draw the
same on their notebooks.
I will explain about Isosceles triangle
Draw it and ask to draw the same on
their notebooks.
I will explain about Scalence riangle
Draw it and ask to draw the same on
their notebooks.
Pupils Activities
Pupils will listen carefully &
understand the meaning of
Triangle and draw it on their
Pupils will understand about
th basis of Triangles
Pupils will listen and
understand about equilateral
Triangles and draw it on their
Pupils will listen and
understand about Isosceles
Triangles and draw it on their
Pupils will listen and
understand about Scalence
triangle and draw it on their
PPT (際際滷s) /MediaSubject - Matter PTs Activities Pupils Activities PPT (際際滷s) /Media
5. Subject Matter
Scalence Triangle :
No side of triangle is equal. Each
angle is different
(A) On the basis of angles------
Right Angle Triangle :
A triangle which has one angle 90属 is
called Right angles Triangle.
Obtuse Angle Triangle :
A triangle whose one angle is more than
90属 is called Obtuse angle Triangle.
Acute Angle Triangle :
A Triangle which has each angle is less
than 90属 is called Acute Angle Triangle.
P T s Activities
I will explain that there are three
types of Triangles on the basis of
I will explain about Right angle
Triangle, draw it and ask to draw the
same on their notebooks.
I will explain about Obtuse triangle
Draw it and ask to draw the same on
their notebooks.
I will explain about Acute Angle
Triangle Draw it and ask to draw the
same on their notebooks.
Pupils Activities
Pupils will understand about
th basis of Triangles
Pupils will listen and
understand about Right angle
Triangles and draw it on their
Pupils will listen and
understand about Obtuse
angle Triangles and draw it on
their notebooks.
Pupils will listen and
understand about Acute
angle triangle and draw it on
their notebooks.
PPT (際際滷s) /MediaSubject - Matter PTs Activities Pupils Activities PPT (際際滷s) /Media
6. Generalizations :
Well students , we have discussed about Triangle and its types.
Recapitulation :
I will ask the following questions to check how much they understood : -
Q1. What is Triangle ?
Q2. On what basis we can divide types of Triangles ?
Q3. What do you mean by Equilateral Triangle ?
Q4. When does Right angel Triangle form ?
Q5. A Triangle is called Scalence if ________.
Homework :-
Q1. What do you mean by Triangle ?
Q2. Draw 6 types of Triangles with their explanations .
7. General Aids :- Chalk , chalkboard, pointer, duster etc.
Special Aids :- PPT
General Aims :- 1. To create interest of students in the subject mathematics.
2. To impart the knowledge about different methods to solve mathematical problems.
3. To train the pupils to apply mathematics in their daily lives.
Special Aim :- To impart the knowledge about Quadrilateral and its Types
P.K Assumed :- Pupils have knowledge about Lines , square and rectangle.
P.K Testing : - I will ask the following questions to check Previous Knowledge of students :---
Q1. (By making few points on chalkboard) What I have made on chalkboard ?
Q2. (By asking one student) Join these two points.
Q3. By joining two points, What is formed?
Q4. When we join 4 different points with equal length which figure is made ?
Q5. What do you mean by Quadrilateral?
Announcing the Topic :- Well students, today we are going to learn about Quadrilateral & its Types.
Presentation :-
Lesson. 2
Date : 02/02/2020 Class : 8th Duration: 35min
Subject : Mathematics Period : 7th Supervisor : Suman Kumari
Topic : Quadrilateral and Its Types. Illustrative Aids: PPT
8. Subject Matter
Quadrilaterals : It is a closed plane figure
bounded by four line segments. For example,
the figure ABCD shown here is a quadrilateral.
Types of Quadrilaterals with Properties
Opposite sides are parallel and equal.
All angles are 90尊.
The diagonals bisect each other.
Opposite sides are parallel and equal.
All angles are 90尊.
Diagonals bisect each other at right angles.
Opposite sides are parallel and equal.
Opposite angles are equal.
Diagonals bisect each other.
P T s Activities
I will define & explain the meaning
of Quadrilateral and draw the rough
sketch on chalkboard.
Pt will explain about Rectangle,
Draw it and explain its properties
and ask to draw the same on their
Pt will explain about Square, Draw it
and explain its properties and ask to
draw the same on their notebooks.
Pt will explain about Parallelogram,
Draw it and explain its properties
and ask to draw the same on their
Pupils Activities
Pupils will listen carefully &
understand the meaning and
draw Quadrilateral on their
Pupils will listen and
understand about Rectangle
and draw it on their
Pupils will listen and
understand about Square and
draw it on their notebooks.
Pupils will listen and
understand about
Parallelogram and draw it on
their notebooks.
PPT (際際滷s) /Media
Subject - Matter PTs Activities Pupils Activities PPT (際際滷s) /Media
9. Subject Matter
All sides are equal and opposite sides are
Opposite angles are equal.
The diagonals bisect each other at right
One pair of opposite sides parallel.
A regular trapezium has non-parallel sides equal
and its base angles are equal.
Two pairs of adjacent sides are equal.
One pair of opposite angles is equal.
Diagonals intersect at right angles.
The longest diagonal bisects the shortest
diagonal into two equal parts.
P T s Activities
Pt will explain about Rhombus,
Draw it and explain its properties
and ask to draw the same on their
Pt will explain about Trapezium,
Draw it and explain its properties
and ask to draw the same on their
Pt will explain about Kite, Draw it
and explain its properties and ask to
draw the same on their notebooks.
Pupils Activities
Pupils will listen and
understand about Rhombus
and draw it on their
Pupils will listen and
understand about Trapezium
and draw it on their
Pupils will listen and
understand about
Parallelogram and draw it on
their notebooks.
PPT (際際滷s) /Media
Subject - Matter PTs Activities Pupils Activities PPT (際際滷s) /Media
10. Generalizations :
Well students , we have discussed about Quadrilateral and its types.
Recapitulation :
I will ask the following questions to check how much they understood : -
Q1. What is Quadrilateral ?
Q2. Give 4 examples of Quadrilateral.
Q3. What is the difference between Square and Rectangle ?
Q4. When does parallelogram become Rhombus ?
Q5. Define Trapezium.
Homework :-
Q1. What do you mean by Quadrilateral ?
Q2. Draw 6 types of Quadrilateral with their Properties
11. General Aids :- Chalk , chalkboard, pointer, duster etc.
Special Aids :- PPT
General Aims :- 1. To create interest of students in the subject mathematics.
2. To impart the knowledge about different methods to solve mathematical problems.
3. To train the pupils to apply mathematics in their daily lives.
Special Aim :- To impart the knowledge about Polygon and its Types
P.K Assumed :- Pupils have knowledge about Lines , square and triangle.
P.K Testing : - I will ask the following questions to check Previous Knowledge of students :---
Q1. (By making few points on chalkboard) What I have made on chalkboard ?
Q2. (By asking one student) What is line segment ?
Q3. By joining three line segments, What is formed?
Q4. When we join 4 line segments equal length which figure is made ?
Q5. What do we call the figures which is made by joining 5 or more than 5 line segments?
Announcing the Topic :- Well students, today we are going to learn about Polygon & its Types.
Presentation :-
Lesson. 3
Date : 02/02/2020 Class : 8th Duration: 35min
Subject : Mathematics Period : 7th Supervisor : Suman Kumari
Topic : Polygon and Its Types. Illustrative Aids: PPT
12. Subject Matter
Polygon :-
It is a plane figure that is
described by a finite number of straight
line segments connected to form a
closed polygonal chain
Types of Polygon with sub-parts
It is formed by joining three line segments.
It is of three types :-
1. Equilateral Triangle
2. Isosceles Triangle
3. scalene Triangle
It is formed by joining four line segments.
It is of six types :-
1. Square
2. Rectangle
3. Parllolgram
4. Rhombus
5. Trapezium
6. Kite
P T s Activities
I will define & explain the meaning
of Polygon and draw the rough
sketch on chalkboard.
I will explain about Triangle, Draw it
and explain its types and ask to
draw the same on their notebooks.
I will explain about Quadrilateral,
Draw it and explain its Types and
ask to draw the same on their
Pupils Activities
Pupils will listen carefully &
understand the meaning of
Polygon and draw it on their
Pupils will listen and
understand about Triangles
and draw it on their
Pupils will listen and
understand about
Quadrilaterals and draw it on
their notebooks.
PPT (際際滷s) /Media
Subject - Matter PTs Activities Pupils Activities PPT (際際滷s) /Media
= Many + sides
13. Subject Matter
It is two dimensional solid made up with five
line segments
It is two dimensional solid made up with six line
It is two dimensional solid made up with five
line segments
It is two dimensional solid made up with five
line segments
P T s Activities
I will explain about Pentagon, Draw
and explain its and ask to draw the
same on their notebooks.
I will explain about Hexagon , Draw
and explain its and ask to draw the
same on their notebooks.
I will explain about Septagon, Draw
and explain its and ask to draw the
same on their notebooks.
I will explain about Octagon, Draw
and explain its and ask to draw the
same on their notebooks.
Pupils Activities
Pupils will listen and
understand about Pentagon
and draw it on their
Pupils will listen and
understand about Septagon
and draw it on their
Pupils will listen and
understand about Octagon
and draw it on their
Pupils will listen and
understand about Octagon
and draw it on their
Subject - Matter PTs Activities Pupils Activities PPT (際際滷s) /Media
14. Nonagon
It is two dimensional solid made up with
five line segments
Pt will explain about Nonagon,
Draw it and explain its properties
and ask to draw the same on their
Pupils will listen and
understand about Rhombus
and draw it on their
Generalizations :
Well students , we have discussed about Polygon and its types.
Recapitulation :
I will ask the following questions to check how much they understood : -
Q1. Term Polygon is made up of two words ______ and ______.
Q2. What is Quadrilateral ?
Q3. Give 4 examples of Quadrilateral.
Q4. Figure formed by 5 line segments is called _______.
Q5. Give examples of different types of Triangles.
Homework :-
Q1. What do you mean by Polygon ?
Q2. List the types of Polygons with their diagrams .
PPT (際際滷s) /MediaPupils ActivitiesPTs ActivitiesSubject - Matter
15. General Aids :- Chalk , chalkboard, pointer, duster etc.
Special Aids :- PPT
General Aims :- 1. To create interest of students in the subject Economics.
2. To impart the knowledge about different methods to solve Economic problems.
3. To train the pupils to apply knowledge of economics in their daily lives.
4. To develop rational and critical thinking among them.
Special Aim :- To impart the knowledge about Money and its Functions
P.K Assumed :- Pupils have knowledge about Coins and barter system.
P.K Testing : - I will ask the following questions to check Previous Knowledge of students :---
Q1. What was the earliest system for exchanging goods and services?
Q2. Through what we can buy things in present days ?
Q3. Give examples of money?
Q4.What are the main functions of money?
Announcing the Topic :- Well students, today we are going to learn about Money and its Functions .
Presentation :-
Lesson. 4
Date : 02/02/2020 Class : 12th Duration: 35min
Subject : Mathematics Period : 7th Supervisor : Suman Kumari
Topic : Money and Its Functions. Illustrative Aids: PPT
16. Subject Matter
Money :-
Money is anything serving as a medium
of exchange.
Money is any good that is widely used and
accepted in transactions involving the transfer of
goods and services from one person to another.
e.g Coin, Note , good ,cheque etc.
Main Functions of Money
Medium of Exchange :
People exchange goods and services
through the medium of money. Money acts as a
medium of exchange or as a medium of
payments. It is only an intermediary.
Standard of Deferred Payments :
Deferred payments are payments which
are made some time in the future. Debts are
usually expressed in terms of the money of
account. Loans are taken and repaid in terms of
P T s Activities
I will explain the meaning of Money
and give examples of it.
I will say ,now we are going to
discuss about functions of money
and show a slide.
I will explain about Money as
medium of exchange with example
by showing picture on slide.
I will explain about Money as
Standard of deferred payments
with example by showing picture on
Pupils Activities
Pupils will listen carefully &
understand the meaning of
Money and note it on their
Pupils will listen and
understand note it on their
Pupils will listen and
understand about Money as
medium of exchange and
note it on their notebooks.
Pupils will listen and understand
about Money as standard of
deferred payments and note it on
their notebooks.
PPT (際際滷s) /MediaSubject - Matter PTs Activities Pupils Activities PPT (際際滷s) /Media
Functions of
17. Subject Matter
Measure of Value :
Money is the measuring rod, i.e it is the units in
terms of which the values of other goods and services
are measured in money terms and expressed accordingly
Different goods produced in the country are measured
in different units like cloth in metres, milk in ltr. and
sugar in Kg.
Store of Value :
Wealth can be stored in terms of money for
future. It serves as a store value of goods in liquid form.
By spending it, we can get any commodity in future.
Holding money is equivalent to keeping a reserve of
liquid assets because it can be easily converted into
other things.
The Basis of Credit :
Money facilitates loans. Borrowers can use money
to obtain goods and services when they are needed
most. A newly married couple, for example, would need
a lot of money to completely furnish a house at once.
They are not required to wait for, say ten years, so as to
be able to save enough money to buy costly items like
cars, refrigerators, T.V. sets, etc.
P T s Activities
I will explain about Money as
Measure of Value and give examples
of this.
I will explain about Money as Store
of Value and give examples of this.
I will explain about Money as Basis
of Credit and give examples of this.
Pupils Activities
Pupils will listen carefully &
understand about this
function and note down on
their notebooks.
Pupils will listen carefully &
understand about this
function and note down on
their notebooks.
Pupils will listen carefully &
understand about this
function and note down on
their notebooks.
PPT (際際滷s) /MediaSubject - Matter PTs Activities Pupils Activities PPT (際際滷s) /Media
Money as
a Store of
Money as
of Value
Money is
Basis of
18. Generalizations :
Well students , we have discussed about Money and its Functions.
Recapitulation :
I will ask the following questions to check how much they understood : -
Q1. What is Money ?
Q2. Give 4 examples of Money.
Q3. Name the functions of money.
Q4. How does Money medium of exchange?
Q5. Explain money as deferred of payment?
Homework :-
Q1. Define Money. What are the various functions of money?Explain in detail.
19. General Aids :- Chalk , chalkboard, pointer, duster etc.
Special Aids :- PPT
General Aims :- 1. To create interest of students in the subject Economics.
2. To impart the knowledge about different methods to solve Economic problems.
3. To train the pupils to apply knowledge of economics in their daily lives.
4. To develop rational and critical thinking among them.
Special Aim :- To impart the knowledge about Bank and its Functions
P.K Assumed :- Pupils have knowledge about Money , its savings and bank.
P.K Testing : - I will ask the following questions to check Previous Knowledge of students :---
Q1. What does your father do ?
Q2. What does he get from his work?
Q3. After spending money on basic needs , where does he save money?
Q4. Give some names of Banks in your area ?
Q5. What are the other functions bank ?
Announcing the Topic :- Well students, today we are going to learn about Functions of bank.
Presentation :-
Lesson. 5
Date : 02/02/2020 Class : 12th Duration: 35min
Subject : Mathematics Period : 7th Supervisor : Suman Kumari
Topic : Functions of banks Illustrative Aids: PPT
20. Subject Matter
Bank :-
A bank is a financial institution licensed to receive
deposits and make loans. An establishment authorized by
a government to accept deposits, pay interest, clear checks,
make loans, act as an intermediary in financial transactions,
and provide other financial services to its customers.
Functions of Bank
Primary functions
Accept Deposits
The bank collects deposits from the public. These
deposits can be of different types, such as :-
Saving Deposits
Fixed Deposits
Current Deposits
Recurring Deposits
Granting of Loans and Advances
The bank advances loans to the business community
and other members of the public. The rate charged is
higher than what it pays on deposits.
The types of bank loans and advances are :-
Cash Credits
Discounting of Bill of Exchange
P T s Activities
I will explain the meaning of Bank show
the picture of bank on ppt slide.
I will tell there are two types functions
of bank primary and secondary.
I will explain about the first primary
function of bank Accepting Deposits
and its types and ask to note down on
their notebooks.
I will explain about the second primary
function of bank Granting of Loans and
Advances its types and ask to note
down on their notebooks.
Pupils Activities
Pupils will listen carefully &
understand the meaning of
Pupil will understand the
primary and secondary
functions of bank.
Pupils will listen and
understand about Accepting
Deposits and types of
Pupils will listen and understand
about Granting of loans and
Advances and types of loans. They
will note down these on their
PPT (際際滷s) /MediaSubject - Matter PTs Activities Pupils Activities PPT (際際滷s) /Media
Functions of Bank
1. Primary
2. Secondary
loans and
21. Secondary functions of bank
Agency Functions
The bank acts as an agent of its customers. The bank
performs a number of agency functions which includes :-
Transfer of Funds
Collection of Cheques
Periodic Payments
Portfolio Management
Periodic Collections
General Utility Functions
The bank also performs general utility functions,
such as :-
Issue of Drafts, Letter of Credits, etc.
Locker Facility
Underwriting of Shares
Dealing in Foreign Exchange
Project Reports
Social Welfare Programmes
P T s Activities
Now, I will explain secondary functions
of bank.
I will explain about the first Secondary
function of bank as Agency functions
and then explain each of them and ask
them to note down on their notebooks.
I will explain about the secomd
Secondary function of bank as General
Utility functions and then explain each
of them and ask them to note down on
their notebooks.
Pupil will understand the
secondary functions of bank.
Pupils will listen and
understand about Agency
functions and types of Agency
Pupils will listen and understand
about General Utility functions and
They will note down these on their
PPT (際際滷s) /MediaSubject - Matter PTs Activities Pupils Activities PPT (際際滷s) /Media
22. Generalizations :
Well students , we have discussed about Functions of banks"
Recapitulation :
I will ask the following questions to check how much they understood : -
Q1. What is Bank ?
Q2. What are the two types of functions of bank?
Q3. Explain primary functions of bank.
Q4. Name the secondary functions of bank.
Q5. What are the types Deposits accounts in bank
Homework :-
Q1. What do you mean by Bank ?
Q2. Explain the functions of bank.