This document provides information for an online mathematics course including instructor details, websites used, grading breakdown, ALEKS overview and requirements. The course will be facilitated through Moodle and ALEKS, with 75% of the grade based on ALEKS mastery determined by a final exam. Students must complete weekly check-ins, a common assessment, and proctored tests by specified dates to successfully complete the course.
3. Your Classoom
You will be using two websites for this course,
Moodle -Online Classroom
Aleks - Practice and Tests
4. The Moodle
Your course can be found under the
A2 Virtual+:Online Classrooms link.
From this site, you will find your assignments
that need to be completed in order to
successfully complete this course.
The assignments on the Moodle and their due
dates are meant to serve as a pacing guide to
help you keep on track. If you do not meet the
due dates of the assignments your grade will
not be effected in a negative way.
6. Grade
5% of your grade will be based on weekly check
ins done on the Moodle.
20% of your grade will be based on your score
on the Common Assessment.
75% of your grade will be ALEKS mastery. This
will be determined by the last ALEKS Final you
The Common Assessment and ALEKS final
exam must be completed for each semester class.
7. Aleks Grade Conversion
Because of the mastery nature of this
course, the percent you earn on the Aleks
final will be converted using the chart on
the following slide.
8. ALEKS Grade
98% A+
96% A
94% A-
92% B+
90% B
88% B-
86% C+
84% C
82% C-
80% D+
78% D
76% D-
9. Completing Topics in
Complete topics in one of two ways:
Correctly answer a question on the initial
Working on topics from the ALEKS pie and
then passing them on the progress
11. Tests
The ALEKS program will generate the tests:
After approximately 5 hours of work
after you have mastered approximately 20 topics through
If you answer the problem correctly it will remain in
your pie.
If you answer incorrectly, you will need to practice
more problems and then it will come up on future
12. Tests(cont..)
The progress tests are comprehensive
and therefore will contain questions that
you may not have seen before. For those
questions you can either click I have not
learned this or try to answer the problem.
If you get it correct you will not need to
practice the topic in the pie.
13. Learning Topics
Practice vs. Explain
Independent Learning
Arrange a time to meet with me.
14. Requirements
You need to plan to work on your class
at least 5 hours per week.
You must take one proctored test by
April 2, 2015.
Final cumulative test for ALEKS by
June 5, 2015
(You can retake the final as many times as
you would like before June 12, 2015)
Common Assessment by June 12, 2015.
( You can only take this once)
15. Notebooks
Every work session in your notebook
should start with the date and topic.
All of your test problems showing work.
Turn in the notebook at completion of final
You will not receive a grade unless you
complete a notebook.