In occasione delle nozze di Sofia Hellqvist e Carl Philip di Svezia, STYLIGHT propone un ripasso dei 10 abiti da sposa che ci hanno fatto sognare negli ultimi anni. Scopri tutte le curiosit sulle cerimonie, i vestiti e i gioielli. Qual 竪 la sposa con lo strascico pi湛 lungo? Chi indossava il diadema appartenuto a Giuseppina, la moglie di Napoleone?
The document discusses how dealers can earn consumer trust in the digital age. It outlines 10 key contact points where trust can be earned or lost, including advertising, online presence, technology, marketing messages, pricing, dealership brand, showroom, service department, employees, and yourself. For each contact point, specific actions are recommended and Disney virtues of trust are discussed. The overarching message is that dealers must set high expectations, deliver on promises, and show they care in order to earn consumer trust.
The document outlines a 90-day plan to revamp a content marketing strategy and prepare for the semantic web. It recommends changing the content strategy, metrics, team structure, and focus on context and relevancy. A 4-stage process of accepting new ideas is described. Common SEO myths are debunked, and the document provides a schedule for updating page copy, on-page elements, conversion tracking, and adding structured data and social links over 90 days.
This document provides recommendations for developing a process for planning and building a software project. It suggests beginning with user experience design and iterating on customer-facing features based on user feedback. It also recommends integrating user experience testing early, setting timelines to add structure, and avoiding getting stuck on problems by finding help or workarounds. The overall message is to focus on the customer experience while remaining flexible and not wasting time reinventing solutions.
The document discusses Mukesh Ambani's plans to launch an exclusive chicken restaurant chain in India called "Chicken came First" through a partnership with a UK-based food company. Ambani's Reliance Industries has acquired a 45% stake in Two Sisters Foods India, which is part of the UK's 2 Sisters Food Group. The new chain will directly compete with KFC and target India's fast growing quick service restaurant sector, which is projected to grow 30% annually. The move shows Ambani separating business decisions from personal dietary choices as he is a vegetarian.
The document discusses B2B marketing tactics for AIESEC including events, alliances, social media, referrals, and endorsements. It provides examples of how each tactic can be implemented, such as attending industry events to connect with target audiences and gain insights. The document emphasizes tracking results from each tactic to leads and internships to ensure the tactics are effective. It also discusses how B2B marketing and sales can work together, with sales providing clear goals and leads for marketing to generate, and marketing providing tactics and educating sales on converting leads.
Grant Ruxton from Boyd Digital delivered a masterclass on behalf of the Alba Incubation Service at the Hillington Park Innovation Centre on Tue 16th Sept 2014 around how to get started on Google analytics.
The document summarizes the results of a study analyzing engagement levels for marketing campaigns published exclusively on Facebook versus those published across multiple channels. The key findings are:
1) Campaigns published across multiple channels received 83% more views on average than those only published on Facebook.
2) Campaigns published across channels received 31% more entries on average than Facebook-only campaigns.
3) Higher Facebook fan counts did not necessarily correlate with higher views - pages with 10,000 or fewer fans on average had the highest views for Facebook-published campaigns.
Unit 209 Principles of Waste and Recycling Industryrfelters
The document discusses the principles of the waste and recycling industry. It covers three main points: (1) the purpose of the industry is to reduce unsustainable consumption of natural resources and waste generation, (2) it explains the flow of waste materials from collection through recycling or disposal, and (3) it emphasizes the importance of waste minimization. Global warming is discussed as a key motivation, with statistics provided on increasing temperatures and greenhouse gas emissions from human activities like landfills. The roles of recycling, composting, and landfill diversion targets are examined in mitigating climate change.
This document summarizes the technical specifications and processes of the Central Warehouse Jand叩skova 24 located in Brno, Czech Republic. The warehouse has a clear height of 10 meters, maximum pallet weight of 325 kg, and can hold up to 3,000 pallets and 18,000 stock keeping units. Processes at the warehouse include receiving, put away, replenishment, picking, protective packaging, shipping, and value added services like order management and cost optimization. Safety and recycling are also addressed.
The document discusses various topics related to effective communication including barriers to communication, the IMPACT framework for delivering messages, DISC personality types, communication modes, non-verbal communication cues, the QSR method for providing feedback, building rapport, and contrasts between visual, auditory and kinesthetic learning styles. It provides an overview of concepts and strategies for improving professional communication.
This document discusses paradigms and systems related to buildings and bodies. It begins by outlining 12 places to intervene in a system, including the mindset or paradigm from which the system arises. It then discusses how paradigms shape systems through goals, rules and culture. The document presents passive house as an attempt to change paradigms around building design by emphasizing a measured and verified methodology focused on energy efficiency and comfort. It concludes by discussing how paradigm changes occur through pointing out failures in the existing paradigm and asserting a new one with examples of historical scientific paradigm shifts.
This document provides the syllabus for the Lean Launchpad course at NYU ITP. The course will be held on Mondays from 6-8:55 PM from January to April. It will be taught by Jen van der Meer and Josh Knowles and will use the Business Model Generation text. The course uses an iterative approach combining business model design, customer development, and agile development to help student teams develop their business ideas and products over the course of the semester.
Stylight: Sieben Jahre Modeangebot und Inspiration - Case StudyStylight
Stylight feiert in Deutschland seinen siebten Geburtstag. Im Jahr 2008 gegr端ndet, hat sich das Unternehmen heute zu einem groen internationalen Player entwickelt, der in 15 L辰ndern aktiv ist und mehr als 10 Millionen Nutzer im Monat erreicht. Anl辰sslich seines Geburtstags stellt Stylight den Ansatz hinter seinem Erfolg vor.
Stylight: Seven Years of Making Style Happen - Case StudyStylight
Stylight is celebrating its 7th anniversary in Germany. Founded back in 2008, the company has now grown to be a big international player, active in 15 countries worldwide with more than 10 Million users per month. On the occasion of this birthday, Stylight presents a case study explaining the approach behind this success.
Sprechen Sie Fashion? Das Fashion Week-ABC f端r New York,Stylight
Was bedeutet Mode in New York, Mailand und Paris?
F端r Moderedakteure, Fashionblogger, Eink辰ufer und Models beginnt ab dem 10. September wieder eine aufregende Zeit. Mit der New Yorker Modewoche startet die Fashion Week-Saison. Nach New York vom 10. Bis 17. September, folgen Mailand vom 23. bis 29. September und Paris vom 29. September bis 7. Oktober. Designer zeigen dort die Fr端hjahr/Sommer 2016 Pr棚t--porter-Kollektionen. Jede Stadt hat dabei ihr ganz eigenes Flair und typische Eigenarten. F端r Fashion-Muttersprachler wie f端r alle Anf辰nger haben wir ein Fashion Week ABC f端r New York illustriert, die auf die kommende Fashion Week-Saison vorbereiten und die wichtigsten Mode-Vokabeln zeigen
Vom Laufsteg auf die Leinwand - Models in FilmenStylight
...diesen Sprung haben bereits etliche Supermodels gewagt! Am 30. Juli kommt nun auch Cara Delevingne mit ihrer ersten Hauptrolle in die Kinos. STYLIGHT hat die Filmkarrieren von 16 Supermodels analysiert und gibt einen Ausblick auf die n辰chsten Jahre. Welches Model ist die Queen of Comedy, welcher Model-Film brachte am meisten Umsatz und wer hat f端r ihre Rolle nicht einmal einen ganzen Namen bekommen? Das und vieles mehr in der 際際滷show!
Vom Laufsteg auf die Leinwand - Models in FilmenStylight
... diesen Sprung haben bereits etliche Supermodels gewagt! Am 30. Juli kommt nun auch Cara Delevingne mit ihrer ersten Hauptrolle in die Kinos. STYLIGHT hat die Filmkarrieren von 16 Supermodels analysiert und gibt einen Ausblick auf die n辰chsten Jahre. Welches Model ist die Queen of Comedy, welcher Model-Film brachte am meisten Umsatz und wer hat f端r ihre Rolle nicht einmal einen ganzen Namen bekommen? Das und vieles mehr in der 際際滷show!
6 portadas ilustradas recogen los 辿xitos profesionales de la top, su carrera, familia, negocios y estilo de vida a trav辿s de titulares. Conoce a qu辿 edad empez坦 la brasile単a a desfilar, para qu辿 marcas ha dise単ado y dise単a, qu辿 dieta sigue y cu叩nto genera su imperio al a単o.
The document discusses B2B marketing tactics for AIESEC including events, alliances, social media, referrals, and endorsements. It provides examples of how each tactic can be implemented, such as attending industry events to connect with target audiences and gain insights. The document emphasizes tracking results from each tactic to leads and internships to ensure the tactics are effective. It also discusses how B2B marketing and sales can work together, with sales providing clear goals and leads for marketing to generate, and marketing providing tactics and educating sales on converting leads.
Grant Ruxton from Boyd Digital delivered a masterclass on behalf of the Alba Incubation Service at the Hillington Park Innovation Centre on Tue 16th Sept 2014 around how to get started on Google analytics.
The document summarizes the results of a study analyzing engagement levels for marketing campaigns published exclusively on Facebook versus those published across multiple channels. The key findings are:
1) Campaigns published across multiple channels received 83% more views on average than those only published on Facebook.
2) Campaigns published across channels received 31% more entries on average than Facebook-only campaigns.
3) Higher Facebook fan counts did not necessarily correlate with higher views - pages with 10,000 or fewer fans on average had the highest views for Facebook-published campaigns.
Unit 209 Principles of Waste and Recycling Industryrfelters
The document discusses the principles of the waste and recycling industry. It covers three main points: (1) the purpose of the industry is to reduce unsustainable consumption of natural resources and waste generation, (2) it explains the flow of waste materials from collection through recycling or disposal, and (3) it emphasizes the importance of waste minimization. Global warming is discussed as a key motivation, with statistics provided on increasing temperatures and greenhouse gas emissions from human activities like landfills. The roles of recycling, composting, and landfill diversion targets are examined in mitigating climate change.
This document summarizes the technical specifications and processes of the Central Warehouse Jand叩skova 24 located in Brno, Czech Republic. The warehouse has a clear height of 10 meters, maximum pallet weight of 325 kg, and can hold up to 3,000 pallets and 18,000 stock keeping units. Processes at the warehouse include receiving, put away, replenishment, picking, protective packaging, shipping, and value added services like order management and cost optimization. Safety and recycling are also addressed.
The document discusses various topics related to effective communication including barriers to communication, the IMPACT framework for delivering messages, DISC personality types, communication modes, non-verbal communication cues, the QSR method for providing feedback, building rapport, and contrasts between visual, auditory and kinesthetic learning styles. It provides an overview of concepts and strategies for improving professional communication.
This document discusses paradigms and systems related to buildings and bodies. It begins by outlining 12 places to intervene in a system, including the mindset or paradigm from which the system arises. It then discusses how paradigms shape systems through goals, rules and culture. The document presents passive house as an attempt to change paradigms around building design by emphasizing a measured and verified methodology focused on energy efficiency and comfort. It concludes by discussing how paradigm changes occur through pointing out failures in the existing paradigm and asserting a new one with examples of historical scientific paradigm shifts.
This document provides the syllabus for the Lean Launchpad course at NYU ITP. The course will be held on Mondays from 6-8:55 PM from January to April. It will be taught by Jen van der Meer and Josh Knowles and will use the Business Model Generation text. The course uses an iterative approach combining business model design, customer development, and agile development to help student teams develop their business ideas and products over the course of the semester.
Stylight: Sieben Jahre Modeangebot und Inspiration - Case StudyStylight
Stylight feiert in Deutschland seinen siebten Geburtstag. Im Jahr 2008 gegr端ndet, hat sich das Unternehmen heute zu einem groen internationalen Player entwickelt, der in 15 L辰ndern aktiv ist und mehr als 10 Millionen Nutzer im Monat erreicht. Anl辰sslich seines Geburtstags stellt Stylight den Ansatz hinter seinem Erfolg vor.
Stylight: Seven Years of Making Style Happen - Case StudyStylight
Stylight is celebrating its 7th anniversary in Germany. Founded back in 2008, the company has now grown to be a big international player, active in 15 countries worldwide with more than 10 Million users per month. On the occasion of this birthday, Stylight presents a case study explaining the approach behind this success.
Sprechen Sie Fashion? Das Fashion Week-ABC f端r New York,Stylight
Was bedeutet Mode in New York, Mailand und Paris?
F端r Moderedakteure, Fashionblogger, Eink辰ufer und Models beginnt ab dem 10. September wieder eine aufregende Zeit. Mit der New Yorker Modewoche startet die Fashion Week-Saison. Nach New York vom 10. Bis 17. September, folgen Mailand vom 23. bis 29. September und Paris vom 29. September bis 7. Oktober. Designer zeigen dort die Fr端hjahr/Sommer 2016 Pr棚t--porter-Kollektionen. Jede Stadt hat dabei ihr ganz eigenes Flair und typische Eigenarten. F端r Fashion-Muttersprachler wie f端r alle Anf辰nger haben wir ein Fashion Week ABC f端r New York illustriert, die auf die kommende Fashion Week-Saison vorbereiten und die wichtigsten Mode-Vokabeln zeigen
Vom Laufsteg auf die Leinwand - Models in FilmenStylight
...diesen Sprung haben bereits etliche Supermodels gewagt! Am 30. Juli kommt nun auch Cara Delevingne mit ihrer ersten Hauptrolle in die Kinos. STYLIGHT hat die Filmkarrieren von 16 Supermodels analysiert und gibt einen Ausblick auf die n辰chsten Jahre. Welches Model ist die Queen of Comedy, welcher Model-Film brachte am meisten Umsatz und wer hat f端r ihre Rolle nicht einmal einen ganzen Namen bekommen? Das und vieles mehr in der 際際滷show!
Vom Laufsteg auf die Leinwand - Models in FilmenStylight
... diesen Sprung haben bereits etliche Supermodels gewagt! Am 30. Juli kommt nun auch Cara Delevingne mit ihrer ersten Hauptrolle in die Kinos. STYLIGHT hat die Filmkarrieren von 16 Supermodels analysiert und gibt einen Ausblick auf die n辰chsten Jahre. Welches Model ist die Queen of Comedy, welcher Model-Film brachte am meisten Umsatz und wer hat f端r ihre Rolle nicht einmal einen ganzen Namen bekommen? Das und vieles mehr in der 際際滷show!
6 portadas ilustradas recogen los 辿xitos profesionales de la top, su carrera, familia, negocios y estilo de vida a trav辿s de titulares. Conoce a qu辿 edad empez坦 la brasile単a a desfilar, para qu辿 marcas ha dise単ado y dise単a, qu辿 dieta sigue y cu叩nto genera su imperio al a単o.
The Wimbledon designer style guide provides inspiration for outfits based on specific fashion designers including Azzedine Ala誰a, Louis Vuitton, Moschino, and Herm竪s. It also lists looks inspired by designers like Buscemi, Alexander McQueen, and Kenzo. Additional designers mentioned as inspirations are Givenchy, Valentino, Swarovski, and Balenciaga. The full article can be found at the provided URL.
Im ultimativen Fashion Week Duell vergleichen wir die Berliner Fashion Week mit der Modewoche in New York. Wer sitzt in den Front Rows, ohne welche Accessoires gehen die Besucherinnen nicht aus dem Haus, f端r welche Streetstyles sind die St辰dte bekannt und wie halten sich die G辰ste w辰hrend des Fashion Week Marathons wach?
STYLIGHT hat sich von Vahram Muratyans Kultbuch und Designs inspirieren lassen und einen grafischen Vergleich zwischen der Berliner und New Yorker Fashion Week gezogen.
Mehr Infos:
Royale Hochzeiten die 10 sch旦nsten Brautkleider - CHStylight
Welches sind die sch旦nsten royalen Hochzeitskleider? Anl辰sslich der Hochzeit von Prinz Carl Philip von Schweden und Sofia Hellqvist am 13. Juni blicken wir zur端ck auf die 10 besten Brautroben der letzten Jahre und dazu alle Infos zu den Designer, Kleidern und Schmuck. Welche Braut hatte die l辰ngste Schleppe und wer trug das Diadem von Napoleons Frau Josephine? Das und vieles mehr in der 際際滷show!
Kungligt br旦llop - De 10 vackraste brudkl辰nningarnaStylight
De 10 vackraste brudkl辰nningarna fr奪n kungliga br旦llop.
Bodas Reales - Los 10 vestidos de novia m叩s emblem叩ticosStylight
STYLIGHT repasa los 10 enlaces reales m叩s importantes de los 炭ltimos tiempos, con motivo del enlace de la Princesa Sofia Hellqvist, y c坦mo se vistieron sus Princesas para la ocasi坦n. Descubre los detalles de los vestidos, cola, velo y joyas que lucieron sus protagonistas.
Royal weddings - De 10 mooiste trouwjurken van de afgelopen jaren (NL)Stylight
Wat zijn de mooiste koninklijke trouwjurken? Ter gelegenheid van het huwelijk van Prins Carl Philip van Zweden en Sofia Hellqvist op 13 juni 2015, blikken we terug op de 10 mooiste bruidsjurken van de afgelopen jaren. Welke bruid had de langste sleep en wie droeg de diadeem van Napoleons vrouw Josephine? Dit en nog veel meer in de diavoorstelling!
Royal weddings - De 10 mooiste trouwjurken van de afgelopen jaren (BE)Stylight
Wat zijn de mooiste koninklijke trouwjurken? Ter gelegenheid van het huwelijk van Prins Carl Philip van Zweden en Sofia Hellqvist op 13 juni 2015, blikken we terug op de 10 mooiste bruidsjurken van de afgelopen jaren. Welke bruid had de langste sleep en wie droeg de diadeem van Napoleons vrouw Josephine? Dit en nog veel meer in de diavoorstelling!
Royale Hochzeiten die 10 sch旦nsten BrautkleiderStylight
Welches sind die sch旦nsten royalen Hochzeitskleider? Anl辰sslich der Hochzeit von Prinz Carl Philip von Schweden und Sofia Hellqvist am 13. Juni blicken wir zur端ck auf die 10 besten Brautroben der letzten Jahre und dazu alle Infos zu den Designer, Kleidern und Schmuck. Welche Braut hatte die l辰ngste Schleppe und wer trug das Diadem von Napoleons Frau Josephine? Das und vieles mehr in der 際際滷show!
Royale Hochzeiten die 10 sch旦nsten BrautkleiderStylight
Welches sind die sch旦nsten royalen Hochzeitskleider? Anl辰sslich der Hochzeit von Prinz Carl Philip von Schweden und Sofia Hellqvist am 13. Juni blicken wir zur端ck auf die 10 besten Brautroben der letzten Jahre und dazu alle Infos zu den Designer, Kleidern und Schmuck. Welche Braut hatte die l辰ngste Schleppe und wer trug das Diadem von Napoleons Frau Josephine? Das und vieles mehr in der 際際滷show!
De echte Mad Men & hun dubbele persoonlijkheden - BEStylight
STYLIGHT verzamelde de essenti谷le elementen van de belangrijkste Mad Men personages: Don Draper, Peggy Olson, Joan Holloway, Betty Francis & Roger Sterling
De echte Mad Men & hun dubbele persoonlijkheden - NLStylight
STYLIGHT verzamelde de essenti谷le elementen van de belangrijkste Mad Men personages: Don Draper, Peggy Olson, Joan Holloway, Betty Francis & Roger Sterling
E' tempo di corsa! Per chi ha appena iniziato o volesse iniziare a muovere i primi passi nel modo del running, uno dei primi quesiti da affrontare 竪... Quali sono le scarpe giuste? Ecco a voi i colori moda e i trend delle scarpe da corsa per il 2015, consigli su come scegliere e conservare intatte le vostre scarpe running e su come allacciarle in maniera adeguata.
Stylight: Sieben Jahre Modeangebot und Inspiration - Case StudyStylight
1. Principe William,
duca di Cambridge
29 APRILE 2011
Il primo bacio dur嘆 solo 0.7 secondi,
cos狸 gli spettatori ne chiesero un
altro. Il secondo dur嘆 1.5 secondi!
S T I L I S T A Sarah Burton per Alexander McQueen (Regno Unito) S T R A S C I C O
2.7 metri V E L O Velo corto in tulle di seta A B I T O L'abito color
avorio, dotato di corsetto, era fatto di satin, gazar di seta e pizzo. Tagliato
in modo moderno, ma ispirato alla moda vittoriana. G I O I E L L I Il diadema le
fu prestato dalla regina, gli orecchini furono regalati a Kate dai suoi genitori.
2. Alberto II,
principe di Monaco
2 LUGLIO 2011
Uno spettacolo pirotecnico
in onore della coppia chiuse
la cerimonia in bellezza.
S T I L I S T A Armani (Italia) S T R A S C I C O 20 metri V E L O 20 metri di tulle di
seta A B I T O L'abito fasciante di seta bianca fu ricamato con 20.000 perle e 40.000
cristalli Swarovski, si distingueva inoltre per il doppio strascico. G I O I E L L I L'abito era
arricchito solo da un fermaglio per capelli antico, risalente all'800. Charlene non
indoss嘆 nessun altro gioiello.
3. Principe ereditario
Frederik di Danimarca
14 MAGGIO 2004
Il principe Frederik trattenne a
stento le lacrime ancor prima che
Mary facesse ingresso in chiesa.
S T I L I S T A Uffe Frank (Danimarca) S T R A S C I C O 6 metri V E L O Il velo di pizzo
fu ricevuto in eredit, cos狸 come il pizzo del vestito. A B I T O Furono necessarie 300 ore
per confezionare 28 metri di tessuto duchesse (lavorazione del raso di seta); per ultimare
la gonna ci vollero 8 metri di pizzo. G I O I E L L I Il diadema le fu regalato dal Principe
Frederik e dalla suocera, gli orecchini erano di platino, diamanti e perle dei Mari del Sud.
4. Principe ereditario
Felipe di Spagna *
22 MAGGIO 2004
Un anno prima di sposare Letizia,
Felipe disse ai propri genitori:
"O lei o nessun'altra."
* Re di Spagna dal 19.06.2014
S T I L I S T A Manuel Pertegaz (Spagna) S T R A S C I C O 4,5 metri
V E L O Di pizzo e lungo 3 metri A B I T O L'abito color avorio con il colletto
alzato fu confezionato solo di notte, per mantenere il design segreto. Sullo
strascico erano ricamati 鍖ordalisi. G I O I E L L I Il diadema di platino era ricoperto
di diamanti e gli orecchini erano un regalo della suocera di Letizia, Sophia.
5. Daniel
Westling *
19 GIUGNO 2010
Dopo la cerimonia Victoria ha detto:
"Ringrazio la nazione svedese. Mi
avete dato il mio Principe!"
* Principe Daniel, duca di V辰sterg旦tland dal 19.06.2010
S T I L I S T A P辰r Engsheden (Svezia) S T R A S C I C O 5 metri V E L O Velo da
sposa tradizionale svedese che, ai tempi, era gi stato indossato da sua madre.
A B I T O L'abito color crema era in satin di seta duchesse. Con uno scollo a barchetta
e le maniche corte, scopriva diversi centimetri per un matrimonio reale. G I O I E L L I
La corona decorata con cammei fu di Giuseppina, la prima moglie di Napoleone.
Victoria indoss嘆 anche orecchini e un braccialetto arricchiti da cammei.
6. Guillaume, granduca
ereditario del Lussemburgo
20 OTTOBRE 2012
La chiesa era decorata con 3.000 rose.
Migliaia di presenti hanno assistito
alla cerimonia tramite schermi.
S T I L I S T A Elie Saab (Francia) S T R A S C I C O 6 metri V E L O 15 metri
A B I T O L'abito era color crema, scollato sulla schiena e ricamato
con oltre 50.000 perle. G I O I E L L I Il diadema appartiene alla famiglia
di St辿phanie da anni. Indossava orecchini di diamanti in coordinato.
7. Principe ereditario
Haakon di Norvegia
25 AGOSTO 2011
All'interno del discorso tenuto in
occasione del matrimonio, Haakon
afferm嘆: "Cara Mette-Marit, la tua
anima risplende di luce."
S T I L I S T A Ove Harder Finseth (Norvegia) S T R A S C I C O 2 metri V E L O 6 metri
A B I T O Per confezionare il vestito e il velo, furono utilizzati pi湛 di 125 metri di tulle di
seta. G I O I E L L I Il diadema, risalente al 1910, era un regalo del re e della regina.
8. Principe ereditario
Philippe del Belgio *
* Re del Belgio dal 21.07.2013
La cerimonia 竪 stata officiata in
tutte le lingue nazionali - fran-
cese, olandese e tedesco.
S T I L I S T A Edouard Vermeulen (Belgio) S T R A S C I C O 5 metri V E L O Un
cimelio di famiglia risalente al 1877, fatto di pizzo di Bruxelles. A B I T O Il cappotto
color crema in cr棚pe di seta era perfetto per le temperature rigide di dicembre. Sotto
il cappotto Mathilde indossava un abito semplice. G I O I E L L I La sposa indossava
orecchini di perle e un diadema della suocera.
9. Willem-Alexander principe
ereditario d'Olanda*
Il pi湛 lungo bacio ad un matrimonio
reale: la coppia si 竪 baciata per 5.25
* Re d'Olanda a partire dal 30.04.2013
S T I L I S T A Valentino (Italia) S T R A S C I C O 7 metri V E L O Di seta con motivo
鍖oreale ricamato a mano. A B I T O Color avorio, con collo tondo. L'abito era in
mikado di seta con inserti di pizzo ai lati. G I O I E L L I La sposa indossava la tiara
delle margherite (tramutate in stelle per l'occasione) in oro bianco e diamanti.
10. Christopher
O'Neill *
8 GIUGNO 2013
Dopo essere montati in carrozza gli
sposi furono trasportati al palazzo
di Drottningholm in battello.
* Ha scelto di rinunciare al titolo dopo il matrimonio.
S T I L I S T A Valentino (Italia) S T R A S C I C O 4 metri V E L O Lungo 6 metri con
dettagli in pizzo A B I T O L'abito color avorio era fatto di organza di seta e decorato
con pizzo chantilly. G I O I E L L I Madeleine indossava un diadema di diamanti, con
un braccialetto in coordinato e orecchini a goccia.
11. S T Y L I G H T . I T