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Maya Angelou
           ¡°The Woman and The
By: La Teasha Dyer
Who is Maya Angelou?
?   Born Marguerite Ann Johnson, April 4,
?   Poet
?   Autobiographer
?   Activist
?   Writer
¡°I Know Why The Caged Bird
             ?   Her Inspiration
                 ?   Her life story growing
                     up as a child.
                      ?   This story tells us who
                          Maya Angelou is in
                          her own words-the
What¡¯s The Story?
?   ¡°I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings¡±, tells mostly the story of
    Maya Angelou being raped by her mother¡¯s boyfriend
    causing her to be mute for almost five years.
?   This book also tells of her and her brother moving and the
    divorce of their parents.
The Controversy
?   Although ¡°I Know Why The Caged Bird
    Sings¡± won Maya Angelou many
    awards it was still banned in most
    schools because of its bold and daring
The Poet
    ?   Maya Angelou is
        most known for her
        Woman¡± and ¡°And
        Still I Rise¡±
What It Means
     ¡°And Still I Rise¡±          ?   This poem encourages not
¡°You may shoot me with
                                     only women, but all people
       your words,                   to keep their heads high
   You may cut me with                      ?   These lines mean that
        your eyes,                              no matter what
   You may kill me with
     your hatefulness,                          anyone does or says
     But still, like air, I'll                  they cannot bring
           rise¡­¡±                               Maya¡¯s spirit down
                                                and she will always be
                                                happy and move
                                                upward in life.
¡°Phenomenal Woman¡±
The Meaning of it All
?     ¡°Pretty women wonder where my           ?   ¡°Phenomenal Woman¡± is a poem
                     secret lies.                 written by Maya Angelou that
    I'm not cute or built to suit a fashion       encourages woman.
                     model's size                 ?   These line iterate the words of a
         But when I start to tell them,               young lady who finds herself to be
           They think I'm telling lies.               phenomenal even though her body
                       I say,                         isn¡¯t what society thinks her body
         It's in the reach of my arms                 should be.
               The span of my hips,                    ?   It also tells of how this
              The stride of my step,                       women makes even the
                The curl of my lips.                       prettiest of woman jealous
                   I'm a woman                             because they don¡¯t
                  Phenomenally.                            understand where she gets
             Phenomenal woman,                             her beauty from.
                    That's me¡­¡±
?   Among many other things Maya Angelou is
    a poet and an autobiographer whose words
    bring true meaning and wisdom to all it¡¯s
    readers and listeners around the world. Her
    expression of true beauty, perseverance,
    pain, and joy is what makes Maya Angelou
    truly unique to her own rights.
Maya¡¯s Quotes
?   ¡°A bird doesn't sing because it has an answer,
             it sings because it has a song.¡±
?   ¡°The main thing in one's own private world is to
           try to laugh as much as you cry.¡±
Works Cited
Angelou, Maya. ¡±The Poetry
Galiano, Amanda. ¡°Extraordinary Human
Johnson Lewis, Jone. ¡°Maya Angelou

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Maya Angelou

  • 1. Maya Angelou ¡°The Woman and The Writings¡± By: La Teasha Dyer
  • 2. Who is Maya Angelou? ? Born Marguerite Ann Johnson, April 4, 1928. ? Poet ? Autobiographer ? Activist ? Writer
  • 3. ¡°I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings¡± ? Her Inspiration ? Her life story growing up as a child. ? This story tells us who Maya Angelou is in her own words-the autobiography.
  • 4. What¡¯s The Story? ? ¡°I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings¡±, tells mostly the story of Maya Angelou being raped by her mother¡¯s boyfriend causing her to be mute for almost five years. ? This book also tells of her and her brother moving and the divorce of their parents.
  • 5. The Controversy ? Although ¡°I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings¡± won Maya Angelou many awards it was still banned in most schools because of its bold and daring stories.
  • 6. The Poet ? Maya Angelou is most known for her poem ¡°Phenomenal Woman¡± and ¡°And Still I Rise¡±
  • 7. What It Means ¡°And Still I Rise¡± ? This poem encourages not ¡°You may shoot me with only women, but all people your words, to keep their heads high You may cut me with ? These lines mean that your eyes, no matter what You may kill me with your hatefulness, anyone does or says But still, like air, I'll they cannot bring rise¡­¡± Maya¡¯s spirit down and she will always be happy and move upward in life.
  • 9. The Meaning of it All ? ¡°Pretty women wonder where my ? ¡°Phenomenal Woman¡± is a poem secret lies. written by Maya Angelou that I'm not cute or built to suit a fashion encourages woman. model's size ? These line iterate the words of a But when I start to tell them, young lady who finds herself to be They think I'm telling lies. phenomenal even though her body I say, isn¡¯t what society thinks her body It's in the reach of my arms should be. The span of my hips, ? It also tells of how this The stride of my step, women makes even the The curl of my lips. prettiest of woman jealous I'm a woman because they don¡¯t Phenomenally. understand where she gets Phenomenal woman, her beauty from. That's me¡­¡±
  • 10. Conclusion ? Among many other things Maya Angelou is a poet and an autobiographer whose words bring true meaning and wisdom to all it¡¯s readers and listeners around the world. Her expression of true beauty, perseverance, pain, and joy is what makes Maya Angelou truly unique to her own rights.
  • 11. Maya¡¯s Quotes ? ¡°A bird doesn't sing because it has an answer, it sings because it has a song.¡± ? ¡°The main thing in one's own private world is to try to laugh as much as you cry.¡±
  • 12. Works Cited Angelou, Maya. ¡±The Poetry of.¡±web.18July2009.<http://www.empirezine.com/s potlight/maya/maya-p1.htm>. Galiano, Amanda. ¡°Extraordinary Human Being.¡±web.18July2009.<http://littlerock.about.com/ cs/musicbooks/a/mayaangelou.htm>. Johnson Lewis, Jone. ¡°Maya Angelou Quotes.¡±web.18July2009.<http://womenshistory.abo ut.com/cs/quotes/a/qu_maya_angelou.htm>.