This document discusses media theories that can be applied to analyzing three music videos:
1) Ed Sheeran's "A Team" uses the two-step flow theory as it depicts drug use and requires the audience to interpret connotations. It also examines identity and character development through a uses and gratifications lens.
2) Gabrielle Aplin's "Power of Love" can be viewed through the hypodermic needle theory as it lacks narrative and passively feeds the audience. It also considers how the song's theme of love allows an active audience to connect their own experiences.
3) Nina Nesbitt's "Boy" examines uses and gratifications as it tells an easily relatable story of
Victor Kimura is a web developer and internet marketer with over 8 years of experience in SEO. He has designed and optimized marketing strategies that increased daily active users on from 0 to 417. He maintains several domains for Estate Street Partners using technologies like WordPress, Laravel, and JavaScript. His technical skills include marketing, web development, graphics/media, server administration, and operating systems. He has worked as a web developer and internet marketer for Estate Street Partners since 2005, where he manages domains, servers, email marketing, and SEO efforts to rank client sites highly on search engines.
International Journal of Engineering Research and DevelopmentIJERD Editor
Electrical, Electronics and Computer Engineering,
Information Engineering and Technology,
Mechanical, Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering,
Automation and Mechatronics Engineering,
Material and Chemical Engineering,
Civil and Architecture Engineering,
Biotechnology and Bio Engineering,
Environmental Engineering,
Petroleum and Mining Engineering,
Marine and Agriculture engineering,
Aerospace Engineering.
The document proposes installing WiFi access points at a music venue to improve coverage and allow customers to upload photos and videos to social media. A site survey was conducted to identify appropriate access point locations. Three access points will be installed, one each in the seating area, VIP area, and bar area. The access points will operate on both 2.4GHz and 5GHz channels to provide coverage for up to 300-400 people without interference. Security measures like WPA2 encryption will be implemented to secure the network. The installation is expected to take 5-10 days and will provide improved WiFi access across the venue.
1. The document discusses the impact of college readiness on student persistence and degree completion. It finds that academic achievement and rigorous high school coursework are the strongest predictors of college success.
2. Students who meet more of the ACT College Readiness Benchmarks have higher college enrollment rates, persistence to the second year, and overall success rates.
3. Prior academic achievement and cognitive ability have more influence on student performance than non-academic factors, though these can also impact outcomes. Being better prepared academically improves the likelihood of completing a college degree.
Yoga philosophy emphasizes self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation and empathy, which are key components of emotional intelligence. Yoga practices like chitta-prasadana, kriyayoga and astangayoga help you develop these skills.
Victor Kimura is a web developer and internet marketer with over 8 years of experience in SEO. He has designed and optimized marketing strategies that increased daily active users on from 0 to 417. He maintains several domains for Estate Street Partners using technologies like WordPress, Laravel, and JavaScript. His technical skills include marketing, web development, graphics/media, server administration, and operating systems. He has worked as a web developer and internet marketer for Estate Street Partners since 2005, where he manages domains, servers, email marketing, and SEO efforts to rank client sites highly on search engines.
International Journal of Engineering Research and DevelopmentIJERD Editor
Electrical, Electronics and Computer Engineering,
Information Engineering and Technology,
Mechanical, Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering,
Automation and Mechatronics Engineering,
Material and Chemical Engineering,
Civil and Architecture Engineering,
Biotechnology and Bio Engineering,
Environmental Engineering,
Petroleum and Mining Engineering,
Marine and Agriculture engineering,
Aerospace Engineering.
The document proposes installing WiFi access points at a music venue to improve coverage and allow customers to upload photos and videos to social media. A site survey was conducted to identify appropriate access point locations. Three access points will be installed, one each in the seating area, VIP area, and bar area. The access points will operate on both 2.4GHz and 5GHz channels to provide coverage for up to 300-400 people without interference. Security measures like WPA2 encryption will be implemented to secure the network. The installation is expected to take 5-10 days and will provide improved WiFi access across the venue.
1. The document discusses the impact of college readiness on student persistence and degree completion. It finds that academic achievement and rigorous high school coursework are the strongest predictors of college success.
2. Students who meet more of the ACT College Readiness Benchmarks have higher college enrollment rates, persistence to the second year, and overall success rates.
3. Prior academic achievement and cognitive ability have more influence on student performance than non-academic factors, though these can also impact outcomes. Being better prepared academically improves the likelihood of completing a college degree.
Yoga philosophy emphasizes self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation and empathy, which are key components of emotional intelligence. Yoga practices like chitta-prasadana, kriyayoga and astangayoga help you develop these skills.
#2: Bona tarda i gr¨¤cies per venir a escoltar-nos, al mateix temps que agra?m a la fundaci¨® de l¡¯escola que ens hagi convidat a participar en aquesta jornada TIC-TAC.
Les matem¨¤tiques a la butxaca ¨¦s el t¨ªtol de la nostra activitat i que t¨¦ sentit en les dues vessants de l¡¯expressi¨®:
Fer nostres les matem¨¤tiques i aix¨° ho fem quan ens posem alguna cosa a la butxaca
Fer servir d¡¯esquer els m¨°bils que els nostres adolescents porten a la butxaca
Aix¨° neix com un c¨²mul de circumst¨¤ncies que es donen al voltant del grup de 3r d¡¯ESO del curs passat, i on un alumne davant dels resultats verbalitza:
¡° si es fessin les matem¨¤tiques amb el m¨°bil fins i tot seria capa? d¡¯aprovar-les¡±
#3: Aquesta experi¨¨ncia es fa amb alumnes de 3r d¡¯ESO, amb resultats acad¨¨mics diversos, molt heterogenis i amb una grau de desmotivaci¨® important
#4: Aix¨° porta a repassar articles que ja hav¨ªem llegit sobre el m-learning, BYOD, AppsEducation.
Arribem a l¡¯Appinventor.
#6: Aplicaci¨® inicialment creada pel propi GOOGLE, per als desenvolupadors d¡¯aplicacions, i que despr¨¦s acaba el MIT, avui ja ha publicat a versi¨® 2.0.
Aplicaci¨® molt semblant al conegut SCRATCH, per¨° exclusivament per a crear aplicacions pel m¨°bil amb sistema operatiu Android.
T¨¦ dues parts, una finestra on es mostra all¨° que l¡¯usuari veur¨¤, i una segona finestra amb els blocs per a realitzar la programaci¨® i que cont¨¦ un simulador que permet veure el funcionament de l¡¯aplicaci¨® des del mateix moment que es fa la programaci¨®.
#8: El resultat final porta a:
treballar les 8 compet¨¨ncies b¨¤siques
Millora els resultats acad¨¨mics pel que fa a les matem¨¤tiques
La valoraci¨® dels alumnes ha estat positiva, aprenen matem¨¤tiques, fins i tot sense voler.
Han vist reflexada la seva feina amb reconeixement des de la pr¨°pia xarxa: missatges comentant l¡¯aplicaci¨®, proposant millores o per afegir nous c¨¤lculs.