The document provides an overview of the Unix shell and its basic concepts:
- The shell allows users to interact with the operating system by entering commands
- Common Unix shells include bash, csh, and ksh
- The shell prompt displays information about the user and current directory
- Commands can be run internally by the shell or externally by spawning new processes
- Processes have attributes like the command line, exit status, and environment variables
Presentation in SECCON on 12th of February,2023.
I would like to explain in the followings;
a)It is not possible to derive anything useful from the concept of active cyber defence per se
2)The issue can be derived solely from whether the attacker is affected or not.
3)Even where there is an impact, the legal position is very different depending on the intensity of the attack and counter-attack
3)The legal position requires a 3D analysis of national and international law
4)Traditional frameworks of analysis of national and international law are very effective when analysing by subject and action (geographical generalisations are harmful and futile).
5)The legal implications of a 'national security strategy' can only be analysed by cybersecurity legal experts.
6)As for the specific issues, there is a vast legal grey zone, with various issues depending on International/national law and specific acts.
The document provides an overview of Docker networking as of version 17.06. It begins with introductions of the presenter and some key terminology used. It then discusses why container networking is needed and compares features of container and VM networking. The major components of Docker networking including network drivers, IPAM, Swarm networking, service discovery, and load balancing are outlined. Concepts of CNI/CNM standards and IP address management are explained. Examples of different network drivers such as bridge, overlay, macvlan are provided. The document also covers Docker networking concepts such as default networks, Swarm mode, service discovery, and load balancing. It concludes with some debugging commands and a reference slide.
gRPC is an open source RPC framework that makes it easy to build a distributed system across multiple languages. It uses HTTP/2 for transport, has features like streaming, load balancing and authentication built-in. It is used widely at Google and is now available open source with implementations in 10 languages. gRPC benefits from being layered on HTTP/2 for interoperability and has a pluggable architecture for advanced features like monitoring and proxies.
GraalVM is a high-performance runtime for dynamic, static, and native languages. GraalVM supports Java, Scala, Kotlin, Groovy, and other JVM-based languages. At the same time, it can run the dynamic scripting languages JavaScript including node.js, Ruby, R, and Python. In this session we'll talk about the performance boost you can get from running your code on GraalVM, look at the examples of running typical web-applications with it, enhancing them with code in other languages, creating native images for incredibly fast startup and low memory overhead for your services. GraalVM offers you the opportunity to write the code in the language you want, and run the resulting program really fast.
P2P Container Image Distribution on IPFS With containerd and nerdctlKohei Tokunaga
Talked at FOSDEM 2022 about IPFS-based P2P image distribution with containerd and nerdctl (Feburary 6, 2022).
nerdctl is a Docker-compatible CLI of containerd, developed as a subproject of containerd. nerdctl recently added support of P2P image distribution on IPFS. This enables to share container images among hosts without hosting or relying on the registry.
In this session, Kohei, one of the maintainers of nerdctl, will introduce IPFS-based P2P image distribution with containerd and nerdctl. This session will also show the combination of IPFS-based distribution with the existing image distribution techniques, focusing on lazy pulling (eStargz) and image encryption (OCIcrypt). The status of integration work with other tools including Kubernetes will also be shared.
Related blog post: "P2P Container Image Distribution on IPFS With Containerd" .
With the recent apparition of Kubernetes operators for Oracle, you have now the possibility to easily deploy and handle an Oracle database on a Kubernetes cluster.
Why you could want this? How do you do it? Which features those operators provide? Is it portable between the native Kubernetes cloud services offered by OCI, GCP, and AWS, and on-premises deployments?.
In this session, we will explore the basics of Kubernetes, the implications of running an Oracle database on it, and test the Google ElCarro and Oracle operators for Kubernetes in GCP, AWS, and OCI.
1. The document discusses various social media and video sharing platforms and tools for integrating them, including YouTube, Twitter, Flickr, iTunes, and Facebook.
2. It mentions several services that allow embedding or sharing content between platforms, such as CDTube for YouTube, ZonTube for Amazon, and for shortening Amazon URLs for Twitter.
3. Programming languages and APIs mentioned include JavaScript, jQuery, Twitter API, and YouTube APIs for building integrations and plugins.
The OPA is an open-source, general-purpose policy engine that can be used to enforce policies on various types of software systems like micro services, CI/CD pipelines, gateways, Kubernetes, etc. OPA was developed by Styra and is currently a part of CNCF.
25.3.10 packet tracer explore a net flow implementationFreddy Buena?o
This document describes exploring NetFlow implementation using Packet Tracer. It has two parts: observing unidirectional NetFlow records from pinging the default gateway, and bidirectional records from accessing a web server. The objectives are to observe how NetFlow records are generated for different types of traffic and to predict and verify the values in the records.
GraalVM is a high-performance runtime for dynamic, static, and native languages. GraalVM supports Java, Scala, Kotlin, Groovy, and other JVM-based languages. At the same time, it can run the dynamic scripting languages JavaScript including node.js, Ruby, R, and Python. In this session we'll talk about the performance boost you can get from running your code on GraalVM, look at the examples of running typical web-applications with it, enhancing them with code in other languages, creating native images for incredibly fast startup and low memory overhead for your services. GraalVM offers you the opportunity to write the code in the language you want, and run the resulting program really fast.
P2P Container Image Distribution on IPFS With containerd and nerdctlKohei Tokunaga
Talked at FOSDEM 2022 about IPFS-based P2P image distribution with containerd and nerdctl (Feburary 6, 2022).
nerdctl is a Docker-compatible CLI of containerd, developed as a subproject of containerd. nerdctl recently added support of P2P image distribution on IPFS. This enables to share container images among hosts without hosting or relying on the registry.
In this session, Kohei, one of the maintainers of nerdctl, will introduce IPFS-based P2P image distribution with containerd and nerdctl. This session will also show the combination of IPFS-based distribution with the existing image distribution techniques, focusing on lazy pulling (eStargz) and image encryption (OCIcrypt). The status of integration work with other tools including Kubernetes will also be shared.
Related blog post: "P2P Container Image Distribution on IPFS With Containerd" .
With the recent apparition of Kubernetes operators for Oracle, you have now the possibility to easily deploy and handle an Oracle database on a Kubernetes cluster.
Why you could want this? How do you do it? Which features those operators provide? Is it portable between the native Kubernetes cloud services offered by OCI, GCP, and AWS, and on-premises deployments?.
In this session, we will explore the basics of Kubernetes, the implications of running an Oracle database on it, and test the Google ElCarro and Oracle operators for Kubernetes in GCP, AWS, and OCI.
1. The document discusses various social media and video sharing platforms and tools for integrating them, including YouTube, Twitter, Flickr, iTunes, and Facebook.
2. It mentions several services that allow embedding or sharing content between platforms, such as CDTube for YouTube, ZonTube for Amazon, and for shortening Amazon URLs for Twitter.
3. Programming languages and APIs mentioned include JavaScript, jQuery, Twitter API, and YouTube APIs for building integrations and plugins.
The OPA is an open-source, general-purpose policy engine that can be used to enforce policies on various types of software systems like micro services, CI/CD pipelines, gateways, Kubernetes, etc. OPA was developed by Styra and is currently a part of CNCF.
25.3.10 packet tracer explore a net flow implementationFreddy Buena?o
This document describes exploring NetFlow implementation using Packet Tracer. It has two parts: observing unidirectional NetFlow records from pinging the default gateway, and bidirectional records from accessing a web server. The objectives are to observe how NetFlow records are generated for different types of traffic and to predict and verify the values in the records.
This document provides an overview of NoSQL databases. It begins by defining NoSQL as non-relational databases that are distributed, open source, and horizontally scalable. It then discusses some of the limitations of relational databases that led to the rise of NoSQL, such as issues with scalability and the need for flexible schemas. The document also summarizes some key NoSQL concepts, including the CAP theorem, ACID versus BASE, and eventual consistency. It provides examples of use cases for NoSQL databases and discusses some common NoSQL database types and how they address scalability.
This document discusses the results of a NoSQL database benchmark test conducted by NHN on Cassandra, HBase and MongoDB. It describes the test environment and four test cases performed: data insertion, random reads and updates on existing data, reads only on existing data, and random reads and inserts with additional data added. The test measured average transactions per second for each database and test case. Cassandra and HBase performance varied depending on compaction levels while MongoDB update and insert performance lagged the others.