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Matthew Hartman油
Gnd Floor Flat 5, The Malvern , Malvern Way, Hastings, East Sussex TN34 3PX油
Mhart30@gmail.com油07586 323 529油
An established, reliable and trustworthy technician / workshop Manager with over 20 years experience.
Flexible and adaptable to work with a range of individuals as well as vehicles. Experience to date has
included VW, Honda, Audi and Mazda and expertise has been focused on PDIs, bodywork,
diagnostics, servicing and general maintenance.
Capable and comfortable working alone and within teams and have gained experience of leading
others. Literate and numerate and comfortable with inventory, invoicing and associated systems.
Hard working and determined to succeed, I am a car lover looking for the next challenge that will
leverage my experience, passion and expertise further.油
Manager for National Tyres 2015 - Present
National Tyres Borehamwood
Managing a Team of 4 fitters inc MOT tester
Manager for Kwik-fit. 2014-2015
Kwik-fit- Bushey
Managing a team of 10 technicians inc. MOT tester
Helped to turn the centre into a 贈2M per annum profitable business.
Self Employed Mechanic 2010  2014.油
TECHNICIAN / MECHANIC, July 2007 2010油
VW Citygate  Bushey油
Worked as part of the key team within the workshop across the majority of the VW vehicle range. Roles
included customer facing油
diagnostics, maintenance, PDIs and servicing油
Selected Contributions:油
_油Investigation, diagnostic, work description and testing of vehicles under warranty油
_油Overseeing and guiding trainees油
_油Personal customer requests for my services by name油
_油Led the recall team and process油
_油Trained others on tyre elements as a tyre specialist within the business油
TECHNICIAN / MECHANIC, August 2006 - July 2007油
Empire Garage  Enfield油
Principal player within the MOT, Service and repair team.油
Selected Contributions:油
_油Main customer facing technician油
_油Customer liaison and finance manager油
_油Promoted from shop floor through to office and workshop roles油
SELF EMPLOYED, September 2004 - October 2005油
Digital based company sales platforms油
Setup, ran and managed a private business focused on the strategy, implementation and build of web
platforms for sales油
Selected Contributions:油
_油Media sales and planning油
_油Digital display advertising creation (banners etc)油
_油Managed multiple clients油
MOBILE TYRE TECHNICIAN, September 2003 - September 2004油Road Rescue Service AA Tyre-Fit油
ASSISTANT BRANCH MANAGER, June 2002 - September 2003油ATS Euromaster (Auto fast fit centre)油
SALES / PROMOTIONS MANAGER, March 1999 - May 2002油London Ebling Feres Int. (Including Ideal
home exhibition/Motor Show events)油
SELF EMPLOYED MECHANIC, January 1994 - March 1999油Private AA associated tyre business油
TEAM MECHANIC, January 1994 - March 1999油Polo G40 (Supercharged  coup辿 cup challenge)油
TECHNICIAN, January 1989 - March 1994油Barnet VAG B&H Motors油
Level 1-3 IT essentials inc software / word processing , fundamentals- Strive Training
Diagnostics for electronics 油VW Training centre  Milton Keynes油
Health and safety / manual handling / basic 1st aid 油AA Training College  Coventry油
City and Guilds Motor vehicle Technician Part 1, 2, 3 油Southgate Technical College油
8 GCSEs 油Queen Elizabeths Boys School - Barnet油
Advanced Diploma in Business Studies 油Queen Elizabeths Boys School - Barnet油
Computers  Keeping up with new technologies and general surfing.油
Films  Regular cinema visits and avid DVD fan.油

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  • 1. Matthew Hartman油 Gnd Floor Flat 5, The Malvern , Malvern Way, Hastings, East Sussex TN34 3PX油 Mhart30@gmail.com油07586 323 529油 An established, reliable and trustworthy technician / workshop Manager with over 20 years experience. Flexible and adaptable to work with a range of individuals as well as vehicles. Experience to date has included VW, Honda, Audi and Mazda and expertise has been focused on PDIs, bodywork, diagnostics, servicing and general maintenance. Capable and comfortable working alone and within teams and have gained experience of leading others. Literate and numerate and comfortable with inventory, invoicing and associated systems. Hard working and determined to succeed, I am a car lover looking for the next challenge that will leverage my experience, passion and expertise further.油 SPECIFIC PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Manager for National Tyres 2015 - Present National Tyres Borehamwood Managing a Team of 4 fitters inc MOT tester Manager for Kwik-fit. 2014-2015 Kwik-fit- Bushey Managing a team of 10 technicians inc. MOT tester Helped to turn the centre into a 贈2M per annum profitable business. Self Employed Mechanic 2010 2014.油 TECHNICIAN / MECHANIC, July 2007 2010油 VW Citygate Bushey油 Worked as part of the key team within the workshop across the majority of the VW vehicle range. Roles included customer facing油 diagnostics, maintenance, PDIs and servicing油 Selected Contributions:油 _油Investigation, diagnostic, work description and testing of vehicles under warranty油
  • 2. _油Overseeing and guiding trainees油 _油Personal customer requests for my services by name油 _油Led the recall team and process油 _油Trained others on tyre elements as a tyre specialist within the business油 TECHNICIAN / MECHANIC, August 2006 - July 2007油 Empire Garage Enfield油 Principal player within the MOT, Service and repair team.油 Selected Contributions:油 _油Main customer facing technician油 _油Customer liaison and finance manager油 _油Promoted from shop floor through to office and workshop roles油 SELF EMPLOYED, September 2004 - October 2005油 Digital based company sales platforms油 Setup, ran and managed a private business focused on the strategy, implementation and build of web platforms for sales油 companies.油 Selected Contributions:油 _油Media sales and planning油 _油Digital display advertising creation (banners etc)油 _油Managed multiple clients油 GENERAL PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE油 MOBILE TYRE TECHNICIAN, September 2003 - September 2004油Road Rescue Service AA Tyre-Fit油 ASSISTANT BRANCH MANAGER, June 2002 - September 2003油ATS Euromaster (Auto fast fit centre)油 SALES / PROMOTIONS MANAGER, March 1999 - May 2002油London Ebling Feres Int. (Including Ideal home exhibition/Motor Show events)油 SELF EMPLOYED MECHANIC, January 1994 - March 1999油Private AA associated tyre business油 TEAM MECHANIC, January 1994 - March 1999油Polo G40 (Supercharged coup辿 cup challenge)油
  • 3. TECHNICIAN, January 1989 - March 1994油Barnet VAG B&H Motors油 EDUCATION & CREDENTIALS Level 1-3 IT essentials inc software / word processing , fundamentals- Strive Training Diagnostics for electronics 油VW Training centre Milton Keynes油 Health and safety / manual handling / basic 1st aid 油AA Training College Coventry油 City and Guilds Motor vehicle Technician Part 1, 2, 3 油Southgate Technical College油 8 GCSEs 油Queen Elizabeths Boys School - Barnet油 Advanced Diploma in Business Studies 油Queen Elizabeths Boys School - Barnet油 OTHER INTERESTS & INVOLVEMENT油 Computers Keeping up with new technologies and general surfing.油 Films Regular cinema visits and avid DVD fan.油