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Alexander I Matlock
480/255 6267; aimatloc@asu.edu
A position as an experimental engineer in the aerospace industry, where design, teamwork, and leadership skills can be leveraged to
pursue further interest in conceptual design and production of innovative technology.
Professional Profile
Innovative and creative engineer with a background in both mechanical and aeronautics. Has demonstrated leadership skills by:
providing motivation, administering structure, fulfilling deadlines, and evaluating needs for management through placement of talent.
Ability to work as a part of a mechanically inclined engineering team, through design and production processes to meet project
objectives. Familiarized with manufacturing machine shop environments. Able to write and present technical reports, including
information with an abstract, thesis, and data analysis. Has extensive expertise with Microsoft Office Suite, including Excel and Word
Processing. Comfortable with public speaking and communicating with an audience.
BS in Mechanical Systems Engineering (Secondary concentration in Aerospace) Grade Point Average 3.6/4.0
Ira A. Fulton School of Engineering, Arizona State University Polytechnic  Graduated May 2015
Course work included: 3D Parametric Modeling (Solidworks, AutoCAD), Measurements and Testing Methods, Aircraft Systems,
Aircraft Design, Aircraft Performance, Gas Dynamics and Propulsion, Computational Modeling using MatLAB, Application of
LabVIEW, Wind Tunnel Flight Testing, Public Speaking
Work Experience
Mathnasium as Math Instructor August 2013 - current
 Articulated mathematical concepts (fundamental to upper level) through the use of teaching tools to successfully convey ideas to
students of various age groups
 Tutored higher level mathematics (Calculus, Multivariable Calculus, and Differential Equations) through one-on-one interaction
 Responsible for a clean and safe teaching environment
Teachers Assistant for Measurements and Testing (EGR 210) August 2014  December 2014
Dr. Sangram Redkar, Arizona State University
 Administered and Proctored Exams on a bi-weekly basis, successfully ensuring classroom integrity and honesty of students
 Assisted lead Professor with grade computation and distribution remaining unbiased
 Statistical analysis for grade distribution and assignment
Thorpe SEEOP Corporation as Mechanical Engineer Intern May 2011 - January 2012
Developed and produced several Unmanned Aerial Vehicles ranging in size and complexity.
 Exposure to flight testing principles
 Developed models describing aircraft performance during field testing and data acquisition phases
 Employed skills using fabrication equipment to assemble aircraft for successful flight testing
 Pursued leads for potential clientele and investors using methods such as crowd funding and kickstarter
Relevant Experience
Personal Cooling System in Extreme Environments August 2014 - current
Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL)
Tasked to research thermal output of the human body and designing and developing an efficient portable prototype that will safely,
rapidly, and effectively remove undesired heat away from core body during special operations in hot and humid environments.
 Responsible for research on refrigeration effects in air cooling systems, and how to successfully implement as a solution
 Analyzed mathematical relationships of thermal output in a air cooled environment through verification of model with gathered data
in order to gain insight on key thermal relationships and interactions
 Developed, using manufacturing processes, a working prototype used in experimental testing
 Demonstrated successful working in a team based environment through collaboration with others researching different methods of
thermal cooling, to develop multiple designs to meet goal objectives
 Manual Machining  CNC Machining  Solidworks & CAD  MatLAB Programing  LabVIEW
 Wind Tunnel Testing  3D Printing  Fabricating  2D Drafting  Technical Writing
Current Address
4255 East Pecos Road, Gilbert Arizona, 85295
Rotor Blade Modulation (RBM) in conjunction with Cobham Aerospace Communications August 2014  current
Senior Design (Capstone) Project
Senior design capstone project tasked to model the RBM effects on antenna performance based on different rotorcraft. Provide a set of
guidelines that minimizes effects of modulation on antenna performance and placement, as well as improve system designs regarding
antenna performance degradation due to RBM.
 Researched extensively the issue of RBM through analysis of scholarly journals and patents
 Created CAD models, and used electromagnetic simulation software to simulate RBM and gather data
 Compiled technical data into a concise technical engineering report for final evaluation
 Constructed a small scale model prototype to visualize the effects of RBM in a test demonstration
Thermal Fluid Interface Removal from Computer Processing Unit January 2014  May, 2014
Fluid Dynamics
Course project to develop thermal interface removal process off of CPUs effectively without physical interaction.
 Portrayed management skills through delegation of tasks, supervised meetings, and coordinated team efforts of a group of six
individuals, to successfully prototype and test project design
 Actively engaged in research and design process to further develop a successful product
 Developed concept design based on computational fluid dynamics and rigorous mathematical modeling of physical systems
 Manufactured several prototypes using fabrication process, including manual and CNC machining
 Final design successfully demonstrated effective and efficient thermal fluid removal
For Inspiration and Recognition Science and Technology (FIRST)
Robotics Competition - High School Level January 2004  May, 2009
 2009 Project: Aided in design and construction of a robot that picked up and placed foam balls into opponent trailers while
protecting own trailer. Unique gyroscopic stabilizer to keep robot from sliding along the field. Applied leadership while team
captain and driver. Result: 2nd
Place in Arizona State Competition.
 2008 Project: Erected a robot that knocked down 40 diameter balls off racks. A forklift inspired robot design was able to knock
and hurdle balls over a 6 high barrier. Selected as team driver. Result: 2nd
Place in Arizona State Competition.
 2007 Project: Built a robot that could place inner tubes on a specially designed rack. Unique grabber design that could rotate 180
degrees motion. Result: Placed in finals at Arizona State Competition and competed at Las Vegas Regional Competition.
 2006 Project: Produced a robot designed to project foam balls through a circular ring with a diameter ~4. Result: Competed at
national level.
 2005 Project: Successfully built a robot with an extended arm that stacked tetrahedral ~3x3 pieces made of PVC pipe to a height
of 14 ft. Result: 1st place in Arizona State Competition. Went on to compete at national level.

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  • 1. Alexander I Matlock 480/255 6267; aimatloc@asu.edu Objective A position as an experimental engineer in the aerospace industry, where design, teamwork, and leadership skills can be leveraged to pursue further interest in conceptual design and production of innovative technology. Professional Profile Innovative and creative engineer with a background in both mechanical and aeronautics. Has demonstrated leadership skills by: providing motivation, administering structure, fulfilling deadlines, and evaluating needs for management through placement of talent. Ability to work as a part of a mechanically inclined engineering team, through design and production processes to meet project objectives. Familiarized with manufacturing machine shop environments. Able to write and present technical reports, including information with an abstract, thesis, and data analysis. Has extensive expertise with Microsoft Office Suite, including Excel and Word Processing. Comfortable with public speaking and communicating with an audience. Education BS in Mechanical Systems Engineering (Secondary concentration in Aerospace) Grade Point Average 3.6/4.0 Ira A. Fulton School of Engineering, Arizona State University Polytechnic Graduated May 2015 Course work included: 3D Parametric Modeling (Solidworks, AutoCAD), Measurements and Testing Methods, Aircraft Systems, Aircraft Design, Aircraft Performance, Gas Dynamics and Propulsion, Computational Modeling using MatLAB, Application of LabVIEW, Wind Tunnel Flight Testing, Public Speaking Work Experience Mathnasium as Math Instructor August 2013 - current Articulated mathematical concepts (fundamental to upper level) through the use of teaching tools to successfully convey ideas to students of various age groups Tutored higher level mathematics (Calculus, Multivariable Calculus, and Differential Equations) through one-on-one interaction Responsible for a clean and safe teaching environment Teachers Assistant for Measurements and Testing (EGR 210) August 2014 December 2014 Dr. Sangram Redkar, Arizona State University Administered and Proctored Exams on a bi-weekly basis, successfully ensuring classroom integrity and honesty of students Assisted lead Professor with grade computation and distribution remaining unbiased Statistical analysis for grade distribution and assignment Thorpe SEEOP Corporation as Mechanical Engineer Intern May 2011 - January 2012 Developed and produced several Unmanned Aerial Vehicles ranging in size and complexity. Exposure to flight testing principles Developed models describing aircraft performance during field testing and data acquisition phases Employed skills using fabrication equipment to assemble aircraft for successful flight testing Pursued leads for potential clientele and investors using methods such as crowd funding and kickstarter Relevant Experience Personal Cooling System in Extreme Environments August 2014 - current Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) Tasked to research thermal output of the human body and designing and developing an efficient portable prototype that will safely, rapidly, and effectively remove undesired heat away from core body during special operations in hot and humid environments. Responsible for research on refrigeration effects in air cooling systems, and how to successfully implement as a solution Analyzed mathematical relationships of thermal output in a air cooled environment through verification of model with gathered data in order to gain insight on key thermal relationships and interactions Developed, using manufacturing processes, a working prototype used in experimental testing Demonstrated successful working in a team based environment through collaboration with others researching different methods of thermal cooling, to develop multiple designs to meet goal objectives Manual Machining CNC Machining Solidworks & CAD MatLAB Programing LabVIEW Wind Tunnel Testing 3D Printing Fabricating 2D Drafting Technical Writing Current Address 4255 East Pecos Road, Gilbert Arizona, 85295
  • 2. Rotor Blade Modulation (RBM) in conjunction with Cobham Aerospace Communications August 2014 current Senior Design (Capstone) Project Senior design capstone project tasked to model the RBM effects on antenna performance based on different rotorcraft. Provide a set of guidelines that minimizes effects of modulation on antenna performance and placement, as well as improve system designs regarding antenna performance degradation due to RBM. Researched extensively the issue of RBM through analysis of scholarly journals and patents Created CAD models, and used electromagnetic simulation software to simulate RBM and gather data Compiled technical data into a concise technical engineering report for final evaluation Constructed a small scale model prototype to visualize the effects of RBM in a test demonstration Thermal Fluid Interface Removal from Computer Processing Unit January 2014 May, 2014 Fluid Dynamics Course project to develop thermal interface removal process off of CPUs effectively without physical interaction. Portrayed management skills through delegation of tasks, supervised meetings, and coordinated team efforts of a group of six individuals, to successfully prototype and test project design Actively engaged in research and design process to further develop a successful product Developed concept design based on computational fluid dynamics and rigorous mathematical modeling of physical systems Manufactured several prototypes using fabrication process, including manual and CNC machining Final design successfully demonstrated effective and efficient thermal fluid removal For Inspiration and Recognition Science and Technology (FIRST) Robotics Competition - High School Level January 2004 May, 2009 2009 Project: Aided in design and construction of a robot that picked up and placed foam balls into opponent trailers while protecting own trailer. Unique gyroscopic stabilizer to keep robot from sliding along the field. Applied leadership while team captain and driver. Result: 2nd Place in Arizona State Competition. 2008 Project: Erected a robot that knocked down 40 diameter balls off racks. A forklift inspired robot design was able to knock and hurdle balls over a 6 high barrier. Selected as team driver. Result: 2nd Place in Arizona State Competition. 2007 Project: Built a robot that could place inner tubes on a specially designed rack. Unique grabber design that could rotate 180 degrees motion. Result: Placed in finals at Arizona State Competition and competed at Las Vegas Regional Competition. 2006 Project: Produced a robot designed to project foam balls through a circular ring with a diameter ~4. Result: Competed at national level. 2005 Project: Successfully built a robot with an extended arm that stacked tetrahedral ~3x3 pieces made of PVC pipe to a height of 14 ft. Result: 1st place in Arizona State Competition. Went on to compete at national level.