Not all children can learn something in the same way. Recognize or understand the child more closely will help improve their learning patterns.
Children will easily gain knowledge of something they are passionate about. In present times, most of the children are exposed to computers or portable gadgets nowadays. However, their school or the examination system still manually or in writing, and arithmetic.
So, this MathExcell program can help them to memorize multiplication by using their own computers or gadgets. This method is more effective than old method which is memorizing that will make them feel tired.
This program can help children who are weak in the multiplication calculation, but competent playing computer games.
2. Part One
Preparations Before Using MathExcell
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3. When Receive MathExcell Via Email
Click on the attachment and click the right mouse button
and select "Save As".
Jika ada sebarang pertanyaan sila email kepada:
4. When Receive MathExcell Via Email
Choose any of the appropriate folder and click "Save". Do not
change the name of the file or the "File Name".
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5. The steps Before Opening MathExcell
Select the Security Level In Your Microsoft Excel
1) Open Microsoft Excel and select Tools, select the Macro, and
click Security as below.
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6. The steps Before Opening MathExcell
2) Set the security level to "Medium" and click OK.
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7. Open MathExcell Software
Open the folder earlier and double click on MathExcel (Cerdik
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8. Open MathExcell Software (continue)
This Warning will come out. Click on "Enable Macros".
This message will come out, click OK.
Jika ada sebarang pertanyaan sila email kepada:
9. Open MathExcell Software (continue)
REMEMBER: A software for one computer only. Ensure Enhanced
tables opened on a computer used by students.
This message will pop-up and just "capture" or "Print Screen" message.
Send this image or send the contents of the message ("Product ID",
"Agent ID" and "Computer ID") to the email listed for MathExcell
software to be activated.
MathExcell will be sent back to you via email and you have to "Save"
as you received earlier.
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10. Part Two
How To Use MathExcell
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11. Open MathExcell Software
Open the folder earlier and double click on MathExcel (Cerdik
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12. Open MathExcell Software (continue)
This Warning will come out. Click on "Enable Macros".
This message will come out, click OK.
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13. MathExcell front page tables are activated and the
students have to choose the language to be used.
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14. The student information. Students need to fill out all
the information below, or else...
Jika ada sebarang pertanyaan sila email kepada:
15. .this message will pop-up.
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16. Examples of complete information. This information is
according to the needs of the students or parents.
Jika ada sebarang pertanyaan sila email kepada:
17. The question. Press "Start" to begin to answer. The start
time is calculated after the button is pressed.
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18. Enter your answers, press "Enter" on the keyboard
("Keyboard") and press the "Next Question". Repeat
until the last question.
Jika ada sebarang pertanyaan sila email kepada:
20. This message will pop-up and click OK.
Jika ada sebarang pertanyaan sila email kepada:
21. Analysis of the results of the training provided. There is a
percentage, the number of questions, the answer to a
question, the answer is right and the time taken.
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22. If the answer is wrong, it should be memorized. The
correct answer should be memorized if the time taken in
excess of the stipulated time.
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23. Students can save the results as a parent review by
clicking "Save".
Jika ada sebarang pertanyaan sila email kepada:
24. Box "Save As" will appear. Select "folder" and select the
appropriate file names before storing. Click "Save".
Jika ada sebarang pertanyaan sila email kepada:
25. Press the "Reset" button to exit from the results and to
repeat the exercise.
Jika ada sebarang pertanyaan sila email kepada:
26. Back to the student information. Enter the data of the
students, if they want to repeat the exercise. Press
Main" to get out.
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27. Click "Close" to exit directly from these MathExcell
REMEMBER: If you exit without press the "Close", Microsoft Excel you will definitely
have problems.
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28. Site Income For You!
Each buyer is qualified to be an agent and as an agent, you
are eligible to receive 10% of each sale (Each purchase will
be accompanied with an agent code).
Method: Promotion through email, facebook, twitter and so
on. Send slides and tables Intelligent software you purchase or
mail to all your contacts list. If other buyers to purchase this
software, you will be paid based on the agent code as shown
Payment will be collected and paid monthly.
Product Price: USD5.00 only.
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29. Thank You
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