Sir Isaac Newton was an English physicist, mathematician, astronomer, natural philosopher, alchemist, and theologian. He developed the principles of modern physics, including mechanics and universal gravitation. As a mathematician, Newton invented integral and differential calculus and made important contributions to mathematics. He published his seminal work Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica in 1687, laying out his laws of motion and universal gravitation. Newton died in 1727 and was buried in Westminster Abbey in recognition of his achievements.
Sir Isaac Newton PRS (4 January 1643
31 March 1727 [OS: 25 December 1642
20 March 1727])[1].
He was an English physicist,
mathematician, astronomer,
natural philosopher, alchemist, and
3. From the age of about twelve until he was
seventeen, Newton was educated at
The King's School, Grantham
(where his alleged signature can still be seen upon a
In June 1661, he was admitted to
Trinity College, Cambridge as a sizar a sort of
work-study role.[14] At that time, the college's
teachings were based on those of Aristotle,
4. Newton preferred to read the more
advanced ideas of modern philosophers,
such as Descartes, and of astronomers
such as Copernicus, Galileo, and Kepler.
In 1665, he discovered the generalised
binomial theorem and began to develop a
mathematical theory that would later
become infinitesimal calculus
5. Mathematics
Newton has been regarded for almost
300 years as the founding examplar of
modern physical science,
His achievements in experimental
investigation being as innovative as
those in mathematical research
7. Newton made contributions to all branches
of mathematics then studied .
But is especially famous for his solutions
to the contemporary problems in analytical
geometry of drawing tangents to curves
(differentiation) and defining areas
bounded by curves (integration).
8. Not only did Newton discover that these
problems were inverse to each other, but
he discovered general methods of
resolving problems of curvature,
embraced in his "method of fluxions" and
"inverse method of fluxions",
respectively equivalent to Leibniz's later
differential and integral calculus.
9. Fluxions were expressed algebraically, as
Leibniz's differentials were, but Newton made
extensive use also (especially in the Principia) of
analogous geometrical arguments.
Newton's work on pure mathematics was
virtually hidden from all but his correspondents
until 1704, when he published, with Opticks, a
tract on the quadrature of curves (integration)
and another on the classification of the cubic
11. The Calculus Priority Dispute
Newton had the essence of the methods of
fluxions by 1666. The first to become known,
privately, to other mathematicians, in 1668,
was his method of integration by infinite
In Paris in 1675 Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz
independently evolved the first ideas of his
differential calculus
12. . Newton had already described some of
his mathematical discoveries to Leibniz,
not including his method of fluxions.
In 1684 Leibniz published his first paper
on calculus; a small group of
mathematicians took up his ideas.
Newton demonstrates it from the
revolutions of the six known planets,
including the Earth, and their satellites.
However, he could never quite perfect the
difficult theory of the Moon's motion.
As mathematician, Newton invented
integral calculus, and jointly with Leibnitz,
differential calculus .
He also calculated a formula for finding
the velocity of sound in a gas which was
later corrected by Laplace.
15. Newton published his single greatest
work, the 'Philosophiae Naturalis Principia
Mathematica' ('Mathematical Principles of
Natural Philosophy').
This showed how a universal force,
gravity, applied to all objects in all parts of
the universe.
16. He also worked out the fluxional calculus
tolerably completely: this in a manuscript
dated November 13, 1665, he used
fluxions to find the tangent and the radius
of curvature at any point on a curve.
And in October 1666 he applied them to
several problems in the theory of
equations .
17. In this letter Newton begins by saying that
altogether he had used three methods for
expansion in series.
His first was arrived at from the study of
the method of interpolation by which
Wallis had found expressions for the area
of a circle and a hyperbola
18. Thus, by considering the series of
expressions , , ,..., (1-x)02
This was the method of fluxions; but
Newton gives no description of it here,
though he adds some illustrations of its
The first illustration is on the quadrature of
the curve represented by the equation
19. he points out that the area of any curve can be
easily determined approximately by the method
of interpolation described below in discussing his
Methodus Differentialis.
At the end of his letter Newton alludes to the
solution of the ``inverse problem of tangents,'' a
subject on which Leibnitz had asked for
20. The Universal Arithmetic, which is on algebra,
theory of equations, and miscellaneous
problems, contains the substance of Newton's
lectures during the years 1673 to 1683.
He extends Descartes's rule of signs to give
limits to the number of imaginary roots. He uses
the principle of continuity to explain how two real
and unequal roots may become imaginary in
passing through equality, and illustrates this by
geometrical considerations
21. Mathematics - The origin of Newton's
interest in mathematics can be traced to
his undergraduate days at Cambridge.
Here Newton became acquainted with a
number of contemporary works, including
an edition of Descartes G辿om辿trie, John
Wallis' Arithmetica infinitorum, and other
works by prominent mathematicians.
22. Specifically, he discovered the binomial
theorem, new methods for expansion of
infinite series, and his 'direct and inverse
method of fluxions.
As the term implies, fluxional calculus is a
method for treating changing or flowing
23. Newton's creative years in mathematics
extended from 1664 to roughly the spring
of 1696.
Although his predecessors had
anticipated various elements of the
calculus, Newton generalized and
integrated these insights while developing
new and more rigorous methods.
Newton died in London on March 20, 1727
and was buried in Westminster Abbey, the
first scientist to be accorded this honor.
review of an encyclopedia of science will
reveal at least two to three times more
references to Newton than any other
individual scientist.
25. An 18th century poem written by
Alexander Pope about Sir Isaac Newton
states it best:
Nature and Nature's laws lay hid in night:
God said, Let Newton be! and all was