A 57-year-old male patient presented with neck pain radiating to both upper limbs following a fall from a chair 4 months ago. On examination, the patient had increased tone in both upper and lower limbs with normal bulk and strength graded 4+/5 throughout. Reflexes were symmetrically brisk. Sensory examination was normal and cranial nerve examination was unremarkable. The impression was bilateral cervical radiculopathy with anterior cord compression due to trauma.
2. A 57/M patient who is right handed by nature ,
-Neck pain radiating to both upper limbs
- A/H/O trauma over neck due to fall from chair 4
months ago.
- No radiation
- No paresthesias
- No H/o slippage of chappals
- No fever, No bowel/bladder symptoms
CN 1: B/L sense of smell normal
CN2: VA right 6/9 and left 6/9,
fundoscopy normal disc
CN 3,4,6-
All EOM full range,
No nystagmus
No ptosis
Pupils- B/L 3mm equal and reactive.